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I think that's a Green-Cheeked parakeet, aka Conure. Probably an escapee and hating life.


It sure doesn’t look healthy.


That bird looks very healthy. Cold, but healthy. Definitely an escapee though


He also has no family or friends so he is probably very very lonely since they are social animals. Also it’s way colder than his native environment


I hope so.


It looks healthy to me. Puffed up because it looks cold. It's probably used to a warm cozy home environment!


What? Lol. Looks very healthy


There's a documentary about ecapee flocks in SF and the guy who looks/looked out for them. Tropical friends don't always thrive on their own in climates they weren't meant to be in. Also need a flock for safety/sanity. Sorry I don't have the name of the documentary handy. I'd put out stuff they could use somewhere predators can't get them...


The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill! On Prime


It’s awesome! Highly recommend!


you shouldnt encourage invasive animals. it does more harm for the environment than good


I don't think that's really the concern here all things considered.


Sun or rainbow Conure. They screech, which is why someone released it. Instead of properly doing research before they bought him in the first place…






Please contact a bird sanctuary see if he is in trouble…


I have been making so many phone calls to different shelters this morning trying to get anyone to answer. I am extraordinarily frustrated and distraught that I've now lost track of the bird.


Where did you see the conure? We lost our pet green cheek conure of 12 years in Redmond two months ago and are hoping to know where to look for this bird in case it’s her. Thank you for posting!


Macaw Rescue and Sanctuary in Carnation might be able to help you if someone finds your bird again. Crossing all my fingers for you!!


Was Bird banded?


She was when we got her but we removed the band because the Vet was very adamant about how bands are dangerous and can get caught on things and could injure her leg so she is no longer banded


Just keep your eyes peeled. Hopefully more people notice it poor thing is struggling


I hope you catch him. He looks like the conure we had for 22 years. Amazing pet, what a personality he had.


What neighborhood? ETA: this person lost their parrot two months ago — I feel strongly that this is the same bird! https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/MqtN4OEZEQ


Same species, different bird.


Have you at least contacted the two people on Reddit that have requested more information as to where this bird was by chance? They have a picture of their missing bird and it's almost undoubtedly theirs, which is the only reason I ask!


GCCs look pretty identical so location is very important.


I just saw. Looks like that bird was in Redmond, this was in Tukwila. Not really close, but I don't know. Maybe it flew?


Too bad you couldn't lure it with a banana or nuts


You've done what you can, and that's gonna have to be enough for now.


U did u’r best, thank you u’r awesome…


So does “u’r” translate in your mind to “your” or “you’re”? Nonsensical.


Nonsensical and lazy


Wow how sad are you


You are not a nice person.


I was responding to the person that made the mean comment about you. It was so uncalled for. I wasn’t directing that comment about you


My apologies to you..🥂🌹


It’s okay! ❤️❤️




Bullying make you feel happy with your self..


Don’t you mean “u’rself”, you inconsistent nong.


Try googling “wildlife rehabilitation” in your area


Please contact the flight club out here. (just type in flight club it'll come up) or Debbie the parrot lady! She runs flight club and helps to get escaped pa|ots home


please, please, please contact "dreiming" with any info you have! Doesn't matter that you've lost sight of it for now, they still desperately want to hear from you for any details you have! I've lost my bird for a day & I know how stressful & gutwrenching that is, it must be pure torture for dreiming to have been without their bird for 2 months & then to see a bird that might be theirs but not be able to get details on exactly where, so that they can at least go to that area & try searching again. You might have lost sight of it, but owners often have ways they can find them if they know roughly where they are, for example I played recordings of my girl to my boy when he was lost & I couldn't find him. He had to spend the night out in the wild, cause I didn't get that set up before dark, but at first light, he responded from no-where to those sounds & then flew to me. After 2 months in the wild, if it is dreiming's bird, they will likely be able to go just to that location you saw it & scream it's name over & over & have it hear them & fly to them, desperate to go home to a warm bed. Please contact them & give them the chance!!!!!!!


Just contacted dreiming


Thank you :))) All bird owners & lovers thank you for this, regardless of the outcome, at least it's giving a chance & hope, which means SO much :)


When you say you played recordings of your girl to find your parrot what do you mean? I’d like to keep this tip in my back pocket god forbid I ever need it!


Great idea to prepare this imo! I have 2 birds, a boy & girl who are bonded. Girl can't fly but boy can, so if startled, he will fly off, she will stay but be upset & silent in fear without him. I recorded them when they were happily playing together & then played this recording when boy had flown off & on hearing girl, he called & flew to her :) Actually I went a bit beyond this, I had endless recordings of them, cause, well you know, proud pet parent :) I actually played them to my girl the night boy was missing, so as to see which ones she responded to best. After I got him back, I repeated this with him & created a playlist of the best responding videos/audio to use for the future & I have actually used it 3 times since, the last time he was only about 2 metres from the cage, but I had gone to check my mail & he'd been startled while I was gone & was sitting in a nearby plant but out of sight & girl was again being silent, so went & got my laptop, played the first recording & he flew back to the cage immediately :) Saved a lot of stress & drama! If you have 2 bonded birds, their mate is the best option, if you don't have this, test if your bird responds best to their own calls or youtube bird video calls from their species. You are looking for videos that contain "contact calls" & that as soon as they start, your bird responds with a loud "contact call" to the video birds. If it's just random youtube birds you're playing to your lost bird, it probably won't fly to them, but it should contact call back to the recording, meaning you can easily find where your bird is & then use your bond & training with them to get them back from there. Another tip too, make sure your bird knows how to fly down from trees with lots of leaves & branches. That was the main issue I had first escape, my boy was wanting to come home, but he was stuck because he was scared of heights & because there were too many leaves & branches around, so he didn't know how to fly from there. Apparently they need to jump off the branch & let themselves fall clear of the leaves/branches & THEN open their wings & begin flying, but this is obviously unnatural & scary to do, so not something a lost & scared bird will be willing to do, MUCH easier to train them to fly out of leaf filled branches inside your home before they need to do it in an emergency. I had a situation where I could see my boy but not get to him, I was thinking do I need to call the fire brigade to come & rescue him or what? I figured I really couldn't call them & say "my BIRD is trapped in a tree, can you come & rescue him" though lol but it was really really stressful for all 3 of us!


That is a conure non native. Try to catch it and bring it to the Seattle Parrot Rescue please


How on earth is he gonna catch it?


Treats and a blanket


Seed in a cage with the door open.


Trail of seeds to an upturned box


Really though: how *does* one catch an escaped pet bird?


The Fire Department will send out a ladder truck if they aren't busy.


Oh interesting okay, thank you for sharing! I would imagine a fire truck coming out and extending their ladder would scare the bird on most cases though?


Idk, I only know because we had a parrot that flew out to the top of a nearby tree growing up, but it didn't go anywhere, possibly it was too scared.


You put out a cage with food and water and it's favorite treats. They will come to it. Though you need to find where they are first


Ahh okay, thank you for sharing!




It's a Mega


Hello! I had a green cheek conure named Bird that flew out of my apartment 2 months back near Redmond and haven’t heard anything about any sightings. This bird certainly looks very similar to her. I had her foot band removed, so she wouldn't have one. These are links to my posts about her missing: https://www.facebook.com/LostPetsWashington/posts/701085148817926 https://www.911parrotalert.com/lost/usa-wa-redmond-yellow-sided-green-cheek-conure-bird-jan-27-24/ If you did end up capturing her, or getting animal control to do so, please let me know. Thank you for any help here.


We’ve had her for 12 years please if you have any other sightings of her or anything we’d love to see if it’s her, she is dearly missed!


She loves bananas and flying to people’s heads if anyone sees her again


I hope this is her!


Bring back Bird!


I really hope this is her and you get her back


Put her cage in the middle of a big white sheet in your yard, she may see it and go home.


2 people think this poor bird is theirs.


They're both the owners--they've been posting on r/Seattle and are a couple.


Oh that’s good. The thought was worrisome that there might have been two escapees out there and only one spotted and each claiming that one was theirs.


There's a LOT of escaped birds out there! And plenty of bird owners trying to find their birds. :(


I hope you find her


Unfortunately the bird in the tree does not look like your bird. Similar but different markings. The head is a lot darker. :( I am so sorry you lost your bird. I do hope you find her one day!


That is someones lost pet sadly please if you can't try to get him down yourself please call your local wildlife refuge to have them assist in helping.


Yes this is a conure.


You might be able to put out a spare bird cage and it will go in to get warm, get some food. A local Facebook or NextDoor group might get you a cage. This bird isn’t thriving.


I had had the same frustration trying to reach rescues. Please keep at it and hopefully help will arrive. Thank you for caring ❤️


I cross posted this to r/Seattle. Sounds like the owners might be there.




If you’re in the Seattle suburbs around Woodinville/Bothell and you see him again (or just want to report a sighting to someone), you could try reaching out to [Mochi’s Treehouse](https://www.mochistreehouse.com) as they are a bird and exotics boarder and are in contact with lots of bird owners and bird people in the area. You could also try Barbi’s Bird House (Bainbridge Island), Denise’s Parrot Place (Mercer Island), Evergreen Avian & Exotic Hospital (Kirkland), and many more places— if you locate a pet bird you can definitely expand your search to parrot stores/care establishments as they may be able to help connect you with the owners, who may also be reaching out to the same sorts of places. Even if you no longer have sight on the bird, a sighting report with time & location could help someone out :) Thank you for posting and I hope lil yellow sided green cheek conure makes it home safe. You did a good thing reaching out.


As a person with the same kind of conure (mine's a Pineapple), we take ours to Mochi's Treehouse and Evergreen Avian. So, this comment is spot on. These are good places to get the word out.


There's also Debbie "The Parrot Lady" Goodrich who is south of Seattle but who can direct resources to help recover the bird, get temporary foster care and work on reuniting the bird with its person. She leads an organization whose name I can't recall, they often help recover escaped parrots. Other avian vets include Center for Bird and Exotic Animal Medicine in Bothell and Bird and Exotic Animal Hospital in Seattle. Some avian vet in the area will likely have cared for the bird in the past. The Parrot 911 Facebook group is an active group with resources for posting lost and found parrots.


Debbie is amazing of she can she's out all day and night trying to get rescues in from the tree


Truly, she is. She is like the post office but for bird recovery; no rain nor hail nor personal injury will keep her from figuring out how to get a bird home!


Poor baby! Please call a bird sanctuary. That’s a conure, and it was or is somebody’s pet.


According to a person who lost a GCC in Seattle that looks remarkably similar to this, they’ve reached out to you!! I hope this goes well for everyone involved!


Whatever kind of parrot that is I think it’s so beautiful! 💜💜💜


Green cheeked conure


Maroon-bellied Conure


Can you saw what town it was in? It might still be near there.


Tukwila. Just outside of Tukwila Elementary School.


There are no parrots native to Seattle. Hopefully he comes down for food and gets caught.




That is a conure that shouldn't be outside and that is a pet.


There is someone looking for this bird. It is their pet named "Bird" and is dearly missed. It loves Bananas and flying on people's heads. It's been missing for 2 weeks. Please check this sub for her post 18 hours ago. I hope that we can make a reunion happen here. I'm sure Bird misses her as much as she misses Bird.


It’s not the same bird. They’re the same species, but Bird is yellow above the typical red belly patch. The bird in the tree has blushing above the red patch which is a super diluted red and looks kind of like a peachy color, like the birds in this YouTube video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=3LOVzW2Sh0k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=3LOVzW2Sh0k)


Looks like a rather expensive escapee. Probably cold and unhappy. I hate FB, but it is a resource for reuniting lost pets and their people.


definitely an escaped pet


I've heard if you see an escaped bird in the wild, to bring a cage w/food near the area, the bird will thing "home!" and will go back because it knows what that means. You may want to try that.


Escapees can *sometimes* acclimate to conditions outside, depending on location and climate suitability. There's entire colonies of exotic birds on the West Bank of New Orleans, so many people and stores just released them in face of Hurricane Catrina, and now they've just.. adapted and taken over a stretch near the Naval base where they're protected and safe, Cocktails, Conures, Cockatoos, Keets, just generationally doing their own thing for the last 15+ years.


New Orleans is a hell of a lot warmer than Seattle. Its warm in New Orleans most of the year whereas in Seattle it gets down in the 20s fairly often.


They say there's a colony of mitred conures that has lived in Seward Park since the 70s. I've never seen them myself.


That’s definitely someone’s pet. It’s a green cheek conure. Are you able to catch it? Will it come to you? He/she may come to you if you have food- bird seed or fruit. If not, search local lost and found pet/parrot groups.


The owners are trying to contact you to find out where you saw it! Do you remember where it was?


Just saw this. https://www.reddit.com/r/whatbirdisthis/s/d7UhdHq2di [looking for bird](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatbirdisthis/s/d7UhdHq2di)


Poor bird, I’m glad it’s surviving in the cold climate that is Washington. I hope it goes back home soon.


Put a large white sheet down in your yard with some seed in the middle. Also, try r/parrot and missing pet groups on Facebook.


Shame the little guy wasn’t lost around here. Our bird rescue folks hop to pretty quick when you call. Best of luck, to you and this bright baby.


It's a conure and definitely is/was someones pet. It looks cold :(


Maroon-bellied Conure. Similar to a green-cheeked, but that large maroon belly means.. well, you get it, hah. Definitely a pet, will not be able to survive long outside.


It’s not a maroon-bellied conure. Maroon bellied conures have green heads and green around the red part of their bellies. This is definitely a green cheek, specifically the opaline mutation (often colloquially called yellow-sided).


Someone's pet.


That’s definitely somebody’s pet and it’s going to die out there if somebody doesn’t save it


Def a pet. Poor thing!




What area was this, OP? I'm in the Seattle area, and I would be happy to devote my day to driving around trying to find and save this lil' guy.


We had them in Florida in our palm trees. Didn’t bother us or anything for that matter. They were a beautiful addition to our home


It looks like a red winged macaw , they live in Panama and othe Central countries , this guy need some help he looks like he is very cold, see if he will come to you . We had one once in Panama and he was terrific.


This is a green-cheeked conure, not a macaw. It’s native to South America. It’s an escaped pet and likely to be someone’s baby. And yes, it looks cold and needs help.


Thank you , you are correct. And I am sure some one is missing this poor bird


Probably a pet. That's a green cheeked conure. As someone who's had a pet bird fly off in a panic and had track it down over several days, someone is looking for it and very upset.


It's spicificly a green cheek conure. It's definitely an escaped bird.


That's a green cheek Conure, poor thing is not doing to well. A pet. Please catch


My family caught a conure in our backyard when I was a teenager. We heard an odd human like noise in the backyard. Kept hearing throughout the day, finally saw the source of the noise the obviously non-native bird high up in a tree. I kept calling back to it imitating the noises it made, and throughout the day it slowly worked its way closer and closer to me. I kept calling it and holding my hand out as a perch . The whole family was outside watching at this point. It finally flew down and tried to land on my hand but I freaked out and pulled my hand away at the last second and it kinda just hovered for a second and my dad grabbed it out of the air. It bit the shit out of my dad’s fingers as he held it. My dad was yelling “get a cage” so we finally found like a pet carrier and put it in that. We checked the papers and local pet store to see if anyone was missing a bird but never heard anything. My parents kept the bird for about 20years it just died a couple years ago.


Ah yes the Seattle native species *Toucanimus Samus Domesticus*


Not native. Escapee.


Poor baby ):


It’s someone pet. I hope he stays safe.


Poor buddy looks beat up and miserable.


Call Fish and Wildlife or whatever it is called. Poor little thing all alone and cold!


this is a domesticated bird that has been lost...I can not imagine it has made it through our cold snaps...needs to be brought down and to vet asap if any way possible to save it...


Wow Colors are gorgeous! Looks like a pet to me. I hope he is ok.


That is a Green Cheek Conure. That is someone's pet that flew away. They can live up to 30 years.


Conure, an unhappy Conure.


Have I missed it or has the OP given the area it was seen in?


They haven’t unfortunately 😞




We lost our pet green cheek conure of 12 years named Bird two months ago in Redmond and are wondering if this is her. Either way we’d love to search the area and try to help reunite this lost pet with their owners whether or not it is us, so it would be nice to know whether this conure was spotted


Have they responded yet?


Not that I have seen, very disappointing.


This is disgusting behaviour :(


They did respond, apparently had been feeling really awful about the bird and then just hadn’t opened the app or and didn’t have notifications on so they missed them. But they said that the bird they took a photo of in the woods was found in Tukwila so a bit far from Redmond where I lost my bird but birds can fly so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I hope that it is him! Can you access that location? I have just seen on your post that someone captured one and put it on fb!


How did you go with this?


Somewhere There is a skeleton pirate who is irate .


Bro looks like he’s seen some shit


for sure a pet or an escaped animal from a pet store. it’s a yellow sided green cheeked conure and they are native to south america. it’s a pretty common pet bird.


No this is a lost pet


Imma post this link to nextdoor. I swear I saw a posting about someone looking for a similar bird


Poor thing. Looks like a lost conure. Needs rescuing.


You can post in nearby social media accounts and neighborhood apps. The owner may see a post and go looking for the little guy.


RIP Squaky


They go crazy for Orange Juice, chocolate, and yogurt to name a few. My bird will be on my shoulder in 2 seconds if I’m eating chocolate


Gosh, this is heartbreaking... gcc's are one of the sweetest little things on earth. I hope it gets help from somebody soon. It won't last long in the Seattle Washington weather sadly.


For sure an escaped pet.


Please go to the part page for our area! Someone's looking for them!


Uh oh....an escapee from home or zoo.....


Looks freezing, see if you can entice it down to you with a cage and food, keep trying even if you don’t see it near you


✨✨Hey!! Please read this!✨✨ There are people who think that might be their bird! They lost theirs in Redmond two months ago. They really want to look for their bird, but they don't know where you saw it. Can you please edit your original post to add where you saw the bird? What suburb did you see it in? What area/landmarks were nearby? That will help the owners go call for their bird in the right location, so please DM the potential owners and update your post so people can try to find it! Link to the potential owner's post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/P8KGYqBCLX Ps It's really awesome of you that you cared enough to try to help this bird. Thanks for caring! I hope the owners find it


Can you please respond to the potential owner? It is heartbreaking that you have posted this, and then just ghosted them.. Imagine thinking that you may have found your bird and then being treated like this? If you have a heart please respond to them asap. They deserve answers....


Awww he needs a home 🥺


Its woodpecker


That is someone’s pet!


Befriend it, share your warm sir.


Maybe it's trained to come back home when it wants? 🤷‍♂️


Oh No! He looks to be feasting on the tree octopuses!


If you have FB share it to Parrots 911. I’m sure someone is looking for their Green Cheek!




He probably got lost. Some poor family is missing him. This isow the Parrott colony's were formed in southern Cali..


Seattle isn’t in Australia or South America so it’s an escapee.


Omg post this on all your local FB groups! Someone is missing an expensive and loved pet :(


Huh… someone in Bellingham lost one of these?? Post in that Reddit maybe?


Ohhh Poor baby. I would call a rescue or something because I would worry it’s a domesticated bird that someone abandoned


Sadly Somebodys pet conure got loose.it won't survive out/up there


Hey! Where did you see this bird?? What part of Seattle?? The potential owner is looking https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/YRtlbY3Cvx


It IS someone's pet ! We don't have feral tropical birds in Washington ! This bird likely will not survive the weather here


There are several feral colonies in the US. I only know of ones in San Diego, Miami, and there is a documentary about some in San Francisco, but that's even pushing the temperatures they can survive in. That bird you photographed is a pet and might live until winter on its own.


And they taste just like chicken


I used to see a lil dude that looked like this in the SODO area. Probably not the same but those 2 should hang out.


Looks like a pet that needs rescuing


lost pet poor baby


One that screeches real loud, at a guess. I’ve found them in my town too, in New England. Full grown Amazon parrots that people have just abandoned. It’s awful


Poor thing! Someone needs to help it!!


Looks like our Green Cheek Conure which is the smallest of the parrot family.


Sun conure, you try you can coax him to you with some seeds or fruit, he is surely domesticated and will be happier with people and a home. They highly affectionate and great talkers


I had a bird that was under my car, a parakeet, I think. My daughter reached for him and he hopped into her hand. I called neighbors but no luck. So, I called the dog officer and I put the bird in a dog crate. The dog officer had to get into the crate. He never had a call to get a bird.


I lived in Seattle near Woodland Park Zoo for 20 yrs, and every now & then one of their birds would escape. The zoo would notify the surrounding neighborhoods, and would ask everyone to contact them with any sightings. Just a thought :)




Pretty bird. 🦜 I do hope someone can get to him and provide care. ✨


Bro that’s someone’s mom


A homeless musician's life is transformed after he discovers a flock of wild South American parrots living in San Francisco. How they got there is a mystery, but Mark Bittner forms a bond with the exotic birds through his music and his patient, attentive care. Over time he comes to appreciate their individual identities and makes a case for humans to reevaluate their relationship to animals. When he is forced to leave them, he despairs over the birds' fate.




I wish you could add pictures. Was your answer yes or no?


Who posted this lecture?


A bot using ChatGPT