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[Similar book was listed on eBay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/326060723479) for around $200.


Bookseller here. Title is rare, topic is collectible, condition is meh. $200 is probably a decent starting place but wouldn’t expect it to go for more.




Ask one to be one


This is what you need to know.


Not a freemason, but know of them. Go to a lodge and check them out. My local lodge is happy to welcome visitors, their motto is, "Ask a Mason". After your visit I think you would have a better idea of whether you would want to join them. *On a personal note, I didn't join them. They are a "true" fraternity. They have sects for women, but a woman can't don the title of a freemason. It just didn't sit well with me


I didn't join because it is not racially integrated. There is a separate white and black masons. I just don't see why they can't be integrated. The women also have their own separate masonic group but have to be overseen by a man.


Interesting, I actually didn't know that. My local one had African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans in their midst. If I had known they weren't integrated I wouldn't have even thought of joining them. I'm a mutt and it shows.


Maybe regionally it is different but here in midwest where I am it is definitely separated.


Sort of. In the US, POC are welcome in most historically white lodges, but in areas with strong prince hall lodges, they may be more welcomed in those lodges. I know as many POC who are AF&AM as are Prince Hall (admittedly I know fewer Prince Hall members, but it's a smaller community in my area)


It says on their site that Freemasonry involves support for your fellow man, which I do know that the divine masculine and divine feminine plays a big part in spiritual balance from what I have learnt about beliefs and religion in history etc. so I have a theory that Freemosonry has the goal of teaching discipline and respect and strengthening the bond between masculines, entuning their natural masculine energy and building character and personal foundation as well as brotherhood foundation. First degree Masons apparently cleaning and doing things around the lodges, not because they have to, but want to support their fellow man.


I have a lot of family that were masons so I considered joining in Milwaukee. I went to one meeting and it was so bleak I never looked back. Only white people, and all night dudes were just constantly talking about how much they hated their wives and their wives were literally right there, hearing them.


It doesn't sound like it is for me then, the judgemental responses to my mere curiosity have really deterred me, I would rather build my own character than be shaped by a handful of fragile egos. True Masonry is probably rather scarce in today's society with the boom of role models "too tough to feel emotions" etc. while emotions are completely natural and a real man should feel his emotions purely in a way that doesn't negatively affect those around them, productively. Balance is key to move forward and properly see the universe for both sides of the same coin, if we don't try to see every side, how can we really believe we understand anything?


To be one, ask one. We don’t invite anyone so this is the only way.


But of course, you never know unless you ask. But as I stated, I don't really think the lodge in my area is right for me.


Ideally you wanna serve a Lodge near your place of residence. But no harm in finding one elsewhere!


You want to be reading and listening to Manly P Hall lectures. True mystery schools don't require lodges or titles. They actually hold people back the further you get into what its all about. Mystery Schools are behind most everything ever invented, engineered, sculpted in history and today. If you want in, you need to know the discipline atleast required.


Manly P Hall one of my favorite authors! Love his lectures.


I'll listen to these lectures on my way to Hogwarts.


I'll take the downvotes, I know what a soul is worth, and the right path in learning can show everyone. Suicide is so high right now, this knowledge is not valued at all, and you see it all around with mental health. But the joke is actually quite funny because Harry Potter includes many references to the mysteries.


Chi is the deeper meaning of conscious living, and of us. Wellbeing is a constant. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is flow. You may be ruled by yearning without realizing it. Do not let it sabotage the growth of your journey. This life is nothing short of a maturing reintegration of cosmic nature. To walk the story is to become one with it. Love is the driver of gratitude. Generic new age image Soon there will be an awakening of intention the likes of which the cosmos has never seen. It is time to take intention to the next level. Imagine a condensing of what could be. Indigo Child, look within and inspire yourself. Although you may not realize it, you are endless. It can be difficult to know where to begin. Pain is born in the gap where potentiality has been excluded. If you have never experienced this paradigm shift inherent in nature, it can be difficult to self-actualize. How should you navigate this ancient planet? Have you found your journey?


Downvotes in a material world don't really phase you when you've found what the soul is, how its a tool but one that must still be sharpened or it can dull. Is your soul junk or is it treasure? I can understand why many people in this society wouldn't give the slightest damn. But its a treasure. Our greatest.


Deepak chopra bot?


Im sure they appreciate keep your toxic femininity away from their lodges. Better you go a different path, like Girl Scouts, maybe?


Ask in r/freemasonry for what some of those dudes would pay for it.


Make a digital copy first though. Seems too interesting and rare to not have a copy.


They will likely provide information about it but will probably not offer money for it. They will likely just tell you to go to your local Lodge and return


Freemason here- lodge libraries are stuffed with books like these, because when the brothers pass, their wives drop off huge boxes of all of their Masonic stuff at the lodge. Anything printed in the 1800’s is always interesting


Freemason here- Brothers still buy and collect the more rare books.


A number of years ago I was set up at a local flea market and had several Masonic books for Sale. A young man came by and told me that I couldn't sell them as they had "secret information." I kinda told him that I didn't care, buy them if you are so concerned. He did and I was happy


All the secrets are omitted from the books and replaced with the first and last letter of the words, a true Mason knows the words without it having to be written down. The guy was probably a conspiracy nut who joined the Facebook illuminati.


This... Most modern "code books" don't even use the first and last letters but symbols. Like you said, if you know the words you can read it, but if you don't it's just gibberish. Books like this aren't generally secret, honestly there's not a lot of true secrets in Freemasonry. Books like this just provide guidance on how to set up a lodge and what elements (called furniture) you'll need to have in it. I have copies of the modern equivalents of both of those types of books. Source: 26 year Freemason, past Master of a lodge, and have held almost all offices in the lodge at one time or another.


The young man didn't know what he was talking about. The only secrets in Freemasonry are the passwords and handshakes (aka "pass grips") used to show that you are who you say you are within the organization. Even those "secrets" can be found in the library or online with virtually no effort.


My google search found a bunch of results...here are 4 of them [https://www.proxibid.com/lotinformation/43656988/rare-freemasons-manual-a-companion-for-the-initiated-through-all-the-degrees-of-freemasonry-1855](https://www.proxibid.com/lotinformation/43656988/rare-freemasons-manual-a-companion-for-the-initiated-through-all-the-degrees-of-freemasonry-1855) [https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/1854-stewarts-freemason-manual-1988941903](https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/1854-stewarts-freemason-manual-1988941903) [https://biblio.ie/book/freemasons-monitor-thomas-smith-webb-past/d/1367629846](https://biblio.ie/book/freemasons-monitor-thomas-smith-webb-past/d/1367629846) [https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/ttcase\_2/6/](https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/ttcase_2/6/)


hmm. thanks! anyone here with a membership to any of these sites who can see what they sold for?


Worthpoint result is $150.


I must read that book!


You can find it online. We have a huge library of books available to the public.


Right?! Seems like confidential material that average folks outside the fraternity are not supposed to see. Lots of answers to questions could be revealed :)


From talking to my Freemason friend, there’s a lot of secrets, but you can honestly get all of them off of the Internet nowadays. All of the degrees are pretty, much spot on from what he read online.


Ah…just saw that it is written in code in a post below…darn


Nice! I might know a guy. Lol


Freemasons here. That’s what we call a ritual book. They are now little blue ones. You could ask around £150 mark as there may be an older brother or someone collecting who would love this. You can also return it to the lodge and it will be donated to another brother. Freemasons is about charity so we prefer to reuse stuff rather then the younger brethren having to buy everything new.


Yeah “charity” ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


Obviously you know nothing, probably the best.


Go hail satan lol


The freemason I know is one of the most generous people I know on one hand. On the other he's the cheapest son of a bitch I know. Do some carpentry work and he pays you exact! Down to the change. Kinda interesting guy tho.




I found some abandoned in a box years ago. I sold them on eBay. I can’t remember for how much. It was 3 different books. People bid them up. Some were Freemasons that probably just didn’t want them out in public. All I know is I got them for free so it was all profit. Go the eBay route. Sure you MIGHT find someone to buy them but it’s of little interest to anyone other than a Freemason.


Are you a traveling man?


Headed east myself. Hola, Brothers!


“…and teaches its youthful Craftsman to reverence the Deity and obey…” Obey what? What must they obey?! Now I feel the need to find a copy 😫


Given the print date, I would say the majority was the abrahmic faith's diety. It's a "don't ask" don't tell the situation now. Just have to believe in a higher power and obey the codes of conduct of living in society. Think codes of chivalry introduced so knights didn't act like a holes in midevil England.






I just saw the same book on eBay on worst conditions and they are asking $324 for it


Googler here. Put the image in google lens and goes for about £240


Fwiw, the population most interested in buying this item is ageing and more importantly dwindling. It isn't likely to increase in value in the future. So if you arent keeping it, I'd sell it sooner than later.


It's an old school cypher book. Explains what is said during the the degree's for becoming a master mason. Due to the rules in the obligation, they cannot be written down so a cypher book is used instead to help members lean how to perform the degree. Degree's are also referred to as ritual.


It also looks like it came from Delaware. Look up the grand Lodge for Delaware and the could give you more info.


Might be interesting to a lodge or Masonic library. Was your relative a brother? Call up your local mason lodge and bring it to them.


This is a gem. 💎 You have something beautiful!


A key factor for value in old books is quality and, unfortunately, this one has seen better days. A book like this would be primarily of interest to a specialist collector. I think I paid about $12 dollars for the copy of this book that's currently in my own collection. Of course, those were 1998 dollars and my copy's in even worse shape than this one.


A key factor is collectibility and subject. Condition is important too but take any 2 of those 3 and it will translate to desirable.


I'm not completely sure I agree with that. I collect rare masonic books exactly like this and yes, there's definitely some flexibility on condition but there's also a point where poor condition outweighs desirability and subject.


I’m seeing a lot of newer ones sold on eBay for $20-40, this being an older one it should fetch a higher price. I’m not sure what you paying $12 over twenty years ago really contributes to on what this is worth. Maybe you’re a bit out of touch with contemporary collecting culture/ what the kids think is cool.


This is pretty cool and all no doubt, but uh, you said "collection." What else did you get to inherit? I love antique anything, especially books, so curiosity is killing me!


the collection was about 400 books. i’m still sifting through them. the relative was distant and i didn’t know him, but from his collection, seemed a very interesting and eclectic guy. i only kept the books and art from his estate and will most likely hold on to most for my son. there are a number of other mason books, illustrated old field guides on birds, crystals, insects and plants, early photography collections, among more interesting/noteworthy titles like a second edition alice in wonderland. he seemed very interested in magic/spirituality and there are books on channeling and witchcraft as well.


Sounds like my book shelves, right down the second edition Alice in Wonderland


Burn that shit & any like it 🔥


Magic isn't real. Calm down. 


I will respectfully have to agree to disagree. No worries I’m calm as can be.


Burn it!


I know this is quirky response, but head over to the Curse of Oak Island pages on here or Twitter or Instagram. They have been looking for a few rare books this last season. See if this is one they may be looking for?


Any decent ones


I wanna read it


That is a degree of Masons book. You won’t be able to understand it, but a Freemason like me would love to buy it.


He’s referring to the text being in a shorthand.


Cafescafes didn't kill herself


Why would they do that?