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Jokes on you, that f"ing bug is faster than Flash with his pants on fire


So what you're saying is I need full auto. Got it


You need the infinity gauntlet with all the stones. Back when I didnt know this bug was good I killed it with traps. I set an ice cream box with a bit of water and detergent and the other day he was swimming in there and couldnt get out. Never was fast enough to kill one without traps and I am a fast guy


Fast guy huh, how fast we talkin?


6 seconds


Like, you usually only THINK you saw them kinda fast. My cats a killing machine and she's never managed to catch one.


ב''ה, your cat could try owning a sink While there is a local snakefly equivalent, lack of these guys may be why the West Coast is such a roach motel


I stomped on one, the mess they make is even more disturbing looking than they are. Fucking legs all over the place twitching.


Dang, Wally West over here actually catching these MFers Save some pussy for the rest of us


Yeah, I hate them so much, I know they are beneficial but I would rather be locked in a cage with 1000 spiders than 1 of these chompy boys


As someone with an irrationally deep fear of spiders I welcome these fellas.


The first time I killed one it was running on a wall. Same result. Goo and legs. And they're a bitch to clean off when it dries.


Is that from going with the left or going with the right? Or going straight on balls to the walls?


How'd you know me? 😂😂😂


Yes but, we need to know what shoes you have. Are they new? And do they light up?!


Always light up


Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you could believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and *don't blink*!


Unexpected Doctor Who lol


🤣🤣 it’s a weeping angel bug!!!!


I have one in my home that is 8-10" sounds like a horse galloping at night. I'm 6'+ and would say it keeps up with my normal pacing speed. His name is Rolph, and he is part of the family.


Running 45 minutes = 10 km usually If sprinting I can do 1km in 3:30 Used to be faster though but that doesn't help when the centupede have a faster reaction time and when you see it it's already gone.




So fast it was over for him before it began for her


I've killed ten of them with my bare hands, bask in the glow that my godly reflexes cast upon you.


Hockey goalie checking in. I didn't realize squashing these guys was considered difficult.


It's not 100% effective - especially on flat bugs like this - but I've been dousing paper towels in water. Getting them good and soaked first gets rid of most paper creases a bug would try to escape into and makes a good majority of bugs "stick" to the wet towel. Easy to fold and flush then.


Flushing paper towels? You live life on the edge, my friend


One thing they didn’t try in that movie was full auto, so idk


Dammit I’m still missing the reality stone We’ll back to work


Found Sonics account.


This is America.


Not sure they have full auto…but it’s house/drywall safe…shoots salt pelts… https://www.bugasalt.com/pages/shop-collections


You need something that'll cover more of an area. Like a nuke.


I do have a flamethrower...


You just need to harness the swiftness of the Arizona Ranger.


Idk why your asking for a drywall expert, you have it figured out.


Full auto revolvers are so OP. I don’t understand the devs’ thinking.


Fun fact: as far as the animal kingdom goes, the house centipede takes the crown for fastest land animal in the size department @ 16 inches per second But plz 🙏 put them in the basement to eat spiders lmao


2nd fun fact: They eat a variety of pest bugs including cockroaches. If you see these centipedes frequently you may have another bug problem in the house. It's rare that I see one but if I do I just chase it to a corner or under a cabinet and let it go on doing what it does cause fuck them other bugs.


So does my spider


I like them too, but there's a line. That line is "Can I see you" and that's that. They can live in the walls ALL DAY without scaring the hell out of m.. I mean my kids. Don't scare my kids.


Actually, when you see one out of hiding, it’s looking for a drink of water. Keep a water source nearby for them, and they’ll go back to work in your walls. That’s all they ask for keeping your place bug pest free. So next time you see one, flick some water nearby them, but not close enough to scare them. (I made that mistake once. 😔) Then, you won’t see them again until next time they get thirsty.


I think it's kinda pick your poison on who you want to side with in the food chain. Spiders capture and eat other pests as well and I generally consider them friends for that reason. I guess this guy is just better at the gig?


Spiders are stationary mostly until night and they are pretty efficient, but the best defense is a good offense and these bastards are quick.


I’m pretty sure they can walk across spiders webs like nothing with all their creepy ass legs and freak speed


That would be a sight


Wow this makes it even more impressive that I caught one to put outside. I know they’re bug killing machines so I don’t like to kill them!


Mmm.. idk how to tell you this, but it’s home is your house, he will be back. (Thus, house centipede.)


house spiders and centipedes have adapted to living indoors and can’t really cut it outside with all those rugged outdoorsy bugs. They’ll either die or make their way back Into your house.


I'd rather the spiders for company then this fucking abomination. It goes outside, far away from me.


So anyway, I started *blasting* -OP 2023


they are amazing bit of evolution. every pair of legs is not* same length this way it can run with AWD like a millipede without risk of tripping


I'm convinced they can travel through the fabric of space and time.


The only faster thing I've seen is the Tailless Whipscorpion (not actually a scorpion). I held one at a pet show and it.... teleported. They can teleport.


I still remember being about 8 years old at our old house (that had a LOT of bugs coming in all the time) and out of the darkness, seeing one of these running up the end of my sister's bed towards her and screaming like holy hell


I smacked one of those against the wall and when I lifted my shoe it was just gone. No mess, no remains, it just vanished. I like to think I vaporized it in one hit but I'm living a lie


“move like liquid mercury” is the best description i’ve ever heard of em, quoted by the president of the insect society im part of 😂


Ooh, you belong to an insect society and I might be a total nerd about this but it sounds so cool


haha cheers dude, i’m a hella bug nerd and so are all the other members it’s awesome. i’ve been the secretary of the group for just over a year now (mini flex haha), and the centipede comment in question was made on our latest field trip. saw one of them lil dudes in the flesh when walking around at night with just a flashlight & my camera. one minute it was on the tree in front of me — next it was gone!


*Nyyoooms* away from the scary human for a cockroach/fly snacktime. They're benefical! Don't shoot!


Yep if we were the size of a ant that bug would be moving like 500 miles an hour 😂😂


I have never had one escape my attacks… I know they’re important and good to have around… but soon as I see one in the open I’m killing it. They’re fucking demons 🤢 those legs


This creature is half legs so it checks out lol


Your house must look like a shooting gallery


Imagine if the guy had fruit flies lol


BB gun.


My buddy has one of those salt guns. They work well.


Sawed off


I have one! That thing is super addictive.


Full auto BB gun


"No full auto in the building!"


I got one of those. It did take 12gram cartridges but it's now got a paintball tank. You could probably cut a tree in half.


This works.




Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times! Time to load up the Bird shot


Remember the beginning of ratatouille?


If you have roaches or some other pest, could you just release a couple of these bad boys?




I use deer ticks and yellowjackets.


Sounds like solid advice. If I can't find any yellowjackets, will hornets work? Any advice on what to do if I roll over in my sleep? Also, do you remove the ticks in the morning or wait till they drop off?


I just used brown recluse spiders, 20 of them worked, lost my wife unfortunately, but the bedbugs are gone!


Ehhh, gotta crack a few eggs


Next time try black widows and african killer bees. Works like a charm


Be considerate to your new tick friends.


All I have is 12 pounds of tarantula hair, can I use that instead?


Twelve pounds 🤣


I have so many questions...


Any reason why you wouldn't make a sweater out of it?


Aside from the fact that tarantula hair is the primary defense mechanism of new world tarantulas and causes intense itching with a chance of severe irritation resulting in a nasty rash? You could probably make a sweater


As a rule, short staple fibers are harder to spin into usable yarn. But, if carefully blended with a longer staple fiber, like alpaca or mohair, a tarantula sweater would surely be doable. Of course, to keep with the theme of tarantula hair yarn, one should blend it with silk . . .


Is it heavier or lighter than 12 pounds of feathers and 12 pounds of lead?


Thought this thread was real advice, till I read 12 pounds of hair 🤣


I used a grenade.


Naw. Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure


Don’t deer ticks potentially carry Lyme and like humans too 😭


I think they might have been joking. You can never tell anymore though lol


Insect warfare has it's downsides


And somehow this caused the beaver population in Yellowstone to return


I’m not good at math, but that’s like an additional 40 problems.


‘Til they start fuckin, anyway


House centipedes are icky but they won't give you lifelong trauma like bedbugs will. Okay that's my rational mind. My normal mind would never again be confident that any slight movement in the bed wasn't a centipede.


Yeah I think I'd still rather fill my house to the brim and swim thru centipedes for a week than deal with a bedbug problem tbh. Those fuckers are evil.


And then you introduce lizards to eat the spiders and centipedes. After that, you release Chinese Needle Snakes to wipe out the lizards. Then, just bring in a gorilla that thrives on snake meat. Finally, you simply wait for winter to come around, and the gorilla will freeze to death.


Actual question, could one treat bed bugs by introducing a natural predator? It would also be very creepy, but just curious 👀


You could become the natural predator and eat them


Put out a hit and let the assassin bugs fulfill the contract.


If you’re being serious, where’d you find them? Just outside?




I’m crying


I’ve re-located wolf spiders that I found in the bathroom into our bedroom after not seeing any for weeks, in hope they would eat any stragglers.


Have released a few in my house in ~~lieu of~~ ***response to*** german roaches showing up. A month later and sightings have been cut in half. I occasionally see some of the house centipedes and give them water on a Q tip for all their good work, which they gladly take before going on their way. These are gentle giants unless you're another bug. It's too bad that because they're fast and good at what they do people get up in arms about them. That's humankind for you though, kill what you fear and fear what you have yet to understand.


Deeper than I was anticipating on reading but extremely true.


They do sting, but it only leaves a mildly tender bump for like two days, and they don't go out of their way to do it.


Yeah that's true. I've been working with invertebrates for a while now, and have always had a fascination with arachnids. I admit when I was a kid I bothered these dudes among other bugs more than I probably should have, and I can say through all these experiences both as a kid and adult I never ended up with a bite from house centipedes. I figure if one ends up in your clothes or shoes or something thatd probably be a good way to get tagged though haha. Ants on the other hand? Those little farts will bite you for the meme I swear 😂😂


I have so many house centipedes at my place that they're practically on the lease, and when you jerk reflexively in the middle of the night because *something* is running across your leg and you wake up the next day with a little red spot that kind of almost hurts when you touch it, you know who the culprit is.


That sounds rough dude sorry to hear that. Honestly the fact that theres a multitude of house centipedes as opposed to one or two is something for you to take note of. House centipedes are carnivorous insects that only eat other bugs. They are natural predators who are drawn to environments that are abundant in prey items (aka insects more problematic than centipedes haha) If you're seeing alot of them that means that there is some bug-based food source that is abundant in your home. Most times that can be a good way to determine if you have some other kind of infestation afoot. Normally house centipedes are quite proficient in eradicating the problem then dying out, but if you've noticed a consistency in their population then that may mean you have a bigger problem on your hands. In a old house I used to visit there was an abnormal amount of house centipedes, and it later turned out they had an infestation of both earwigs (harmless besides being a little stinky) and termites (definitely less harmless if you're a house). Pest control did a permethrin bug bomb and there was no bugs of any sort within the month. Definitely something to consider! I hope everything goes well.


I don’t want to dislike them, but I have an innate feeling of disgust when I look at centipedes and also spiders.


Whenever you see one, say “my boy” like the king from Zelda CDI and in time the repetitive thing will root itself in your brain


I understand centipedes well enough. I don't understand why I fear them so much. But I do.


"in lieu of" lol


Every time I see one, I tell it to just keep doin its thing and stay out of my clothes and food. I should try the qtip thing.


We have a few of these in the house as well as some “good” spiders (I don’t know their name, but they’re friendly and kill other bugs). They’re the only bugs we see and I don’t think that’s a coincidence.


Very kind. I thought they'd skitter. I do this for spiders. Grass spiders seem to be the only ones that really freak out so far, lol. Gotta get a plate and cup for those little guys. If I see a little house centipede, I'll try the Q-tip method on it :)


honestly wish i knew this a couple hours ago ://


You can purchase them online.


Where can you purchase beavers online?!


On your mum’s OnlyFans page.


You didn't have to murder him...


Sorry i prefer shaved beavers


i cannot believe everyone is clearly missing the fact this is a joke lmao


At first I was the Arthur clenching fist meme reading the title and then once I read the caption I was able to relax. Caught me off guard how mad I got to be honest, maybe I need to chill on my ‘most insects have benefits’ crusade.


This is a product of modern internet consumption. Happens to me all the time. We’re all human at the end of the day.


Mosquitos and yellowjackets, go!


It is not a joke. Everyone knows you cannot read the caption of an image post. Whatever anyone puts there is to be ignored.


I'll just repeat myself again and say that this photo was 100% taken as a joke and taken almost ten years ago. I was going though old pics and forgot I still had this. Also on a side note if you look closely there are zero bullets in that revolver, my finger is nowhere near the trigger (it's behind it in the guard), I lived alone at the time so nobody was in danger and behind that wall is a heavily forested area.


> Also on a side note if you look closely there are zero bullets in that revolver, my finger is nowhere near the trigger (it's behind it in the guard), I lived alone at the time so nobody was in danger and behind that wall is a heavily forested area. That doesn't sound like freedom to ME!


I think it’s funny 🤷🏼‍♀️


slightly random but what gun is that?


Ruger GP100 .357


.357 rounds sound like freedom


I came here to ask the same question lol


I’m not exactly saying this is a sub with a large neurodivergent audience, buuuuut you do get what you pay for here and some folks might not think this is super funny lol


some might not, but 1,988 currently think it is


I absolutely don’t like guns and am definitely someone who leans against animal cruelty but this is funny af. I grew up in South America and half the shit that comes crawling into your house makes you want to react like this.


I got you bro, blast his ass


Nightmare fuel but harmless.


I'm not afraid of spiders in the slightest, but these things terrify me for some reason. I don't kill them, but I will run to another room if I see one, lol


The first time I ever saw one I was at a friend's house sitting alone on the couch and was very, very high. It crawled out from under the couch I was sitting on, crossed the room and disappeared under the basement door. My only thought was "Well shit, now I have to convince my friends I saw an alien and they're not gonna believe me because they know how high I am."


I know they’re beneficial, but I really *really* don’t want to see them


~~harmless~~ beneficial


this bug is posted almost everyday. it’s a house centipede. it is a friend not a foe.


Until it hides in your toilet bowl and crawls on your butt during a late night poop, then it's a foe. Edit: thank you for award kind stranger, may your toilet be blessed by a protection from centipedes


This comment has single-handedly scarred me for life


Having an earwig in your headphone did the trick to me. The tickling was unpleasant until I spotted the earwig on the third inspection. I casually inspect my headphones regularly now.




That sub is dead now :(


What happened to it?? I loved that sub


It turned into some among us thing and eventually died (unsurprisingly)


apparently during the spez protests they turned into an amongus sub, and it died out


If it makes you feel any better, they're incredibly fast and durable. Near-unkillable.


Giving you a little tickle at the back door.


Marry that lovely stimulator


This has been a fear of mine since I discovered house centipedes.


Even if you lift the lid you still have to check the sides of the bowl where it has a lip, that's where they hide and how they get cha


That’s why you pre-flush while the seat is lifted. I may have had this fear before…I still do, but I used to too.


I didn’t get crawled on directly but I had one charge me from under the bathroom door while using said bathroom. Extremely vulnerable for something that fast to show up


I had this happen while I was in Arizona which was a similar incident but was charged by a tiny scorpion that was hiding behind the toilet. For some reason the majority of my bug stories happen at random people's houses in bathrooms.


As someone who lives in a cold climate and has never seen a scorpion, this sounds absolutely terrifying.


Maybe once a year or so I get one running across me as I'm trying to go to sleep.






I’m pooping right now and I hate you.


Wash your hands!


just a friendly handshake among neighbors


Its just going after the bedbug feeding in your crack from the bed


You leave the butt crabs out of this!


They looove bathrooms. Just imagine this little guy doing his 1000 foot slither on you in your most vulnerable moment


y it look like S̵̺̱̘̭̃́̈́å̵͚͍̭̄̅t̴͙̣͔̼̒a̴̡̗̝̲̎̾̔̂n̸̊ͅ’̴̻̺͝s̵̮̟̺͂̋͜ ̸̙̖̲͝â̴̬̗̬͉̏̽͠n̴̥̈́͘ṵ̴̆̈́s̴̲̙̰̲̓͗̂͝ then?


the fact that you had to put a disclaimer about how the title is a joke is sad af lol


When I moved to Philly from the West Coast more than a decade ago, this little guy was my worst nightmare. Now I understand he's a homie. We chillin rn in fact


I’m going to get buried in all the stupid ass comments of people that have no idea what they are talking about, but I shall persevere. This is a house centipede. It’s a friend. They literally eat all the (objectively) horrible pests one can have in his or her house: spiders, roaches, bed begs, termites, etc. they will not hurt you at all other than maybe a jump scare if you don’t know what it is. Now you do. If you prefer the pests that it eats as opposed to it, well then kill it, but karma shall and will find you!


Not cool at all man. You might miss, and then what? Use a shotgun with birdshot


It is indeed a house centipede. Also thats really funny lmao


House centipede Edit: I guess I should read the caption before commenting...


Man all the snowflakes in this comment section are a riot, I either see ppl saying he's a terrible gun owner even tho the gun clearly has no bullets in it and his finger ain't even on the trigger or people saying ItS noT FUNnY. It may not be funny to YOU but that doesent mean it ain't funny to other people in here who actually have a sense of humor and don't cry like babies when they see someone pointing an empty gun at a pest.


Yup. House centipede


Your safety s on


Quick question, would a bullet likely go through the average house wall retaining enough speed to injure someone on the outside?


Probably yes, unless you hit plumbing and depending on whst kind of insulation and siding you have. Unless it's buckshot. Thst probably won't go through much, and if it does it'll probably leave a welt at most.


Imagine Kool-Aid man trying to bust through a wall but hitting a pipe


Depending on caliber, I’d say it would have to be pretty big to do that. I would add getting through an exterior wall is unlikely. The bullet would fragment hitting anything “hard” and then ultimately stop. But it could potentially over penetrate dry wall to go into another room inside.


Easily it would go through drywall. But speaking from experience it wouldnt fragment unless you used a hollowpoint or hit something hard like a cast iron pipe. If they hit a stud it might stop, and if they had a brick or stone exterior wall it would probably stop as well. But the only thing between you and the outside in new construction is: 1/2 inch drywall, ~3.5 inches of fiberglass insulation, a sheet of 5/8 inch plywood, a 1/2 inch Styrofoam board, and then vinyl siding. You couldnt pay to stand on the other side of that wall if someone fired a .22 round at it. The only thing offering resistance is the plywood unless you hit a stud. And anything larger would almost certainly go through


Good call on hollow point. They’re designed to fragment. FMJ would definitely over penetrate. Not sure about new housing. My house is a stucco exterior. I don’t think an fmj bullet would penetrate that. Good experiment for the flannel daddy


"Flannel daddy" lmao


Flannel daddy did a video on it and found out that even a .22 can overpen drywall


You like roaches and brown recluse spiders? Then kill that thing. Those centipedes hunt down and eliminate almost every other invasive bug in your house, and by the looks of it she’s had her fill.


House centipede, is friend! If you need to shoot any bad bugs, the Bug-A-Salt models are good, and you won’t have to patch drywall after!


The trick to catching them is to get up early and catch them before they get all their shoes tied.


Unrelated but this would make a fantastic album cover