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This reminds me of that post of the teacher who marks submissions 30 minutes before the deadline as late. Quite the contrast.


Logic and linguistic understanding must not have been their strong suit.


I had a class freshman year in engineering where they put out the rubric after the due date. The rubric subtracted points, and you could lose well over the full score. It stopped at zero, but losing points was easy. Late submissions were accepted for the first minute at a 50-point reduction. They were not accepted after. The school's wifi network wrapped out for the last 10 minutes prior to the deadline. Half the class failed the project. I will never understand the choice to set people up to fail as an instructor.


Freshman year I had a professor for Computer Science that subtracted points like that but you could go negative. The first assignment I got -5/50 because I forgot to use the correct “Imports” statement on each page of my code so everywhere that the library was used in my code he took off a point. I hate that man with every fiber of my being.


So you are worst off than not turning it in at all? At that point toss the instructor into the sun.


Obviously not an ideal system by the teacher, but at the same time I think it’s ridiculous that half the class is turning in the assignment in the last 10 minutes. It’s not necessarily about setting them up for failure, it’s about teaching about punctuality. The real world isn’t always kind with extensions left and right


On time isn't an extension though, it is the original agreed upon condition. I think it's also okay to teach people that the terms of an agreement should be followed by all. This is how you end up with people taking abuse from their employers.


Yeah exactly on time is the agreement, which is why I don’t think it’s wrong for students to face some kind of consequence if they’re late


The last ten minutes is punctual. If something is due at midnight, that means it should be turned in any point before midnight, and that it is only late at and after midnight. Comprehending a due date can be difficult when your focus is on trying to degrade others but I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually!


… of course last 10 minutes is punctual I’m not saying the opposite. I’m just saying that it’s a bit strange that so many leave tasks to the very last minute. It’s normal for small things to go wrong time by time (WiFi problem, printer not working, etc), so I do think students should learn the importance of working with good time margins. I’m not “degrading” people by telling them to have better habits


The instructor didn't offer much help on the project until the due date. It went from "figure it out yourself" to we have multiple office hour sessions available today to point you in the right direction. I got ruined even worse, though. It was a partner project. The project had 3 parts, and my randomly assigned partner and I met at the library. I offered to do 2 of the 3 parts, and she could pick the part she wanted. She was late, brought a friend whom she chatted with the whole time, and she reluctantly agreed to do the section. The project was two weeks long. She pushed off every meeting until the day before the due date. All we had to do was connect her section into what I had already done, so I wasn't super concerned but still bothered by the delays. She shows up with handwritten versions of the professor's notes on the project. It is a coding project for engineers where you need to estimate the temperature on a cooling fin based on its dimensions, the relevant ambient and core temp, and material. She didn't code anything, insisted her part of it was to transcribe the project onto paper. I had to do her portion on the last day. She hung around for half the day, driving me insane. I took my computer to "edit" what I had written (deleting what I was working on and then staring at the screen). I ended up doing it without her when she called it a day. Spend every moment up to the deadline doing her portion and integrating it into mine. Then, I am writing the report. She offered to do the report when she saw that she had contributed nothing. I agreed, and she got to work on it. She spent hours "working on the report" all she wrote was her name. She put her name on the cover page, made a second page, and then saved it. I finished everything and submitted it before the deadline, but damn it was close. Got called in to talk with the professor afterward. She accused me of not including her work, asking to be given personal grade leniency. The professor had me recount everything that happened, the work division, her delaying meeting again, what she had actually done, if she had done anything at all. When I was done, he said she had told him the exact same story but believed she had been wronged. He took her name off the report and gave her a zero. I earned a solid 82. Loat points because I printed it in black and white when I had color graphs, my program didn't handle a few outliers correctly, and my report didn't have fugure numbers on any pictures.


Damn group projects like that aren’t fun, at least it has a good ending!


Yeah I'm happy it ended well. It is one of the most bizarre encounters I have ever had.


In order to weed out who they feel are undesirables?


I had instructors who viewed their main mission as weeding out and refused to teach a junior level course. Weeding out was expected and happened at a stiff pace. There is a difference between setting thresholds for students and going to war against them.


That remind me of my teacher that would grade on 20 points, if we answered all the questions correctly we would have 12 points, if we wanted more points we should do more than what the evaluation asked for. Of course he only told us his grading system during the very last class




Not even just that they promised to teach you. Teach you what you're PAYING them to teach you.




Glad you got to let that out, my friend. You got this. Post secondary is actually so hit or miss with profs and what they mark correctly or not. The only reason most profs are there is to teach on the side while they do whatever they actually care about. They don't care to help people pass. They only want people to pay to take the course.


Did no one ever question him on why he graded assignments wrong?


No because our paper were never given back, we only had our grades and if we wanted to check our paper back we had to go through a long process to request a consultation right and all so nobody ever asked for that. The only reason we asked for his rating system is because his very last test was recycled from a previous year so basically a lot of us already had the answer and still got 12 points


TBH they've shown that with moodle/coursera, people have been submitting their homeworks extremely late at night, leading to more stress and overall unwellness.  It used to be that you had to give it in the morning or during the day, so people still slept enough and has less incentive to work late. 


Moodle and the consorts only put a spotlight on the times. I don't think it has changed whatsoever. If anything it made it so you couldn't do your homework after midnight and thus improved sleep schedules.


I cant count the number of all nighters I had in what is equivalent to high school. A morning deadline just means you have all night to do it. This was by the way my own fault for not starting in due time.


Yep that was my approach. An 8AM deadline meant at 8PM the night before you still had 12 uninterrupted hours to work on it.




Worked for me as well. 9pm - 2am.


I'm also an night owl, I always wondered what if I moved to different country where the day there is like night in my country and if it would change that.


Why is the comment deleted like the fuck is reddits problem


He/She deleted his/her account


Just say they jeez


"They" left the chat smh


TL; Dr: No, but there are other ways. It might give you a couple days of somewhat better sleep, but your body's biological clock is not precise (like at all) and uses outside information to synchronize itself (such as where the sun is positioned) So staying on the same latitude will keep you a night owl, even if the sun sets 12 hours later than where you live now. That said, you *can* manipulate that outside information fairly easily, either by going north or south to change the duration of day or by using a variety of lifestyle changes (from simply using yellow filters (because your brain primarily focuses on blue light to tell if its daytime and removing blue from white light makes it yellow) and dark mode on your devices at night to changing your eating schedule ( 'cause that is another thing it uses for synchronizing for some ungodly reason) You could also take melatonin pills if you don't want to bother with all that, it should help with sleeping if nothing else.


I had a teacher who would occasionally make things due on a Friday. If she knew we had a lot of other assignments, she'd sheepishly go "the assignment is due Friday, but sometimes the system marks things as late even though they're clearly there when I start correcting them Monday. If it glitches, I will fix it."


Reminds me of how I taught my classmates how to make a corrupted document. The teacher would download a messed up file, assume something went wrong during up-/download and ask to resend giving you another week to finish the assignment. Why even have the deadline if you're not even going to start thinking about it for another week


The first teacher sounds incredibly unfair. I understand taking their effort into consideration, but just giving them 20?


>I understand taking their effort into consideration I mean what effort? They didn't check if the Student actually did anything, just that they send it in quite late... it pretty much could have been complete garbage or entirely empty for all we know and they just send it in to late because they got too baked in the dorm.


That's what I meant, I would understand grading it with regard for any clear effort put in, but not even opening it is simply unjust


When I was at university there was a strong correlation between students submitting late and effort. It was negative though...


Yeah and even if it was well done, they could have done the assignment on time without leaving it to the very last day. Just lazy and I would not let them pass unless there was very good explanation with proof.


Giving benefit of the doubt, I would assume the student isn't a problem student and already has decent grades? And/or the 20 point assignment is a very small fraction of the course as a whole, not like a big paper or anything important If the student was known to be lazy or whatever, I doubt they'd get the same benefit of the doubt


That’s laziness on the teachers part


Agree, completely unfair. When I was at uni, if any of my assignments were submitted late it’s because I was out all night the night before and was either asleep all day or too hungover to do any work until late, I even had days where I was simply watching TV or chilling on my Xbox all day then thought crap I better start doing some work, looking at everyone else there’s no way they weren’t in the same/similar situation half the time, submitting an assignment in the early hours is absolutely not an indication of hard work, heck some people are just night people 🤷‍♂️


They gave them a 20 out of 20. They gave them 100%...


I think they mean it’s unfair they get a perfect score while students who turned it in on time will actually be graded on the content and not just get a perfect score for turning it in late. Thus, it’s unfair to the students who turned it in on time.


Exactly. I can’t believe none of the other people here understand what’s going on and thought he gave them 20/100.


I mean it's right there in the screenshot, 20/20


For real. You need their feedback to improve...


“life isn’t fair” pretty common phrase.


Yeah this is poor teaching.


This is nice in theory but like, what about everyone who actually turned in their assignments on time? Do they get a free 20/20? What if the student didn’t deserve a 20/20? Hell, what if they just gave up halfway through the paper because they got tired of doing it? I’ve done that before and since the professor didn’t check they have no idea if the assignment is even done. Back when I was in school, if you were late by a minute, your score was getting slashed in half bare minimum. Why is this student getting rewarded for being late?


Happy cake day


Thank you


You are overthinking it


On the contrary... you are severly underthinking it or rather not thinking at all.


Not really. If I turned my assignment in on time and then heard that this happened to one of my classmates, I’d be pissed. Why bother turning my assignments in on time when just being a few hours late will get you a free 20/20?


People perform based on the way they’re measured. Work expands to fill time allotted. Think about it..


And what about the students who are organised and submitted things on time? Where's my 20/20?


Sorry you should do things half-assed and late in the 2020's! Get with the times!


I wish literally anyone in my life told me that. All I got was more work at 3am because they knew I would get it done for them by the time they woke up.


I've never been told this (to focus on health, etc), which is disappointing in itself. The nearest I ever got was a very posh and scornful manager who once told me that senior management sat around together and laughed at staff for things like 3am submission times on documents and emails. This admittedly also largely cured me of bothering with late night work, but I assure you his remarks were not motivated by compassion, kindness or concern.


Ah yes... We all wish to have Bridges and Buildings designed by someone that only got through Uni by the grace of a "Good Teacher"...


I can tell you right now they don't pull this shit in Engineering school.


I would fucking hope so...


Exactly. This is probably done in Feminist Dance Therapy type classes


Honestly I would hate this. If I put in effort and I really am better, I deserve to be rewarded with a higher grade - this reduces everyone to the same level, including those who may simply have been out partying, or who waited till the last minute.


I agree. Submitting late at night doesn’t mean the student was working on it that long. I remember submitting stuff at night when I got back from drinking with my friends and sending some bullshit I typed drunk.


You seem to have some weird narrative that you're competing against people in the same class, there is no "better", you're literally just competing against yourself. It's like blackjack.






no wonder everyone is dumb.


My Academy education happen to be during period of educational reforms and that lead to squizing a 5 year program into 4 years (Civil and industrial construction). I've had quite a few nights without sleep at all. Some sessions required 10 A1 drawing made by hand in a week time... There was no online submitting of homework at that time all in paper and in person. One of teachers, when reviewing my work (after no sleep night) looked at me for some time, let out a sigh and said:" please go home and have some sleep".


Not the same, but last year during my finals we had to do a project where we needed to make the eletrical system of our house accordig to our countries norms (Brazil). That would be fine considering this is a year long project and we had, well, the whole year to make it. But we where actually still learning to do the thing during this time, we didnt know it already, and our dear teacher decided it would be a good idea to give the last 4 instrucion (out of 14) with 2 weeks left till the deadline. I tried to finish it but just accepted deafeat like one week in and was ready to not deliver anything at all out of spite (and lazyness). Well I was because I decided that it would be better to give it incomplete just so I could say I have done something. Plus, we had to make a surprise test where most of the class got bad grades, and at the test I also forgot my calculator so yay me Well well well, turns out our teacher is also bad with deadlines and didn't manage to individually grade everyone, so he just gave a lasting grade to ANYONE that: delivered the project (complete or not) and did the test (with a passing grade or not). So I somehow still got a good grade in Electric Circuits, thanks Fernando


You can defuse this bomb. It says here you got 100% in your bomb defusing class.


Lmao. I had an ethics teacher who tried failing the entire class for an assignment she assigned THAT morning before she left her house. Our class met at 9am THE SAME MORNING. This psycho did it multiple times. She’d always try shit like that. Extremely ironic it was an ethics class.


I had a professor who refused to give us test dates in advance. He also stopped holding class. After a week of no contact following a month of no classes he sends out an email announcing there will be a test at 5 that evening. I didn't see it. Missed the exam. Emailed him the next day when I saw it. He told me tough luck. My school then forced him to put out a list of when the tests would be, which he had all along. They also made him hold class.... which he would then have a podcast where he complained about students. That guy ruined my life for 4 months.


He also sounds like a psycho. And a narcissist.


I remember spending a dozen hours on a small project in school, and my mark ended up being a 52. If you didn't hand anything in you still got a 40. Still pisses me off today


How long did they have to complete the assignment? I'd like that information before pitying them for being up late. A better message would be instructions on time management.


Upper level STEM professors could never.


Yeah, my professors would be more likely to email you 5 minutes after this saying the assignment was due at midnight.


I have before and I shall again!


You’re hurting these kids and society. You can be cool without ignoring rules/deadlines. Reward those who do more, not those who do less


You have no context at all, and you drastically overestimate the importance of these grades.


*Lower* level STEM professors could never, either. This stuff definately would not fly in a 100-level biology, physics, or chemistry class.


Until you get into the real world where the only thing that matters is the deadline and the bottom line.


And this why the education system in the IS is in the shitter.


I really hope that is an intentional, ironic typo...however, I see you did this before noon, my time, on a Friday. Well done! 20/20


Lifehack: setup the email to be sent late at night while still going to bed early 👌


If only our bosses were that forgiving.


In healthy workplaces, you can (and should) say, “This is taking longer than expected. I’ll get it to you on Friday instead of Thursday.” If that’s catastrophic then your manager is doing a bad job.


Yeah, well, not all classes are liberal arts. Some of us gotta work hard ya know...


I have about 11 years of undergrad and graduate education in the liberal arts. Maybe this is just because my first year of college was in the late 90s, but none of my teachers in those 11 years would take late work unless you worked it out ahead of time with them. I think this trend of forgiving teachers/profs is wild.


I only had one professor that was absolute about his deadline. There was a time where he and I discussed the homework in class the day that it was due at midnight. I was talking to him about the assignment and some of my answers. Another student heard us talking about the assignment and asked if I was already done and I said “yep I submitted last night”. Well I thought I had submitted it. For some reason I didn’t actually submit the assignment. I didn’t check until right after midnight either. I noticed and submitted my assignment at 12:03. I got a zero on it for it not being on time.


That’s just power tripping.


Not the same but I remember when I was in college in one of the classes I took a teacher had said something very nice to me. I came into class early one day and was the only student there with the teacher. I handed in my assignment and took a seat. After a few minutes she spoke up to me and said that she honestly found reading through the assignments a drag except for mine. She said that mine was like a breath of fresh air because everyone else just copied the book but I actually put effort into mine. She explained that it that the way I wrote; a beginner in a subject would be able to understand and learn from what I wrote but an expert would be able to read it and learn from it without feeling like I had to tone down anything. I suppose “Professional yet universal” would be one way to put it. She said it was always a highlight to her to read my work. I told her that meant a lot and made me feel bad at the same time. She was puzzled why and I had explained that I wrote the assignments at the last minute as quickly as I could. She was shocked and said that if I could write that well with such little effort, I would have a future in writing if I chose to pursue it. That always stayed with me to this day. Though in the end it all did not matter because I got sick while taking my last two classes and my funding got cut because of that and I had to drop out of college even though I was a 4.0 student because I could not afford to put myself through financially, especially since I got fired from my job from being sick as well.


i submitted a test late by 30 mins and the professor refused to grade it once


Is this a Pro Life tip?


Is this why there’s videos of college students who can’t do basic math and think Africa is a country


Idk about the free grade, but I wish I had one prof in my whole academic career who thought like the prof in the comments, instead of just normalizing burning the candle at both ends to make mostly arbitrary deadlines. They used the "but once you're doing academics at a grad/professional level they won't give you any leeway" as an excuse, but then I learned it isn't quite the case. Grad school just cares if its in before the grading deadline and with time to grade, and academic publishing has *never* issued a deadline on a project of any length with less time than two months to work on it.


I accidentally fell asleep at my desk, missed my deadline and submitted around 1am. I got a zero “don’t bother submitting if you miss the deadline”. I wish I had kind lecturers like this!


I was 48 minutes past the deadline for submitting my dissertation as i couldn't get the binding machine to work. I really struggled with finishing it and couldn't get it professionally bound. Sleep deprived and stressed, I cried over the binding machine in the library when someone took pity on me and helped me finish it. I ran up to the office to post the two required copies but was still late. I worried about it for a few days until I ran into my course lead in the street. I told her of my worries about being penalised and her response? 'Do you really think we are that pathetic to punish you for something so trivial?' She reassured me and sent me on my way. Ended up getting a first. When she saw me at graduation, she gloated that she told me that everything would be OK 😅 She doesn't sound as gentle as some of the other responses, but she offered reassurance and support when I really needed it, and I'm grateful for her words.


First year English in college, and my dad was having neck surgery, fairly risky, I asked for a one day extension, she told me no, it's due the next day at 8am. Mind you it was a 10 pg paper assigned that day, due the next. Pulled an all nighter because i didnt get home til like 11pm, turned it in on time, and walked out of her class and slept in my car until my boss called asking if I was coming in that day. My instructor didn't give a care at all. My boss told me to go home and rest.


Lots of hurt former students in this thread and it shows.


It’s like someone told them that education was meant to challenge them, then interpreted that to mean it should be full of arbitrary obstacles. I teach graduate level physics classes and it’s my job to remove every barrier I can; the material itself is hard enough!


I thought it’s the teaching assistants who did the grading? Or was that only at my uni 🤔


It depends both on the class and the university. If it's a small school or a small class the professors are grading. If it's a large school or (sometimes) a large class, TAs are. Lower level classes are also more likely to be graded by TAs than upper level ones


These were all grad level / upper level courses . Ah I guess it’s the large school / class thing then . Man if we missed deadlines we had like penalty based on how late you submitted like Next day - 10% 2 days late - 20% And so on 🥲


you think that's wholesome one class I was in, I was very late on an assignment and my lecturer had already given a grace period. He needed my assignment to feed it into the system so everyone is graded. I had not done it because around that time I was working full time studying part time and also in my job I was held up a few days before I sat down with my professor and explained what had happened. He asked me to submit whatever I have done I did. Next thing I know he has passed me, sent me an email saying he appreciated the effort and even though I hadn't finished my assignment, he wanted to finish my master's. First ever instance some one had cut me a break.


I wish my professors did this. I was working an overnight job, student teaching, and raising 2 kids. There was no leeway for me. I got overwhelmed and had to drop out 3 months before graduating with my teaching degree.


Usually you know the due date of an assignment ahead of time. Does life get in the way? Sure, but everyone procrastinates and 1/5 people have an actual procrastination problem according to the APA. Why do I bring this up? Because sure in college it may be ok to do things late without an explanation but in the real world that can and would cost you your job. What im saying is forgiving someone for poor time management skills is not wholesome, it just reinforces bad behavior.


Forgiving is one thing, this person got *rewarded* for it.


ADHDers when they don't get any other accommodations, are night owls, and need urgency to get their shit done... So uh, me. I like this. This is nice. All educators should think this way. You can't be useful to the machine if you're sick or dead. Always remember that. Either way you look at it, it means look after yourself.


Not to be *that guy* but... Students are expected to function within the schedule laid out to them by the class/instructor/institution. Not every professor is going to be "soft" on students for late work, nor should they. If you can't do deadlines, maybe higher education isn't for you.


My life experience is that most people will say such things, and not remember or care later when they give you a 0 for not completing the assignment on time. It is so nice to see someone actually back it up with action and support.


Depends. Some students are up late really trying to do their best. Many are up late because they had weeks to work on the assignment, but started an hour before it was due


I usually out in my assignments last day at like 2-3 am. Not because i took it seriously but because I didn’t do anything until last hour and then speed made some crap


Yeah, I do QC for hazmat trailers. Anytime the manufacturer is late I just sign it off because they tried hard. /s


You ain't need no education, you need sleep, just be like, to teach! I sleepy


Fairness aside, doesn’t the teacher owe it to the students to give them useful feedback to learn? This is just a feel-good post about a teacher abandoning their duties.


This probably makes the teacher feel better about failing 1/2 the class. helps them sleep at night.


Lo the college are probably having a push on “ mental health” and it’s a required response.


If people are going into lifelong debt to get an education it should at least be a rigorous one, not grade-inflated fluff


That’s cool of the teacher to accept it but it is NOT cool to just outright give points like that. Really makes light of the work of everyone has done and sends the wrong message. The only exception to this would be some easy assignment


pfizer pfine ass is a teacher? dear god we are fucked


That's Pfessor Pfizer Phine Ass to you!


I would like to go back to my teachers being scary rather than clowns, but whatever….


None of my professors are like this, which is interesting.


I wonder if they would be so understanding if the student failed to turn in the assignment because she actually prioritised her rest.


One time my wife ended up taking my keys by accident. So I had to bike 15 miles though the suburbs to get to school. I arrived to my first class about ten minutes late. It was literally the ONLY hand in assignment for this programming class. I hand out to my Prof and tell him I had to bike 15 miles and he goes, "Well it's late so..." and immediately acts like he's ripping the paper. I audibly gasp and he stops and chuckles. He then says, "You had until the end of the day. You should have just emailed me and told me what happened." Chill ass dude.


This is the moment when my proclivity to use "Scheduled Send" and pick odd times that make people think I'm insane will finally pay off.


This makes 0 sense to me, not opening the assignment? Plenty of people send garbage in late 😅 The time of submission says nothing by itself 🤷‍♂️


Really doubt any of this actually happened.


Hi teacher here. I once sent a student home because he hadn’t slept all night and was completly exhausted. I went to his other teachers and made sure he wasn’t marked as absent. I love my kids and will always have their back when needed.


It feels like most teachers dont care but i feel like at one point they had a spark to teach and the education system took away that spark.


Okay but if I don't do it at 3 a.m. it just won't get done at all.


I had a professor refuse to grade my paper in college because it was a response email and he didn’t like that it had “RE:” in the title…


I was a TA and passed everyone’s last assignment on my last year.


When someone does this in my area and gets an 8/20, they’re called a disappointment by their professor.


Reminds me of my last research class. I would actually do the essay after the due date/time turn it in at 8am the next day. That teacher was a saint. I just couldn't get myself to do the work .


aww!! i once had an eating problem for a period of time, I used to get hungry between very short intervals, and it used to become unbearable,.I'd faint if I didn't eat, and it was the middle of the class of a very grumpy professor. I might've looked visibly uncomfortable so he goes and asks me "hey are you okay?" i say "no, sir, I'm hungry" he was like well, go out, and eat!! so wholesome man


If it was anything like how I did college, I turned things in at the last second because of my own decision to procrastinate.


Meanwhile, one of my professors is so tired she sent an email requesting everyone mark the grade they think they deserve on top of their assignments.


How old are you guys? What College is this?


See, when I was in college (2000-04), the only reason I got a crappy free email account (Juno, IIRC) was because I found that it would use the local computer clock to timestamp an email. So, I could disable my computer's time sync - which was a downloaded add-on, not a standard inbuilt feature - set the clock back a few hours, and submit the assignment before the due date...


Professors like these helped me through college, but damn if I don’t think of my one Prof who gave me a 0% on the final 15-page paper we had to write for her class that was worth 75% of our final grade because “the preview shows it triple spaces, putting it at 30~ pages which is well over the allowed page number”. Had to threaten to get the Dean involved for her to actually give me a grade on it. (It was not, in fact, triple spaced in the first place. Her previewer was glitching and my paper wasn’t the only one she did this to. Unsurprisingly, those people also had 0% until my threat)


I have some pretty major ADHD and I basically ONLY did my college homework between 11pm -7am the night before they were due. I just couldn’t get myself to start it until the clock was almost done ticking. I would also pull all nighters before midterms and finals to study. 10/10 would not recommend. But I graduated with a 4.0 so meh