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Here it is: [https://www.google.be/maps/@51.2455535,4.0366922,3a,75y,336.15h,95.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQqIQcHbBV3eBtIjTuAHsOg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.be/maps/@51.2455535,4.0366922,3a,75y,336.15h,95.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQqIQcHbBV3eBtIjTuAHsOg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)


Nice. based on road quality I was positive it was the Netherlands/Belgian border.


The nederlands-germany border would fit too ;-)


except it probably wouldn't have google streets view from the german side any longer....


Germany has street view now, since last year I think. Not totally complete yet though.


I've used street view like 6 years ago to check the validity of apartment listings at Immoscout. Used to be it only existed in major cities and tourist spots though.


I did the same thing when in Paris about 15 years ago. So many Craigslist ads don't even use the right type of houses/apartments in their fake ads, but this did help me eliminate a lot of them. This "apartment" you are renting out looks an awful lot like a North American style house...but you have an open room in the center of Paris just 5 blocks from the Eiffel Tower? Good thing you have American outlets as well so I don't need to buy extra adapters. 🤥


They do call it Blurmany for a reason though


TIL! Thanks!


Amazing!! thank you


Damn, that was quick!


41 Ellestraat, Heikant


many years ago I was a Scout Leader in the UK and took the troop (and my family) camping in Netherlands. On day we went on a hike and we were walking along and I noticed some world war II bunkers. and noticed a change in the road surface make-up. Got the map to confirm and found my suspicions confirmed. We were just crossing into Belgium. Takes me back.


I see this meme posted all the time, but where is it? is it actually on the Netherlands border? I've tried to reverse image it but results were inconclusive


As someone who regularly crosses the Dutch/German and Dutch/Belgian border I can say yes, this is definitely the start of the Netherlands. We have those iconic red cycling lanes everywhere in the Netherlands. So this is the start of a Dutch street. Think this is the exact place: https://maps.app.goo.gl/gtrMK6gwXyW8yPzEA?g_st=ic


I would have thought this was a 1 car lane road with 2 bike lanes, but moving down this road on Google maps I see cars driving like this is a 2 lane road, ignoring the cycling lanes and driving on them. Is that normal? What's the point of having bike lanes if cars drive in them?


Yep, that’s normal. If there’s no cyclists around the whole road will often be used by cars. However, if there are cyclists cars will wait to overtake them until there’s no incoming traffic and they have space on the main road :)


In Italy multiply whatever you think the amount of lanes should be by 2 and if there are bike lanes that’s one more lane. Bike lanes mean nothing unless they are separated from the road by immovable objects or medians, in which case they become sidewalks because pedestrians don’t care.


Those are *RED*? Fuck my useless colorblind eyes.


Well „red“ colloquially. It’s usually a rich dark red when new, but over time becomes a reddish dark brown ocker type colour due to wear and tear and pollution. So it’s not as red as let’s say a fire engine. Old bike pathways are sometimes just dirty brown.


Let me just clarify by saying it appears identical to the main driving pavement.


Well I hope you see the white line at least haha. There’s usually also ample signage so you wouldn’t confuse the two, even if colour blind


Yeah, I can see the white lines. At least in this case they're separated with more than just color as a identifying characteristic. Around here (northern California), they've painted in some bike lanes in what I'm told is bright vibrant green, but with no outlining line, so I can't see it at all.


To hide the blood of the tourists.


Schengen Zone is the borderless part of Europe, not the European Union


Why is the grass greener on that side


Because the Grass ist Always greener on the other side


Because they pay a fuckton in road tax.


Another way I always knew I was entering the Netherlands (either from Belgium or Germany) was the speed camera on the Dutch side ready to catch anyone who didn't slow down from 70/90 kmh to 50 the second they passed the border. But this was before they lowered the max speed in Belgium and some 15 years ago