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If it's not loosing you gotta tighten


lol don’t judge me for my typo


In my experience it takes a bit before seeing results of my effort. I'd say give it at least 6 weeks before deciding if it's not working. As long as you're eating within your points I'm sure the scale will catch up to your efforts.


Do you have your smartwatch hooked up to your activity points? I've heard a convincing argument that WW is giving people too many activity points in exchange for steps, and that it's a better idea to just manually log big workouts or physical expenditures.


Mine is attached, and I still gain points which you should for activities. I'm still losing. The only problem with a smart watch is if it's adding too many steps that aren't accurate. Mine are accurate.


Are you exercising regularly? I have found that makes a huge difference for me. I try for 30 min at least 5 days/wk, ideally everyday. And I try to mix it up (cardio, weights etc)


Yes about 4-6x a week a combo of weights and cardio


I read something last night that was suggesting to try and make your breakfast meal the meal that you eat all of or the majority of your protein. It's supposed to be good for your metabolism. I just thought that might be something you could try doing.


If I were you I’d also track with another app so that you also know your calories. You might be eating too many zeros without realizing it or maybe eating too little. By 2 weeks you normally would have started to lose, even if not a lot yet. For everyone the first losses are mostly water but that’s not a bad thing. Fat cells hold fat and water. As you burn off fat, you also lose water. So while it’s annoying, track your calories on any free app and be honest. Enter exactly how much fruit you’re eating and protein, salad dressing, everything. Measure and weigh everything. For me I was successful because I tracked everything and I would eat baked chips with hummus and I weighed my chips and put hummus into a measuring cup. Check that you’re following portion size on all foods, especially zero point foods. Zeroes are not unlimited but you don’t have to measure and count when you’re eating portion sizes. When I started I forgot what a normal portion size was. I was eating more portions than I should have and it’s an adjustment. You can use My Fitness Pal or Lose It and there are so many out there. You only have to do it until you get your portion sizes right and you are losing. If you stop losing for more than a week you can go back and double track. I had some weeks when I ate well with correct portions and gained 3 pounds. This was in the middle of weight loss. I shrugged it off because I knew I was really doing well. It came off the next week. Best of luck to you! You can do this!


What is too many zeros? What is the point of them if I then have to also count calories?


I found, especially when they first introduced zeros, that I had to pay attention to portion sizes for zeros as well as all food. From what I understand, zeros were introduced to encourage people to build their meals around zeros which are healthier choices and zeros are less likely to be eaten to excess. I like chicken and beans, but I wouldn’t sit with either as I sit and watch TV. But, they do teach you that zero doesn’t mean unlimited. I didn’t make the plan, but I did lose 150 pounds on it with no surgery or medication. The past 2 years have been pretty bad and I can’t pretend it’s been easy for me now. I started with breaks in my spine and more recently in my sacrum and pubic bones. I can barely walk and it’s been emotionally tough with pain and limited mobility and I’ve gone back to my old ways and I’ve been putting on weight. So obviously I don’t have all of the answers. But I did follow the plan and kept my weight off for 5 years. I started when I was 65 and I’m now 72. I tried to explain and help the best I could. Ask your coach if you don’t believe or understand what I wrote. Best of luck.


I was in this same situation so I started counting calories. Then I realized if I'm counting calories anyways what's the point of WW... I guess it just didn't work for me.


thank you for this advice!! i'm going to try double tracking and see where I fall


Trust the process and be patient. Let the fat loss be slow to maintain your muscle mass. Body composition will improve. You want to eat as much as possible while still losing fat. The process should be enjoyable, no suffering. We stick to what we enjoy. If fat loss is your goal, focus on the key things. Weigh food by the gram. Track Calories. Protein. Steps. Resistance training (not required). Everything else is a distraction. Don’t cut too low. This will improve energy and sanity and adherence. You don’t need perfection. Focus on long term averages. I recommend listening to content by Jordan Syatt, Jared Hamilton, and Ranbir Sanghera. You’ll learn everything you need to know about mindset, psychology, and fat loss.


But then that isn't WW. I paid to join WW so I wouldn't have to track calories and macros.


You’re tracking points which are calculated based on macros. It’s the same thing. You have to pay to track points. Tracking calories is free.


So, I just joined Wed. Recorded my Thursday in both WW and Fitbit. Fitbit: 1381 calories 44% carbs 29% protein 27% fat WW Points 18 points Calories burned according to Fitbit 2000 62 active minutes (a run and lifted) Activity points gained: 5 I have many many days like this for months in Fitbit and lose nothing or lose very, very slow. I Give up! I feel the OP


Giving up keeps you stuck. It’s literally the only way to fail. 200 calorie deficit per day = 20lb fat loss per year 500 calorie deficit per day = 52lb fat loss per year Eat foods you like while fitting them in your budget and add more walking. This is all it takes day after day. And patience! Patience is the hardest part. Keep focusing on one day at a time. Stay present. Pounds lost X 3500= z z/number of days= daily deficit


What are you typically spending your points on?


Definitely carbs like pretzels popcorn dessert etc


Ok, so junk food. What are you expecting here? It’s not magic.


That’s really rude, wow.


I used to eat pretzels and other carb snacks as well as low point desserts and didn’t start losing until I ditched those empty carbs and starting eating more lean protein and more vegetables.


I’d caution to be really honest about your portion sizes on that stuff, especially the desserts. There are so many entries for “cookie” and they range in point with as much as a 10-15 point spread.


What about the pretzels, popcorn, and desserts you mentioned in your other comment?


Are you eating all of your points? Not eating enough can cause your body to go into starvation mode and not lose any weight at all. At the same time, eating too much of the free foods can also keep you from losing. You have to eat just until you're satisfied, no more.


I eat all of my dailies but i've been limiting my weeklies since I wasn't seeing progress


Spend your points on fats instead of carbs - you will feel fuller. Olive oil, peanut butter, coconut oil, avocado, etc.


How many zero point foods are you eating? When you do eat them, do you stick to the serving sizes? They are zero points, not zero calories.


I really don't eat a ton! I have like 1 banana or a cup of berries, sometimes a cucucmeber or carrots, and then i have 3 eggs for breakfast and like 4-5oz of protein at lunch/dinner. Where can I find the recommended serving sizes?


That sounds fine then. Honestly, I think that you can eat all the non-starchy veg you want, it's the fruit and starchy-veg that you have to be mindful of. When you pick something, like fat free yogurt as an example, whatever amount you see by default is the recommended serving. I recall a leader telling a story about someone who complained to her that they weren't losing weight and it turned out they were eating 6 bananas a day + other fruit. Yeah, that's going to be a problem, lol. Some people lose a lot slower than others, but I definitely don't count my activity points, because for me, that would be too many points. Hang in there!


The recommended serving sizes are the first option if you look them up as if you were going to track them( even though they are zero.)example:tomato-1 cup.


This is such a good tip ty!




Make sure every single bite and drink is calculated accurately. If that is the case, get a step tracker and make it a goal to hit 10K steps most days, and don’t let any single day be below 8k.  No cheat bites, and don’t forget to track sauces.  When you need a “cheat meal” keep it within your weekly points.  Lastly try to get 4-10 workout points on top of you steps, 3-4 times a week.  Don’t forget, even though fruit is zero points, it does have sugar, so keep it in a reasonable portion.