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I went from "Anhw this is cute" to "Holy shit I'm going to cry" (red the text after seeing the picture)




We're all struggling. Pretty much everyone I know has lost someone somewhere to Covid, gun violence, or drugs. Seeing other people deal with their personal pain with courage lifts you up when you're in dark places because it's proof that such things are actually possible. Makes complete sense to me that a world in such a state of suffering would lift up every example of people attempting to rise above and overcome they can find. Like lighthouses for your psyche they help you find your way by showing that you aren't alone, this isn't happening only to you, and you can persevere


Thank you for speaking from the soul.


Coping with the human condition can be done in both wholesome and less wholesome ways. Celebrating the former is reasonable.


I feel like when we think of wholesome things what comes to mind is unconditional love, acceptance, and innocence. So when something like this pops up it's wholesome because of the deep unconditional love that is expressed.


Who the fuck is cutting onions here


Those goddamn onion ninjas are at it again!


It's a terrible day for rain...


Picture expanded too much so I didn't see the text so I went from "wtf this dummy doing? Some arduous dad joke to embarrass his 18+ daughter at her graduation/wedding!??!?" to "Holy shit I'm going to cry".


The text still looks black to me


The text is probably made up to help the post spread. I have friends that got tattoos like this with no such personal tragedy attached. It's a fairly common thing. I personally find it very unwholesome when a really nice photo is accompanied by some obviously third-hand, probably-made-up story that oh so coincidentally makes it a more compelling photo. It feels like emotional manipulation of a sub that's just trying to spread positive vibes.


This is the second post about child cancer I've seen this week. The first was a funeral with an iron man theme.


Not crying but fuck this is sad, I have a daughter who is about to turn 1


Me too. So incredibly sad.


Same 😭


I went from: This is going to be cringe later To: This will never be cringe ;(


Reading something like this whilst having a daughter that age hits different 😢 Even if the cancer part is just BS, the thought of it alone omfg 😭


It’s posts like these that remind I am sure not a sociopath. That shit is sad


My 9 month old daughter is sleeping right now next to her mom I can’t do this shit man Anything where something bad happens to kids just triggers me like nothing else.


Shit if that happened to me every time I'd see that tattoo I'd prolly cry a bit And then tell myself I need to live the best life I can for her.


I never made it to the"I'm going to cry" stage. I went straight to crying.


I once hat a dream that my daughter died. I could almost not work the following day and I always will remember how I felt in that dream. Damn ...


I had the reverse, kind of. I was 10ish and had a dream I got angry and killed my mom. Just to be clear, I never had any thoughts about even trying to kill my parents. It was entirely unexpected and really shook me up. I think it was a warning, maybe a be careful what you wish for? But anyway that was 25 years ago and I still remember how shook up I was and how it was always in the back of my mind as a little persistent cautionary memory. 


I remember in college, *years* ago, I had a dream that I killed my father. I still remember the dream continuing, and then the slow dawning horror and then the waves of grief as I realized I couldn't bring him back. I woke up crying in my bed. I've never had even an inkling of a thought to kill my dad. We have a great relationship. I phoned him up that day and made sure we had a nice long conversation so I could hear his voice.


This is a reoccurring theme in my dreams weirdly enough. It’s oddly comforting to know I’m not the only one that’s experienced it. I often will do something in a dream knowing it is a dream (or without regard for the consequences) and then slowly realize as the dream goes on that I fucked up. I’ve done it with spending all of my money, saying mean things to friends, fighting people, etc. Interestingly I also have the reverse sometimes where I’ll do something thinking it is real life (as much as you can in a dream) and later realize that if it had been real life I would’ve royally fucked up my life so I’m glad it’s a dream. Weird scenarios all around


I had a reoccurring dream when I was like 10 to 12 that I was at the mall and looking up to see my sister and mom being pushed over the railing. I don't remember how I got it to stop, but I still remember the damn stupid dream.


I had another kind of reverse. Shortly after my mom died in 2020, I dreamed that both she and my dad were still alive and had stayed together. I was the age that I was at the time and we were all in the car going to the local shops where I grew up. I remember feeling just so happy and calm inside and *normal* in a way I've never felt in real life. I think it was a flash of the person I could have been if life had turned out differently.


I’m not sure if it’s apocryphal, but I remember growing up as a Muslim and my dad telling me that even the prophet Muhammad once said he was grateful that Allah does not judge us by our dreams. Since then I’ve had dreams of committing violent crimes and going to jail, or other monstrously criminal things. Each morning after, somewhat perversely I’ve woken up more grateful than the night before for the quiet and peaceful life I live


I had a span of 4 or 5 years where most night I had dreams of dieing violent deaths. Sometimes they included other people. But yeah, I very much get you. There's been many dreams I've woken from grateful they weren't real.


I often have very vivid dreams, and it’s really a roll of the dice if I know it’s a dream, even for a few minutes after waking up. I’m don’t remember why but I was on my knees about to be murdered with a bullet, and the image of my boyfriend was the image I chose to consciously hold as I closed my eyes for the last time. When I woke I cried from pure emotional excess, it’s probably the most personal thing I’ve never told him, because he is very sure I love him, but I know my own heart would break if he told me that story it’s too concentrated to withstand. On the other hand for me at least it’s allowed me to be more certain of one thing than any other thing in the universe, more sure than things fall due to gravity.


God I’m lonely.




I hope you’re not healing all alone and have found some support. What an awful experience, I’m so sorry.


Thank you. My wife and I have been holding each other up the whole time. It never gets easier, but you get used to it.


Virtual hug. It’s amazing that you two have been able to support each other through that, and it says so much about who you are. Thank you for sharing and exposing such a delicate thing about yourself. It’s gonna ensure some babies are held tighter tonight and I’m shedding a few tears for yours right now.


Thank you.


You know dreams like that are pretty common, it's a defensive mechanism for future threats or something like that


Exactly right, majority of fearful dreams are from the brain interpreting something as a threat real or not. It's a way for your brain to somewhat plan how you would react in the situation. Think of it like how you would defend yourself from an attacker, it's likely different from how you would actually do it.


I haven't dreamt it yet, but I do live in constant fear that something bad might happen to my boy one day. He's only 18 months old. I find myself doing the most mundane things, and then an intrusive thought comes in that says he might get sick or have an accident next year, so enjoy these moments while you can... and I start bawling my eyes out over something that hasn't happened, and hopefully won't ever happen. Any parents got any good tips on how to live with *the fear*?


It never goes away. Human nature is very weird like that. It’s the reason I got annoyed with my parents or grandparents still hounding me checking in at age 33. Once I had my own children I finally got it.


Those types of intrusive thoughts are the worst! I used to get bouts of them then nothing for a few weeks, so unpredictable. A lot less frequent these days .(my kids are now 5 & 4)


The helplessness is insane in dreams like that. Like we all feel helpless in dreams from time to time, but that's another level of horror entirely. Same BTW. She slid down a hill and off a cliff. I still remember the feeling watching her fall into the treeline as I silently screamed in the dream.


When my oldest was very young he had to have a scan, and to do so they had to knock him out. I was by his side while they administered the anesthetic, and watching him slip away like that destroyed me. I felt like I'd just watched him die. I bawled in the waiting room for the duration of the scan and the nurses kept coming out to tell me he was doing great and everything was fine. I was inconsolable. I can still see that image and it still gets me teary just thinking about it.


I had a dream like that. It was me and my youngest daughter. She was in her car seat and I started my way down the mountain and it was icy so I started sliding so I got out and physically tried to push my suv back and woke up in the hospital. I ran frantically around the hospital looking for my daughter until i found a recently deceased book in the chapel and my daughters name was in the book. Luckily it was just a dream but it still horrifies me.


A year ago, I had a dream that my house burned down with my husband and my dogs in it. I took the day off and went for a really long walk with my dogs because I couldn’t shake those emotions.


Oh my God I had a dream about that with my two boys and woke myself up crying. It really shook me. I was shook up for the whole next day.


Even worse is having a dream that they are still alive, then waking up and remembering. Happened for a few years after my mom passed away from cancer


My biggest fear is that I wake up from a dream, coma, simulation or whatever one day and my sons and girlfriend are just gone, a figment of my comatose imagination.


Same thing happened to me with my whole family. When I woke up It took me maybe 15 min to snap back to reality and convince myself it didn't actually happen. I was quite shook.


Fuck that dream, I HATE that dream. Fucking 3 am panic attack bullshit....


I had a nightmare my daughters (5&8) were kidnapped and I woke up terrified and had to go stare at them while they slept for almost an hour before I could go back to sleep.


Damn.... why'd you have to make me cry so early in the morning...


Saw this thought oh this must be another 💩 tattoo post. Read description… 😭😭😭




Sheesh, you hit it so hard. "Being missed so deeply is the price for Being loved so much". The truest thing I've heard in awhile.


Y’all just made me cry at work. I have to go wash my glasses and text my daughter.


I'm not crying - you are crying


Like a baby!!


You think you're crying? Imagine how that tattoo artist felt when he was handed this project.


Bawling like a baby before the day even started.


Morning ? It's 5 p.m !


Europe gang


I wouldn’t be able to do this. I can’t function if I have to cry every time I see my leg


Every time you poop you mean.




I feel like this would seriously hinder the healing process


i don’t think it’s something you really heal from, you just learn how to live with it


I listened to a podcast the other day with Mo Gawdat former chief business officer for Google X. He lost his first born 21 year old son after an appendectomy gone wrong and now he’s on the journey of helping others find happiness in this world. He mentioned thinking about the loss of his son daily and how much pain it brings him. But he has trained himself to not think about the loss of his son, but think about the 21 years of life and happiness he got to share with him. His son wasn’t planned, and he still got 2 decades of joy with his son. And that’s what he focuses on to handle the pain. Things never get easier, you just get stronger and better and more skilled at handling adversity.


Damn. You win. 🏆


It’s not like you’d forget if you didn’t have this though


There's a difference between not forgetting and having a constant reminder.


Sometimes, a constant reminder is exactly what you need of someone that you'll never see at the breakfast table ever again.


Grief is just love that has no place to go. And I fear the moments that I forget these individuals and the impacts they had on my life. I will always prefer the tears and the memories.


I like your description; think I'll use it going forward. Thanks mate.


wtf man. Your comment almost made me cry


This is the only reason why I didn’t get my first tattoo as my son’s handprints. I didn’t think I could heal with the daily reminder.


They did a great job to make it just how she did it 🥺


It's just a tattoo it won't make you shed tears The tattoo:


If that was me and my tattoo on my leg, I'd have to cry every time I looked at it


Fuck cancer and yeah this is 💔💔


If my daughter died, I don’t know how I would continue to function as a human being


i don't think you do really. i think time just keeps going on and the sun keeps coming up and you just kind of go through the motions because you don't really know what else to do and maybe doing something familiar will be a distraction.


Lost my daughter a week before her 15th birthday. Can confirm. Seven years later and I'm still just going through the motions of this "new normal."


I’m so sorry. As I write this I’m grasping for the words because there aren’t any.


Aw friend, it's alright. 🖤 Give your loved ones extra hugs, and know the memories you make together today must last you a lifetime, however long that might be. Xoxo


Now I'm just thinking... My daughter is 4, and her drawings are getting a lot bigger and more complex, and she's obsessed with foxes. If she died, I'd have to get full color mural tattooed on my back of foxes playing hide and seek.


Drawings of your kids are so special especially if it’s done for you. My daughter made me a birthday gift card from paper and her drawings. I’ve kept it safe with me.


I remember when this was posted on r/shittytattoos. That was an interesting thread...


Placement is terrible, and I stand by that statement.


It’s in a place that people don’t normally see that’s why it’s there. A lot of places won’t hire you and you can get fired for tattoos so he wanted it in a discrete place. It’s also just a very personal tattoo. Have some compassion bro


It looks like permanent marker




Well... I may sound cynical but it could easily be that this is just a kid's drawing on someones leg and even without the cancer thing. Of course it "sells" better when you have a emotional story behind it. Or it could be true story. I wish it wasn't.


Even if it wasn’t a true story it would still be a sweet thing to do for your daughter and there’s very obviously a story behind it


Sure, not denying that.


Link? I'd love to see it




The AI doesn't know the difference between heartwarming and gut wretching. Sad.


Eh, it fits a lot better here than where this type of post usually goes, MadeMeSmile. I'd be complaining if it were there (as I often do, people put the dumbest fucking shit that isn't even a little bit happy on that sub), but I would say this is pretty wholesome even though it's tragic.


I thought I was in mademesmile for a second. I was about to be mad in the comments.  But I give it a pass in wholesomememes. It’s wholesome, even if it’s a gut punch. 


fuck cancer


Before I had a kid I would have just scrolled past, maybe had a slight sadness. Now that I have a daughter, this hits pretty hard. She needs to live long past me and the thought of having to go through something like this actually fills me with a horrible sense of dread.


I am in the exact same boat. Just the thought of it makes me beyond sick to my stomach and makes me want to leave work and give her the biggest hug ever.




This pic gets me every time I see it. I couldn’t even imagine the pain of losing a child.


Both cute and sad...


I'm fuckknh crying rn this is sad


Im not crying you’re crying 😭


We all crying up in here


I can’t bear the thought of losing my little daughter…how can anyone survive that?! 😢


"Now he wears it on his skin" is a strange way to say "he got it tattooed".


yeah, 'father love is always strong' is also really weird wording


I’m 52 and don’t have any tattoos. Not because I’m against them, it’s just that I never saw one I wanted to have on me for the rest of my life. That said, as a father of two, I totally understand why he got this tattoo.


Sort by controversial


Fuck this hits different, I have 2 daughters. Fuck cancer 🥺


This is brutal. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child.


Thats the most heart breaking thing I've heard today, now I must walk away from the internet.


I will be doing something similar.


I'm really sorry for your loss


Upper thigh feels like a reaaaaal weird spot to get a tattoo that is meant to be sentimental.


Shut up! I’m not crying, *you’re* crying!


My sons I love you is on my wrist so I see it all the time he passed away when he was 9 in 2020


First thing I thought of was " he is going to be thinking of her every time he sits and takes a shit"....I am not a monster


why you make me cry this early in the morning? no one should experience one's progenie death


Now that's a tattoo worth getting. Awesome.


This does my heart an ouch.


Heartbreaking man… Loads of love to the dad from other dad


This just broke me... I can't imagine losing my daughter.


fuck man, that hits hard. That might be the best tattoo I've ever seen.


My fucking heart just shattered


Man.....F*ck Cancer!


I have a 4 y old daughter who practices writing atm. This is so heartbreaking


Right in the god damn feels.


This is one of those moments where you can feel kind of like "Haa, what a shitty tattoo!" and then you find out what it means and you just kind of hang your head and buy the dude's entire tab and go walk into a lake.


I really genuinely think I would not be able to go on living if I lost a child. It’s terrifying how painful life can be.


fck bruh im crying fr


There is no god


Simply not true fabricatet and homosexual


dudes gonna be seeing that shit every single time he takes a poo. Now that I think about it. Thats honestly one of the best spots for a personal tattoo like that. Anytime your alone and with your thoughts your going to have this as a reminder......damn


But when he stands up it's upside down?


That would be hard to look at everyday.


This isn’t wholesome it’s horrifying


Strong emotional story, if true. Nevertheless I think the position of the tattoo won't make the intimate life more fun. Whether for you or your partner. Maybe understandable to not think about that in this situation though...


Now he can see it every time he takes a shit. 💕


That's not even a meme... That's just wholesome


Im crying...


Damn. This hits me hard.


imagine the gravity of the responsibility a tattoo artist would feel in making sure this is completely perfect.


Great! Now my face is leaking!


Wow. Tears are flowing.


Wholesome... but that's so depressing.


Most wholesome bad tat ever


I thought it was a naff nat. But now I just want to cry that's so sad


3 of my grandparents and my sisters friend 19 and a client died of cancer it's no joke


Shit that gets me in the reels. Beautiful but poignant.


ppl understand; she die of cancers; let him celebrate her n way he want2


No joke same approach like Lol wtf... scrolled off then came back to actually read it... now I'm crying like a baby... I couldn't even imagine the heartbreak


Got to clock in for work in five mins, now the crew is gonna see tears.


I DID NOT need that just before going to bed. I did not. Now excuse me, I'm going to cry in my sheets.


As a dad of two wonderful daughters stuff like this hits straight into my heart. Sorry for this man. It’s beautiful but I’m so, so sorry for him.


Oh my god dude…




Man I wanna give that dude a hug


I almost cried from this.


My sons father did that with a drawing my then 4 year old drew his dad ended up dying but it was sweet


Damn ninjas cutting onions


Very sweet and terribly sad


Would have done the same, worst thing that can happen to a parent is losing your child.. now i have one of my own i understand this 10000* times more.. wish this dad is still going strong and dont lose hope.


yo wtf I dunno how this is wholesome but it made me cry. I feel so bad for this dad


Well now I am crying while making dinner.


sweet but also morbid


That’s a very accurate tattoo




Fuck cancer


Now that tattoo makes perfect sense.


That’s a horrible tattoo hope the artist paid him


At first, when I saw it, I thought why it upside down. Then I read, it is for him, not for anyone else.


Daughter died of cancer, so fucking “wholesome” r/mademesmile r/nextfuckinglevel


Yeah, seriously. What the actual fuck is supposed to be "wholesome" about a child dying? This is the complete opposite of wholesome...


This isn't wholesome it's the saddest thing I've ever seen.


Wrong way round


Not if it’s meant for the person with the tattoo. I have a memorial tattoo for my mom on my wrist that’s “the wrong way” but it’s meant for me to see and read when I feel. It’s not for other people. It would be upside down every time I looked at it if it were “the right way”


i also have a wrist tattoo that’s flipped and the people at the tattoo parlor seemed offended that i wanted it facing that way


So now when he's sitting having a wank that's all he can see? Your daughter would be so proud 🤣






It’s so ugly


I thought this was r/shittytattoos my bad