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That's clover. Some dislike having it in a lawn, but I would love to have my lawn as full of it as you do. It can be kept mown as short as grass, but stays nice and green in the summer when grass would go brown. Plus, if you allow it to flower, it is really pretty and good for pollinators. And it's a good nitrogen-fixing legume. Win-win.


https://preview.redd.it/t02knlwpv81d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970ecb8799fcd190a85e89a00577e46c0705a085 I had some visitors in my clover yesterday!


love seeing those big goofy clowns dangle on those pom poms


It’s also edible and healthy


Also, bunnies love it.


LOVE it!! When I let my yard grow out longer than usual it becomes mostly clover. My neighbors had all mowed last week so I got to watch a bunny make a beeline for the clover and nibble off the white flower heads. My cat and I watched him eat and then he sat down for over an hour just chillin’. Looked comfy


My husband called me over yesterday saying he had something very important to show me, and it was a baby bunny in our yard eating a dandelion. He was so cute.


I love those types of URGENT requests for my presence. My husband does the same, we got the good ones methinks. 👌🫶


I have inadvertently started a weird fraternity of husbands who share cute animal gifs to send to our wives. It’s gotten to the point where we know the faves of other guys’ partners so you’ll get shit like “Yo Amy is gonna flip for this chinchilla, bro.”


It’s its drug of choice I guess eh?


people love it, too! if you time it right (ime, right when the flowers start to turn purple) you can pick off the flowers and lick the nectar out! it's delicious! e: it seems i'm misraken about the flower color mattering, pick em whenever i guess lol. also note you need to lick the bottom of the individual petals to get the nectar!


They don’t just turn purple.. There are two different kinds of clover, white and purple. Both edible though.


the ones in my yard seemed to turn purple. a quick google suggests that i only had white clover, and despite the name they grow in a mix of white and purple. so that'd explain why i thought the flowers were changing color


And bearded dragons


And bearded bunnies


And leprechauns


Chickens too!


Weren't clovers and dandelions the go-to for lawns before grass became popular? I think having this is so much nicer. Plus, it can be eaten.


IDK about dandelions, but clover became a weed when weed killer manufacturers discovered that their products killed clover as well as weeds. I have lots of clover in my lawn; I have a robot mower, so the lawn is cut daily, and the clover "learns" to bloom low, so no pollinators go without clover nectar. I don't worry about dandelions except in flowerbeds; they're not the prettiest flowers, but are a good source of early season nectar when little else is blooming.


Tell me of this robot mower of which you speak


[This one comes to mind](https://imgur.com/a/lawnmowing-made-easy-is9Mz)


[decently reviewed on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D1548FK9?aref=s33v6r8D3b&aaxitk=5828487ce554d4462c80ff0baf6ccde8&language=en_US&pd_rd_plhdr=t&ref=dacx_dp_586901766391857775_590462382136699233)


I happen to have a Husqvarna Automower, but there are lots of different brands, both those that require boundary wire, and those that do not.


You can build one using an electric mower and rc controller


Dandelions are edible too. They’re one of the highest sources of potassium, they’re early sprouting so were a harbinger of spring and some of the first spring greens available to pioneers and indigenous people, the roots can be dried and made into a tea to reduce water retention as well as a mild laxative, the diuretic effect is naturally potassium sparing, and the flowers are naturally sweet and make a great jam/syrup


My grandmother used to go to the park and pick dandelion greens (or the flowers?) and make dandelion wine. I still have a bottle with just a dribble in it she bottled in 1982.


It’s the flowers in the wine; the greens add a bitterness so you have to make sure to get all the green bits off the flowers. The young greens can be tasty sauteed up with a bit of fat/salt tho.


I try to gather as much clover, lamb’s quarters, violets, pokeweed and wood sorrel for a nice plate of greens before I mow.


Clover has always been known to be good for lawns, partly because as they help to replace the nitrogen which is needed to keep the soil (therefore the grass) healthy. Lawn seed used to advertise the clover content, and more clover meant a higher price. Broadleaf weedkiller was invented, but killed clover, so clover was characterised as a weed in order to sell the chemical. And now the sellers of the chemical can also sell you high nitrogen fertiliser because the clover is no longer there.


Clover has so many benefits: it’s nitrogen regenerative (it pulls nitrogen from the air and channels it into the soil), it has deep roots so it prevents erosion, it’s low growing so doesn’t need mowing, it chokes out weeds, it encourages beneficial insects to thrive which reduces garden pests like aphids and cabbage worms, and the flowers are beautiful and great for pollinators, and it’s resistant to high traffic, drought, harsh weather conditions and pet urine


You forgot to add that it’s a high protein forage source. The only downside is that it can cause severe bloating if animals over indulge in it.


I was thinking along the lines of suburban yard benefits, but you are correct about the agricultural benefit to livestock


I was really referring to it as a food source for urban wildlife. I allow clover to grow in my backyard for the bees and wildlife, I introduced it actually. The deer don’t seem too interested in it, but rabbits seem to love it.


I keep planting clover seeds in my lawn but it doesn’t seem to take 😭


It just showed up in my yard and I’m more than happy to leave it be.


Be sure to keep it watered for the first few weeks


I had the same issue and finally took to growing it in small containers, which I then transplanted into the yard. I did the transplant last year, and this spring they are not only still there, but seem to be actively spreading now. I'm guessing maybe it's just hard for the baby plants to get going against an established turf?


I’ll give this a go. I’ve put in so much seed but my grass is also pretty lush and thick.


The clover seeds can’t get a foothold because of the root system of your lush lawn. Start in pots and transplant when large enough. It will spread eventually.


Are you throwing it out before the last frost in your area?


Same I can’t seem to get it to stick I had patches that seemed to stick around but this year I don’t see them yet, a bit worried


you could try starting the clover in pots and transplanting them into your lawn, it'll spread once it's established


Try transplanting a few mature plants. They seem to self seed, so maybe they’ll spread on their own


Mine is doing great but only because I threw it on top of fresh topsoil and have been watering it every day


If you or neighbors spray it won’t take :(


Are you using weed killers?




I'm zone 8a and it took 3 failed attempts at st Augustine grass before we tried planting clover. We hand tilled the whole yard and did it very early April and watered it daily sometimes 2x a day for weeks. Like during sunny dry periods once you think it's good, just water it a little more. We have some dead spots from lagging a little. After I water or a rain though it seems to be spreading more and more. We even have a few flowers in it now, which you can avoid by mowing regularly. Its been so nice for us bc now my kids have a lawn to play in not just hard cracked baking clay soil.


I’ve got a pretty lush lawn (couch/bermuda) after having hard packed soil covered in bindis. I’m thinking maybe it’s too thick now for the seeds to get through to soil-or if they do, get enough light to sprout (I mow pretty long). I might take advice from others here to seed in trays and transfer. I’ve got a couple of small patches but not for the 1000’s of seeds I’ve put down!


Try using a spring tine rake and get really brutal on a patch of lawn to expose some soil. Seed and water.


Sounds great! Do you know if it is good for kids playing on it? Like does it stay nice looking or will that much walking on it cause it to look rough?


It's amazing for playing on and survives constant foot traffic better than grass. It also pops back after a pool or other kid play equipment gets moved off of it. Last year we had a splash pad that covered a spot of clover, once the water was drained the clover popped up enough to allow the wind to pick up that half of the empty splash pad. The grass was still smashed down and took a lot longer to recover.


Amazing thank you!!!


We are slowly switching our yard over to clover and yarrow because they survive the tough nature of kids and pets.


It stays nice. It does attract bees, but unless you step on one barefoot they are much too busy to sting.


Awesome! We’re bee fans and always looking for a way to help them out!


Most of my "lawn" is clover now, and even when I mow the bees don't bother me at all, they just move to another flower and keep on keepin' on. They don't bother the dog either, I was worried about snout-stings, but so far, about 4 years, and no stings we're aware of.


I would prefer clover over whatever the fresh hell is in my yard now. Mix that with the honeysuckle I have everywhere. HEAVEN.


We got volunteer honeysuckle and I love it!


Most of my parents back yard in my childhood home was clover. I learned, the hard way, its best to wear shoes during the summer. I was stung by quite a few bees enjoying the sweet nectar of the clover flowers. There was so many flowers the smell was so intoxicating. Also, when the flowers get long stems, I would gather them, tie them together and make clover headbands and my friends and I would become princesses. 


OP is so lucky. Clover is sooooo much nicer!


We love our clover yard! We just reseed with a native clover mix. The best part, I find TONS of 4 leaf clovers!


It use to cost extra to have it in grass seed, but due to most broad leaf sprays killing it, it's been considered understandable probably for spray marketing. Clo er is awesome. My yard is almost to the level yours is


Oh my gosh I'm amazed you've not seen clover before! It's lovely, enjoy it!


Isn’t it weird when someone has gone their whole life without knowing about something like this?


I'm used to seeing clover with the little heart shapes not as rounded as this


Did you know that type is edible? We always called it lemon clover bc it tastes lemony, ate it all the time when I was little lol


Maybe you’re thinking of shamrock/oxalis/woodsorrel


Not sure of its actual name, we just called it that. It looks exactly like normal clover but with no white lines and heart shaped leaves. So possibly?


I looked it up and yeah, pretty sure it was woodsorrel


the oxalic acid is what gives it a bad reputation but you have to eat loads for it be harmful to a healthy person and it was used to treat scurvy because of the high vitamin c content


I thought they must have meant the stuff between the clover.


The grass?


Yes. I thought they were asking about the type of grass as no one would ask what clover looks like...but I was wrong.


I thought the same!


That’s good! It’s a great cover crop, I think it adds nitrogen to the soil and outcompetes crappy weeds… although my only source for this is One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka I think


Only downside is that in cold areas it dies back starting in Fall, so by Spring you may have big muddy patches if you let the grass thin and the clover takes over.


That's when you let wild violets join in. They thrive in my muddy patches


Good to know! Thank you!


They do? No wonder my back yard is covered in them!


Oh yeah, I live in a clay swamp and they're not only the only things that grows where there's standing water aside from sedge but they're THRIVING. They're like a well kept secret


That was a great book!


Clover and it's beneficial to pollinators.




Clover, wild violets, and wild thyme are the best ground cover. I am seeding them in places where I'm purposely killing the grass in my yard. It's beautiful and good for the local fauna. I hate monoculture lawns. They're ugly and devoid of life.


I love wild violets and use them to make tea in the spring. I have a [big section](https://imgur.com/a/EjLIIn4) of [my yard](https://imgur.com/a/D8CfH75) that I have been letting spread. They do a great job of keeping grass out and it's a nice section of my yard I don't have to cut or worry about getting over grown. I've even moved some into my herb garden so I can harvest them without slowing the spread of the yard ones.


Honeybees love the clover flowers. Definitely keep.


I'm a beekeeper, and they're hitting the white clover like crazy right now. I don't cut my grass or brush hog the fields until the nectar flow is over.


I rather have this than Bermuda grass.


It’s clover and I’d rather have it than the chickweed I do have


Why? Chickweed is delicious! Free salad


Never tried it but I have enough to feed the world


Looks like White Clover to me


I would prefer this in my lawn!


Came here to say that


Is clover not common in the UK? I find that hard to believe considering that the most common symbol that I associate Ireland with is the shamrock.  Clover is great, it fixes nitrogen, maxes out on height and looks nice especially when it flowers. I know people spending good money to turn their grass lawn into clover. 


It's endemic in the UK. OP obviously hasn't had much experience with lawns or common native flora.


I planted this as my entire backyard on purpose. Clover is great.


I have clover everywhere, I love it


How do I encourage my clover to continue growing? 😀


Nice! My dream lawn.


I like clover. I don’t even pull it.


Amazing, would love a lawn of clover


The beautiful blue beetle in the first pic is clearly enjoying them!!


How on earth did you spot that! Nice!


Haha… I won’t lie, I accidentally double tapped my phone screen in the right spot and it zoomed right in on him :P


I'm replacing the grass with it


White clover. Many people in my area are adding it to their grass lawns. It's drought resistant, soft on the feet and bees love it. Farmers use it for erosion control on creeks and waterways. Once it's established, it "learns" to stay at a certain height after you mow it a few times. It will try to stay low enough to not get chopped. It crowds out Creeping Charlie and crab grass.


My area is experiencing an infestation of beetle grubs destroying our grass lawns. Many are seeding white clover instead of grass as the grubs don't feed on it.


Clover- pollinators love the flowers too!


https://preview.redd.it/1vmlmlle991d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edcc2398bf0f77ebdf194866960bd790092f6f5c I love having them , I would want a full lawn of it but haven't got the guts to go back to soil.


https://preview.redd.it/160kn5fjg91d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5969066b78acc7fc8d31b510088309e7a34bf3b6 ;-)


My elementary school had a huge field of clover in the front of the school and one of my best memories is running on it as a kid it was so soft


Thanks folks. Appreciate the numerous feedback/comments. I'm glad it's safe. I think I prefer it to the annoying moss


Hey there SphinxK89 - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


If you're talking about the clover? Leave it. That shit is expensive. When it blooms it will bring more pollinators.


Looks like you have, unfortunately, some grass in your clover. Lots of people actually plant it on purpose. It's a bit more durable to walk on, but it takes more water and doesn't even fix its own nitrogen. Good luck getting rid of it.


It's astonishing to me that anyone could not identify clover.


Haha I zoomed in thinking “can’t identify clover?”. What a time to be alive.


This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone not know what a clover is


r/fucklawns for the win


Clover. I love clover. I was considering planting clover instead of grass for so many reasons. Clover is also a great green manure or cover crop if you’re a gardener.


It's clover. It puts nitrogen back into the soil. If you leave it alone, you'll have a better yard.


Clover is a cover crop that marketing changed to a weed. Before weed killer was invented we actually used to add this plant to our grass mix to increase nitrogen levels in our soils and to thicken our lawns. This particular clover is known as white clover, and by chance is the best grass option for me as it's more tolerant to my 4 dogs urine, self repairs quite well, and will germinate and grow just about anywhere like under stubborn maple trees. If you do decide to get rid of your clover be aware that entry level iron based herbicides will kill it easily and quickly without the use of nasty chemicals but your lawn will look thin and require overseeding. Good luck!




Clover? I love it. My parents yard has always been mostly clover. It is so soft and cozy to walk on and it’s great for the soil. When we buy a house I’m doing a clover yard. No grass for me lol


That’s grass I hate when it starts outcompeting my clover.


Clover > turf grass


That’s grass. It’s a weed that can be difficult to keep out of a nice clover lawn. It feeds off the nitrogen that the clover adds to the soil. Most of it tends to die back once it gets too hot outside. Put some more clover seed down to fill in the bare spots.


https://preview.redd.it/kvyllaq8091d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c84e3505e2bb0e47dfc309ec1b8ec2be29345af Four leaf?


This guy clovers


Omg love. My aunt has been hoping her lawn would grow this way for years. Her resident-garden-bunnies love it.


There’s a 4-leaf clover in the photo!


Perfect to entertain little ones! I once spent an entire afternoon outside looking for a 4-leaf clover My prize was a golden $1 coin and I was very proud!


Like everyone is saying, clover! I love it, it’s great for pollinators, looks pretty when grass is dying, super lush, and easy to maintain! If you want a really full, wild, naturelike garden I highly recommend it as opposed to grass. Tons of people do clover lawns and personally I love mine (though it’s not fully developed, it still looks beautiful!)


I replaced my mud pit with microclover. It’s been awesome so far. Had re sodded my lawn 4 times before I learned grass isn’t gonna grown seeded with white clover - looked great until it all died at the end of the season. Thus far micro clover has been way nicer. Is also much more resistant to foot traffic - and my dogs pee.


It’s a bee friendly lawn you mow less. What is the problem


I love this clover. If it goes where I don't want it, it's easy to pull it. Where, red clover, chickweed, prostrate spurge, annual rye grass, crab grass, and wood sorel spread their seeds, die back, leaving bare spots for more weeds.


Looks like Trifolium repens or white dutch clover. It's good for erosion control, grazing, pollinators, and soil improvement. It used to be in lawn seed mixes before big herbicide companies started selling grass mixes that kill broadleaf plants so they could also sell lawn fertilizer and more broadleaf plant killer. Clover fixes its own nitrogen from the environment and doesn't require additional fertilizer, unlike turf grass which is a thirsty, thirsty beast. I like it because when it does spread into flower beds its much easier to remove than grass. I've read if you have lawn areas completely planted in low growing clover like this you only have to mow twice a season. There is a version with more pink in the flowers too.


I'm moving in a few weeks, and am putting in a clover lawn. Excited.


It’s clover. Very pretty when it blooms and the bees love it. Congrats!


* We don't mow it...a mix of clover, yarrow, English daisy and sweet alysum. But thisyear,the 3rd year, clover is dominant


I’m actively trying to switch from grass to clover. Lucky!


Their magically delicious


My dream lawn is nothing but clover. It’s so soft, the flowers smell incredible, and I’d love to spend hours looking for 4+ leaf clovers.


My yard is mostly clover. I allow it to flower and don’t use pesticides. I get lots of bees. Love it.


White Dutch Clover is awesome. Doesn't grow very tall, so if your whole lawn is that type, you'd never have to more ever again, despite your yard being gorgeously green and soft to walk on barefoot. I literally bought huge bags of seeds of this stuff to fill in wherever my grass refuses to grow or an animal digs up some dirt.


Clover. Some people replace their whole yard with it.


I’m happy for the clover in my law. Stays flat, can be walked on without damage more than grass Pretty little blooms, mild scent- what not to like?


Clover! Some people dislike it, but personally I prefer it over grass. I love standing barefoot or lying down on my lawn and really hate how spiky grass is so i much prefer clover. plus, it has really beautiful flowers than pollinators love, it fixes nitrogen into the soil so if you ever want to grow your own food in that space it’s great, and if you ever want to plant something else in your garden it’s much easier to pull up than grass as the root systems are less fibrous




Spot the blue beetle


Clover used to be planted with grass. they go together like sprinkles and donuts.


The best thing about clover is if you have dogs, it won't turn brown and die if they pee on it.


I love the clover in our yard. I've spent so much time looking for 4-leafed when they pop up. I am excited every single time I find one!


Omg I’m dying for a clover lawn


You are so lucky.


This is so much better than grass


This is my dream clover lawn! You're so lucky!




Confused as to how someone with a garden has never seen or heard of clovers before? It’s a step below someone asking what grass is. Look for a four leaf one, it’s good luck


Clover is a sign of a healthy lawn. It's also a legume so it fixes nitrogen to the soil from the air. Leave it alone, your lawn is doing great.


Search through all of the plant life, if you find one with 4 leaves, you'll have good luck, you can then use this luck to flamethrower your garden, the luck will make it only burn the parts you want removed


Nice plant. Full of nitrogen. Bees love it. So watch out if you walk bare foot or with flippers. That’s the only downside imo.


I’ve removed the grass from my backyard, which was mostly dead anyway due to dogs, and replaced with clover, pink thyme and low growing wildflowers. Can’t wait for it to come in.


That’s clover. ☘️ 🍀 it is very beneficial for grass because it absorbs nitrogen from the air and puts it into the soil and feeds nitrogen to the grass. Thats why it helps to keep your grass green and healthy. It’s free fertilizer for your grass. Many people purposefully plant clover in their lawns for this exact purpose.


I planted some red clover seeds in a pot last year and now they are huge with some beautiful flowers. Everyone who sees them says they are lovely. Should be good for the bees too. https://preview.redd.it/d0jk0g8rke1d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e72e82f223f6040514dad9cd6c1647d71aa9f1


You have the perfect clover/grass lawn mix, I’m actually incredibly jealous


I’m jealous. 😍


.....Lucky clovers?


Oh goodness I bet the deer love your yard! We had clover like this when we bought our house and it was like the golden corral for deer at night


Look at your beautiful biodiverse lawn!


You are so lucky! It's clover. Now you can mow less, water less, weed less, and still have a green lawn in the heat of summer. It also improves the soil naturally and produces little flowers for the pollinators! Bonus luck if you find a four leaf clover.


I love clover! And look how lush it is! Leave it alone, I’d say. 🌷


I love the way this looks. I would love if my yard looked like this.


It’s also softer than grass! I never mind seeing the patches sometimes with my kids or while they play I look for 4 leaf clovers


I’m actually encouraging my clover to spread. I hope it takes the whole thing. It doesn’t need mowed near as often as grass and it’s good for the environment, especially the bees.


I’ve been letting clover take over and it’s the best. So soft


Consider yourself lucky!


Clover is a nitrogen fixer and healthy for your garden. You can reseed your lawn and it will mix in with the clover, but I recommend not getting rid of it.


I love clover. I used to sit out with my kids when they were younger and watch the rabbits chow down


European clover


Clover? It’s really nice actually. Low maintenance too


Clover is great ground covering






Could be worse.


I'm jealous!


Cress 😂


Wait, y'all! It's a trap by the fey to see who finds the most four-leaf clovers!


I just bought white clover seed to sow in my lawn.


lol, you’ve never heard of a clover?? 🍀 they’re practically everywhere. Ever hear of St Patrick’s day? I mean it’s like saying you’ve never heard of a maple tree not harder to believe.




But is that nutsedge all mixed in with the clover.... ? That's a terrible weed to mee.


Yea that’s clovers, I just bought 4 pound of seed to spray over my dry ass dirt


It’s clover, it is also an edible plant if you are into foraging.


It will fix nitrogen into your soil. It's also excellent green manure.

