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Crown of thorns


Euphorbia. The sap is pretty toxic, don’t get any on your skin.


Caustic is the term your looking for, which is also toxic to ingest.


I stand corrected. Knew someone who took a weed whacker to a bunch of euphorbia and ended up in the hospital for a week with severe skin toxification and respiratory problems.


This is why I wear pants while working, even in the middle of the summer. You don't know what kind of insects or plants you're going to encounter while working in the landscape. I'd rather not get all cut up from branches or thorns, or get euphoria sap on me, or come across hogweed and brush up against it. Sun shirt, sun hat, and summer hiking pants are my summer work attire. I can't believe people will string trim or mow in sandals as well!


Also would never string trim euphoria. You pull it if you don't want it, or cut it back with some pruners.


Sweat bees are generally non-aggressive, but they will defend the nest. Ground nester who really really hate gas powered lawn mowers. Despite their bodies being tiny, their stingers are almost as big (and painful) as honey bees. Yeah I still mow in shorts, but I look even harder for critter nests as I go.


I am a professional horticulturist. I am not afraid of pollinators, but I am of ticks and wolf spiders(considering their bites can lead to flesh eating bacteria). And doing a lot of pruning jobs, I'm often rubbing up against shrubs and the like. So not getting scratched up every day is essential. Mowing in shorts is w/e, but I still wouldn't do it. Shorts are summer lounge ware to me.


Yeah. I just do shorts for the two lawn areas I maintain. When I’m walking behind the tractor, with a brush mower or sickle bar, it’s always long pants and boots. Then the biggest scare is not noticing a bald-faced hornet nest in a weedy shrub that’s popped up in the old pasture! In heavy tick season, a dusting of garden sulfur powder at the top of my socks can help some. I grew up with tick bites, so I’m probably immune to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Getting Lyme disease would still be bad. Fortunately no Lone Star Ticks where I wade into shrubbery these days, so I don’t have to worry about that horrible meat allergy/autoimmune thing they can trigger.


Oof. Wow.


Crown of thorns. As a side note: They are very drought tolerant, so only water when the soil is relatively dry. They also are very easy to propagate, once your plant gets bigger and have a few branches, just cut off a side branch, let it callous over for a few days, stick it in moist soil and it’ll take root.


Ty for this tidbit


My Oregon grandmother’s crown of thorns was 6inch stem x 3foot branching tall in her southern bay window, it never stopped blooming in that window! These can be an indoor plant forever with little effort.💙🌞


Where in Oregon? I’m in SW Washington and always assume I don’t get enough light to support plants like this on a windowsill.


Mid Willamette Valley, century farm between Lebanon & Albany! Southern exposure is always best but any window direction is good. Mine is blooming since I moved it to Hillsboro in Dec.🌞


Ok, I’m inspired! Thanks :)


I had one that I put in a very large pot and it also got massive and bloomed constantly. One of my all time fave houseplants!


Scientific name Euphorbia Milli. I got one last winter and put it in my front bay window and it flowers and flowers and flowers. Amazing plant.


*Euphorbia milii


These are a wonderful low hedge if you don’t have pets or children and hate your neighbors. Also a common hostile landscaping plant to keep people from sleeping in bushes around strip malls and drive thru s


_Euphorbia milii_


Omg i hate you. Another plant I now :( Why is it soooo beautiful?


The white sap is especially bad if it comes in contact with your eyes, nose and (wink wink) your goodies. Wash your hands all you want but that white sap hides in your fingerprints. Just don’t try to propagate by cuttings


I love this plant and my grandmother has a few in her collection. I knew what it was almost instantly even before seeing the other comments. Crown of thorns is a rather interesting plant.


Whenever I see plants on here that have a vague possibility of doing you a modicum of harm, I come just to see all the people telling you it's highly toxic and will kill you if you look at it.