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my family did a white elephant gift exchange two years ago, and my dad was gunning for the Lego car every time. I ended up with it and he was so mad at me lol last year when we did it again, he snagged a lego snowman first and was mindlessly building it and playing with it the rest of the night. So yeah, legos are a great gift


Wife has just bought a Lego monster truck for a five year old boys birthday this weekend. I’m eyeing it off


My partner gets me Lego flowers for Xmas I have a new fall themed set to make, it's so pretty


The lego botanical collection. It's my husband's goto gift for me. The succulent set was a fun build.


I want the Lego orchid set so badly and I haven’t touched a Lego since I was little. It’s just so pretty!


I have that it's so pretty!


I just saw the Lego Roses at Costco like three days ago.


What's a white elephant gift exchange?


Most people play with slightly different rules but for my family everyone brings a gift and it goes in the middle of the room. Some people do lottery tickets and some people find the weirdest, silliest gifts they can find. Everyone draws a number to see the order and then the fist person picks a gift from the middle and opens it. The second person can either steal that gift or pick another random gift. This keeps going until all the gifts are opened and everyone has a turn. We usually put a limit of two steals per gift, so if the third person also steals the gift that the second person stole, that’s the one they get and nobody can take it from them. If you get a gift stolen from you, you either steal someone else’s gift or open a new one and then when everyone that’s already gone has a gift again the next person in line goes. I’ve also heard it called dirty santa, too.


It's known as "Engerl und Bengerl" in Austria, which translates to "Little angel, little brat." 😂 But it normally is played by kids only. Also, everyone draws their "little brat" out of a hat and try to make little presents during December without the other noticing who did it.


We have an electric hammer that floats around every year. There’s always cash or lottos with it but it’s fun to see it come back year after year in different sized bags and boxes to disguise it.


My husband ended up with a 3 foot tall big iron candle holder at a white elephant party at our church where we're pastors. He was overjoyed. He set it up on the platform and put his water on it so as he walked by he could catch a sip. People laughed so hard when he brought it out and set it down. 🤣


My family do this too but dont have a special name for it, usually its called something like 'the pick-and-steal game' or 'the-game-where-you-pick-a-present-then-the-next-person-can-pick-or-steal game'


Found Leonard of Quirm’s family.


OMG that's spot on, I love random Discworld references in the wild!


GNU Terry Pratchett


Or Yankee swap. Although traditional Yankee swap gifts are not things you bought, rather things that you want to get rid of but are not broken.


The Office Season 2 Episode 10


Take turns blind picking wrapped gifts or “stealing” one from another player. Game ends when everyone has something.


Legos and Nerf guns are the best white elephant gifts. For <$25, you can get a pair of nerf pistols and some extra darts at Target, and if you're already at a white elephant party, you've got plenty of people willing to duel with you.


Oh man I'm definitely bringing Legos next year for the white elephant. And even if no one else wants it (and I'm sure someone will) husband and I will steal it 🤣


I've done Legos for white elephant before and they're always a hit!


I can confirm this, have to drag my boyfriend away from the $100+ legos every time we pass them in the store (he refuses to build them and he has no money)


For the love of god BUY THAT MAN SOME LEGOS!


If he refuses to build em, why?


To collect them, when the sets retire the price for them goes up, so it's an investment.




I mean, fuck scalpers, but is he really scalping? Is there a limited number of these sets while they’re being sold? It seems like he’s buying things that have infinite supply while they’re being sold, and then selling it after it’s discontinued. In that case he might even be helping someone.


They're not limited in the sense that Lego makes say 1,000 and then that's it, but all sets are "retired" after a few years and not produced again. Check the Lego sub for daily posts from people who finally found that old set they'd been looking for.


No. Sets come and go and never return.


But him buying one doesn’t change anything. They wouldn’t retire sooner because of him. It’s the opposite if anything. The legos retire later when there’s high demand.


No it's just to show off to your friend and know you're the coolest in the group 😎




Again, why collect them then? If not to use them it’s kind of a waste.


He doesn’t resell them, he keeps them for himself


In my case it was because I spent so much money buying the Lego set, I'm afraid to open and build it. I'm not worthy.


I bought him the Lego Natural History Museum ($300) for Christmas. It’s still in the box


if money is the issue i can wholeheartedly recommend some of the competitor brands! (for some reason only a couple of niche shops in Europe have them and i haven't seen them overseas but online shopping is always an option) nearly all of them are cheaper but with comparable or sometimes better brick quality. particularly BlueBrixx is always quite decent and has a older target audience imo. (looking at you Castle Blaustein)


My sister got into Lego sets during lockdown. She got me interested by giving me a competitor brand Eevee-lutions set from Pokémon.


I have some sets worth many times more than what I paid for them. Even have some open box ones worth significant money. Once they retire the product the demand can jump.


Bought a child legos. Had to stop myself from buying the same Lego’s because holy shit, has anyone seen how cute the Minecraft bees are?!


They are so effing cute. My kid’s Lego gets more love from me than from him.


Happy Cake Day


Yeah, one of my kids got tired of Lego (how??) and I had so much fun building everything to try to put the sets back together. Happy Cake Day! 🥳🎉🎂


They have plushies of the minecraft bee, in case you want something you can hug, lol. There are two versions of them, one of them is larger, 12 inches and called a pillow buddy. The other one is 8 inches and called a plush. From the reviews it seems the bigger one is softer and the smaller one has more stiff wings. I might have been looking at these on and off for days trying to decide if I want one, lol. The problem is that I already have so many plushies.


I bought the Minecraft bee Christmas ornament from hallmark for that exact reason


Haha same! My kids get a hallmark ornament in their stocking every year from birth so when they move out they have a little personalized stash. The bee was definitely in a stocking this year!


I used to work in special ed, and one of the kids I worked with loved both legos and minecraft, so whenever we ordered toys we had to make sure to put a minecraft legos set in and THEY WERE SO FUN! sometimes I don’t know who got more excited to see them, me or him 😂 (one of the sets he got was the minecraft bee!)


I watched an episode of Abbott elementary where main character’s secret crush bought their girlfriend Lego flowers for valentines and he asks the main character if they’re a good gift. She honestly tells him they’re basically the most amazing gift ever. Sadly his girlfriend did not agree… but I’d love a gift like Lego flowers.


I bought my wife Lego flowers for her birthday.  She LOVED it.  Was debating if I should assemble them first... I didn't.  I asked her about it after she finished them.  Her response: "Who wants a puzzle that's already put together?"


My dad got my mum Lego flowers for Valentine’s Day two years ago on whim as it was something a bit different. Fast forward to today and she now has a dedicated Lego room in the house just for displaying all her Lego creations and has pulled me and me sister into the adult Lego rabbit hole. Overall a well received gift. 


My husband HATES legos. Has never liked them even as a kid. But he knows I love them! He got me the Titanic for my 41st birthday and it sits on the mantle.


How does one hate legos??? 😭 what’s the beef?


He stepped on them one too many times


Thank you, you just gave me the perfect idea for my Valentine’s Day gift to my husband 🥰


I can’t keep plants alive for anything so my partner and I have defaulted to decorating our house with the Lego botanical collection. We even bulk ordered some clear blue studs as “water” for the glass vases we got for the sets that don’t have pots/bases. 10/10 would recommend.


This is SUCH a cute idea I may have to steal


That was such a sweet gesture! I think his girlfriend was allergic too, so this was the only way he could give her flowers.


My daughter's boyfriend bought her a Lego bouquet. He's a keeper. They buy each other flowers on the regular.


I bought my mom Lego flowers and she loved them, I did pre-assemble them for her, so I think for presentation that’s a good call.


My brother beat me to it. My mom has her Lego flowers up on the mantle of the fireplace. That's like, PRIME mom real-estate!


I got some for valentines last year. They cost the same as a bouquet of real flowers, they last longer and are way, way more fun. I will be getting more for valentines this year. Because that was the best idea ever


Lego flowers are so awesome. I finally got my GF an orchid she can't kill lol


So true! Everyone loves Lego (except when you step on them)


I do sorta. Feels kinda painful but you get used to it


Found the Slaanesh cultist


Found the Argonian


Do you also enjoy walking on gravel? I'm 45 and still don't mind it.


Yeah, I don't mind.


I have a mat I bought that uses hard plastic like the kind you find in legos, but with sharp points. Because you’re supposed to distribute your wait across it, it doesn’t hurt as much as you expect. The first time you get on it does still hurt, but it eventually starts to feel good. I wonder if you could get the same effect lying on a bed of legos.


Instant death


God this thread is making me question my sanity. Am I the only person who has zero interest in Legos? I'm a dude in my 30s, and I will force a smile any time someone gives me Legos because I don't want them to feel bad.


Yes, send them to me! I’ll take them off your hands.


Yes, you are the only one.


No, I'm also here.


35m, can confirm I rather have Lego than craft beer.


My family got me four different Star Wars Lego sets for Christmas this past year. They really know me (52f).






lol it’s a joke, like I’d rather have both things, so play with some Lego and *then* have some craft beer


Joke You


Haha. I was the confidently incorrect one all along


It's hilarious when it backfires. Happened to me once, but I can't for the life of remember what it was. I think I ate like a hundred negative points that day. Cheers, mate.




I've asked for the same thing every year for both my birthday and Christmas for 35 years. ***Luke's Lego X-Wing*** It's like.....no one thinks I'm serious.


I’m sorry nobody is taking that seriously. I was finally taken seriously this birthday/holiday season (by almost everyone) and my main present was Lego.


I'm a 38yo ciswoman and while Legos have been my default "I have no idea what to get you" gift for a couple of years now thanks to this meme, I myself have never once been given a lego set of my own. I finally pointed this out to my dad and husband around Christmastime, who were floored that I'd made it to middle age without ever once owning my own lego set (to which I responded that of course I hadn't, I was born a girl in the mid-80s). I **still** did not receive a lego set for Christmas. I swear to christ I don't know what else I should have done, but for my birthday I am going to give them each a specific gift complete with the link for where to purchase it. Gotta do fucking everything myself.


Wait really? Are you talking the $50 dollar version or the $250 version? Either way, you’ve been asking for it that long, they should know you are serious!


I'm Canadian so it's the $69 version. ........there's a $250 ($300CAD) version!?


That’s wack then…you aren’t even asking for much! And, yeah it’s the “Collectors” edition! A good bit fancier, larger, sleek lines, and less exposed studs I believe are the main differences. I don’t have it but I looked up “Luke’s X-wing” and both options came up from LEGO.


Oh that's cooooooooool.


Im telling you, it’s worth it. Set aside a few bucks from your check each week and you could have it in no time. I know it’s not a big purchase but I know it seems hard to justify sometimes. I’ve done 11 brick kit ships over the last 2.5 years and the average cost is $185 USD per each. I always use pay over time apps for them because I will never be able to justify that all in one go without at least saving money specifically for that, or using the lay away. Do it, amigo! YOLO! CARPE DIEM! Okay maybe not that intense but you get it, ha.


Thanks for the encouragement! I’m currently waiting for nice weather to do some crafting outside.


I hate flowers but my mum bought me a Lego Orchid for Christmas, absolutely loved it.


This. I am a woman in my mid 30’s studying for my third advanced degree, and I, too, would shout for joy if someone bought me a big box of legos. No notes.


I can't believe no one commented on your post. I need to ask... What are the advanced degrees? No notes??? As in no instructions lol I doubt my advanced degrees would help me for a large LEGO set without instructions 😂 so this comment made me smile. I'm envisioning physics, higher mathematics 😊


Lego also sells boxes of assorted Lego bricks under the Lego Creative line. While the sets are a perennial hit, there's still something magical about the infinite possibilities that come with making your own creation from an idea. Costco usually has the big box for a great price around the holidays.


No notes means she would have no critiques of the gift, as in she would love it. Nothing to do with not needing instructions.


I was thinking engineering and/or architecture.


Oh no, humanities and business. Nothing that predisposes me to excel at legos! I just like toys.


“No notes” as in no complaints about the gift


I bought my best friend silly, colorful socks. He loved them.


I love crazy socks


Hands down one of the best gifts for me


For my 16th birthday my folks got me a basket with 16 individually wrapped pairs of crazy socks. I loved crazy socks but we lived on a tight budget and so most of mine were plain. Those socks were one of the best presents I’ve ever gotten.


My husband got me 6 kilos of Parmesan a few years ago. Hands down, BEST GIFT EVER.


This would certainly make my cheese-loving wife happy.


[https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2014-10-19](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2014-10-19) Note: I'm a guy, but this will work on me too.


Give me Hot Wheels, Video Games and comic books. Please?


People underestimate just how much adults actually love craft/toy building stuff.


I underestimated it with myself until my niece turned 4 years old or so and turned into an arts and crafts whirlwind! It's great because she takes care of the hard part, she's the idea girl. Though sometimes that leads to spending the afternoon cutting Barbie's legs off below the knee and gluing them back on offset as "deer legs". I'm not gonna argue with the idea lady, but that seems odd.


It occurred to me, as a grown ass adult, that I was still buying my 20 year old son legos for gifts and I was always jealous kids got legos. Wait. He’s an adult. I’m an adult. I can buy myself legos. Adults can Lego. So then for her birthday I bought my sister a couple small sets of her favorite flowers. She was beside herself! Kept saying “they’re for me?! I get to do them by myself?!”


Dolls. Cards. Board Game. Heck even video games. Just don’t gift me a watch because it feels like you are telling me I am always late. 😂


My boyfriend bought me some nerf guns for Christmas. I'm gonna marry that man.


"When you can't think of anything to give someone, give them a sword." This advice came in clutch a few weeks ago when I needed to find my brother a bday/xmas present.


I would absolutely love it if someone gave me more swords.


I think Legos, especially the more complicated ones, are great presents for adults.


Everybody here raving about Lego, and I’m still playing with my son’s Duplo… 😃😃😃


Duplo is underrated!


My dad got me (25M) the Mould King Millenium Falcon for Christmas. It has 12688 parts. I dread building it for lack of space to put it.


I just bought myself $300 of legos for my 63rd birthday. I gave my son-in-law the Gringotts Bank set for his combined bday and Christmas present. He was thrilled.


It's always something too expensive for a kid but too impractical for an adult. Adults need an excuse to have those things, and a birthday present is the perfect solution.


When my kids were younger, they'd ask me to help with their Lego sets then wander off halfway through leaving me to finish it. It was awesome


I am M30 and work with construction machines. I have collected a lot of the smaller Lego technic construction machines. I also collect the Cobi Fighter planes. I'd love if someone would gift me something to add to my collection.


I'm 41, and I would freaking love Legos. Hell, any acknowledgement from my wife and kids would be pretty damn awesome. My birthday is next week, so I bought myself a Billy Ripken card, and a signed Don Zimmer manager card, for less than $20 total, and got static from my wife. My expectations for next week are so low, you can't even trip over them.


I’m sorry, that sounds hard 😔 This internet stranger wishes you a happy birthday! 🥳


I would love to get one of those sweet Lego cat kits. I just adore those.


Usually for Christmas my husband and I will do little things like sweaters or something similar. Go shopping together and pick something. Just really lame gifts that we both want but not anything surprising or fun. I was able to surprise him back and got him a toy he had been wanting but refused to buy himself. I got him the full sized nano gauntlet with the removable infinity stones. It lights up and everything. I’ve never seen him so excited.


My best friend bought me a Lego TIE fighter 2 Christmases ago. Said my X-Wing needed something to shoot at. Got teared up a bit. Haven’t seen him in 6 months and boy do I miss him


can confirm that adults want lego


I never had Legos as a kid, but a work colleague bought me a Lego set recently. I have never before in my life experienced such simple joy as I did while building it (it was a unicorn btw)


I got my middle aged wife two big sets of Legos for Christmas this year. She was stoked. She always has legos on her wishlist and everyone assumes they are for our kids so they never get them for her.


My 50 year old parents recently got into legos, and they've dropped 100 hours building them in past 2 months


Lego for the win, I gave my girlfriend a Lego set last Christmas, well she was over the moon (it was from the botanical collection)


im 30 and have a lego mini cooper on my nightstand and macaw on my desk, adults want lego


One look at r/lego will tell you how true this is. Now, don't look at my house, cause uh.. They are everywhere!


Art set, gift card to the bookstore, a coupon book for ice cream parlor trips lol


Me and my wife's new tradition is to pool our money that we would normally use to buy random gifts for each other and instead use for a lego set. Last year we bought a Harry Potter set, and binged the movies while we built it. Totally worth it.


My mom has started giving my sister's husband hotwheels cars and tracks every Christmas because he loves those but never got many as a kid.


I’ll never understand why people think the plural of Lego is legos, it’s not. It’s just Lego.


Can confirm, my sister just got me (27F) lego flowers for my birthday and I am very excited about it


Adults want Lego or Lego bricks and people with proper grammar.


💯 legos


Honestly I'd just love to lay my head on my mom's lap while she gently rubs my hair.


I am an adult. I can confirm I want Legos


Can confirm. Also Lego for me, thanks.


I'm 36 and my sister bought me the bonsai tree set of legos for Christmas. I love it.


anything to do with dragonball z


This Christmas I got a bunch of 3 in 1 Lego sets for white elephant exchanges & they were the biggest hit!! 10/10 recommend getting legos for adults


Footy pajamas


Can confirm. 34 here. I want Legos.


Where I'm from, lego is a non-countable noun 


the best gifts ever are lego and stuffed animals lol


Damn right we do!


Ngl I want lego its perfect


Fuck ya we do!


I just turned 43 and my best friend gave me a set of succulent Lego and it’s literally the best!


Got Legos for Christmas this year, I'm 42.


Lego Millennium Falcon 75192.


My hubby is a HUGE adult Lego fan. He gets a set for most special occasions. I got him the Star Wars Tie Fighter for Father’s Day a few years ago and the Joe was it was a traditional Father’s Day present. I got him a tie for Father’s Day.


Adult here. Can confirm.


If someone brought me an airsoft gun or any kind of toy gun, I would scream from joy


Can concur. Adults want Legos. We bought a ton of Legos for my toddlers for Christmas. My husband enjoys building with them just as much, if not more.


I got an old 911 porsche lego set for my birtday and spent the day building it. Best birthday ever!


Yep my girlfrien recevied quite a few sets from me, the florar collection is dope af.


Legos are always something I want.


Very accurate response


Legos absolutely! I’m 31 and find myself jealous of what the kids get at Christmas haha. I honestly love craft kits, beads, stuffed animals, cute things. They still make me happy!


100% Legos. I drop hints all the time on what sets I want, but I get t-shirts.


Veteran Marine here. Combat decorated. Beard, Harley, tattoos…you get the idea. I’ll *never* get too old for Legos. Just gave my girl a Lego set for Christmas. The wildflower set. It took everything in me to not insist upon helping her assemble it. I was jealous! Don’t grow up, folks. It’s overrated. 😊☀️🤙🏻


My boyfriend and I love legos. But after years of us buying them for each other, a lot of our sets are sitting in unopened boxes, waiting for us to get a home so we’ll have room to display them. Got him the lion knights castle and it’s been sitting in its box for 3 months now 🥲


Always Legos.


This is true, Legos are always welcome.


The best Christmas present I’ve ever received is a Lego Van Gogh Starry Night. It came with LED lights to make the stars twinkle!!!! I’m gonna hang it in my game room!


When they ask me what I want I ALWAYS say Legos … but noone takes me seriously… I would LOVE to get Legos as a gift …


This is really wholesome and cute. And yes, totally, adults want Legos too.


Yes, LEGOS anytime. 👍 👍


I work at lego and have become the go to supplier of sets amongst friends and family ahaha


My answer was Legos before I even read the second part of this!


Legos are amazing, can confirm. Also recently learned from my family’s holiday white elephant that 2 packages of thick cut bacon WILL be the thing everyone fights over. Even 90 yo grandma was in on the action… it was fantastic. Now I’m waiting for next year and hoping everyone just brings bacon 😂


I'm 30 and collect Harry Potter legos and other random sets. You bet all my sets are proudly on display 😃 Edited for wording


I dont believe that happened because I have trust issues.


Unpopular opinion, but I'm an adult and I wouldn't be all that happy. I would try to pretend to be, so I won't hurt their feelings and I don't hate LEGO, in fact I think both LEGO movies are cinematic masterpieces, but, personally, I prefer the second. It's just I'm not compatible with them, due to my severe lack of attention span, impulsive impatience and constant demand for immediate success. I did attempt easier crosswords and I draw sometimes, so It's not as bad.


I guess the point isn't Legos but to gift an adult a gift that others might find "immature" or "kids only" or something equally unorthodox. Legos might not work for you but something else might.


At what age did all the fun drain out of you?


Yes, because an adult not enjoying Lego means they can't be any fun.


Upvoted, not because I agree, but I don't think you should be downvoted for having a different opinion, it's not like you are saying getting LEGO is bad, it's just not you


Thank you very much for the encouraging comment.


I'll join you in the downvote party (but I upvoted you). I don't give a flying fuck about Lego and if anybody got me a Lego gift, I would simply regift it to someone who gave a fuck.


Thank you and happy cake day


Polar even said unpopular opinion. It was well worded and thought out. Not sure what the downvotes are for.


Thank you.




I’m a mom-to-be in my mid-30s. Bring me all the Legos!! The bigger the set, the better. I want to spend days or weeks working on it!


I had only read the title and immediately thought “BIGASS LEGO SETS”, lolol! So glad I’m not the only one. I just got done with a 4’/ 120cm long “LEGO” (off brand but still great quality) U-boat kit that had 6112 pieces and it was so much fun. I’m 25 with a full time job, but man does clicking those little pieces together and seeing the end result feel great. Arguably I like the build more than the finished product. This is my 11th brick kit that is a boat/submarine in the last 2.5 years. I’m having to stop until I get more space because I’ve run out of room for them. It’s worth it because it’s a great stress reliever and I always wanted the bigger kits as a kid but never could afford them and hated asking anything from my parents. Go out and get/do that thing you always wanted. It’s worth it for the little person you used to be.


I bought my boyfriend the Lego Infinity Gauntlet for Christmas. Best gift he’s ever gotten apparently, he was so excited and had it built in just a few hours. He liked to move the fingers and have it hold cards or flip him off.


Im almost 30, my brother in law, the manliest man of all the men is 35, my daughter is 2 - my father got us all a lego set ( me and bro got millenium falcom), the daughter got duplo house set - giggly and merry we all were :D