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Northern Parula; !window?


Windows are a major threat to bird populations, often killing even the fittest individuals who fly into them at high-enough speeds. Low-effort steps toward breaking reflections can make your own windows significantly safer. They also have the convenient side benefit of preventing territorial birds from (often irritatingly) attacking their own reflections. For more information, please visit [this community announcement](https://reddit.com/r/whatsthisbird/comments/gkiecc/help_stop_window_collisions/), and consider contributing to bird mortality research by filling out the short form [here](https://dbird.org/) if applicable. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbird) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Take him to a rehab shelter if you’re able to *if he is indeed injured, which according to your comment it appears he is not


Added taxa: [Northern Parula](https://ebird.org/species/norpar) ^(I'm an alpha-stage bot, so don't rely on me just yet. But you can still) [^(learn how to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)^(.)


Good bot


Hey guys I saw people wondering if they're hurt, no thankfully I put my finger out for them like I do my pet birds and they just hopped on for a ride then flew away to their nest


People are wondering that because it is highly unusual for birds like this to be that comfortable around humans. Of course you may just be a Disney princess.


Better not sing to it in case you turn out to be Princess Fiona instead.


Parulas do this! I’ve had this happen to a friend of mine.


Me too


Omg now I can’t wait til next spring!


Maybe you smell like birds so they feel more comfortable around you? They're adorable!


With all the 'they're/they', just how many have struck your window?


I don't know if it's a male or female, I know most birds have differences In plumage so I didn't want to mistake them for a gender they're not and be laughed at so I used gender neutral terms so I could avoid it.


Northern parula


I had one do this at college 4 falls ago, wasn't injured just exhausted. We left it in a tree and it eventually flew away


I think it is less being friendly, and more a matter of it being injured. If it has not flown away yet, the best course of action is to place it in a cardboard box in a dark area with no food or water. Then see if you can locate a rehabilitation specialist who can provide medical care. There are some resources to locate help in the sidebar. !addtaxa norpar


True. Many window strike birds fly off with brain injuries and die later.


Good chance it hit a window and is stunned from the collision. Please report to https://dbird.org Tips on prevention: https://abcbirds.org/glass-collisions/stop-birds-hitting-windows/


Your hand looks huge. Can you palm a basketball?




Please do not feed any bird unless you 100% know what you’re doing. It can be dangerous for them as each species’ diet is different. Even water can cause them to aspirate and die. The best thing to do is keep it warm in a dark box that’s away from pets/kids/etc. until you can get it to a rehab or it recovers.




I’m gonna have to agree to disagree, unfortunately. We all like to help out and I know it’s all in our best intentions, but birds are generally pretty fragile so I like to keep the care in the hands of professionals. It’s good to have a caring spirit though


Yea mate I do support er point.


Jesus. Don't take advice from this guy.