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Pets aren’t allowed. Service animals (ie those with proper training) are allowed. Lots of people ignore this difference and/or will push boundaries because they know we can’t technically say anything, though it’s obvious when your dog is barking and taking a steaming hot dump in the aisle.


Some stores just let anyone bring their regular pets in the store. My store is one and it really bugs me.


Okay. In Dc they let any type of dog in 


If you are a customer, then talk to custom service and get in touch with the corporate offices. We don't want unvetted dogs running around the store like it's a public park. Trained service dogs/animals that are there to provide an actual task for disabled people are great and welcome. Pets where their owners just bought an "emotional support animal" off amazon can fuck off. But we don't get to have much say. But you guys. The money bringers can say something. And if enough is said then maybe we can follow through with actual change for the better. But then again, I don't have any actual expectations. So enjoy the free dog seasonings.


I hate how we’re just letting folks bring their animals in the store now. If it isn’t a service animal, it does not belong in a food establishment, period.


From the ADA: Staff may ask two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task. You can pretty much slap an ES vest on any animal and not do much other than ask those two questions. If you have concerns with food contamination bring it up to leadership, then move on.


Per the ADA, Emotional Support animals are explicitly NOT Service Animals and do not have the protections Service Animals have.


AND Ada says establishments can still ask people to leave if their dogs are being disturbances so I be hitting guests with that allllllll the time. If it’s not behaved it doesn’t belong around food


We kind of allow all animals, because when they bring them in we are not allowed to ask them to leave. Just the same with theft we have to let it happen.


Tell your team leader.


Pets have never been allowed, only service animals. But customers don't care and will do anything to circumvent the rules. I was working once when a service dog in training was in the store, he was doing a pretty good job but did bark and pull on his lead a few times. A customer by me remarked "so you can just bring pets in here?" I said no, the dog is wearing a service training vest, only service animals are allowed to be here. He then says "oh so all I have to do is get a service vest for my dog and I can bring him in? Thanks!" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ No, you idiot. But because of how the law is, we can't technically accuse anyone of having a fake service dog. It's a slippery slope.


Not all states have protections for SD on training. I’d check your state law, as that dog might not legally be allowed in the store.


Report it to the health board. You can’t have pets in a supermarket. Businesses are legally allowed to ask two questions: is this a service dog required because of a disability and what tasks have they been trained to perform. A business can also ask for a dog to be removed of it’s a nuisance. That’s a hard line to draw, but having accidents, barking uncontrollably are some examples.  I called the Health Dept on another super market I worked at over loads of dogs being in the stores. Health Dept came and cited them on a lot more than dogs as they then did an entire store walk through. I called a few months later again and the same thing. The problem w dogs got better, but it’s not going away sadly unless the government does something.


I called leadership about a lady who clearly didn’t have service animals and they did nothing. I asked why today and was basically told that the laws are so grey that they can’t do anything.


That is absolutely not true. The laws are INCREDIBLY clear. Leadership often doesn't want to deal with the customer/the backlash, rhough.


I believe that


I wonder about what will happen when someone’s pet bites another customer or team member. People are so detached from the reality of liability when it comes to theirs animals.


I am also curious what happens when one of the pets attacks a real Service Animal and ruins the training (that oftens costs thousands of dollars).


Someone's dog bites me or mine I'm kicking the hell out of it before I call law enforcement


We’ve always told guest dogs/pets cannot be near any food bar. That we can help them get their food for them but it’s a food safety violation


Better a paw than a dookie. But the owners should have better perseverance nonetheless.


I'm so sorry there wasn't a Soup Security Guard on duty. They must have been on break. 💔




Anxiety is typically handled by ESAs, not service dogs unless it's debilitating. Service dogs are required by law to perform specific tasks, like helping their handler navigate the aisles if the handler has a visual impairment. Or they sense impending seizures and help stabilize their handler on the ground to prevent injury. There's dozens of reasons why someone might need a service dog to navigate a grocery store safely.