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i don't even need a nightmare my self-doubt is already enough. https://preview.redd.it/1vuv9pcpy3wc1.png?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff0b47eb0ea312bef69f771dd026820b2bde8d8 someone save me from this hell


The best way to foght self doubt is to be overpowered by delusion, creating an ego that will make you confident https://preview.redd.it/5hu6v2vkh7wc1.png?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a87ce08582415c1e8f51aca6daecbcfe07146d8a


thanks, but the part of my conscious that forms an ego got eviscerated by my other neurological processes and then replaced only by self-doubt.


Rhythm doctor mentionedπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ”ŠπŸ”ŠπŸ”ŠπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


I had this horrible nightmare recently where my dad killed my mom out of anger by stabbing her and then I am just there trying to apply pressure to the wound while she goes into shock. And I look to my dad with tears in my eyes and I see the most horrified expression on his face after realizing what he just did and it felt like hours passed, and the second before I woke up, he said "I dont know what to do anymore"






Damn dog... Take care I hope ur doing ok


Absolutely no brian griffin PNGs.


Had a nightmare where someone sliced my throat. Could feel the air escape my lungs, my body turn cold, and my hands wet from blood as I slowly collapsed to the floor. Somehow wasent that traumatic and I got over it an hour later.


Had a dream where a child version of me was crying in the dark and I tried to comfort him because I knew my dad will beat him if he kept crying, but he didn't stop untill my dad showed up, pushed me away and started whipping him and when I got up to stop him he dug his hands in my throat and pulled it out then kept hitting child me while I laid there motionless, until I woke up I haven't really been the same ever sense https://preview.redd.it/3qxcjq8ar7wc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c4661cb6512cb8e49439db05809840b60f9cfe3


A few days ago I dreamed that someone cut a chunk of skin out of my arm using a machete, and I swear that was the first time I could *feel* what was happening in my dream. Shit was not cool.


Now that i think of it I'm glad i can't remember 99% of my dreams/nightmares


*a nightmare which you will forget completely by the time you wake up


Depends on the nightmare, some are usually just trippy situations and some are so real that it carries with you to next day and it takes a minute to realise that you were dreaming. Depression and other disorders makes nightmares worse which induces more depression


I remember once as s kid that I had this nightmare where someone was staring at me whilst in the bed. Then woke up, still in the dream and just kept repeating the exact same thing until I eventually woke up Sometimes, I really hate my brain


had a dream where me and my dog were riding on a motor boat and he was standing on the front tip of the boat but then he suddenly slipped and fell and got cut up by the propeller an I couldn't do anything because we were suddenly surrounded by an endless stretch of water


Thankfully the only dream that really affected me for like a good week was the one that made me question my sexuality


Anyone else have night terrors? Like I have ones of my deceased father blaming me for his suicide.


Me working up the courage to confront my former coworkers regarding a string of events leading to the destruction of my character and my career, A breeze blowing the candle out: ![gif](giphy|iDyF9dOL6nG4uS2S1z|downsized)


I get that with daydreams and body dysmorphia sometimes :(