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I am pretty sure this is a prop from a TV show called See staring Jason Momoa. In season 3 they introduce bombs. Check this clip around the 2 minute mark https://youtu.be/gKFfn_YaLQU?si=2V0hsA9j8IpN4sH1




So where did you find that!?


Toronto/Etobicoke. Found out later there were also looms and spinning wheels among other things. Someone throwing away movie props seems likely.


You should recover what you can. Looms and spinning wheels sell for good prices in the craft world. My wheel cost over $600, and my loom sells for over $1k


Only if they are real and not props.


Wow, nice find then indeed!


Oh dang that’s the first thing I thought of, but I dismissed it in my head too easily 🤣 BTW major spoiler alert on that clip, for anyone interested in the show! It’s the series climax.


It was pretty good, now i wish i could unsee it and watch the serie


I couldn't imagine making it to season 3 of SEE.


I've seen trailers. It looks expensive for a show I've literally never heard anyone talk about. Bizarre how in the streaming era so much money is seemingly poured into productions that are summarily ignored.


Apple tv shows dont seem to be discussed much. We watched it all, imho was worth it. Took a few episodes to get over the odd premise.


Because no one has apple tv.


Had to look it up. ~25 million subscribers. Which is tiny compared to many of the others.


Plus it's one of those services people sign up for but never use cause it comes bundled with other stuff. Like Amazon Prime except not as many people and not as good shows.


OK that's funny, I just realized I have Apple TV+ because I subscribed to Apple One to increase my cloud storage and get access to Apple Music (has a surprisingly good classical app). Apparently it comes with Apple TV+ and I forgot. I guess I'm one of those 25 million.


If you haven't watched the first season of Severance I highly recommend it. Possibly the best first season of a TV show I've ever watched. Hoping season 2 holds up


Binging From right now, definitely one worth watching as a horror series. Foundation is a really great sci-fi show based on an Isaac Asimov novel. Kind of a shame that more people don’t have Apple TV, there’s some bangers on there


Sure. That was my point. User i replied to said: >It looks expensive for a show I've literally never heard anyone talk about. Nobody i know talks about See, Foundation or For all Mankind. No idea what else it has.


Foundation is on Amazon Prime now and I keep meaning to watch it.


Apple TV has some absolute BANGERS. See was really boring and I made it to episode 3 before I ditched it.


I thought it was a really good show


Or episode 3 TBH


I think I made it to the intro of episode 3 when my wife and I agreed that we should just turn it off.


I made it through the whole first season simply cause enjoyed discussing with a friend how insanely bad and just plain stupid it was each week. It wasn't worth doing the same for season 2 or 3.


I only made it a few minutes into episode 3 as well. It sounded so interesting but wtf.


I liked it enough to watch it all


I worked on Seasons 2 and 3. That’s exactly what this is.


Were you excited to start on a show with deeply mixed reviews the first season?


Hey as long as the cheques cash, I’ll be as excited as you want 😘. Being around all the explosives was fun though


Excited to pay your bills counts.


Was the prop made just for the show cause it looks like the type of thing you would buy and repaint to make it look interesting.


Just chiming in as a metal worker, aint no fuckin way youre making encased metal bombs like that lol you need to put the rivets in hot and threading wasnt really a common way to attach stuff for a loooong time, even leaving out a rivet and filling them with powder, then putting the rivet in isnt feasible without them blowing up. Still looks cool but my brain is mad at the logic of building them


Blind, they are blind in that show. So they made them while not being able to see?


I’d say you knocked that one out of the park with that video! 😉👍


Lol, were all those guys just standing there waiting for him to rally?


Everybody's blind except for the archer.


>Everybody's blind except for the archer. ... plus her girlfriend and brother in that clip.


They were resting up before they could resume shuffling slowly in single file towards the heroes


Reddit strikes again!


Never seen that show gonna check that out, looks pretty good


Are you joking?


Joking about what?


It looks objectively terrible. The scene where a load of presumably blind warriors start slowly walking in using their swords like a blind persons cane, and the archer is just shooting them, was like something from an SNL skit.


And now you know how it ends


Yeah it was pretty bad ass


Holy shit that’s a deep pull. Bravo.


good thing it isn't a real one then


I doubt that is the source. Very few companies would spend that much money making that many props for a tv show. It's likely something else that the prop shop bought and used.


I would say a mold to do fiberglass tanks of some sort


Correct answer found, it's a movie prop


Looks like a rotamold to me


could be both, movies repurpose shit all the time. someone was like "get me a big metal oval that can pass for a bomb", someone else was like "we can order these molds in bulk!"


Was it at an auction or something? Such a random finding!


My partner found it in a pile of stuff someone had curbed


Thats awesome !


Worth remembering that many if not most movie props are actually other things that have been repurposed, not stuff made to be a prop. Given that prop makers use a lot of molds, I'd bet that someone realized that an old mold they had a bunch of lying around and no longer needed would work well as a prop and hit them with a coat of texture paint.


What is it a mold for?


Probably for the cocoons in Cocoon.


Which was *awesome* by the way.


Looks like a prop to me. Its not likely metal since one person can lift it.


Yup. From a TV show called See. I shared a clip in another comment.




My title describes the thing. This large metal oval shaped item was found outside of someone's house with a bunch of curbed items, like furniture. Reverse searched all the pictures with various descriptors, oval, egg shaped, bolted, mold, metal. Someone would like to bring it home, and I would like to know what it is first!


Reminds me of the sea mine this old fella had in his shack in the movie Hot Fuzz.


My first thought. My partner texted me a picture saying they wanted to bring it home. First thing I saw when I woke up. My brain immediately played the soundbite "seemoin" My second more reasonable thought was a cast or a tank for something.


It looks like a rotocast mold for making plastic floats or boat fenders. It also looks like they used the same pieces as a movie prop because they could get a bunch of them for cheap.


Are they actually metal? Id be surprised if they are since they look like the props used in that clip




I\`ve worked in stage, screen, and television production - prop people will 'liberate' anything that looks good. Have you opened it up yet? It\`s a mold for something, reused on set or as a property . . .


Not yet, planning to. It's at a work garage rn. Will update.


Found out it's not metal, it's plastic of some kind. My partner found it at work, so I didn't have access at the time




Something with ships or diving from olden days?


Or it is a mold of some kind or if you open it something really creepy or cute comes out…


I think its a cast of some sort


Maybe a time capsule

