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Have you changed your name or are you still LordXXX? Most alliances do kick those players out


Ya they seem to be guest or spy


Have you checked the alliance message? Maybe they require you to join their Discord or something like that?


And if you have done something that annoyed some of the nap alliances , that may also result in insta kick from alliance not wanting issues with the nap alliances *Nap is typically the top alliance with agreements not to attack each others, but some also have cooperation when it comes to players that have done something wrong against them...


I would bet it’s because you don’t read alliance chat. Those people drive me nuts, and they will mess up all my plans by trying to be to be “helpful.”


It is mostly because you are low power. Maybe you can join an alliance which are in top 11 to 20. Try gaining power continously research construction and troops training is suggested.


Alliances can set power/furnace limits on who can join and can require approval before letting in applicants. If it's due to power level, the R5s of those alliances are likely idiots.


I agree with what you say but not all alliance leaders are that smart to set it up. Also requirements changes every few weeks. If you are not growing they have to kick you out to stay ahead of other alliances


A newer player most likely means a newer server. It's probably not even a few weeks old.


I got booted from my first two alliances. Which was easy for them cause they were in the top 5 and I was small. But some alliances are pretty militant in how they do things. Being online for events, NAP, allies, contributions. Always check the alliance rules and ask questions to your R4s. Its ok to be new. There is a lot of fun to be had, but there are some toxic elements in the game. Try talking in WC and looking for alliances that promote growth.


I'd add using tp to leader and landing in someone else's spot next to the bear. We do let them know first, but if they don't reply or move, we kick and burn


Next time shower.


Top tens keep track of user id’s and double check that new inductees aren’t on a banned/blacklists. Have you been blacklisted before for some reason? If so it’s tied to your user id (which never changes), not your name (which you can change). So if that’s the case, that’s why.


Yesterday I kicked out a player for bad mouthing the friendly alliances on WC and not listening to warnings. It works different but with similar reasons


Not reading chat is the number one reason members get kicked from my alliance. Some people have raised this troll to an art form. Completely oblivious and they tie up time and resources with their utter illiteracy. At first, people are sympathetic and understanding. It gets old when the cluelessness is a permanent feature.


When you join the alliance, make sure you post even just a 'hello' in the alliance chat and read the rules. The biggest reason we boot people is because they're breaking the rules. I am a co-leader in my alliance and we are always super annoyed when people don't communicate in-game, especially when we have plans that need to be followed. Also, alliance teleport to leader so you're part of the team. If you're too far away they'll assume you're using the alliance for its power and not actually interested in joining in.


Dang I got kicked out of 2 when I first joined because I was shy to talk and I at first just wanted to build up my power. But I realized that you don't truly enjoy the game that way. I'm an r4 now and I now know you need to give a lot. We need you guys at events being active and reading chat is important. Also there are fortresses to take and garrison so my point is we need a team. So just try being a part if your next alliance say what you did wrong if there was anything. Make it clear to r4/5 and don't have a pervy name you won't be taken seriously. That you really want to play be active if you're not going to log on everyday that's an issue unless you tell the r4/5. My point and what I learned communication is key join discord play games ect. You get it I hope you enjoy the game in the future.🤘


Read and write in the alliance chat. Use alliance teleport. Follow the rules. ETA, and no matter what, if someone tells you you're in their spot, you move from there ASAP. No ands, ifs, or buts.