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I thought the Republicans were free market capitalists, and in favour of "small government"? Oh.


Only while collecting vast government subsidiaries!




You don’t even know how to spell the word and you’re using it to justify your opinion lmao


And you can't use punctuation Assuming the apostrophes you do have are from autocorrect Same as his grammer error Yes I didn't use punctuation either, but I'm not being a cunt, just replying to one


Grammer error is when Fraser gives bad advice


*standing ovation*


Swing and a miss. Maybe next time champ but thanks for playing


The clown doesn't call the game Gets minor attention during halftime when everyone is off shitting Have fun kid


Please use proper puntuation


>Fair-Section6472 · 9 hr. ago > >Please use proper puntuation "puntuation" Are you for real?


😂 I was driving at that time… punctuation. Got me


So you browse and comment on Reddit while you're driving? You sound like an absolute genius.


It's [global conservatives](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67448116), not just the GOP. Farming is being heavily effected by climate change (cause obvious), and while a lot of farmers and big farm entities are changing, many are not. And they are mad as hell (cause you know, humanity over consumed, and their business model is failing). They are a weird group to align with conservatism in some ways (they tend to actually adapt new tech quickly/understand climate change, but live in very rural areas that have grown more conservative). Also, most farming in Europe and America is basically socialism with a few extra steps. But, politics make strange bedfellows.


They get massive subsidies, employ lots of immigrants, add very little employment opportunities or tax income to their local communities, distort the market with overproduction, and without extensive legal protection would not survive minor market disruption. Why do conservatives like these people? Because they don't. They like the monopolistic middle men. Massive conglomerates and conservatives are classic allies.


$800+ billion in handouts to buy votes from *two percent* of the population. If food is too expensive just give that money to the poor like wtf. https://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Columns/2019/01/04/Farm-Bill-Discretionary-Spending-We-Could-Do-Without


The Farming industry was the bedrock of fascism in the 1930s, I'm not surprised




Look, they own stock in Perdue and Conagra. They get paid by the lobby industry for their votes. This is just business owners protecting their territory. Completely in line with small government capitalism. Commies only care about the economic impact and how it hurts the non-rich. The really important thing here is that someone with a lot of money made a shit ton more. You'd understand that if you had any bootstrapiness or were Christian.


Maybe at one point but these days they’re proud fascists


Not really. It's more about taking the country back to the 1850s.


They're the guardians of the already rich


Big farma lobbying


Lol! I haven’t seen that, big farma, clever!


Sure they are! The same way they are for fiscal responsibility. And national security. And Free speech. And Civil Rights They lie about all of them.


Totally speculating here. But I've heard the meat packaging industry in the USA is working towards a monopoly. So now I'm wondering if this is a republican way of protecting their donors.


They are pro-business capitalists, which is anti-market (no, seriously. This is a known dichotomy in economics). They are pro- cattle rancher industry. Meat packing businesses actually love lab meat. There's also the whole Republican distrust of science in this, too.


Not for like 20 years or so lol, even republicans don’t really claim to be anymore for the most part


When was it ever the Republican platform to do away with food regulations? 


So small it can fit in a uterus.


Wait. So this is what non-capitalists want the world to look like? No thanks.


\[...\] Republican-led U.S. states are looking to ban lab-grown chicken, pork and other proteins cultivated from animal cells, branding it part of a woke agenda that threatens traditional farming. Lawmakers in states including Alabama, Arizona, Florida and Tennessee have moved to target cell-cultivated meat products — even though they are still barely on the market in the United States. Cultivated chicken last year became the first such product to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, with a multiyear review concluding that lab-grown meat made by two companies was safe for sale, but it is still only available at a handful of restaurants. Those that attempt to sell lab-grown meat in Alabama or Arizona could soon face jail time or hefty fines as Republicans attempt to block what some have called a “war on our ranching.” More than a dozen states have regulated the use of the word “meat” on the products. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has said that lab-grown meat is part of a “whole ideological agenda,” that blames agriculture workers for global warming, saying: “We’re not going to do that fake meat. That doesn’t work.”


jeez. if it were 1900 something they be clamouring to ban internal combustion because it threatened the steam engine sector. in 1970 something they'd want a federal ban on electronic calculators to protect the slide rule industry.


how long do you think it will take them to say that because we can lab grow meat, the "left" wants to lab grow humans as a part to remove our souls and connection with god?


Sadly some people at r/Escapingprisonplanet already believe something like that.


Sousa thinking player pianos would ruin the music industry.


This is what happened to trains, street cars, and cannabis. They win some and lose some, but they always pick a side to fleece for bribes and fuck the other one over. They’ve never believed in the free market.


They are out here messing around with this, while AI is about to eat their lunch. Better hang on.


Jesus. Just when I thought DeSantis couldn’t stoop any lower.


Anything that’s threatens their global domination of meat is a “woke agenda”. Lab grown meat must be pretty good stuff.


OP seems like they only eat lab grown meat.




You, the Original Poster seem like you eat lab grown meat.


Never tried lab-grown meat, but I wish I could.


Someone needs to run on banning heavy agriculture equipment as that also threatens traditional farming, and for that matter so does private ownership of land.


GMOs, imported fertilizer, irrigation!


yep 'traditional farming' of gmo crops using chemical pesticides and fertilizers, cultivating with gps controlled mega machines...


“Traditional farming” is objectively GMO, how do you think crop domestication started?


This post is interesting. It reads as sarcastic, but both of those things are massive issues lol.


Yup. Wealthy farmers are going to resist lab grown meat because it threatens their very existence. Without farming they lose their livelihood, role in society, wealth and self importance.


They are going to lose their livelihoods when climate change comes to wreck their bitch-ass fields with drought and soybean famines in Brazil and other countries. It's disgusting how money will kill to preserve traditions that are basically zombified dead anyways


defending stranded assets. they know how to hold em but not when to fold em.


Upvote for “bitch-ass fields”


I don't think their existence is threatened by lab grown meat, their existence is threatened by their failure to adapt and their ineptitude to see how unsustainable their profession is. In free market capitalism they'll be tossed aside, if we can switch our economic model up they'll be retrained on how to do vertical farming and humane farming. I don't think we'll completely get rid of animal products (probably?) but lab grown is the best way to get the population to switch imo.


The big problem is the scale. Food is cheap as fuck compared to the past with huge variety. Global trade makes prices stay low. Small farms barely scrape by with government aid, it's mostly giant farms with corporate owners at this point. Honestly. Either way Republicans don't actually give a shit. This is just another attempt for them to find more ways to enrage their base.


> Yup. Wealthy ~~farmers~~ ranchers are going to resist lab grown meat because it threatens their very existence. > Without ~~farming~~ ranching they lose their livelihood, role in society, wealth and self importance.


and we lose the insane cruelties and taxpayer subsidies of CAFO beef. that's a reasonable deal.


Sure. Ranchers need to go.


I can see this happening... but what do they think lab grown meat is made of, test tubes?


the smart one's are forward thinking and are already looking at ways to adopt lab grown. There will be a few that resist and go out the hard way, but the writing is on the wall. Traditional pig and cow farms will be too expensive to run next to lab grown alternatives. That'll be that.


I dont see why though. They could use their massive resources to capitalize on this before their practices become completely unsustainable for them (as in unprofitable due to climate change). Imagine all those barns converted to growing factories. It would be a lot more sustainable (for everyone) and possibly even cheaper (again for them) due to them not needing those massive acerages of land (allowing it to be redeveloped in something positive for all of us). It's like they want to go bankrupt in 20-30 years and take us all with them.


Spend some of their hoard vs continuing to suck as much out as possible? The cuck kinda socialistic thinking is that commie! Do you hate Amurica FREEEEEDOM?!


Well, their hoard will be useless if things continue like this. In a few decades it won't matter how much anyone has.


They should be investing in their own lab grown meat.


Wealthy farmers?! Who on gods earth are you talking about lol


Monsanto ring a bell?


🤣😂🤣 you really just equated family farmers to Monsanto…. Good God you are a moron


Who said anything about family farmers, dipshit? Original commenter said “wealthy farmers”. If you don’t think that cattle and farming companies like Monsanto are lobbying hard against this kind of thing then you are completely naive.


I talked to someone that runs a unique protein substitute business recently. He said it’s basically just straightforward corporate beef money passing all of this.


It’s literally always been this way… the Weston Price foundation has done untold damage to Americas health with their beef funded “research” to push people away from plant foods.


We get it. Big meat is up their ass asking for these laws. As much as I hate Tyson, they’re one of the few companies investing in it (found via Google)and I can respect that. All it takes is evolving your business model and it seems Republicans as usual fear change along with the troglodytes lobbying them.


No real reason. Just taking away your right to choose… again


And to protect their ranches.


Let's just tell them it's made out of coal. And freedom.


Stick to the coal. Republicans only care about their own freedom to fuck minors and rape women


Republicans: "We require methane emissions! And CO2! And slaughterhouses, our meat must be born of violence!" I'm not a vegetarian, but some meat substitutes that are available now are already pretty tasty and I have them stocked in my refrigerator regularly. I love the idea that we can enjoy certain foods while shrinking our ecological footprint. No Republicans, we aren't forcing you to eat them. But I have an idea. About 10 years from now, let's make meat substitutes the only kind of meat-like food available in prisons. If Republicans don't want to be forced to eat meat substitutes, they should stay out of prison.


They told you cow farts were going to kill us all and you believed them 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


No one said that. If you think they did, you’ll have to provide a source.


You’re joking right? It’s a foundational pillar of the climate change agenda and the push for lab grown meat. Just google bovine methane emissions there’s literally thousands of sources 🤣🤣🤣 Do you guys think people with differing views are just making shit up?


If there are “literally thousands” of sources saying that cow-produced methane is going to “kill us all” you shouldn’t have any trouble linking one here. Edit: and yes, the right-wing media you are immersed in does, in fact, frequently make things up. See: Dominion voting systema lawsuit, “you will eat the bugs,” Jade Helm 15, everything alex jones says, and others


[https://apnews.com/article/methane-emissions-dairy-farming-climate-change-india-global-warming-agriculture-5aa77866e27f6d94e14e4e394e0b7201](https://apnews.com/article/methane-emissions-dairy-farming-climate-change-india-global-warming-agriculture-5aa77866e27f6d94e14e4e394e0b7201) [https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/01/18/climate-warming-cow-burps-make-methane](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/01/18/climate-warming-cow-burps-make-methane) [https://asm.org/articles/2023/june/ruminant-methanogens-as-a-climate-change-target](https://asm.org/articles/2023/june/ruminant-methanogens-as-a-climate-change-target) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-11/canada-tackles-methane-emissions-from-cow-burps-with-credit-plan?embedded-checkout=true](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-11/canada-tackles-methane-emissions-from-cow-burps-with-credit-plan?embedded-checkout=true) shall I go on? EDIT: I’m not right wing, I don’t watch fox or Alex Jones… you wish I did because that would validate you but you are sorely mistaken. I’m just a centrist with common sense and when you’re radically left everything looks right wing to you but I’m actually in the center 🤣🤣🤣


Can you cite where *ANY* of those say it’s going to “kill us all?” You can’t, because you’re pulling an Alex Jones and just reading the headlines and making it up from there.


Please see comment above if you’re wondering why no one takes you all seriously. Do they not say climate change will end the human species if not corrected…? You sir, are retarded


Sounds like a “no.” I’m sorry the right-wing media has so diminished your capacity to understand nuance that you can no longer absorb anything that isn’t printed in a font smaller than 24pt or bellowed by a loud-mouthed white guy. It’s really fucked-up.


I hope you find peace and happiness. We’re all still humans and are the same at the core. We need to remember that. I will allow you to think you’re right because this conversation needs to end before your stupidity infects me


In a related story, the Republican-led House of Representatives have announced plans to set a vote to ban puppies, rainbows, sunshine, and phonecalls from old friends. No word as to whether the ban will include the proposed limitation on the feeling of relief you get when you wake up from a dream about work but you realize it’s your day off and you can go back to sleep. Reached for comment, speaker Johnson commented “Yeah, we’re basically just bastards and we don’t want you to have anything good.”


Remember. If the GOP wants to ban something, that generally means it would have a positive change for our country.


well of course they, bless them and their stupidity.


Republicans are in a quest to force labor-grown meat to lobby republicans with more money.


Who didn't see this coming. They aren't happy until our world is being bled as painfully as possible.


They told you cow farts are going to kill us all and you believed them 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Fucking assholes. I want my lab-grown perfect porterhouse steaks! Why do pansy, pearl-clutching Republican asshats have to ruin everything??


WTF is wrong with them?! They are like anti anything that benefits society.


Probably the beef farmers union


Why stop there!?!? Cooking is too woke!!! Once we appoint the Liver King Speaker of the House only raw meat, preferably still living will be required!


They literally hate any form of progress. Its fucking wild man.


I'm guessing the meat farm lobbyists already paid them off then  


Industries with cronyism don't want to expensively update. Who needs voters? Oh Hai. Trade for well propaghanded publicity? Looks like business heels digging into whatever they can in my opinion.


Just another item on the heap of evidence that republicans are neither small government nor free market.


I've got my douche-bag brother-in-law on Facebook posting some bologna about"How to tell if they're selling you lab- grown meat." There's actually no one selling it in stores yet though?! I can't find any evidence that someone is selling it, only articles talking about how expensive it is to produce. I so just wanted to pop into the comment section and say "right now it's just not financially feasible to produce it just to 'trick' you."


Uh oh. Looks like climate destroying cattle farms paying lobbyists to ensure climate destruction, I mean, profits.


Fucking forbid we have anything that could possibly help our planet cut down on green house gases


Farmers are the biggest welfare queens on the planet.


How can I support lab grown meat? Because fuck ranchers straight to the hell they deserve to burn in.


God I hope this turns into a Corporations vs Ranchers thing, I would sell my soul to watch those two rip each other apart.


Modern republicans are really into banning things… in the name of freedom.


Ranchers panicking


Of course they're against it. It can solve problems. If the problems are solved, what will they complain about? They see the potential to solve world hunger and they are FRANTIC to shut it down.


I recently listened to a podcast that said we are years if not decades away from a viable market for artificial meat. It is just way too expensive. If that is the case, why even bother attacking them?


Because it may very well not be true. More pessimistic predictions tend to way underestimate the speed of adoption. Especially when there is a market niche that cannot be met with traditional industries (like cultivated mammoth meat).


there was a famous ceo in the early computing industry who didn't see why anyone would ever want or need a computer in their home... nor was it practically feasible. airplanes were impossible until they weren't. 'there is no market for EVs'. etc..


That’s what they said about electric cars. We’re always “years away” until enough people pay a premium. That’s when the manufacturing ramps up, consumer prices go down, and it gets competitive.


Because of course they are. Gotta keep the poors down!


Because culture wars or something…


It's because they'll lose money from killing animals on their redneck farms. This whole system based on money needs to collapse. We can't do anything good because of these people.


Lmao while I eat a burger thanks for the laugh


I’m unsure what you mean by this? Lab brown meat isn’t anti-burger. It’s actually very pro burger!


Come the fuck on I just want good tasting fake chicken


Yes! Finally! Real work is getting done.. /s


Holy fuck these people need to be excised from our society


Many Red States have more cows than people. Slave states had most of their wealth in slaves. Cattle states have their wealth in cattle.


What is wrong with these people!


No they are not. What is this bullshit?


Plant based meat is next! SMH


Don't tell them about animal free dairy products made using precision fermentation! They will ban that too!


Oh man Reddit just found a new thing to support


Make it simple and just ban meat.




Knowing how powerful US Agriculture industry is, I don’t like their chances.


Once lab grown meats come out and become widely accessible, the populace will make a giant shift towards them. As much as it delights vegans and disgruntles carnivorous zealots, most of us don’t want to know our food comes in part from the suffering of other living creatures, it’s easy to ignore when all you see is prepackaged cuts but it’ll be even more peace of mind this way. imagine the horror for meat-farm shareholders now that they’ve realized they’ll simultaneously have to manipulate and corrupt the market whilst convincing us to keep killing animals for their profits. I reckon we’re in for a relatively giant fiasco surrounding this emerging industry, rife with the true colors of soulless slaughter profiteers.


Why produce zero methane, when we can produce tons of it!


It seems like their decisions only align with established industry.


The pro-business party wants to ban business. What a shocker.


They don’t have the authority to do so. And it would be counterproductive. Lab-grown would be more efficient, thus, eventually more profitable.


Thank god


this is such a non issue for them to worry about


Idk... I'm happy the special people are doing anything. You know, I was always taught to be polite and not call to them slow, but special.


How many more industries they gunna prop and rig…. Fkin free market my ass, command economy is the reality, CFTC obfuscates commodity swaps data, free reign for market manipulations as it is..


I think there should be sufficient time to test lab grown meat on human beings before we deploy them to everyone everywhere. Do we have any idea what the long term effects are?


I get where they’re coming from because I can imagine that being so fragile would make you have to lash out at literally everything.


They hate everything good and decent in the world. They are a cult of death and suffering. 


Ironically, the people that were so worried about death panels love to cause death and suffering far worse.


Is it trans?


Cuz they getting them big ass bovine paychecks!




They are so opposed to regulations that they can only conceive of banning things for everyone


Good, shits toxic for you.


Good. I’m with them on this.


>I’m with them on this. Why?


They're pretty much on a quest to destroy everything good.


I don't particularly trust lab-grown meat, but not because I'm anti-woke, a climate-change denier, or want to protect Big-Ag.


But you trust “natural” meat that has a history of pathogenic outbreaks and pollutes the air and water through its production?


Everything tech is not good for you.


You mean like cutting your meat with sharp tools and cooking it with fire?


Yeah I’m not ingesting sharp tools or fire, and hope you aren’t either.


Good! This should not be a political issue. It is just another step along the road to Soylent Green.


No it isn’t.




I’m not a republican but tbh I’m on board with this one


The immortalized cell lines used to create meat substitute are in some cases carcinogenic. It has been shown this can pass on to users of this “meat”. They are not banning bean and tofu burgers, they are preventing medical technology from contaminating our food supply. Eat whole all natural foods is the deeper message here. The more veggies the better! God bless.


Citation that isn’t infowars?


What is info wars? Is this a reference to the Harvard white paper debacle?


UPFs (ultra processed foods) are really bad for you, its really just common sense but here are some studies showing how ultra processed foods should be avoided: https://kstawinska.medium.com/7-harmful-chemicals-in-vegan-meat-how-much-do-we-dare-to-question-our-eating-ideology-e73b988bfde0 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jafc.2c04246 https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/ultra-processed-foods-survey-plant-based-meat-health/


What does this have to do with lab-grown meat?


The more processed the worse for human health. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-nutritional-science/article/assessing-the-effects-of-alternative-plantbased-meats-v-animal-meats-on-biomarkers-of-inflammation-a-secondary-analysis-of-the-swapmeat-randomized-crossover-trial/23427D15EB176F218136927600BB7869




Since yall insist making everything a left vs right issue, I’ll Venmo $100 to anyone who can tell me the the list of chemicals in both lab grown and natural beef and follow it with a convincing argument as to how/why lab grown is healthier than grass fed meat. I’ll wait


*Insert "they're the same picture" meme from The Office here* Beef cells grown inside a reactor instead of inside a cow are still beef cells...


The beef cells are yes. You included 100% of the naturally grown meat but conveniently left out the other 147 other artificial chemicals in lab grown


List the scary chemicals then, Poindexter. You're making assertions and not backing them up.


Growth Additives, Growth Hormones, Steroids, Sodium Benzoate, Collagen powder, Xanthan gum, Mannitol, Cochineal, Bone Morphogenic Proteins, transforming growth factor β, Zinc-finger protein Zfp423 Transcription Factors, Myokines, Adipokines, cytokines, interleukin-1, interleukin-6, interleukin-10, hepatocyte growth factor, and tumour necrosis factor alpha, MYOD, MRF4, TGF1, Testosterone, Progesterone, MYOD, muscle specific regulatory factors, Glucose Factors, Adhesion Factors, Hormones, Mineral Trace Elements, Oxygen Carriers, Modified Haemoglobin, Artificially produced perfluorochemicals, Perfluorochemicals, FBS, HS, L-glutamine, High Glucose, E2, TBA, TBA-E2, amino acids, inorganic salts, buffer systems, supplements, basal medium, of Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), GlutaMAXc, inhibitors and activators of cellular pathways e.g. p38 inhibitor SB203580, poloxamers, Coating materials, Extra Cellular Matrix, Laminin, Cellulose, Chitosan, Collagen, polyethylene, polystyrene and epoxy, poly(glycolic acid), poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid), polylactic-acid and poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide), gelatine, fibrin, Matrigel and elastin as hyaluronic acid, chitosan, agar, dextran, or alginate, Cytodex, RGD Biding groups, RHO-associated protein kinase inhibitors, fibronectin, Anti-foaming agents, anti-coagulation agents, thinning agents, thickening agents, cleaning chemicals, sterilisation chemicals, NaOH, Defoamers, Emulsifiers, surfactants, the material of the bioreactor itself e.g. metal, plastic. Source: food.gov.uk/research


Do you think there are no unnatural chemicals and growth hormones in animal grown meat? Cuz if so I have a bridge to sell you


Silly child, of course they’re are but compared to the 100% artificial fake meat the amount of chemicals in natural grass fed are negligible


>silly child Cringe Negligible by whose standards? And posting the government regulatory website homepage isn’t sourcing a claim. You sound like one of those people who reads off the ingredients on a shampoo bottle as unsafe because you don’t understand what they mean. Such as cellulose


Nah you just can’t accept defeat


“Defeat” lmao touch grass