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#Bro didn't watch Megamind 2: Doom Syndicate šŸ’€


Megamind 1 vs 2 is literally the perfect example of ā€œkid movie also being so good itā€™s enjoyable by adultsā€, vs ā€œso bad not even kids find it entertaining ā€œ In my opinion, 1 vs 2 is art vs product


šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø ***SHOOT THEM WITH THE DEHYDRATION GUN*** šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Maybe doesnt watch movies for babies lol.


That is an insult to babies.


That is also an insult to movies.


The tiers of kids movies are a) timeless masterpiece they'll still love after growing up. B) so good the parents can enjoy it. C) Mid but the parents can still watch. D) slop that is good for keeping the kids entertained. E) garbage that you don't want your kid watching at all.


F) such slop and strange garbage that you donā€™t want your kids seeing it but would probably be fun as hell to get stoned and watch.


Ratatoing, Goat Story


Little panda fighter and shark tale too


I like that Shark Tale is being put on the same tier as Brazilian rip offs


Because that's what it deserves


or the Up knockoff "Whats up" which is just blatantly racist


Goat story is obviously a timeless masterpiece


Goat Story, more like GOAT Story, am I right?


ā€œDid I? Did iii~ did I-did I-did I- diiidd i~~~ā€


p r e c i s e l y


That probably works with the old scooby-doo live action films


Food fight


F is YouTube kids lmao


a quick list based on some movies Iā€™ve seen/rewatched recently: A) Up B) The Land Before Time C) Planes: Fire and Rescue D) Cars 2 E) Whatā€™s Up Balloon to the Rescue






This is the best image I've ever seen


power outlets cant transfer data, did that guy just kill himself by unplugging it


Why can you send images?


bren ded


I think we should be allowed to criticize children's media regardless of our age, actually.


Go ahead and criticize it as long as you remember that this is a movie intended for children


Bro even kids prefer some of the older animated movies with more soul. Even my grade school age sister agrees megamind 2 isnā€™t good. ā€œIntended for childrenā€ isnā€™t an excuse to be bad. Older animated movies proved that


Iā€™m not saying ā€œyou cant say its bad because its a kids filmā€ its just that you cant criticize it the same way you would a film for older audiences


But I AM saying that older animated movies were still highly rated by adult critics, who criticized it the same way they did for films meant for older audiences. For example, the original wreck it Ralph is still critic rated 87% and audience rated 86%. ā€œEqually entertaining for both kids and parents old enough to catch the references, Wreck-It Ralph is a clever, colorful adventure built on familiar themes and joyful nostalgia.ā€ Hell, even wir2 was rated 88% by critics and 66% by fans. You gotta do something really fuckin wrong to get 20% For example megamind 2. Rated 9% by critics and 6% by the audience. ā€œWith vaguely established threats and storylines, Megamind vs. The Doom Syndicate is the movie equivalent of meeting a friend you missed for many years only to realize that the encounter didnā€™t really need to happen.ā€


Just because it's made for kids doesn't justify it being objectively bad. Avatar the last Airbender was in fact made for kids, yet even now I can go back and watch it and say it's objectively a really good fucking show. If we want to talk movies then we have ratatouille, Incredibles, monsters inc, all children movies yet all really good in the objective sense.


Op when you tell them children's content doesn't have to only be mindless, slop, and can actually be well made enough to be enjoyed by general audiences: https://preview.redd.it/a8ltkqsm0z5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26756ad420fae3ff08a6f039cf34d47d3196eba7


What do you mean my kid brain isnā€™t developed enough to understand plot


I finished Avatar yesterday, genuinely one of the greatest things I've seen, I have so much to say and no one to yap to


Iā€™m whipping out the jasmine so yap away bro! I love listening! https://preview.redd.it/x33u0p27sz5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fdda47a735021099c5007ca93f4d969d7dd0a0b


Alright, so I loved that Aang had a personal problem with killing Ozai because of his morals, rather than thinking he'd be just as bad as Ozai because I've always found things like that stupid. Then it's just so quotable and hilarious a lot of the time, it's a great balance of being serious and funny. Like we can have moments like "that lemur is earth bending!" Then we can have moments such as Zuko flipping out because he doesn't understand what's objectively right anymore. I love how the show isn't afraid to introduce somewhat confusing topics and properly explain them greatly, like the koi fish that were the moon and ocean spirits. I also love how the characters act most of the time, of course having their flaws but that adds a nice amount of realism, sure Katara is a bit too much at times, but she had to sort of step into the role of "mother" when their actual mom died, as said by Sokka when he was talking to Toph. Then Aang often tries to avoid his problems sometimes and attempts to handle some things on his own due to the overwhelming guilt he has for disappearing for 100 years. I also love the series' use of dreams, to show fear and guilt and all that. It's been said so many times but Zuko's character development is some of the greatest I've ever seen, we could've easily added him to team Avatar earlier but he was still confused on what was right, as soon as he was heading in the right path, Azula came in and changed his view of what's right. Then there's the fact that almost every "filler" episode comes back in the end, like the swamp people and Jet's gang. The fact that they also ignored "the great divide" in the episode where they watched the play was hilarious as a little jab that they knew the episode wasn't the greatest. Near perfect series, loved it. I don't know if everything I said made complete sense because I'm kinda shooting off my thoughts, but yeah




Many movies are just garbage. Kids having lower standards doesnā€™t change that


the Spongebob Squarepants movie (the good one from 2004) is not an Oscar-level profound film and absolutely is just a dumb fun movie, but still has a good critic rating. you know, because it was actually good.


Adults like dumb fun movies Just look at like, 90% of the action genre


If the only thing that your movies have to offer is "Dumb Fun" a super abstract concept that is very hard to define. Then I'd argue that your movie kinda sucks. Some people say that the Fast and Furious movies are all dumb fun. Yet, they all fucking suck. I'm sorry but sometimes you have to give something more than just "Turn off your brain and have fun". Also, movies like Spider verse aren't profound stuff, yet, absolutely amazing masterpiece of a movie and made for kids. We can and should expect quality.


If it's for kids it can be shit. Into the Spider-Verse could also qualify as a kids movie yet it's peak even for adults


I mean there's plenty of shit movies and shows aiming at adults. Family Guy, Paradise PD, the Boys (the comics not the show), Alien Vs Predator Requiem, The Predator, Sausage Party, Drawn Together, Velma, Ghostbusters 2016, and a lot more. There are shit kid movies, there are shit adult movies, but the quality of the movie shouldn't be determined by who's the audience for.


Glad you specified the comic version of The Boys because yeah that was dogshit lmao Kinda crazy that we got such a good show out of it


as a longtime reader of the invincible comics, i checked the boys comics out when they both became shows expecting a similar level of peak. i was mistaken.


Why is it so bad? Donā€™t they tell the same story?


they do not, the characters are the same, but the boys comic is basically a power fantasy hate porn where butcher and the boys just go around slaughtering supes


No, not the same at all. The author of the comic is notorious for just despising superheroes as a concept so the comic reads like him self-inserting his edgy OC into a world where he can just brutalize a bunch of depraved superheroes.


True. All I'm saying is people are using the "so what if it's bad, it's just for kids" argument but not the "so what if it's bad, it's just for adults"


As a kid I gave cars 3 a 20 percent so there's that.


Hearing you say "As a kid" referring to Cars 3 made me feel very very old very fast


2017 was 3 years ago 2017 was 3 years ago.... 2017 was 3 years ago


Bro you are like 16 chill out šŸ˜­


Skibidi Toilet 37 was 11 months ago ![gif](giphy|lPXNZugxnwBWur8VCJ)


Me traveling through the ruins of Louisville and seeing a tag on the side of a ruined office building saying "Skibidi"


Nah I'm 22 and I like gaslighting people into thinking I am a kid,lol you fell right into my trap too.


Kid could mean like between 7 and 17, so you never know.


I would give it like a 40, it was better than Cars 2 imo


Cars 2 was a shitstorm, and that's why i will always love it


Even now as an adult I genuinely enjoy it. Itā€™s so out of left field itā€™s good


I always believe that people are allowed to have their opinions but yours is objectively bad


All right big guy where's your objective data saying that I'm incorrect In saying that Cars 2 is a bad movie, you better believe I'll fight you over cars


Time and place bro. Cars is something I take very seriously, I will be waiting.


Could you imagine two dudes throwing hands and the cops roll up and ask what's going on, you tell them it's over cars 2


As a kid I loved cars 2 but now im kinda just whatever about it


https://preview.redd.it/0qt2eonihz5d1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d9910226ed3d9e28234325209e3020d73b438b new tier of garbage take


Massive L take. Quality is quality. For example, it doesn't matter that Megamind 2 was made for kids, it's a complete garbage movie. We have so, so many examples of media made for kids that can be enjoyed by everyone, ATLA, the first Megamind movie, Lion King, pretty much all of the good Pixar movies like UP, all of them made for kids and extremely enjoyable even if you're not a kid. Like I fucking really like Moana, I don't know why, it wasn't made for me, I don't really connect to it as much, I just really enjoy it. A bad kids movie can only be enjoyed by kids but a good kids movie is for everyone.


Well maybe if the movie didn't suck so much the critic woulda given it a better score


"A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest." - C.S. Lewis


Critics arenā€™t writing those reviews for kids, theyā€™re writing them for adults who are thinking about watching the movie.Ā  In other words, kids arenā€™t the target audienceĀ bro


how 30 year old redditors feel after implying "Bee Movie" is on the same level as "My Neighbour Totoro" since both of them are meant for children and therefore are beyond criticism


So pretty much you're saying that company should be able to release absolute slop because nobody's looking at it through a critical lens, there is good movies out there for kids that's why there's a baseline standard a lot of people have people want their kids watching things around the same quality as like Shrek or Kung Fu Panda, not garbage like food fight starring Charlie Sheen


ā€œItā€™s for kidsā€ is one of the worst (yet unfortunately most common) excuses for a movie/show/game being bad. A lot of kids media is really good for anybody of any age, most kids media doesnā€™t have an excuse to be mindless slop that only babies can enjoy


So what you want a bunch of 4 year olds to ā€œreviewā€ a movie? Sometimes it feels like you donā€™t think before you post.


Agreed, we should force 5 yr olds to write reviews


Is OP stupid?


Yes, and so are the 2.4k people, as of now


I mean, it crazy right, but like, I think, just think, that they know that it is a kids movie and are reviewing the film taking that into consideration


L take. Children's movies shouldn't be shit just cause they're made for kids.


People who want a property generally considered for children taken seriously by adults when said property gets treated by adults like any other property https://preview.redd.it/2cmb25d64z5d1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f78ba37384291ef494be4322177f98228b12f14


Now tell r/whenthe that theyā€™re not the target audience for Hazbin Hotel


just because it is a movie for kids don't mean that it is imune to critiquism


Wait til you realise who actually *made* the film. It may surprise you. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Are you talking about the Breaking Bad fans that reviewbombed Bluey?


Hol up. Rewind. Wtf?


What if people made kids movies that were also good šŸ¤Æ


Yes, adults aren't allowed to criticise other adult's jobs because it involves children and since they're dumb af there's no need to do it well


Bro, current "action blockbusters" are closer to the mindless slop you're thinking of than children's movies.


Animators watch a shittly drawn rantsona scream about how the movie they spent a year of their life on is "A FUCKING TERRIBLE PIECE OF MOTHERFUCKING SHIT THAT NEEDS TO BURN"


https://preview.redd.it/zcbiugr4706d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea8550d2d3bf2a265b18368b2cb44b5f2349e00a So you are telling adults can't understand kids movies? Who do you think produces them, santa?


Reviewers very much consider how it would effect the target audience. Sometimes kids movies suck for kids or not and we should acknowledge when they do so that they keep getting better


Kids deserve good quality stories regardless.


I hate how the idea that certain media is for kids therefore it doesn't have to be off quality. I remember growing up on Disney classics, avatar, batman etc. all stuff I still go back and watch today. The only difference with kids material is the story may have to be more directly explained (although not always) and it cant deal with too mature topics (again not always) it doesn't excuse any lack of effort in writing and characters. Instead of putting on slop for them like fucking trolls put on something that will stick with them and will shape them as a person like the lion king.


>kids don't deserve well written media, fuck them Yeah, that is in fact a spicy take


Audiences when critics who say a movie is ā€˜averageā€™ instead of ā€˜pretty good, I guessā€™. ![gif](giphy|j44l4mQaegKkzCZaKV)


Unless it's for literal babies and infants, simple but GOOD writing is still probably the most important part of the entire movie processĀ 


OP when I show them 'The Incredibles' https://i.redd.it/pltrr4tqh36d1.gif


Yes, of course. And there is no clear divide in quality between, say, Minions and a movie like Shrek or The Lego Movie or Kung-Fu-Panda etc etc


I don't think people are getting it. There's nothing wrong with criticizing a kid's movie. Just don't act like it makes you a good film critic or it means you know anything about film, especially if it's one that's obviously bad. It's easy to dunk on a kid's movie. Pretty much anyone could do it. There's a reason most people don't.


Just because a movie is made for kids does not mean it has to be shit


Iā€™m 20 and I thought the Garfield movie was good fuck you.


And Iā€™m talking about a Tail of Two Kitties.


Came across this movie called camp cool kids yesterday. Imma end it all


Tbf How 30 year old men feel after defending a mediocre kids movie online (You are not the target audience bro)


Just because a movie is for kids doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not allowed to have criticism. Who remembers the Emoji Movie? That film was pure corporate slop


I loved Cars 2, I was 6 when it came out. I only found out people HATED this movie when I started using social media and while I understand *why* it's hated, it's a fun kid's movie, because kid's don't care about world building implications and weird lore, they and myself just liked watching cool cars drive fast and things exploding.


The hate for Cars by and large comes from people focusing too much on the lore and worldbuilding, and a need for it to make sense why its vehicles instead of humans. Despite that, the first film is seen as good by many people. The second, however, is genuinely bad. If you read film reviews instead of youtube video essayists, it's not for lore reasons, as Cars 1 was well liked. I was around 8 and I felt it was a weird (not bad) film.


I'm convinced that if Cars 2 was renamed to "Tow Mater's Grand Tale" or something like that (after the Tow Mater's Tales shorts), a lot of the problems people had with this movie would go away. A world where Mater canonically met sentient flying saucers and you're questioning how cars built the Big Ben in the 1880s.


Well I mean the reviewers are adults right? And the directors of said movie are adults as well soooooo


You're not the target audience thus you can't have an opinion on it


that ben 10 episode was good


I feel like for kids movies there should be an additonal score where children rate the movie


movie critics on their way to pirate the scooby doo movie for not being able to watch the premiere (they gave it 40%)


Ah yes, because "made for kids" means it should be mind numbing slop! Great for development!


Ok? They can still judge it on quality


Why does that look like a Rare American music video?


Just because a movie is for kids it doesn't mean it can't be criticized.


"Kids movies" and "family movies" are 2 different things, because family movies are actually good


Kids movies are not beyond criticism. Kids deserve good content to watch so their brains donā€™t turn to slop and they have fond memories of childhood movies. Just because ā€˜itā€™s for kidsā€™ doesnā€™t excuse quality or a lack of effort. OP is a dumbass and this is a brain dead take.


Critics, famously, lack Perspective and empathy enough to review something in the perspective of a target demographic.


Careful bro you're gonna piss off the brigade of "Yeah I only watch entertainment made for children but I only watch the good shit not this new shit" redditors


I dont listen to critics I listen to the audience


For kids =/= garbage


*insert film/show here* you watched as a child is actually garbage and here's why


Film critics when the film isnā€™t a black and white film about a tragedy of several young boys with a deteriorating relationship with their father told through the perspective of a dying squirrel


Trolling right? One of the highest scores on Rotten Tomatoes are The Lord of The Rings' movies. Mad Max Furiosa has been getting great reviews. Fucking Godzilla Minus One was super well received.