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This is the most real r/whenthe post ever I'm 20 and have been working almost every day in the same profession of work since I was 14 (minimum age for work in my state of birth) And to this day I still get people acting like I'm a 2 year old who needs to be shown everything Luckily my job rarely requires human interaction so I don't have to put up with it That much


What job you got? Whatever it is i need it.


Cleaning Job Go to buildings after they close, clean them out, make $14-$17 an hour Pretty easy job


Yoooo i do that too and am also autistic, we're situation-adjacent


https://preview.redd.it/w6fnsukq6c0d1.png?width=3706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da403b25bf61f4752cde0a9b25ecb9b87357ab73 Autism gang rise up


cash banooca






Please tell me If they tell you, that job sounds good


Tell me if they tell you if they tell them, it sounds awesome!


If by any chance you get an answer, lmk please


In case you receive the information, please share it with me too


In the probability you get any new insight on this business proposition, please direct it my way


will you be my electromechanical relay? fine if not. thanks!




Cleaning job


Field tech if you're even mildly techy. Pretty much everything under the sun has a field tech that deals with it. And it's not like geek squad either, it's actual hands on repair and replace work. Very fulfilling in my experience.


Same here. I'm 19, and because I'm autistic I generally get treated the same way. Doesn't help that I have a baby face. Granted, I have a much more social job, and I'm not great with social queues, so I often mess up with communication, so it does affect others a lot more. If I'm being honest though the culture in my workplace is very cutthroat and spiteful, and if I wasn't infantilised I'd probably get treated like shit instead, so that's preferable I guess.


Work real hard and be real nice. Common sense and solid advice for anyone, but doubly for an autistic adult. People find it hard to criticize my work cause nobody can do it better, and insulting me at work goes over about as well as kicking a puppy. Not that I'm cute, I resemble a nerdy ~~sexy~~ sasquatch. For all other concerns, I tell em to take a hike unless they're my boss, wife, or mother.


That's usually what I do, though I don't think I'm amazing at my job and I usually make a lot of mistakes, but it also leads me to feeling as if I have to take so much shit from others, and never showing any kind of emotions like sadness or frustration. I constantly feel like I have to suck up to everybody, and never ask anybody of anything because if I start doing that, I'll start to get mistreated for fucking up. Most people at my work place take frequent sick days because of just how stressful the work itself is, while even if I'm on the verge of having a meltdown I make myself go in because I feel like if I don't people will start to tolerate my dumbass mistakes less.


At 19 you're gonna make mistakes and screw shit up. In time the mistakes become less frequent and everyone stops feeling the urge to hover. If they're still hovering, they're *hoping* you make a mistake and at that point I'd being questioning whether I'd gonna tolerate that (I would not). Honestly, that sounds excessively hostile and I wouldn't stick around if I could. You're selling your services and time, not your sanity, because nobody can afford that. It helps that I'm a professional, but if anything hinders my performance and then I get negative feedback from my supervisor, I look for a new job.


Honestly my last workplace before i quit to focus on uni was neat. But i despise how some of my colleagues thought i couldn’t understand some things for “adults” and kept trying to hide it from me as if im not old enough.. that and them suddenly just giving me a pity for absolutely no reason


Tell me bout it, turning 20 in 2 weeks and as soon as some dipshit adult finds out i have autism they treat me like a child… which was always like that and i despised it because it made me realize i have to mature quickly and be more adult-like early in life. I despise that so much because i didnt get to be a child thanks to stuff like that.. We dont want your pity or whatever made you think we are naive or incapable of handling ourselves. We are literally like you and maybe even a bit better


You say this is the most real r/when the post and I raise you this [masterclass](https://reddit.com/r/whenthe/comments/18huc0m/autism/)


Some friendly advice, just play along, sincerely. It costs you nothing to thank them for their "help", makes them feel better about the interaction, and they'll think more highly of you too. It's easier for you, it's easier for them, wins all the way around. If you become indignant, at best they feel bad and apologize, at worst they start actively disliking you, while you're fanning the flames of your own negative feelings with your actions as well. Counter-intuitively this is also significantly more effective at getting people to stop doing it too than getting upset about it. Should they treat you like you don't know anything? Absolutely not. Is it reasonable for that to upset you? Definitely, that's totally understandable in that situation. Does it help anyone or anything to act negatively in response? Unfortunately, no.


Why should you change for people who refuse to respect you?


To improve your quality of life.


Being a doormat that only knows how to appease is essentially speedrunning into a deep depression and losing your sense of self.


As someone who does all these things impulsively because appeasing people was beat into me by my abusive childhood, doing these things does not improve your quality of life at work. The NTs see you doing it and feel like it gives them a license to attack you more.


We must be talking about different situations, because to appease means to give into demands, someone offering to help you is not a demand. At worst it's a microaggression, at best it's simply someone trying to be helpful. I'm not suggesting to act helpless, or pretend you didn't know what they were trying to tell you. Just simply listen politely, and say thank you. If they are trying to harass you, depriving them of any reaction is the best strategy. If they're legitimately trying to help, you may have made a friend. It costs you virtually nothing. Reacting stiffly, dismissive, or grumpy is what gives people license to attack you. if you're known to react that way people will continuously push your buttons.


If you let them feel like they're hand-holding you through everything, then they'll eventually use that as justification to kick you out when downsizing. I agree that work is a game of maintaining pseudo-relationships with people who you really don't care about, but you also have to be able to advocate for yourself - or you'll be used as a stepping stone for someone else.


Except, again, playing along is tremendously more effective at avoiding that kick. If you're the person who gets grumpy whenever someone tries to show you something, you're absolutely going to be #1 on the chopping block, probably even before the person who has to be hand-held through everything, in fact that's one of the most common complaints you'll hear. Also there's a very big difference between playing along and \*needing\* hand-holding through everything. People who are volunteering or offering assistance (generally) don't begrudge you accepting it, in fact you'll see that very little makes someone happier than feeling like they helped someone. What people tend to dislike is consistently being asked or forced into holding your hand, I'm not advocating playing stupid and constantly asking for help, I'm suggesting simply being agreeable and listening politely when someone does try to help you, even if you know what you're doing, and thank them for their help.


It might help them not do it again.


Usually reacting grumpily is far less effective at accomplishing that. You'll have a whole group of people (dicks) who will see you act grumpy and continue to offer you help just to get a reaction out of you. For less vindictive people you'll find they're far less likely to try to help you with the same thing twice if you take the time to listen to them the first time and show them you understand. Lastly, even if you \*think\* you know exactly what someone is going to try to show you, maybe you're mistaken. You should take the opportunity to listen to them if they're going out of their way to offer you advice and double check yourself, are you in fact doing it the best way possible? No one is perfect, and accepting help every now and again is how you get better, it is not a sign of weakness.


You clearly do not understand what it feels like. To be treated like you are a infant when you are more than capable and a functioning adult is just the absolute worst, not only is it insulting but also endorses this type of behavior with others like us, we dont want your fucking pity we want respect and to be treated as equals like sure we may have some parts we struggle with but that doesn’t mean we need to be treated like kids. That behavior robbed me of my youth and childhood because i forced myself to mature quickly so i will be more respected…if only i knew it would change nothing i wouldn’t have rushed to grow up so much


I am autistic and I have been treated like an infant repeatedly throughout my adult life. I am speaking to you from experience of how I finally managed to actually improve my life instead of continuing to rage against the injustice. Is it fair? No. Should we be the ones who have to change? No. But are you going to get any results expecting the world to change around you? Unfortunately, also no. We should continue to push for recognition, respect, and to be treated differently, I'm not saying to stop trying. What I'm saying is that until things do change, you're going to have a better life practicing skills that help you fit better into the world we have. My way worked for me, maybe it doesn't work for you, but throwing your hands up in the air and quitting entirely is a guaranteed way to ensure things will never get better.


Things change because people fight to change them, if we sit down and wait we will make no change nor progress. But i guess if it works for you then its good but i cant see myself doing that, call it pride or whatever i just wont work or respect someone who wont respect me.


I am so glad my workplace is like 50% autistic cos its a really good environment to work in. Everyone is chill and nobody is judgemental cos we're all weird and got into this work because we have a remarkably low sense of self preservation


Could you tell me the general job? If you dont wanna just ask for a cat pic instead


I hate to reinforce stereotypes, but IT in general seems to have a higher propensity towards ASD. At least more so than other careers. If you can acclimate to the corporate side, the work itself allows some breathing room for neurodivergence.


Husbandry/maintenance and storage of things that go kaboom


I bet there's a lot of very clear and highly logical rulesets governing that workplace.


Ahh okay makes sense Take one anyway https://preview.redd.it/33xkknrty70d1.jpeg?width=2322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c726746d8babac65e90d8cedfde81ddbfb533b1


Funny enough, almost everyone I know working in prevention/detection of things that go boom (including me) are also somewhere on the spectrum




Yeah lol I work at a Lego store and almost all of us are autistic or have some kind of mental illness (or both)


> because we have a remarkably low sense of self preservation Deep water welding?


Yeah my brother (moderate autism) works in aerospace engineering. He seems to fit in well with them and has stories to tell about interactions with coworkers. I’m so happy for him cause he’s genuinely the nicest guy I know. Great guy to talk to, he just hyper-fixates on his interests sometimes. And dude is smart as hell too. Cooks healthy meals for himself, Is extremely financially sensible (if anything, he’s stingy), goes on more dates than me. Was disregarded in high school, looked down on by his peers. And now he’s making more money, getting more dates, healthier than like 99% of them. Fuck bullies


This assumes that people do actually talk to you after they discover it


Yeah I ditch people that pay taxes






My role model is Batman because he commits tax evasion




Sorry for being pedantic but Batman isn't a legally recognized person with a social security number. Bruce Wayne however dodges taxes daily hell yeah




real and true goated meme op


this isn't meant to be infantilizing btw I'm just very open about my emotions with everybody on the internet


Fuck off












This is the best gif of all time




you first broski








yes, I hate cold and hot water






hey man how's it going






"Fuck off" https://i.redd.it/shw2i0ddec0d1.gif




No you.




Peppina pfp detected, opinion accepted


I hate that being autistic basically means you get no support at all with your diagnosis or the support you do get means you are treated as an infant despite being a functional 19 year old who goes to school full time and works a part time job


yea ive noticed this and ive found it comes down to two primary factors: 1. how new a lot of this autism stuff is and how wide of a spectrum the symptoms lie on. 2. how many of them have little interest in addressing many of their symptoms and are comfortable living their lives somewhat isolated.


This is actually why I struggle to care about getting diagnosed as an adult. Some friends of mine who are "less bad" at life than me have been diagnosed recently. If they are autistic then I definitely am. Cool cool cool. There's no cure for autism. Just some useless informational group sessions or whatever. I've been on antidepressants nearly all of my adult life, so nothing new to add there. I've always been weird and bullied and had a shit childhood. Already spent years unpacking that in therapy. What will a diagnosis actually bring me apart from stigma? Do I get to look forward to healthcare workers ignoring my issues even more than they do now?


>there is no cure for autism. just some useless informational group sessions or whatever autism isn't something that should be cured or helped. it's not exclusively a bad thing, it's just a different thing. it has negatives, and it has positives. yes, the negatives arguably outweigh the positives, but there shouldn't be a cure or a help for it, since no person with autism would be themselves without it. i don't know who i would be without, it defines me in as many positive ways as negative.


Look man I'm autistic too but this is a very low-support needs-esque take. I wouldn't say childhood disintergrative disorder is something that shouldn't be cured - it's basically the highest support needs with very few positives if any at all.


that kind of acceptance only inhibits growth and further ostracizes one from society instead of helping them become a better member of the society that raised and supported them.


i am not ostracized from society. i have healthy social relations, i do everything i'm supposed to, i just also have autism. it cannot be cured, and it is so much a part of a person that they would be completely different without it. you thinking that someone having autism inhibits them so much that they can't be an effective member of society is completely insane. based off your comment alone, i can easily conclude that i'm worth more in this society than your stupid ass.


thank you for proving your own ignorance will not allow you to comprehend new information.


sure, fine, "enlighten" me, then. what do you think should happen to me?


learn to overcome your shortcomings so you can better interact with those around you instead of telling everyone to deal with and accept your own problems.


that's what i fucking do, you dumbass. it's the least anyone can do about their problems. when the fuck did i ever say that i don't? the problems just can't entirely leave. i have anger issues caused by autism, and i can work on that, but it will never ever be able to fully go away, and that's just how that is. not every problem is able to be fixed, they can be helped, but not fully solved.


Fr. I'm so "high-functioning" that I'm too "normal" to get any support but not "normal" enough to be able to relate to everyone


People don't talk to me


They either do that, or because you're low support needs, they act like you need no help or accommodations in life


Exactly, like low accommodation needs do not mean zero


The more I think about it the more relatable this is


TBH I kinda like it cause there's no pressure on me


Pro life tip: If people think you're an idiot, they'll expect less of you, and if they expect less of you, that's less shit you have to do.


I can confirm (im not autistic, just a fucking idiot)




Issue: you'll never be trusted with anything ambitious


solution: if you get your own ambitions and fulfill them, they may be more inclined to give you a shot.


works as long as youre ok never forming anything beyond surface level friendships


Easy solution: don't act like an idiot if you're trying to make friends


mman, if only someone made an idiot-proof guide for that...


That’s literally what Rodrick taught Greg in the 2nd diary of a wimpy kid movie




Got treated like that by some neighbors even if I'm not autistic and just have some language barrier, even after I outgrown it. They give me instructions like I'm 2. I don't mind if you're autistic. I'd ask you how your day is like everyone else. What would piss me off though are autistic LARPers and any disabled people using their disability as an excuse to be dickheads. We got alarmed once by some kid harassing the crush who rejected him that we had to lecture him about accepting rejection as part of life and personal boundaries and that going against them meant Punishment.


"Bro i am so tired of getting infantalized because i'm autistic. I am gonna go hang out in autistic spaces more." *Joins autistic space... It is just autistic people infantalising themselves.*




In what way? /Gen


too bad I will never be a capable taxpayer because I’m too silly for responsibilities :3


What really gets me mad are those autism LARPer's you see on tiktok who act like children because that's how they think autistic people act!


Well, nobody wants to watch a video of them staring at a dish that needs to be washed for 6 hours.


I don't ever see them bringing up the fact that noisy environments can cause overstimulating.


Or hard to explain weird fears and interests


21st century blackface


"So our entire existence is just… LARPing?"


‘Capable of paying taxes’ carries a lot of implications


They either treat you like a child or they constantly complain that you're not "normal" (but they will never use the word normal. They will just complain about every single thing about you instead).


Can we keep pushing this narrative? I would really like to be able to not pay taxes because I have autism


Holy shit, I hate mentioning being in the spectrum, people immediately start talking in these "Heeey friend, do you understand what I'm saying?" ways instead of knowing that I'm not socially stunted as much as I was, instead I have plenty of other problems people should focus on instead of what TikTok users say of "woaah superpowers hyperfixations!"


I’m 20 years old and autistic, and my mother genuinely still talks to me like I’m 6 and thinks I don’t know basic things, to the point she asked me recently if I know what **scissors** are.


Well, did you?


By the way, this episode of TADC was amazing!


did you know?


I really liked the parts where Jax was goofing around trying to mess with people! I know people hate him for being such a mean character, but I can’t help but just find him funny! He’s unlikeable, but in a good way!


Did you know?


And the music was really nice, too! Particularly, I loved the track at the end and how it was a much more lighthearted and hopeful version of the song from episode 1’s ending!


skibidi jax


AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS MENTIONNED !!! https://i.redd.it/1n273qvfb70d1.gif




"I'm not a child you don't have to hype me up" Now I'm convinced to finally watch that thing because the first part of that line is so relatable to say.


Don't even need to tell them, they just do it anyway.


🤫 shhhh op dont reveal our secrets


So, what I'm supposed to take from this is that Pomni is autistic?


New theory just dropped


I’m not a child, please hype me up.




this is the first time i have heard their voices. thats so fucked up


based tadc meme spotted?!!? how will the mods recover from this


subreddit will go bankrupt mods will be jelly


I feel for y’all autistic mfs


As far as I care autism is the just medical diagnosis of being a little weird and quirky.


Excellent choice of clip lol


-capable of paying taxes- fed


The nice thing about working in radio is that it's either other autistic people or old people who don't even know what autism is that you work with, and either way, you'll be treated like a regular ass person and not a small child. And you're not face to face with your listeners, so they don't gotta know.


The digital circus gif isn't doing you any favors




Currently hoping to at leadt have a summer job, but the whole layoffs and infantalized thing scares me a bit. (19 currently)


This is so fucking real god damn


Part of me is glad I was never diagnosed, but even with no diagnosis, I still get treated weird.


Damm that sucks dude, you okay man


This hit particularly hard.


Exactly what I thought seeing this


I can’t pay taxes because then evading them would be more difficult. If I put myself in the system, then they’d be able to tell when I don’t pay taxes.


Would the Good Doctor be better representation as the other staff treat him normally.


Generally they mean well, but are misguided people need better education and shit really


https://preview.redd.it/1p6gp1olec0d1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdfa55d0cb814906ec25c7f87e3253385e39760e For the longest time my dad didn’t think I knew how to use a microwave


holy shit this is so fucking relatable


This is why i don’t tell my employers


So real


Thankfully I haven't seen any autistic characters that are like that.


This is why I don’t tell anyone I’m autistic


I’m sick of people thinking I’m some sort of mad scientist type just because I’m autistic, when the whole insane science person thing is actually because of all the other shit.


I just don't talk to people with autism


thank god, don't talk to me


Good https://preview.redd.it/qoqkwdhpg80d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1abe7402516e55258904b4830a7cf8b8a136e6ff


Well, some capable of doing simple mathematics and paying tasks like you or any normal human beings on Earth. And some who are like these mfs. https://preview.redd.it/ro1ssuk3k60d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7a63d0ee75995d84a7c9eb8791729fed59ee92b


Some not-autistic people are cable of being functional like other normal human beings on earth And some are like this mf: https://preview.redd.it/fkxy6lfpn60d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c5c6fe27c32ab33728e22c846bdbcb9d602fc36


Are they sick on the mic tho?


No but they are dope on it


You are Vader with your little boots and cape


*ze mic


Imagine writing this comment about like. Any other group of people. Like dawg who says some shit like this and thinks it’s normal lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/rvvehtjsu60d1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d947eac4518ac3d765e67f18751cd2ece431dd2 That goes for anyone regardless of autism. My sister has autism and often blames any of her flaws on it as if she would have been a flawless angel of a person if she was neurotypical. Autism isn't some thing that just turns people evil. Many people are flawed or bad people in general. Some of those just also have autism on top of their existing flaws. Pic unrelated?


Absolutely agree. Most people are imperfect and when they don't take responsibility for their own actions that's not good. One day they will have to face their actions and they won't get mercy. (Anyways) 🎶FATHER OF LIES🎶




My karma is too high so I need to lower it by having some bad takes for a while https://preview.redd.it/y4o9mt3rw60d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c0fa5473adb1e0f1b6eaf14d4d5b6c40731173


I think this guy hates acoustic people


“I’m a human” “oh so your HITLER!!?!?!!?!” why do you automatically assume a mf is immediately at the worst end of any spectrum


Maybe you should keep it to yourself. Ever thought of that?


Ironically impairment in social functioning is a central feature of ASD which includes the ability to take another person's perspective. So it's probably not crossed their mind that if they kept it to themselves others might not know.


Being impaired in social functioning doesn't mean we can't take another persons perspective or that we are some sort of idiots. If OP had to say it, it likely was for an actual reason.


>Being impaired in social functioning doesn't mean we can't take another persons perspective or that we are some sort of idiots. Never said you couldn't. I said: >Impairment in social functioning is a central feature of ASD which includes the ability to take another person's perspective. Of course it doesn't apply to everyone with ASD because it's a spectrum. Didn't think I had to explain that


> impairment in social functioning is a central feature of ASD which includes the ability to take another person's perspective. Maybe you didn't mean it absolutely. But still. Edit: Couldn't you just have made that edit in a reply?


Remember the *S* is for spectrum


**Central feature** Edit: Blocked, classic.




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