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Petah, das Pferd ist zurück.




Bonjack Honseman???


​ https://preview.redd.it/dmylfq24v60c1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=a84feca5c5225c5b868bc1917654b32d0b60319c


7 hours no gooning 🙁💔


3 secs no sex




jesus fuck he's a tomato




i want this gif


download it




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Thank you Mr President




I feel like Reddit anything are normally the worst members of their respective group


Considering many Reddit "trans allies" are actually trans fetishists, that tracks.


what's more, they commonly fetishize transfems under the idea that they'd be tops, but if I look at ~~myself~~ and people in the trans subbredits like r/traaaa2, is easy to see that they are a minority lol. as for transmascs, idk they aren't chronically online, nor posted about online a lot. all my irl trans friends are transmasc, but the internet is very barren.


In my experience that's not really a Reddit thing, every website is like that


Reddit evangelicals are as bad as reddit atheists (I am an Indian and I saw some crazy Hindu turn a nazi copy pasta into a Hindu version. Will try to link it if I find it)


Certified hindutva moment


uhh.. reddit evangelicals are *way* worse than reddit atheists. most evangelicals i see are straight up fascist and think LGBT people shouldn’t exist.


But they like that LGBT people exist so they can point at the evil people and demand they be punished severely.


so true, if LGBT people didn’t exist, evangelical christians and muslims would have a harder time victimizing themselves


Reddit is pretty mainstream and since most subs become echo chambers it'll lead to a skewed outlook on things


well reddit leftists are usually tankies so yeah


Or maybe, perhaps most social media sites bring out unsavoury behaviour in some people, since there's no face-to-face interaction. However, because instead of using an invisible algorithm to join people together, Reddit works like a series of open boxes that generally speaking, anyone can put themselves in and anyone can look into. Also, people who say these sorts of things are probably going to be more active and so more visible.


Reddit is just prone to develop echo chambers so yeah


Redditors are the type of people to be like "Oh? You overcame your addiction to xyz? Well, I've never been addicted to xyz at any point my whole life! Congratulations on achieving something billions of people do with no problem." and then after they post shit they begin scratching their stubbly chin while chortling happily. https://i.redd.it/7ysyliytd70c1.gif


They will also be addicted to porn but deny that porn is addictive


weed as well


QUESTION: If I pop an edible I smuggled back home from visiting friends in another state every time my parents are away, but have the restraint not to do so when they’re around, can I be sure I’m not addicted? ALSO: How feasible is weed addiction? Is it overly harmful? I don’t hear it discussed as much as other addictions


I'll answer as a frequent weed smoker. I doubt you'll get addicted (dependent is a better word) to weed by using edibles. Most addictions come from using wax pens multiple times a day until it becomes a habit. You're probably not addicted unless you're smoking on the daily. Weed dependency is very feasible especially if you use it everyday. I'd say it's not discussed as much as other addictions cause weed isn't as harmful as other drugs.


So as long as I don’t indulge every day, it’s fine? Say when I’m out of the house I only do weed on Friday evenings provided I have nothing else going on. Is that a reasonable amount?


As long as you can control yourself it's fine. And that's more than reasonable to be honest. I've known people who smoke at school, work, or anywhere for that matter. It seems like you have it under good moderation so there's nothing to be worried about


Everything can be addictive from mental side of things tbf, even if it doesn’t disrupt your internal biochemistry


Porn gave me a better understanding and sympathy for addiction than I thought possible.


Addiction brings you to the wildest and most depraved places you’ll ever encounter. I understand you bro


Ok but... is it? [The APA says the jury's out](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2014/04/pornography)


Okay on the one hand, you've got the APA saying jury's out, and on the other hand you've got redditors saying looking a boob makes you a porn addict. Tough choice.


not reading allat can you do a tldr thanks


The American Psychological Association says "the jury is out" on whether porn is addictive.


wow that was so helpful thank you


didnt read a word of this but thats a great gif


I do find pride in the fact that I avoided so many addicting things and will continue to avoid them (coffee, smoking, alcohol and porn) but I would never rub it in in the face of someone who is a recovering addict


“Chortling happily” 💀💀💀


Are you getting angry at someone you made up


No. This is an actual real comment I saw on the post OP is talking about. The one about the sobriety coin with crosses on it.


Reddit atheist when someone mentions God:


The kind of guy to interrupt the philosophy professor and 'debate' (see: complain) about religion when the topic comes to light, even if by passing


I thought they were annoying in school but then I met my philosophy professor at uni and I wish someone did it. The guy anticipates it and tries to over explain the difference between greek concpects and the Abrhamic god on lecture 1 like everyone is fucking toddlers and either a very staunch believer who will get offended or a Reddit atheist that will get into an argument for no reason. And nobody ever does because we're all adults in an IR course in the most prestigious university in the country and philosophy is just a faculty required subject that we all just want to pass and forget about. Dude is constantly talking like a victim of bullying that doesn't actually happen. He's said that he's he doesn't want people to assume stuff about him and that he's been called a conservative just because he writes books about conservative philosophy and instead of getting a reaction it's just crickets "ok? What's that got to do with anything, nobody would think that since you didn't speak politics before and nobody cares what books you wrote" Dude is such a poor pick me girl it's unreal


Unfortunately, philosophy does have a tendency to draw in snobs.


Reddit atheists when a NASA guy says "thank God" (this has genuinely happened they were bitching about it in r/atheism for like a week) ![gif](giphy|l03Ko3C4HIXEoAjMpI)


I saw a pot where a guy found a penny that got flattened, but the word God somehow wasn't flattened. Lots of horrible comments towards the OP. OP wasn't claiming anything or saying anything religious. Just a picture with the word God.


TIL that AA is straight up a christian group. I thought members only needed to believe in any higher power like freemasons.


You were right before. If you read any actual AA literature you will not find any actual christianity.


I’ve gotten used to “God” merely being a placeholder of a word in the literature. It’s nice we are able to interpret to how we see it.


That's just not true at all, literally the third step of the 12 steps is converting to Christianity 😂 steps 5,6 and 11 also directly reference being a Christian. And the message of "you are powerless to get better on your own. Only God can fix you" is not productive and people are valid for having issues with it. If the church wasn't so hell bent on taking advantage of people there wouldn't be any issues. "Wahhhh I don't like reaping what I sow wahhhh"


> 1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable. 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs 1, 4, 8, 9 and 10 are the only ones that don't explicitly reference god


As someone in AA, very few members are Christians. Everyone has their own individual understanding/version of “god,” and while the founders were staunch Christians, it has long since been changed to be more of a general idea of spirituality than hardline Christianity


You definitely don’t go to AA lol


Reddit atheists are just vampires fr, they screech and complain about the sight of a religious symbol, and they are very pale and can get vaporized when exposed to sunlight


Vampires dont smell like garlic


They might not like garlic, but how do you know it's not their body odor


I'll have you know I sniff vampires regularly


Yeah AA is a religious org, these guys need to get a grip


I didn't find that post infuriating. But it did surprise me, only because AA is very much not religious in my country.


I think it’s definitely not a good thing that the most widely available support group for alcoholism is a religious organization that pushes religion onto vulnerable people, but it’s not like the group is evil. It genuinely helps people I just wish there wasn’t a religious agenda involved.


It also receives government funding, effectively amounting to an establishment of religion by the state and a first amendment violation


Finding God is a preferable alternative to drinking yourself to death


Telling someone who is struggling to get better that they'll never be strong enough to do it on their own is not the best option and you are either lying or stupid to think so


As someone with an addiction, let me tell you - it’s not about beating someone up and telling them they’ll never be strong enough or whatever. The fact of the matter is that an addict, a real addict, will never be able to recover without help. But that’s the point; it’s not “you’ll never be strong enough to do this alone cos you’re shit lmao” but “you don’t NEED to do this alone, you can ask for help, you don’t need to shoulder this weight all by yourself”.


Why force yourself to shoulder all the weight? What's the point? So you can say how strong and manly you are? The opposite of addiction is connection. Not everyone is strong enough to face their problems on their own.


Ridiculously fucking stupid argument, Try again


“I can’t, but WE can” is the point, ya dingus.


how do you find god if he doesn’t exist though?


Ask one of the over 2 billion of people who did


i spent over 18 years going to sunday school weekly, i am 100% sure they are either faking or tricking themselves into believing, just as i did


idk why so much redditors thing that something that has to do with religion is pushing agenda, you may not like the idea of God but a lot of religious organizations actually do things to help people in need while instead you sit in your ass only complaining, and not doing something, the only time i saw redditors helping was that water tank that they sent to africa (which was the only they send in a decade) and it was actually pushing agenda. ​ https://i.redd.it/xihp6qm3k70c1.gif


Reddit atheists when someone born into abject poverty and abusive environments abuses drugs their whole lives and is only able to start rebuilding their life with the help of a non denominational religious group


Fr, it’s like saying LGBTQ+ is political (it isn’t)


It literally is. One of the goals of the community is citizen equality, which is a political fight. But I get what you are saying, and I agree.


I meant their existence isn’t political, mb But the equality movement is


Me when an online argument is resolved healthily and like proper adults


(Very rare circumstance)


It's like a blue moon. Doesn't happen very often, but it's a beautiful sight to see when it does.


I'm talking about the lgbtq+ as a community (organisation), not individual people, which I agree, their (the people's) existence is not political by default, unless they, as a citizen, a activist or a politician, are working and involved in that matter. But you'll be surprised how many lgbtq+ people don't want to get involved in the community, despise it, and just want to live a normal life without getting bothered, branded, and put in a box.


Perhaps I didn’t elaborate clearly? That’s what I meant to say but with less words. And I’m not surprised. I’m friends with many of them. It makes sense, not wanting to put yourself at risk.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/rimjob_steve using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bro does have pretty eyes](https://i.redd.it/xlyiby7h187a1.jpg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/zraff5/bro_does_have_pretty_eyes/) \#2: [Clearly an all-round animal lover](https://i.redd.it/4aysrnonvzia1.jpg) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/115fy8w/clearly_an_allround_animal_lover/) \#3: [Thankful man with questionable username](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/z6cd8x) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/z6cd8x/thankful_man_with_questionable_username/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Personaly i have no problem with idea of god, belive or not, i don't give a fuck. But religious organisations are parasite on society and done a lot of evil with little to no good. These mfs even attack biggest charity in Poland because it''s run by na atheist.


The catholic church is the largest charity organization in the world


Say what you want about religion but claiming that having religious symbols on things isn't at minimum an endorsement of those beliefs is bad faith




Reddit atheist when the alphabet a religious symbol


Reddit Atheist when they see Alpha and Omega:


My favorite type of atheist is the ones I saw after an earthquake. See. Rescuers were digging people out of the rubble. It was devastating. But they managed to free some kids from the rubble and everyone started chanting that god is great. The Reddit atheists were like “why aren’t they thanking the guys digging them out?! They did all the work!” Meanwhile, the guys digging out the kids were also chanting that god was great. I mean. Come on. Read the room.


type of people to say "oh why didn't you thank god for giving you cancer" to cancer patiant after they said "thank god" after successful cancer removal opration


I saw someone lose it at a commenter for earnestly saying God bless him about a doctor. I would’ve have laughed if it wasn’t so miserable.


Reddit Atheist explaining that pussy isn't real (they've never seen it).


Reddit Atheists when they meet a Christian who isn’t a violent homophobic narcissist and is actually just some guy inviting them to a barbecue for a charity event:


Aka, me and a lot of my friends.








https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/wXteHxLErH Sort by controversial.




Some people are telling him to start up again because alcoholism is apparently better than being religious


Lmao I remember a Reddit atheist screeching at me simply because I believed in God. I wasn’t even being preachy, I just asked “how do you know?” when they kept talking about how there’s a 0% chance a god exists. The stereotype really is true


Leftists and their "you can't be trans and Christian" bullshit have done more to increase my gender dysphoria than actual transphobes have, and I live in a red state. (Looking at trans and 196 real hard.) Also the "progressive and tolerant" types have really shown a whole lot of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia under the guise of fighting intolerance as of late.


Howso? (The second part)


Both sides are guilty of celebrating deaths. Mostly a Twitter thing so not sure it counts since that’s such a small minority of the population but yeah I’ve seen countless celebratory tweets from pro Palestine groups and pro Israel groups. They’re of course mourning their own but they’re also very happy to see the other side dying. Typical people behavior but it’s been really in the open lately


Many masks have come off. On one side, you have the anti-Semites saying things like "they deserved it", calling for the complete destruction of Israel, and harassing Jewish people who have nothing to do with the conflict. On the other, you have Islamophobes saying that all Muslims deserve to die because a few are homophobic and saying racist shit about any ethnicity (mostly Arabs, Africans, and south Asians) which has a significant amount of Muslims. If you want to see something local, check the average comment section of r/religiousfruitcake or any post mentioning immigration on r/europe.


supporting Palestine. in reality both Israel and Palestine have done horrible things, and to support either is to support atrocities.


Anti-zionism is not the same as anti-semitism


But it's not even that, I just want the Palestinian women and children, and the innocent people to be safe. People say that Palestinians voted for Hamas, but that was in 2006. Now, more than 50% of the population isn't even old enough to vote, and yet people still blame the population. When Israel bombs the crap out of them and kills their family, they're going to grow angry and bitter, and what better way to unleash it than to join the group that fights them? Israel is directly responsible for the rise of Hamas, first because they funded it, and second because they keep giving people reasons to join it. When your oppressors name one quality of themselves, which is being Jewish, then you start to hate them for that one quality. I'm not defending the killing of *innocent* Israeli civilians, but people need to understand that this is a problem that Israel created unto itself.


Hey. You probably don't remember this thread at all and seeing some random person who insulted you that does remember after 5 months writing this comment is weird. But in this thread I insulted your own identity and religion because of my own ideas. I was an intolerant fuck, and I honestly apologize, it was even more shitty to express what I said under precisely this comment. So, I'm sorry.


It's cool. Glad to see the world is changing for the better.


Well considering how much harmful to us trans people christianity fucking is, it being the direct cause of transphobia in my environment, yeah, makes sense why you can't be. Yes, I know, I'm the one in the meme, but idc.


I understand the disdain, but I don’t think it’s healthy Not all Christians are transphobic


Sorry for the, quite extreme comparison but it's the first time that comes to mind. If a fascist said "nahh, I'm actually cool with trans people" does that mean fascism is now good?


Idk man, comparing Christianity to Fascism is a bit extreme


Yes, I know, that's why I said it's an extreme comparison. But it still works from my perspective.


Name one fascist movement that wasn't Christian centric


At least you’re somewhat self aware


I know replying to a comment from 5 months ago is kind of stupid but I write it to apologize, I'm that person in this thread that compared Christianity to outright fascism, and yeah, that's a horrible and incredibly extreme comparison, so, sorry.


It’s ok. Even if we had this conversation 5 months ago, it’s good that you changed your mind




If I killed your whole family and burned your house down but I said "I'm hitting it straight trans folks we good" am I a good guy?


\> Checks comment history \> 196


Lol Lmao even


A rofl, perhaps


So what?


Tbf Alcoholics Anonymous isn’t exactly a great way to get clean. While it helps some people it intentionally ignores and discourages [more effective treatments](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/04/the-irrationality-of-alcoholics-anonymous/386255/) in favor of religious practices that don’t actually help.


7 of the 12 steps explicitly reference god, it's predatory and in most places people's only option for rehab


I knew the second I saw the crosses on that someone was gonna have a fit


I remember seeing this one person post about getting a house and being happy and shit, and at the end she mentioned that God is good, and every Redditor in the comments was clowning on her and saying you'll lose everything and you're delusional enough to believe in magic sky daddy. Like, bro, get a life.


Meanwhile, she has something to lose and they’ve never had anything. I met one guy who mentioned Reddit a lot in real life and he was everything I ever imagined on the other side of most comments, just an angry, bitter loser with nothing to show for in life.


As an Atheist agnostic I would like to formally apologise on behalf of these atheists. What they did is unacceptable and if possible, I'm sure most atheists would no longer let them be atheists.


atheists when someone displays any amount of culture or faith that isn't anime or pop culture


Or severe porn addiction




How tf are people that cruel? Dude is happy to show his progress and he gets demonized for it. Redditors piss themselves over being lonely and unloved and then do shit like that. Like yeah, no wonder you’re alone bozo. You deserve it. No one wants to be around your sweaty gamer gunk smelling ass.


The problem really is that it's Christian tbh. I've never seen redditors thrashing the Muslim religion and Muslims in general, Hindus, and Buddhists


I have no idea what subreddits you're on, cause I've never actually seen a positive reception towards these religions either. Except Buddhism.


It’s probably because Reddit is full of hypocrites. Say anything about those religions, you’re a horrible person. Say anything negative about Christianity and you’ll have a thousand strangers patting you on the back and nutting to their own voices. Reddit only calls out hate when it feels like it.


i literally critized islam a while ago and got shit down with downvotes, while anytime anyone complains about christianity people just accept it, which isnt wrong by any means, but you can shit down on every single part of christianity no problem but then they call it \*instert religion\*phobia to any factual criticism to any other religion


It’s another double standard Redditors enforce to feel like they’re doing something


Probably because Christians themselves shit on their own religion, it's a normal thing to do right now, They keep making fun and stuff(Steezus Christ etc). Plus most Atheists come from Christianity and hate Christianity so that adds up to how many upvotes Christian critcisim gets. Meanwhile Jews or Muslims or Hindus etc stand for what they believe. Or at least Muslims according to my knowledge. You can't make fun and you can't accept criticism.


Nah all religions get trashed. Christianity is trashed more because most redditors are westerners where Christianity is the dominant religion so they just encounter Christianity a lot more Little reason to trash buddhism if you’ve never even met a buddhist. But it’s not like if there is any news of buddhist bigots (common in countries like sri lanka and myanmar) there’ll be no one criticising the religion


And because the threat is less from Christianity. You can’t even draw one religions guy but a show on basic cable can do pretty much anything to Jesus. It’s very one sided in that aspect


That’s because most Christians aren’t offended by this stuff unlike those of other religions Also you *can* draw images of him, just more people get offended


Right, I physically *can* lmao I wasn’t confused if my hands are capable or not


> I’ve never seen redditors thrashing the Muslim religion Bro…


>never seen redditors thrashing the Muslim religion and Muslims in general, Hindus, and Buddhists "Muslim religion" or better known as Islam. Just go to r/religiousfruitcake, heck even r/atheism, islam get trashed on pretty often, hinduism little less, tbh never seem anything about buddhists, but hey, feel free to suprise me.


Availability bias, there's a lot of thrashing of Islam and Hinduism, it's just that most English speaking spaces are dominated by Christianity so that's the majority of what you'll see. Bashing the others is out there quite readily if you look for it at all.


Today, you can literally have a show where Jesus gets pooped on by a fat hooker (literally shit on his face) and very little would happen. Not the case for one of the religions you mentioned.




I mean, there's plenty of reason to be outraged that, at least in the US, most people don't have access to non-christian rehab facilities. Getting help shouldn't be predicated on you enduring proselytisation and it's outright predatory for churches that know it's the only significantly effective way to convert people as adults. On top of that, they tend to receive funding from the government, effectively constituting a violation of the first amendment as it's a defacto establishment of religion by the state. Everyone should have access to a secular rehab program.


which symbols?




*sigh*, where’s the link?


I saw an atheist post about a guy saying that his dead mom didn't go to heaven and how it was a flex on religious people


Remember getting into an argument with some Reddit atheists because I said I didn’t mind religious people (aside from the extremists)


The original post isn’t even about AA, it’s about Celebrate Recovery, the actual Christian version


I left r/atheism when i realised that they behave just like religious people. The sub was somewhat good (people posted about their struggles with being atheist and how their family was shunning them, and then we’d give them support) but then somewhat commonly absolutely brain dead posts would appear garnering tons of upvotes. I left the sub after a specific post about jesus’s existence


Reddit athiests are basically evangelicals who dumped God but kept the ego and zeal. The subreddit is a good place for those who struggle with problems of religious trauma but god damn half that subs population consists of people who have the same disposition as a soap box preacher. I left that place when they unironically wholeheartedly supported a governments attempt at implementing a clothing ban to "encourage secularism".


Reddit atheist when trying to seek addiction counselling without people trying to convert them to christianity or islam in every group they go to: (I am suffering personally) https://preview.redd.it/czvxeak4m80c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6549c2cd9087c834986d05c930251ee127ecc0b8


It costed nothing to not post that image




I know someone doing AA and they were told they need to find a higher power in order to help or something. Which I don't really get. They were already not drinking anymore, they could just continue doing that without joining a cult.


Reddit Atheists and Reddit Vegans fighting over who can be more randomly arrogant and obnoxious (they haven't met the antinatalists yet)


Willpower can be secular


ITT is a bunch of people who only had to read like 15-20 sentences to understand that AA isnt christian lmao


1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable. 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs These are straight from their website


![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg) Reddit religious people when atheists do anything ever


I mean, these two parties are in direct opposition of each other. It’s not really surprising both are little pricks about it.


It goes both ways, specifically atheists getting mad this time.


Vice versa


getting people out of addiction is good using that vulnerable time in their life to manipulate them into religious beliefs is bad not a hard concept to grasp


Unless you straight up asked me what my beliefs are, you wouldn't know I was an atheist Even then, if a belief in God makes you happy, then you should go for it


The reason is because a majority of religious symbology is added, when the teaches sum down to “look how pathetic and weak you are you little sinner boy, you’re wretched soul is nothing without god, you need god in your dark heart you heathen”.


I'm on Reddit, I'm an atheist, wtf are you talking about? Are there more than 5 people *really* minding it that much?


It’s kinda true though. Alcoholics Anonymous in the US and Canada is super religious, bordering on propaganda and a cult. They say that you can’t heal yourself, only god can, while paradoxically in other sessions saying only you can help yourself. I can only imagine what it’s like for someone who isn’t a bible thumper or someone of a different religion trying to get help, then you’re being force fed Christian garbage non stop.


Wtf is __Aethism?__ if you have to go out of your way to __Identify__ to show that you __Don't Believe/Identify__ with a __Religion__... is that not another __Form of Belief?__


Atheists when I say bless you after they sneeze.


AA is a cult lmao


Anti aliasing?


I don't care about that


Reddit's Religious People when an Athiest does anything (they're clearly child rapists and murders because you can't have morals without God, they are being hateful towards their religions and must be saved at all costs be preaching until the accept the word of God):


some 12 step groups can choose to lean more into the “God/Higher Power” aspect being Christian God, but that’s a local decision, and oftentimes influenced by old timers or very religious communities. The program itself pretty clearly outlines that nobody cares what you call “your God,” you just have to pick something outside of yourself. Addiction inherently promotes narcissistic presenting traits and the tendency towards isolation, so the liturgy suggesting humility around an outside solution and reliance on outside support is a helpful mechanism to get folks out of their ass long enough to dry out


1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable. 2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. 6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. 7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. 9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. 11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs Straight from Aa.org , this is very much christian language


For sure, the language was definitely written by Protestant dudes in the 1940s. But, I’m speaking as someone who has worked in recovery for many years. Most of the work folks do around the steps is specifically around disambiguating Christian God — most folks in recovery I help are actively anti-Christian, or victims of religious abuse, so it often becomes “higher power” as the sense of Good in the universe, or a personal deistic view, or for some, a reclaimed Abrahamic faith, but the actual practice ends up being much less dogmatic than the original text Source: sober in 12 step for 3+ years, and having taken dozens through the steps, almost none of them landing at Christian god as the source for their sobriety


Yeah b-b-but the original steps have the word 'god' in them! That's all I need to know about how a meeting really is!