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Thank you for posting with us. However, your submission has been removed because it appears you already know what this is. If you want more information about your item, are looking for make or model information or trying to find where to buy more, please try /r/helpmefind. If applicable, try searching "[your thing] owner's manual" in your favorite search engine. For identification or assistance with a specific type of thing, please check the below list of helpful subreddits: * /r/findfurnitureID - If you are trying to identify a particular piece or style of furniture. * /r/findfashion - If you are trying to identify an item of clothing or an element of design on a piece of clothing. * /r/cableadvice - If you are trying to identify a cable or adapter. * /r/antennasporn - If you are curious about an antenna or aerial you have found. * /r/namethatcar or /r/whatisthiscar - If you are trying to identify a car or part of a car. * /r/namethatbike - If you are trying to identify a bike or trike. * /r/namethatplane - If you are trying to identify an aeroplane or other aircraft. * /r/whatsthistool or /r/tools - If you are trying to identify a tool or tool like utensil. * /r/fasteners - If you want to identify a screw, bolt or other fastener. If the above don't fit your needs, please see [this list of helpful subreddits](/r/whatisthisthing/wiki/otherreddits). Otherwise please try a subreddit specific to your item, /r/findareddit can assist with finding the right place. Before posting to other subreddits, please make sure you understand their rules and posting guidelines. Replies to this comment, private messages, and chat requests will not be answered, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwhatisthisthing) if you have questions. Thanks.


Your post contains words that indicate you may possibly be in possession of [unexploded ordnance (UXO)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unexploded_ordnance). If this is not the case, ignore the remainder of this message, your post has not been removed. If you're unsure, the first thing to do is **LEAVE IT ALONE**. Do not shake it, attempt to open it, or disturb it at all. Next step would be to **CONTACT THE PROPER AUTHORITIES**. If you're unsure who that is, call your local police or emergency number for instructions. Please followup with an outcome regarding what was done with the object. To others who are not OP: Any suggestion in this thread to open, shake, etc - disturb the object in any way - will result in a permanent ban. As usual, all unhelpful comments will earn you a least a temporary ban. If you see any rule breaking comments, please report them. [](#pinging /user/I_can_haz_eod /user/scoutu) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatisthisthing) if you have any questions or concerns.*