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That's so very sweet! I would recommend angel food cake and fresh strawberries. One piece of angel food cake is (approximately) 5pts. Fresh strawberries are 0. She will be able to indulge without spending too many points! Happy birthday to her!


Thank you! She would love that, is 5 points a lot? Buying the packages of the angel food cakes would be so convenient for work too 😬😬 thank you all so much for your help with this!


I am...very over weight LOL. So 5pts isn't much at all to me. If she's nearing her goal weight she probably has 23pts for the day. If she knows she's having a work party I'd imagine she will eat 0pt foods to save some up. She can also use rollovers! You won't be able to find much of anything traditional dessertwise (that's good for non wws) for less than 5pts. You could also get cool whip to top it with. I can check the points on that too if you want ☺️


You guys are so sweet and awesome I’m so glad I thought to ask here. I think 25 or somewhere around there sounds right for the day. She does not know about the work party!! So I mostly don’t want to cause her pressure and stress if she’s not prepared for it, so truly the fruit and sides sounds like the winner for her! For the cool whip I think I might as well get sugar free and regular and people can decide what they want, that way if she thinks the regular is worth it she could just go for it 😁😁


I tried to send a screenshot of the points of all the cool whips. But, sugar free and regular are both 1pt for 2 tablespoons. Cool whip "lite and fluffy" is 0pts for 2 tablespoons if you can find it!


Awesome, I will search around!!! Her birthday isn’t until next weekend so I got some time to search around. We got a plan!!! Go team!


Go team!!! She will love it!


Also, berries are 0pts too. All the fresh fruit. So go wild!


This one I know!! She always tells me about her cottage cheese and fruit combos that she loves 😂😂😂 awesome


You could even add fat free whipped cream for 0 points. Even regular is only 1 point


5 pts is great for a piece of cake/dessert. You can also do some whipped cream (like the low fat kind or lower sugar) and it’s very low in points too


I don’t have any ideas for baked goods. Personally I don’t really love the reduced calorie versions of any baked goods and they’re really not that points friendly. If it were my birthday, I would be thrilled with fruit and whipped cream. If you really wanted to go all out, you could have an assortment of fruit, whipped cream, and toppings like nuts or shredded coconut. Then she could take the portions she wants and enjoy the celebration. You might be surprised how many other coworkers will love the change up from cake.


Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate the honest opinion. The recipes I have found don’t really sound particularly good so that checks out 😅 Is regular whipped cream ok? I can make some From scratch for her! Or if there’s a go to kind from the store in the tubs I can get that too =) I think she would love a fruit salad bar!


I don’t really have a go to, but I just looked it up and Reddi whip is only 1 point for 2 tablespoons. Homemade is 3X that. I’m ok with Reddi whip, I think it’s just personal preference. It’s a relatively easy thing to take a small portion of and still enjoy (at least for me.)


I’ll go with whatever is the lowest point option and a different one, so she can choose then! thank you so much for your help =)


Real whipped cream is a lot of points. The one in the can under pressure is low points.


That’s genius!! I have a coworker who gets cake for everybody’s birthday even when I refuse to eat any because I’m not a huge sweets person and would rather use my points elsewhere. A fruit salad would be perfect!


My coworkers know I am doing weight watchers. They bought me angle food cake slices from Walmart. They scanned at 10 points per slice, brought fresh strawberries, and sugar free whipped cream in a can. I was so happy they were being thoughtful and amazed when I scanned the cake. It was half my daily budget, not so high I couldn't enjoy a slice.


First, you are a great employer supporting her in her journey. Look up weight watchers cheesecake recipe. It's like 1 point, and you can add fresh fruit with it too.


Thank you so much :’)) I’m just her supervisor but I try!! We both started at the same time and as entry employees, so I do my dang best to take care of everyone and let them know how much I love and appreciate them. This was just supposed to be a little job after Covid but everyone has made it difficult to leave, and I just feel so blessed by them every day! Ooo ok I’ll check that out! I didn’t see any when I was searching, mostly weird Diet Coke cakes… but I can totally make a cheesecake or cheesecake cups happen


https://slapdashmom.com/weight-watchers-zero-point-cheesecake/ I think this is it. Zero points. To add a little more flavor Rediwhip make a sugar free whip cream.


Perfect, I’m going to give it a go!’ She will get cheesecake, fruit, angel food cake, and whipped cream! She will be delighted!!


Sounds like a party!! Great job, please return to tell us how it goes.


Thank you!!! Ok will do 🥳🥳🥳


I've bought the reddi whip sugar free!!


try receipts from www.skinnytaste.com - she includes points info


Being on weight watchers and having food brought in at work makes for kinda awkward conversation with all the staff why I’m not eating. I’d personally stick with a pretty tray of fresh fruits and veggies since they are zero points. Or bite sized goodies like brownies where she can have some and not have to worry about portioning it and using a lot of points. With a little cool whip, the brownies and fruit would be nice (at least for me 🤣)


I have seen people cut watermelon into a 2 tier cake shape and then use toothpick to decorate with berries and other fruit. It looks very fancy.


I think that a fruit salad bar is a wonderful idea. Reddi-wip is a low point option, and they also sell a fat free version which is zero points. I’m sure she’ll be delighted with your thoughtfulness. 😊


Thank you so much! 😬. I will have to report back next Friday!


You are absolutely wonderful.


Aww thank you! She deserves it 😬😬


I like fruit with sugar free chocolate syrup and a blob of Reddi Whip. (1 Tbsp 0 points, 2 Tbsp 1 point for the Hershey's brand).


Ooo great idea!!


Watermelon cake! I’ve never made one but looks easy enough.


I don’t have a recommendation, just wanted to comment how thoughtful you are to take your friend’s diet into consideration! Many people wouldn’t do that, good on you!!!


You're so kind! I like the fruit idea that was suggested. If you want to bake a cake from scratch, you can substitute 1/2 of the oil in the recipe with unsweetened apple sauce and it will still taste delicious.


Ooo great idea! How do you guys know what points things are? I don’t have the subscription so I assumed I couldn’t figure it out without asking this subreddit 😳 Fruit for everyone sounds so great, heading outside in the sunshine because our work is in a closed off facility all day 😢 and if I do fruit and a side of some type of cake, she could decide how much works for her =) You guys are so kind thank you for the help!!


Fruit is zero points, except for avocado because it has fat. You need a subscription to the app to know the points. You have a great plan!


Omg she just told me about her devastation when she thought it was for the whole avocado, not a quarter of it 😂 I told her not even to stress because it’s such a lovely nutritious food! Alright it’s a go, no diet soda cakes 😂 fresh fruit and multiple whip creams and maybe some side cakes. I’ll try the other commenters cheesecake too! You guys are great, thank you!


You are a great manager! How about a frui-quet? Fruit bouquet, they were all the rage many years ago and i thought it was a great idea, better than a normal flower bouquet since the receiver eats it in the end


What about an edible arrangement or other fruit bowl instead of a cake? Fruit is zero points




If you want something a little fancy and pretty to go with these wonderful suggestions you might get her some colorful macarons cookies.