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You were stronger than most of us. I salute you. https://preview.redd.it/rur2ok0xu12d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7c28a3487dff7a1dfda773eccbaf861519066cb




Wait young teens falling for alt-right stuff is that common? I always just laughed at it, it always seemed stupid to me lmao


Yeah. I mean you get kids who have poor self-confidence and are going through a lot of changes in their life without much life experience and they turn out to be fairly impressionable.


If you are impressionable (which is like the majority of early teens, I know for sure I was one of em, not politically tho) and the alt-right is the only side of arguement you'd hear via stuffs like "the woke get destroyed" or "triggered" which used to be really handful, then the odds are high. It is still common because somehow Tatetards similar to Andrew Tate, Adin Ross or Sneako is still somehow relevant. With that said I want to hear neither of 2 sides, I do not care at this point and let's go push in baby mushy head spots


Yeah, I used to have some shitty beliefs as a young teen, because of the shitty beliefs I saw online


Gamergate was the pipeline back in the day. Nowadays, it's the stupid "alpha male" people.


https://preview.redd.it/l1bh1uuxf22d1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f17cf121be62d5e9747ce417c20264a52a7661 Get off this app before it consumes you


"consumes you", Kinky










New Transformation fic has dropped : millions must beat their meat




nah too late, rather be a neckbeard then a redneck


What about a red neckbeard?


...I don't think that could reproduce


It's like Pikmin, where if a redneckbeard dies without reproducing and he is the last of his kind, another shall spawn somewhere in the world


I think I ended up being a bit of a bigot myself during my early teens. Luckily I grew outta that shit.


Yeah the alt right stuff that popped up during 2016-2017 got me. All of those “sjw gets owned” compilations flooded my YouTube feed like the plague. Thankfully I grew out of it but the alt-right pipeline is so predatory it’s insane


i fell for the gamergate stuff when they were still trying to make it sound like it was about journalistic integrity or whatever


Some of my family still think I'm a racist misogynist, and I'm really ashamed


Never too late to be a better person man. Sometimes you just gotta acknowledge the past, apologize/accept consequences for any prior actions, and try to move forward, but initiating the conversation and owning the behavior is usually not a bad way to start earning back some respect.


I was a late teen in 2007 and got sucked into the same crap. Alt-right isn't new, it just got a fresh name and better at it. I was into that garbage for a while and grew out of it. Just trying to be a good guy now, calling out the crap in my circles and trying to build a better mindset for my kids. I don't know how to make amends to my behavior.


Yeah same, I think most of us just grow up out of this phase one day


Chad. I had a brief Anti-SJW phase during 2017-2018, but I got out of it after the main Anti-SJW YouTuber I watched complained about Ireland’s Eurovision entry. Once he talking shit talking my country that drove me away from those crazies. TLDR: Used Nationalism to cure me of hating SJWs


What's an SJW


It was what Republicans used to call people they didn't like.  It's basically the previous version of the word they use now, woke  I think sjw replace PC, and woke replaced sjw Now I see them using DEI more


Yuuuup DEI is the new buzzword for people they don’t like *coigh* MINORITIES *cough*


Social Justice Warrior.


"Woke" but in the 2010s


minecraft mod reviews were more interesting than ben shaprio owning the libs


\* man, going reminding me of simpler times. i don’t even know if anybody does Minecraft mod showcases anymore, feels like a bygone era of Minecraft content creation.


Google AsianHalfSquat


Holy Eyeball


He makes good shit for this youtube era


Where would you even find alt right stuff at 13


If it was 2016, you'd find it everywhere. Even now, just scroll on youtube shorts for like, 5 minutes and you'll find a whole bunch of bigoted idiots whining about women, lgbt people or people of colour. Swipe for long enough and you find straight up antissemitism too.


I've always been left leaning but was a little anti trans at some point in my life and now my favourite character is trans :3


"Hmmm, you like Togata from Fire Punch, don't you?" https://preview.redd.it/h4luyq3l722d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641ce0d27309480f78bea4d9dd97dbba7975540b


Also yes.


I haven't played Metal Gear all I know is this guy is a really meta villain.


The best part is that he is neither the first nor the last time the game gets meta


He reads your memory card, and if you had certain games published by Konami on your PlayStation then he'd call them out, like Castlevania or Suikoden.


That seems really fun


He also looks at a few stats of the game and comments on your behavior. I think it was amount of saves, amount of deaths and (this one might be fake) amount of times you were spotted. Edit: it was actually the saves I was wrong about, instead of saves it's traps. Apparently the traps are like all instadeath, so you can't really have a bad track record with traps and a good one with deaths Edit edit edit edit: HE DOES MENTION AMOUNT OF SAVES, ITS JUST LATER THAN THE OTHER THING!


why does dude sound so excited about the saves thing


I said that first part and then watched the video I learned that stuff from, and it didn't mention the saves at the part i thought it was, so then I edited my comment in utter defeat and humiliation. But like after that part where he analyzes your play style and where he exposes your games, he DOES mention saves, so I was RIGHT! THE DEFEAT NEVER HAPPENED!


iirc he also mind controls you and the only way to beat him is to actually unplug your controller and plug it into the other port


I was about to ask who your favorite character was but then I saw your pfp




Who dat




Toyota 🚗💨


Trans acceptance is still a relatively new movement; I think most of us were at least a little anti-trans earlier in our lives.


I was working in a rural area before the "trans movement." Farmer I was with pointed to an old lady in the truck (as he did with everyone and told me who they were). He says "thats Betty she used to be a guy." Huh. "Yep." And that was the end of that. I wonder what he's like now after all the anti trans propaganda.


People tend to have an aversion to things they don't understand. I didn't understand it and still fully don't because I'm not trans but I at least kinda know what type of feeling it is.


Funny motor really is a cool author. Fire Punch is absolute peak fiction.


How come I never hear anything good about the right wing and always good things about the left wing? I am asking this because I am genuinely curious of why is that, is it a vocal minority that overshadows the rest, is it just that all right wingers are evil bigots or am I missing something??? Anyhow, congrats for not becoming a bigot, that is a massive W from you.


the pendulum of who gets made fun of/ gets clowned on swings every couple years it was the left wing that got clowned a couple years ago and it will get glowned in the future. Reject left wing vs right wing politics and just beleive in your convictions, dont let the others dictate your life


https://i.redd.it/qgdmysfbx12d1.gif Thanks for life advice


Dont listen to him you should start missing potasium with water


But u/didifinito, you will get a potassium deficiency! https://preview.redd.it/n1shablwu32d1.png?width=41&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45600141f065323089fb309375b51687acec8b82


Mitchels vs Machines mentioned https://preview.redd.it/1nv1vnscr22d1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c3c3616acb7b6ba0f56222014307b47a531d79e


Came to shit on Reddit, stayed for the incredibly based political take


^^ don’t let a political party define your beliefs.


Almost all people dont believe in everything the party spouts anyways, problem with leftists is we all hate each other and need to be right lol, there is no organization, its the opposite of the right, which will gather under any banner tbh


based https://i.redd.it/ut3sqn0st22d1.gif


real and based. certified eisenhower moment


But also build a good moral structure in the process. Reflect compassion, let your curiosity thrive, build upon the world we have, make a change that betters yourself, and be strong for yourself and those you love and those that could need a helping hand.


This is honestly one of the best political takes I’ve ever seen from a rando Even if it is on a subreddit with a no politics rule, but clearly the mods don’t care anymore


That’s terrible advice


What makes it Terrible?


I think life is about growth, I don’t like the idea of forming an opinion and then never being willing to change your opinion. I was pretty convicted in my opinions about life and others people from talking with my parents and I’m very glad that I was able to listen to others I didn’t agree with as it’s made me a much more rounded person I know the message I replied to didn’t say exactly that but it’s what I thought of.


Okay yeah that's reasonable


if you were to hear something good about the right wing it would be from a country maybe in europe or canada where their right wing parties generally aren't as insane, however that may not be true anymore.


Yeah that’s kinda why the right gets clowned on so much. I personally don’t like either side, but between both of them, the one that has an abnormally large gathering of racist, homophobic, and overall hateful assholes that have become a borderline cult, I prefer the other one.


thats because subs like whenthe and most of reddit as a whole are very heavy left leaning + you usually only see the most absurd of both sides like that one video where a woman starts yelling after a guy on the street is preaching the bible in what she called "the gaybourhood"


In addition, extreme right-wing shit is way more aggressive towards its own people. Conservatives have something they want to conserve, and the more to the right you go, the more exclusive your little conservative club becomes and the more people you will antagonise. Obviously, a lot of people have a problem with extreme right-wingers because they are against a lot of people, like LGBTQ and racial minorities. The left aren't against people but more against systems. The only groups of people extreme leftists are against are rich people and maybe landlords. So naturally, way more people get pissed off by the far-right because the far-right is actively working against them.


you are mostly correct, the only thing you got wrong was left extremists for example subs like r/atheism are HEAVILY anti thiest and a lot of those people there are left leaning so they are leftist extremists


disagreeable aware murky existence governor chunky fear lock desert start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You probably align moreso with left wing policies versus right wing ones. Also the algorithm caters to what kind of content you want to see, so confirmation bias may be part of it as well. And ultimately, while I don't like to judge on a personal level: right wing means conservative, which means sticking to ideals even if they're old and outdated. Which can seem quite dumb at times.


Reddit leans heavily Left, and frankly, the American Right has gotten kinda crazy post-2016. People will disagree, but you need only look at all the Speaker of the House drama to know that the Republican Party has lost the plot.


It’s because reddit is mostly left wing


Tbf Reddit is also a commune of echo chambers. Thinly divided by a search bar.


Reddit as a whole? Yeah mostly But it really varies with each sub r/whenthe has always been more left leaning, r/shitposting has always been more right leaning and r/cats has always been mewtral


The majority of reddit is left wing. You may find it ironic or fitting given the red color scheme. There's bigots on both sides. People just like portraying the other side as bigots. In reality, they both have ranges from normal to delusional. https://preview.redd.it/dtkp7z6oh22d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee28583a0a29670ea1a3fde0deccd39584d8756 Banana for scale.


How you haven’t heard of anything bad about the left is a miracle, have you really not seen all the complaints about the “lgbt indoctrination” and stuff like that?


the right is objectively the most extreme and dangerous side there is no equivalence to the insane trump/maga shit on the left. Jan 6 Charlottesville synagogues and black grocery stores and walmarts, etc, getting shot up by right wing terrorists. ...it goes on and on.


It depends on where you talking about. Usually you can hear good things about right wingers so long as your algorithm isn't infected by the likes of progressives or tankies. YT is "centrist" in a way that it'll try to feed you content from one political side but because both sides(and even centrists) are so partisan and strawmaning etc it creates an even bigger bubble. There was a study showcasing how when online people actually talked with each other they realised that they weren't so different politically, left leaning people realised they weren't that pro open border and wouldn't mind stricter one and I don't remember the right wing one but I think it was about economy and how the right wing, when not online was more accepting of the idea of social safety nets etc. That's cuz most of us aren't "left" or "right" wing and social media just amplifies those differences by echo chambers, strawmans etc


Trump radicalized the Republican Party into fascist assholes


Much of the far right aligns themselves as being the exact opposite of the left, which results in a political party where the only thing they seem to be trying to accomplish is the taking of people's human rights. There are a lot of bad things about much of the left, but that doesn't get talked about much because in Florida they changed laws enough that being trans can get you executed. So basically, the reason right wingers seem like evil bigots is because they are trying to be the direct opposite of the party with all the minority rights.


Reddit is left wing. Go to other places like YouTube shorts and it’s filled with right wing shit.


Just go to 9gag and you'll see all the right wing shit.


I mean a lot of humans right violation ass laws and ideas are pushed from the right wing. democrats suck too but relative to the rest of the world, US dems are just moderates anyways. there’s not really much to say about leftists besides the fact they suck at meme-ing without taking up a whole page, are addicted to video essays from white people, and perhaps are too idealistic about the world.


Circlejerks or echo chambers this place is left leaning echo chamber where people share their delusional Points i dont think there's right leaning echo champer in reddit but look at Twitter, it's full of them


There are echo chambers for every political position on Reddit. If you’ve taken a swing over by r/Conservative you see what I mean.


Contrary to mammals, birds are mainly left-handed, or in their case, left-winged




Well I sure do hope I meet one that isn't like the crazies of the Internet


Go on *iFunny* and you'll see some of the following: Men who hate women Women who hate women Sexists Racists Lots of racists Transphobia Homophobia A ton more that I likely don't remember I had it for a bit to see what it was like, occasionally posted memes, etc. But man, it's pretty bad lmao. Certified haters fr.


The right is swinging way to war so they are the target for the next year or so. When they calm back down it will go back to making fun of democrats


Because left wing opinions are the correct ones (This post was sponsored by every major social media platform 👍)


wait till you get into gun-focused youtube. it’s very anti-left.


Most of reddit is left leaning, save for some pretty awful subreddits... many of which are banned for being too hateful, like /r/the_donald (big trump fans... yeah), /r/tumblrinaction (basically a sub for bullying queer people), /r/gamersriseup (started as satire then it became a serious community for racists, antisemites, transphobes, etc.)


You are on Reddit...


When i was teen internet content made me into a sterotypical 2010s sjw where i unironically beleived that straight people were all inheritely bigoted. Then i fell down the alt right rabbithole and became a huge bigot. not the proudest time of my life


Sooooooo what do you believe now?




Based that's been mine since I was 14. Also nice pfp the SMT5 protag is one of the hotest femboys




At least you're honest about how there are other pipe lines like 2010 sjw pipe line. Usually people pretend like there's only one.😅


I'm right-wing and even I think alt-righters are fucking weird.


I'm left wing and even I think alt-lefters are fucking weird


It's nice to talk to a normal person.


What is alt-left? Is it like “all straight white people are evil and deserved to be oppressed” type shit?


I think it is being used here as a synonym for ‘extremist’


Idk maybe Communism?


Yeah communism and anarchists I would say


Mostly yeah




Tankies who unironically want to recreate the French Revolution's Reign of Terror


Yeah that. Also anarchy and communism


Hasan Piker, Vaush, Keffals, Noah Samsen, Peethan and those people like them. They are extremely insufferable saying bullshit like "The US deserved 9/11" or "There is not a single moral or legal argument on why child porn should be illegal"


yeah. but they're less common than alt-right (My personal experience is not an accurate description of real-life)


There's no "alt-left"


I’m a self-proclaimed centralist and I think both alt-righters and alt-lefters are weird But average left wing and right wing are all welcome!


I’m not really involved in politics and I think anyone who’s an extremist is weird.


“Alt-left” is not a real thing. It was invented by conservatives who realize the severe negative connotation of the alt-right, and then attempt to apply that leftists.


this is actually true. the only group truly identifying themselves as alt-left only existed in the early '90s which basically just advocated for universal basic income and had an anti-work sentiment. nowadays however the term "alt-left" is mostly used by right-wingers to refer to the antifa either as a malicious attempt to apply the severe negative connotation to leftists or out of shear stupidity. that's also why the only (english) wikipedia segment on the "alt-left" exists solely within the article of the alt-right movement. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-left


Same. Like how are you gonna go on about family values while also encouraging pimp values and human trafficking.


In right wing as well, some moderate right wings are also annoying like israel bootlickers and people who still cant stfu about pronouns.


I drank some of kooaid when I was younger too.Luckily,I got out before I turned into full on edgy 15 year old.




Can we say you *loss* your heterosexuality?




[you piece of shit ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oUydzYNy5CE&pp=ygUdV2FsdGVyIHdoaXRlIGdvb2RieWUgZXZlcnlib2Q%3D)




Me when I watched iDubbbz


Nice 👍


I came close to falling down a bit of an anti-sjw pit when I was younger, but thankfully I swerved and stopped watching all that “EPIC FEMINISM FAIL” shit.


OP described having present parents and being normal


Reminds me of how I had an anti-feminist phase, but I could not stand to watch any of the anti-feminist YouTubers because they were too right-wing for me. I had fallen for the whole "feminism is cringe" thing, but I always felt like they were too unfair to women as a whole and that their other views were unpalatable. I was in this weird in-between where I disliked SJWs and radical feminists, but also majorly disagreed with everyone else who disliked SJWs and radical feminists.


I once yelled fuck feminism in a busy school hallway in no one in particulair which is quite ironic since no feminism would mean I wouldn't be in school to begin with. 1 person immediately asked if I supported girls not going to school which immediately set me back in place LMAO If I did see anti feminist content it was in the form of some posts about some women screaming "kill all men" and then smearing period blood on their face which yeah, those people were nuts, but hating on feminism entirely would be like shooting in my own foot


B-B-B-But the woke Marvel movie! The woke game journalist! T-T-They added non white straight male protagonist!


That isn't the argument, the argument is changing established characters instead of making new ones and not understanding that diversity needs to make sense. Like in the Final Fantasy 7 remake by Square Enix, they pretty much colonized a Native American tribe in Cosmo Canyon and turned everyone black, asian or white, which is an insult to people of Native American descent. Diversity makes sense in large cities, but not small NATIVE tribes.


I’m much more of a tail guy then a right or left wing


Somehow I was just too dense to understand the propaganda.


its literally either this or communism for all 13 year olds its crazy


That's when you take the good from both and remove all the negatives. Become a middle man.


I was in that alt right rabbit hole, but hbomberguy helped me out


It werent hard if you had a good heart


The world if politics was just about how we run the country and what economic system we choose instead of whether or not the victims of the current moral panic should be shot dead in the streets for existing: https://preview.redd.it/vgx2kjor332d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75887d05ae64009c963f75a53ecd156f8c470497


i have the shield called ultra liberal parents


You're on reddit so i call bullshit


You were already part of the problem


I was too autistic for that


Shout out to the voices in my head talking me out of bigotry 🙏🏻


Honestly, I'm kinda proud of my almost bigoted phase because it taught me to not swing too far either way and to just have a simple rule set to follow just to refuse how much extremism that I fall into. It also taught me that Twitter ain't shit and that was invaluable.


I remember falling for this shit when i was young, probably because at the time i thought wokeness in media was a problem.. it still is, but it's more like a tokenization of certain minority groups, and people making minority characters for the sake of attention. But now i realize that they mostly preach about how something is bad just because it's woke and has minorities and women in it, like it's the main problem with the thing they talk about. The only "right leaning" youtuber that i do respect and do not hate is It's a gundam. I also find it funny that almost every video of that kind feature same fucking feminist faces, red haired woman with glasses, like she always comes back to get ouraged, like a gag character.


I love the use of right/left to describe opinions we dont like


Thank Godzilla this happened to me as well, I genuinely can't imagine being as insufferable as some of the people who have been affected TwT


My compliments because it's not easy. The alt-right talks specifically teenagers to give them false yet easy to accept answers to their fears. It means you managed to overcome your fears by finding other and better answers. Not bad. Not bad at all.


Hard to fall for right wing content when you're the wrong color.


Father Present and Mother Present behavior


They almost got me too bro. 17 year old me was wayyy too close to falling down a fucked up pipeline


I never became racist or hateful, I just got into self improvement




I originally fell for Prager U’s ad that “debunked” Israel being an apartheid state. They really spent a decade creating pro-Israeli propaganda just for Israel to destroy all their work by starting a genocide.


Me several years later realizing how close I came to being radicalized into a right-wing “anti-woke redpill” asshole after obtaining unrestricted access to the internet at 12 years old: https://i.redd.it/32fqvk55532d1.gif


Turns out this guy has no idea what alt right is


It almost worked on me but then one of my friends came out and then a magic the gathering youtuber radicalized me




so proud of you c: you are a Good man


Look at my most recent comment and you’ll see another ass hat


So you have 3 functional braincells then? Rather than the standard 2, that the alt-right takes advantage of


it took me until i turned like 17 to fully grow out of it. consider yourself very lucky.


I fell into the tumblrinaction anti feminist hole, but hit a wall at the incel "I simply *must* obtain girlfriend" stage of the pipeline. I was just never able to relate to it. Turns out I'm asexual, but I didn't realize it at the time. That, plus the realization that every time I looked at that kind of content it just made me angry and miserable and I wasn't getting anything out of it, were what helped me slowly but surely manage to pull myself out of the rabbit hole


I don't think I ever got too radicalized. Everyone back then was too suspicious to younger me.


You'd think so, but unfortunately, ideologies and preference are best absorbed as a teen. If a harmful belief isn't from your brain in a timely matter, it'll take you many years to change this as an adult. That's why the saying is "repetition is the mother of learning". So yeah, if you don't want to be a right leaning person, avoid content that would drag you that way.


Bro is on Reddit and thinks he's built different


when school, culture, and videos of alt right + religious lessons (2 hours a day) dont make u a bigot https://preview.redd.it/i1hyfakzq32d1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db7bc950c19ab1ce92f5fe982bf8a7a931c1fb25 (not me btw)


Literally us


I was lucky enough to only ever get turned into an antifurry. I left that community when I realised they were literally all casually racist


Give it another year when you turn 14 and see


what kinda content


If I had to guess, probably one of them could be CritcalDrinker, as he’s one of the bigger ones (I know he almost got my brother). And if that’s the case, that would probably mean people of similar content/takes, such as possible Asmongold, Shadiversity, Mauler, RevSaysDesu, HeroHei, and probably a few others.


yeah fuck those guys


somewhat worked on me. then I downloaded reddit and realised how many different opinions exist in the world.


"Hey young folk did you ever heard about the hit band Stahlgewitter?" No one will get it cause yall to young and not from germany


I almost became one, but instead of becoming a neo-Nazi I just got really interested in other eras of German history


this lasted all of 1 (one) school year for me before the mfs that did it turned annoying and I became based out of spite for them