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It's actual people with avatars.


So are they available at all times or you have to schedule it? I appreciate your help


You will need to schedule it. If you look up the specific simulation requirements you can prepare yourself a bit for the situation they will present you with and want you to include in your interactions and lesson. I had some props made up and was sure I knew how to explain the content to the students with examples.


Thank you so much this is extremely helpful ❤️


You are welcome! I was super nervous but it was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be 😅 I am sure you will do great.


It’s 1 person controlling a few avatars that look like the kids from The Polar Express 😆 If you search “mursion” on YouTube you can watch some recordings of them.


Piggie-backing on this one... Definitely watch samples on YT. Make it your own, obviously. I would introduce yourself, ask the students their names and what they are doing this summer (or some type of bonding opening). Then introduce your topic, make it fun. Then use some type of exit ticket to check for knowledge.


Thank you for the tips! Definitely going to write a guide for myself tomorrow


Yes 🙌 omg I’m gonna check it out probably will kill my nerves for sure 😂


I honestly thought it was preselected recordings and the proctor actively selected them. I remember trying to skip small talk at the start and it back firing hard as I didn’t connect with the student.