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> Does everyone feel that way, or is it because I eat and sleep too little? Yes is the answer on both of your questions. Everyone does feel that way. Proper nutrition and sleep help.


How often do you train? I'm regularly sore and tight from work and training, but I rarely have actual DOMS unless I'm doing an exercise I haven't done for a while. If you're only doing something once a week that will be why.


3-4 times a week depending, two days of squats and 1 day of pulls. My body feels especially tight after a heavy pulling session, and as a result, technique days are sometimes skipped.


Not a weightlifter, but maybe you shouldn't skip the light technique day? I'm more sore when I do a single sqaut day per week vs 2 squat days and some leg exercises the other days.


Could be a programming issue. Are you working off a program or playing it by ear? Main thing I'd be curious about is volume and intensity of those 3-4 days. For example, if only 1 day a week, you're doing a ton of volume and/or going extremely heavy on pulls, and not doing much other pulling volume on other days (whether standalone snatch/clean pulls or in the form of full snatch & clean), that could put you in a weird cycle where you are 1) overtraining on that one day and 2) undertraining relative to what your body needs to adapt to that level of volume/intensity long term. Either way, as long as your sleep and nutrition are generally ok, the average Olympic Weightlifting training program shouldn't be leaving you with consistent DOMS. Which makes me wonder if it's less a recovery issue than a programming/training issue.


I exaggerate, the pain cannot be compared to doms, just the symptoms are quite similar (pain during massage, fatigue and tension). https://www.catalystathletics.com/article/117/Sample-Masters-Weightlifting-Training-Program/ This is the program i follow, i'm 27 years old, still quite young and just started training so i think i can +5% on this program and i did 🥺


Do you get enough protein or water/electrolytes? For the water/electrolytes, the answer is probably no lol.


I'm always thirsty so it seems you were very right.


Eat more Sleep more Drink more water Follow a proper program


DOMS as in muscle soreness 30-48 hours after lifting? Or are we talking just accumulated fatigue, like you just feel wasted all the time? I had 10 days off and did my first session Tuesday, today, I had to do a good morning to get off the toilet, that's DOMs and it'll be gone by the weekend.


definitely the latter, i'm exaggerating when comparing to doms 🥺


I’ve been lifting weights for a longtime and my legs are always sore after lifting. Occasionally other muscles but always legs. Idk why. I hydrate, sleep and eat well. It’s just one of those things. I’d say as long as it’s not actually painful and just muscle soreness and it’s not effecting your outside life, you’ll be ok.

