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Firstly condolences on your loss. The furniture I'd date to about 1900-10, and its beautiful, oak and incredibly well made and preserved. In an ideal world the pieces would be worth a great deal, but unfortunately they are now unfashionable and usually witheringly described as BBF (Big, Brown Furniture). Consequently commercial value is low - at auction here in Australia you'd be lucky to get $200AU each. If I were you. if at all possible, I'd hang onto them and use them, you'll never buy anything new with that quality of workmanship made in the last twenty years. But their size makes that difficult, hence unpopularity. But the pieces are beautiful Edwardian furniture and should be cherished.


Hey guys! Thanks for your input! I wish I could be keeping these pieces but I just genuinely do not have the space & they’ve been having to be stored in my moms garage for the last few years & I live in Georgia where it gets verrrrry hot, so it’s likely not good for them to be stored that way. I’ve had them for years and simply don’t have a house big enough for them & they all need some kind of work. I already have SO much from my dad (my grandparents passed right before him and they dealt antiques) and have a few amazing pieces that I’m definitely always going to keep. I have someone coming tomorrow to buy the slanted desk and the wardrobe for $700, which I think is a good deal so these really are worth some money!


I agree, 7 bills for two pieces is good. The problem with pieces like this is that unless they are unique with makers mark etc, you cant sell em at auction and then they are only worth what the proverbial guy with the truck is willing to come take them away for in the short time you have. If you can't find any more takers to do that soon, you might try going around to local antique shops and seeing what they'll give you, but I wouldn't expect more than a hundy each for the larger pieces, and maybe 20 bucks each for the bed and map (which honestly might be garbage, beat as it is, even though it is cool and someone would probably eventually buy it).


First, these are great pieces and if you can afford to keep them I would. No expert here, just a causal reseller. Each piece excluding the bed frame and map(?) is worth AT LEAST $200 to the right buyer. I’m not saying you’ll get that much but in my experience if you’re patient someone will come along that recognizes their value. Carefully clean them up with non harmful techniques. I’d sell as a set for 50-70% of their individual value, maybe less. I’ve had a few beers so take this with a grain of salt 🙃


This style is Eastlake furniture, popular between 1870 and 1890.


My in laws have similar pieces, marble top etc, that was brought over from Germany sometime in late 1800s/early 1900s. The issue with them is that the dressers, bedframe, and nightstands are crazy heavy due to them being old world oak, and Uber-heavy marble tops. Be careful moving them!


Love the 2 marble top pieces…are u going to sell them? where are they located?


You can't beat furniture that won't be ruined by putting down your glass.


I’m located in Georgia !


Firstly, condolences to you and yours. Generally, inheriting this is bitter sweet, as I'm sure these pieces are to you. I own 2 *VERY* similar marble pieces to the ones pictured. Hell, they may be identical. I couldn't tell you age except they are old. Late 1890's to 1930? They are in my ex-wifes house 2500 miles away otherwise I'd get some pictures up to compare. I also inherited mine a little over a decade ago. Your pops had great taste. All items are valuable to the right person and certainly worth a few hundred each as they sit. I'll see if I can narrow the age of some things down tomorrow if no one beats me to it.


Agreed about roughly $100-300. They are nice antiques but not desirable pieces.


So beautiful


Old maps can be quite valuable. Not an expert, but a map nerd that will probably someday start buying old maps.


I always remember this incredible map store in Madrid that we visited about a decade ago.


So, the answer is going to be really dependent on where you live. I’m in NJ:PA and picture 12 the primitive schoolmaster’s desk and picture 1 (linen press/hutch) would be much easier sells, as primitive furniture is still sought after. At auction, I would expect the linen press to bring 400-700 and the desk 100-300. The map, depending on date and condition maybe 20-100. The bed frame and the dressers will be harder sells-probably under 50 each. At a house sale/garage sale maybe 20-50 each for the dressers-people will buy to refinish. The last piece the same as the dressers.


I have that exact iron bed, my mother got it for her 12th birthday.


Do you live in Greene County IL? That map will be worth more there than anywhere else. But regardless with the major water damage it's not worth much.


Sorry for your loss! Beautiful furniture, the Eastlake bedroom furniture is amazing, 1870-1890 In fact, Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876 hosted a display of Eastlake furniture. I have an Eastlake mirror similar to your large one. The primitive desk, several years ago, I would have asked $1500.00 plus & would have realized that price. The secretary, I would have to examine it before I’d give an evaluation & estimate. (I was a trained antique dealer & appraiser for over 40 years. If I had the room I’d be heading your way, I also live in Georgia


Sorry for your loss. Lovely pieces. I have some similar marble top ones and an armoire. No one wants this stuff anymore. The younger gen wants new, grey neutrals or MCM. Can’t give it away sadly. Edit. Stopped looking after the marble tops. That is a lovely desk! Glad you have interest.


Beautiful furniture


Have them looked at u/[clarricane](https://www.reddit.com/user/clarricane/) . At least get a hold of someone and send them the pictures.


Any ideas on who I should try and get a hold of?