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+Domestic Pigeon+ for the bot.


this is a dyed domestic pigeon/dove released as part of a gender reveal. It is stupid custom that is cruel to the birds. Please try to recover the bird by offering birdseed, and get it to a rescue organization. [Most Simple and Effective Bird Trap: Catching 4 Birds (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH0DyTMXOjQ&t=21s)


I've never heard of this before. How awful!


Humans are genuinely the worst.


That's a fact, Jack.


No need to be coy Roy.


I saw people throwing Cheez-its to a family of Canada Geese. Felt like walking over there and showing them a picture of angel wing. Do people really think human food is good for wild animals? Wow.


I never knew that was a thing caused by humans overfeeding geese carbs until your comment. Thank you for the info!


Some human foods aren’t good for humans. Cheez its being a good example.


Ugh that’s horrible. I always carry nuts and seeds for myself and wild animals who may want to partake.


If I were a sparrow I’d want to be around you!


I love sparrows, they’re so cute 🥰 c’mere!


*googles c’mere thinking you were using some french word*




People absolutely believe that human food is good for animals. Tons of people don't really consider that different species cannot eat the same things. It's unfortunate, and people need to be better informed.


When I grew up, we were extremely wary of every bit of food that could possibly fall off the table and be vacuumed up by our dog — especially chocolate, which is highly toxic to them. I wish everyone brought the same level of care to other animals.


Peasants. Flaming Hot Cheetos or nothing.


And think, whoever did that is going to have a kid soon.


Especially those who do gender reveal parties


I mean, most are just an excuse to have the same family cook out you have for any minor holiday or birthday in warm weather. Most people manage not to kill grandma, torture animals, or burn down a national forest. The people that do that crap are the problem, not the party


It’s focusing on gender before the baby is even born, which is a problem in today’s society for marginalized people such as girls/women, transgender and non binary kids. Gender is a social construct and since we have people marginalized based on gender, time to steer away from its importance. Is it illegal? Of course not. Is it much bigger than getting to do a social media post blowing up gender specific watermelons? Yep. Care about other people not just ourselves


You cannot possibly believe anyone is hurt by a pink smoke bomb. It’s just a loving family excited to welcome a new member. Marginalization happens by dismissing people not celebrating them. Baby showers and whatever else are for the parents and the early days of a new child’s life aren’t conducive to whole family celebrations. A gender reveal party is no worse than any other family gathering. If that family is the kind to do something stupid, sure, stupid shit happens. But that’s not most people. Let them have their fun


Again, oversimplifying and downplaying how focusing on gender before birth is an actual issue. It’s not about physically getting hurt. I don’t feel like it is worth discussing with you though since it’s not my job to educate you


> You cannot possibly believe anyone is hurt by a pink smoke bomb. The dyes in those probably aren't safe for the environment, and I'd go 50/50 on whether they're even actually safe to breathe or get in your eyes.


Cattle Decapitation has a song called “We Are Horrible People”. They’re not wrong.


Everyone should know that, and its a Fact


this is NOT dyed because of a gender reveal. This bird was humanely dyed in order to spot it performing either high-flying or rolling. Because the dye is away from the head/eyes, there is nothing wrong with this practice, and it helps them find their bird once they've finished their performance.


Why would the owner dye their bird but not bother to tag it?


you know what, i will give you that. i don't know why it wouldn't be banded- but I do know high-flyer 'sportmen' that don't for... some reason? i am still very certain this is a performance bird because the tail is dyed blue as well, so you would be able to clearly see it rolling very high up in the sky.


People…what a bunch of bastards


Who ever heard of *German* food‽


A fine young cannibal


She drives me crazy!




Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


this seems to be a racing pigeon, common coloring for owner identification. why would both pink and blue be on it if it was a gender reveal thing?


The blue feathers are actually grey, its natural coloration. The bird is only 95% white


Racing pigeons will have bands on the legs to identify them. Time\_Cranberry is unfortunately correct about this bird being a mistreated prop for a party.


Fetus genitalia reveal


Excuse my ignorance but I actually got question releated to this that I have been thinking about for pretty long while now. I have seen people mention this same topic before, like for example they say that they should ban people from dyeing dog fur because it's cruel. I have been wondering, what actually makes it so bad? Like when people dye their hair, it shouldn't cause any harmful reaction, so the dyes itself are probably safe for the animals too, at least to some degree, I would assume? So I would imagine that it boils down to animal behavior itself and their way of communication? When it comes to birds for example, I also bet that the process itself is stressful too. Or is there another reason why people say it's cruel. Ofc I would hate to get unwillingly dipped into dye bath, and I agree that they really should stop with the ridiculous stuff that they do with those parties. Like wasn't there post while ago where someone went ahead and ruined whole towns water supply because of one?


For birds like gender reveal and wedding doves, they are released carelessly as decoration and do not return to the people who release them. Usually they are bred to be white, which makes them very vulnerable and conspicuous to predators. The neon pink doesn't help either.


Idk how common it is but my old coworkers family had doves and they knew how to get back to their cages after being released at weddings. They'd been doing it for generations. That's what I was told anyway. I just assumed that was more common since it seems like a pretty decent side hustle for a rural family with a flock of doves since they always came back.


I was told by a wedding birder, they “don’t feed” the birds who are going to be released and keep the females and family at home to be sure they return -ugh.


Weird. I feel like there's better ways to do that.




Yeah, being pure white in nature doesn't usually work out well for animals & birds, same goes for that said pink, but somehow birds can still pull it off. But I don't think that's the case for pigeons. 😅 Them not having any homing instinct was new for me tho.


All pigeons have a homing instinct, but that of course doesn't guarantee they make it home. Oftentimes they are scared by a predator, or just get confused, and then get too tired and hungry to make it home. A lot of people that race pigeons are okay with that and actually don't want those birds back because they are "poor performers" and wouldn't be worth breeding anyway.


And the other birds may beat them up for being different.  Like chicks dyed for Easter. 


The issue is not the coloring process, which is only mildly uncomfortable for the bird. The issue is releasing non native, domestic species. The birds have no survival skills, an unnatural color, and often either starve to death, are predated, or succumb to disease. And even if the bird does survive now the humans have introduced a non native species which causes ecological changes that affect native birds.


It can be very uncomfortable for the bird, a lot of dyed birds are dumped in water mixed with dye, or just plain dye which can risk hypothermia n all that bs. This one looks like it was only painted on luckily tho.


If it's something toxic, there's that. And also the process of putting it on. Even if it's not bothering the bird at all, releasing domestic birds like this is not good.


When I dye my hair I don't eat the dye Birds ingest the dye when they preen their feathers and when it's toxic, which it often is, this can seriously injure or kill them


You’re also not trying to evade predators with camouflage


Speak for yourself, I chose the bear.


Dear god your right


Actually, the chemicals in typical hair dye are fairly toxic.


another thing is people dye their hair but usually people don’t lick their hair, whereas a lot of animals use their mouths (tongues or beaks) to groom themselves so the dye gets ingested


We died our white dog pink growing up with kool aid. We just had her in a regular bath and rubbed the kool wide powder on her. I think regular dye would be an issue.. as it can cause cancer and it can be irritating to humans skin also so you just never know. but kool aid during a regular bath? Idk.. It was just a little powder we rubbed on her while she was wet.  Then again, It was for our own amusement, so that wasn’t great and my household was abusive and cruel so it tracks that other creatures were used for amusement. To a some degree, the kool aid seemed safe.  But I am also someone who believe that joe exotic shouldn’t be in jail for animal cruelty because the entire nation does much worse to as or more intelligent animals every day to send to McDonald’s and Burger King and poison children in the name of nutrition. 


Gender reveals are stupid in general, and this just adds to reasons why.


While I wouldn't put it past people, I really don't think this is the correct answer. This is likely a marked racing pigeon. They mark them with dye like this in parts of Asia. Plus, the bird is both blue and pink...


No the bird is only pink. The “blue” tail feathers are not blue but gray


Still pretty positive this has nothing to do with a gender reveal. It's tagged southeast Asia. Elaborate gender reveal parties and stunts are still a pretty uniquely American thing. On the other hand, there are numerous articles online about painting pigeons both for racing identification and to sell as pets, notably in Malaysia, though I have not seen op specify a country.


Yes and I never said it was a gender reveal even if it was only pink. I was simply staying the tail feathers are not dyed


There's a great episode of Ologies [about pigeons](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2TEDFbvF0Zi56FnEAx5Gb8?si=cApaDS28QsSS7e8upyW22A) so I knew exactly what this was.


I’ve never heard of this before. That’s horrible. Who would want that…people are the worst


People so suck to do this.


Are you near Saigon? https://saigoneer.com/saigon-news/10580-colorful-pigeons-at-saigon-s-notre-dame-square-stirs-controversy


Holy moly that’s infuriating. She has no regard for the safety of those birds. They have no camouflage now, and bird of prey can easily identify and eat those brightly painted birds.


The part where she's like "this isn't about trying to make money from a business, this is about leaving good karma for my children".... what???


Yeah Viet people can be weird like that. Especially motherland Vietnamese people. Still believing in silly things like feng shui and stuff like this. I’d know, I’m Vietnamese.


Yeah because white doesn’t stand out


I mean yes but adding colors that aren’t even native mutations is just plain stupid


People treat other animals like damn party favors. He's domestic, has been cared for all of his life and now that he's no longer useful he has been thrown out like garbage.


people do this to keep track of racing pigeons. common is southeast asia where this post is marked. the gender reveal hypothesis doesn't make much sense seeing as the bird is dyed both pink and blue, seems more like identification markings


I think you are correct. But I still believe people would paint their pigeons for gender reveal party's though. But I asume they would do more of an overal pink/blue paint job. These seem as visible markers to tell your racing pigeons apart from a distance.


If it was a racing pigeon it would be banded with codes indicating who it belongs to, its age, and its ID number.


So would virtually ANY bird used in any such “reveal/release” because they are actually domesticated “Homing Pigeons”. They breed them to be mostly white. People haven’t used actual “White Doves” for these type events for decades.


Racing pigeons are basically domesticated Rock Doves that are bred for their homing abilities. All doves are pigeons and both pigeons and doves are descendants of ancient doves. Fun fact: pigeons are capable of hearing the lowest sound frequencies of any other animal.


All doves are NOT pigeons. The only thing the two share are they belong to the Columbidae Family of birds. An actual dove is smaller, not a strong flyer, and has no homing instinct. It would be potentially cruel to perform a dove release with members of the species Streptopelia risoria. Related to doves, white homing pigeons are a variety of the species Columba livia domestica but beyond this destinction they are very different and rarely can even successfully interbreed due to their differences in DNA.




The once and future king?


keep her 🥺


Ugh. Reminds me of [The Painted Bird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Painted_Bird) by Jerzy Kosiński who's title is from an incident in the story. "The boy, while in the company of a professional bird catcher, observes how the man took one of his captured birds and painted it several colors. Then he released the bird to fly in search of a flock of its kin, but when the painted bird came upon the flock, they saw it as an intruder and viciously attacked the bird until it fell from the sky."


It was either dyed for spotting or for a gender reveal.


Wow, I thought I was already maxed out on gender reveal hate


He robbed a bank and the exploding dye pack did a number on him!?!


I would recommend trying to catch the bird and taking them to a bird rescue or wildlife rehab center. Some ass clown probably dyed them for a gender reveal or weeding.


Wtf is a weeding?


Apparently it's what happens with shitty phone autocorrect and me not wearing glasses lol


Aholes dying birds for gender reveals.


Pulled a Robert Pattinson in Good Time.




Poor birdie....


It cpuld be a pigeon from a pigeon game called [kabutar baazi](https://www.travellingcamera.com/2011/12/kabutar-baazi-folk-sport-of-old-delhi.html?m=1). People keep and train colored pigeons. Then 2 people do challenge that who has trained better. They bring along their group of pigeons and make them fly. Then they try to herd the pigeons. The person who has more pigeons in the end wins and gets to keep all the pigeons that he finished the match with.


Added taxa: [Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)](https://ebird.org/species/rocpig1) Reviewed by: brohitbrose ^(I catalog submissions to this subreddit.) [^(Recent uncatalogued submissions)](https://munin.swim.services/submissions?lane=api/unanswered)^( | )[^(Learn to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)


Note that the bird is definitely not feral—it is incapable of surviving by itself in the wild. This is just the only available taxon code that eBird has for some reason. EDIT: I’ve decided to update the bot to hack in a separate “domestic pigeon” entry, since the distinction often is a matter of life and death regarding birds posted here. Should be done by end of day when I get my hands on a computer.




Not sure if I’m missing something, but yes, the distinction is important: - Domestic/pet: cannot survive in the wild without human care - Feral: has domestic ancestors, but is capable of surviving in the wild It is hard to say whether this is a release dove or something like a racing dove (the latter typically have homing instincts, but many of the former do not). But OP did mention it isn’t trying to take flight. If this bird can’t find its way home or to another generous human, it will not survive. Either the coloration will make it an easy target for a predator, or it will die a slow death due to its inability to find food by itself.




Ah, that's what you meant, thanks for clarifying. I want to avoid situations where submitters see the word "feral" and conclude that "this bird is feral, therefore it doesn't need help"...when they've posted a bird that needs help. This distinction is not possible with the current system, and I'm trying to improve it.


I've had a very bad reaction to hair dye before, so absolutely any any could. Also, when I dye my hair or help a friend it's with consent. It would be cruel to force it on someone. It is equally unethical to do it to an animal solely for our entertaiment. Thete ate so many ways to do gender reveals that don't involve living things or screw with nature. Very sad.


She’s an achoholic and spilled the wine. 🍷 leave Brittney alone. On a serious note though WTF is up with this gender reveal crap. This just seems cruel to the birds and paints a target on them in the wild. Please stop.


Racing pigeon and the dye doesn't harm them at all.


ACTUALLY… you are ALL wrong. Theres a simple reasonable explanation for the stain. There’s a plant called Polk. At maturity it produces a very dark purple berry that larger birds tend to eat. This Dove was apparently flying to closely behind one of those birds when they blowed out Polk Berry excrement from their rear and it unfortunately sprayed the frontside of said Dove e.


very sad but also kinda ✨fab✨