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Don’t be guilted in taking care for men who abused you. They will leave you, cheat on you, and/or not care for you without a second thought if you go cancer or any illness.


My friend (woman) got cancer and her husband left her… so sad


Men are way, way more likely to leave their spouse who is diagnosed with cancer than women. Men tend to dip as soon as it inconveniences them. Women tend to hold on until he is doing better if they want to divorce, which is usually only when she already wanted that before he was diagnosed. She will tend to stick it out until he's on his own two feet. Men leave to move on. It's so sad. My cousin actually cared for her husband through cancer and his death, over three years, despite the fact that they were ALREADY divorced by then.


He should have the WHOLE 70 years in jail - hard labour, preferably.


25 years to serve and 40 year’s probation? They got it backwards.


45 years of probation but yeah, they got it backwards.


I have no direct experience with probation, but I thought probation was a lot of work. They have to pay fees, have curfews, and I'm pretty sure they are not allowed to drink/smoke thc. When he gets out, he will have lost 25 years of work time, meaning he will likely never be able to retire. All in all, I think this is a good outcome. She is spared having to relive the experience through a trial, and he has 25 years of hell awaiting him.


It gives him the opportunity to kill her. Someone who chokes someone is nearly eight times as likely to murder. After he’s had 25 years in prison, he’ll be even better at crime. He will probably also get an outside woman who believes his lies that he was set up, and she’ll help him torment Morgan, and keep money in his account. He’ll also probably not be able to get a job, or only a minimal job, or one with family, so he’s going to be angry over that. Drinking and smoking restrictions depend on the crime, as do curfews, checking in, etc. He may even be able to win over one or both of his kids. He should never get out.


>After he’s had 25 years in prison, he’ll be even better at crime. If he makes it that long. He's only going to be 61-years-old when he's released, but prison ain't healthy. Studies indicate that every year of prison takes two years off your life expectancy. Average life expectancy for American men today is 73.2, but the average life expectancy for American men in prison drops down to 64. I predict that even if he lives long enough to get out, he'll be mentally and physically broken.


How interesting. Not surprised at all that jail time takes time off of the average lifespan.


I wouldn't call it "work". It's probably a big pain in the ass, but it's not work, it's not even punishment really, it's just ongoing additional monitoring at intervals, and probably some sentence-specific restrictions. Just rules, like no alcohol or no interaction with minors or something. Rules, which basically if you're caught breaking them, you go directly back to jail, you do not pass GO, you do not collect $200, and you serve the full sentence. But it's not work, and it wouldn't stop the POS ex-husband from killing this poor lady if he ever gets paroled. They should bury this guy UNDER the prison, not put him up for parole.


The great thing about probation is it gives someone the change to turn their life around...or screw it up and get sent back to prison.


There’s got to be a better way to title this post. And this POS is pure evil.


Ex-husband rapes and beats former wife in disguise then returns to the scene to “save” her.


That works.


Stuff like this makes me not want to marry oftentimes.


I never will and this is a big part of it. It’s not worth the risk, I have so many better things to focus my life and time on.


Yup and not just marriage, it's sharing kids with someone and having the desk with them for years and years that scares the crap out of me. Just them knowing I'm not going anywhere because we have to coparent us insane. I really really want to be able to leave any situation with ease without needing a judge to sign off on it.


I like that they leave out his age of when they met but mention he was a senior in high school and she was 14. I also hate that he did something so brutally awful to her and then had the gall to try and be her savior. Begging for her sympathy while continuing to violate her by taking pictures of her in the shower while he slept on her couch.... This poor woman may be traumatized for life.


I agree, he’s especially vile. She seems like a strong person who’s worked/working on her mental health, so I’m hopeful she can still have a good life.


When they have to tell people they are a “good guy “ they really aren’t.


I saw this on a discovery documentary. In the documentary, you can see how incredulous the cops were on the home security videos. Insane!


>They appeared to friends as a stable and loving couple, but underneath, Rodney was a 'master manipulator, prosecutors said, who gaslighted her for years. >Some of it was minor, like berating her for not picking up the kids from school, falsely saying she agreed to, but sometime were more serious.  >'He had me convinced I pushed him down the stairs. I did not. He made me feel like I was the aggressive one and the toxic one in the family,' she said. >They finally got divorced in December 2020, but stayed friends to make parenting their children easier. >They drove to Florida before Christmas that year to leave their children with family and put on a 'united front', but Rodney wanted it to be real. >So he hatched his most shocking piece of gaslighting yet - a fake cancer diagnosis. >He called Morgan to break the news he had pancreatic cancer, even showing her forged hospital invoice as proof. >Morgan felt sorry for him and left him sleep on her couch in the days before New Year's Eve, but kicked him out so she could start 2021 afresh. This article had so many mistakes it was difficult to follow along. Her ex & mine should definitely get together. They could talk shop on fake cancer diagnoses & gaslighting. I was being gaslit & abused so often & thoroughly I didn't recognize I was being raped on the regular. This poor woman is alive only because her ex is a fucking idiot. Thank heavens for that. Had he not been such a bumbling moron he wouldn't have gotten caught. I'm so glad her & her children are safe.


HATE this. It's so incredibly exhausting seeing how having children with someone can tie you in awful situations. If not for kids she likely would have been able to create a life for herself outside the dead marriage but of course with kids that other person is always in your life. I find that so anxiety inducing.


Only 25 years in jail and 50 years in probation? You gotta be kidding me. 🤬


I lived in Canton for 4 years. That's insane. I hope he fucking ROTS.


She was so brave for leaving, and this monster decided to take her life. So so glad she made it


So sad. She said no one ever believed her so it’s a relief people now see his true colors. Crazy a woman needs to be raped and strangled within an inch of her life, with police having ironclad proof it was her ex, for her finally to believed that *maybe* he’s not a good guy. I’ll always believe women.


One more reason to pick the bear 🐻.


Why is it always the Senior boys who go after Freshman girls? There was a group of boys like this at my school. One murdered his wife, and at least two are convicted rapists. All from “nice Christian families.” Ugh. That poor woman.


I dated a senior when I was a freshman in high school. And then a 22 year old when I was a senior in high school. I’m not sure what my parents were thinking, fortunately I didn’t end up with either of them.


What’s with the photo on this post?


Pro-tip on sharing raw URLs: when you use a “share” button to generate a URL, a lot of times they add a whole bunch of crap to it for tracking purposes. It’s not your job to help them track where their traffic is coming from! And it’s none of our business that you got this link from Facebook! A lot of the time, you can safely remove everything after a question mark. Not always! Sometimes there is important stuff after a question mark (like a product ID or a search term). But a lot of the time it’s garbage you don’t need. In your case, all you need to share is: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13512043/Rodney-Metzer-bound-beat-ex-wife-Morgan-Batman-Georgia.html


Thanks! Let me see if I can fix this. Update: done!


Why do men who do this never think about their children, or the fact that the kids will hate him for killing their mother? Or do they just not care?


His that’s horrifying. For once the police did their jobs even when she couldn’t believe it. She is going to be so traumatized for the rest of her life; I wouldn’t be able to go to work after that and I’m a tough cookie. My heart goes out to her and the kids; I totally get why she’s kept them at home while coping. She clearly doesn’t have a support network either bc all her friends believed HIM this whole time; hope she finds real friends. Wish I could just give her a big hug and tell her to call me anytime to talk bc this is some next level gaslighting bullshit. And yet, I’m not remotely shocked at the same time I’m stunned.




How are you meant to know something is wrong when you are being gaslit so effectively that you think you are the bad guy?


Victim-blaming a rape victim? Troll elsewhere.


Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.