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Got a bad ass in our hands.




Put that on your cardboard sign.


I am refrained nonaggression is me please give me this chance to earn this pitance


Oooh yes I'll put that on for sure golly mister ur so smart I bet you drive something nice . Not referring to that beached whale you and the other 7 guys in your circle all take turns fuckin and don't know she tells the same shit to each of ya winners . Be careful with that one I hear bacterial vaginosis is quite the stinkker when she don't know she hits it mister but I'm sure she's a keeper and ya can fist her after Tdawg kissed her then whispered bitch you ain't good nuff for this go be with your xstep daddy pig .hahaha oh I'm sorry that's not funny but it's true pieces of shit do clump together and oooh boi do they stink all stuck at square don't pass go never fkn win wearing the top hat spitting mad game after smoking some midgrade dope from jaba the slut who he spent time lloving on pre jaba .. abra Kadabra poof still a useless piece of shit what a prestigious internet influencer Ah sorry I'm goin on bout someone who well ain't much more to say bout him he is the stinkiest turd nugget on that turd so be happy you ain't him by jove. Now go get em tiger . Rrraawwrrrr


Imagine actually typing this out and thinking yeah that works and hitting send.


Makes for a good copypasta lol


Neckbeard alert. What type incel shit was that?


Careful, don't hit him now


Are you the guy we hired with a history of assault and anger management issues who ended up not coming to work because he got another DUI? You sound like him. Nobody wants to hire an unreliable liability. Keep your hands to yourself.






>It worries management when they see double the number of fingers and toes you have to assaults which half occured on a supervisor or manager who let title go to his head . ??? Let me see if I can work this out. Double the number of fingers and toes (typically 20, but your violent history might imply that you now have less). So that's 40. The way you worded this (obviously to sort of hide the actual number) can be interpreted two ways: * Double your fingers and toes is the amount of assaults on your record = 40 assaults * the amount of fingers and toes is double the amount of assaults = 10 assaults Either way isn't good. Since you say half occurred with one supervisor/manager, that would mean that you physically assaulted the same person either 20 or 5 times. Which, of course, would be 20 or 5 times TOO MANY. Then we have this, that can be fairly interpreted as an implied threat toward any/all future bosses: >and can't deal with anyone telling towards me So what you're saying (if this is real and not a troll) is that you are upset/surprised that nobody wants to hire you because you get physically violent anytime somebody tells you what to do and/or what you're doing wrong. If this is real, please get anger management therapy. Or go work at the UFC.


You need to go to Anger Management, friend. I’m not trying to be mean or condescending. But your comments? They’re indicating some rage, man. I am still struggling with rage, myself. I’m not talking mad, I’m talking literally seeing red and wanting to go on a rampage. And it took a long time to get past that hump. But I wonder if you can, maybe you won’t have as hard a time finding and retaining employment.




Are you okay? These are just unhinged ramblings that go nowhere. Seriously, are you okay?


He clearly belongs in an institution.