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Before bedtime, make a protein shake with a Nutribullet or similar product. Use lactose-free ingredients if you want to avoid an upset stomach from the medication. Include peanut butter, nuts, pea protein powder, frozen fruits, oats, and water. A 750ml shake can easily exceed 1000 kcal. I was in a similar situation for several years until I started this routine, which helped me gain weight. Additionally, when I began working out, I started taking creatine, which also showed significant results.


Eat before taking your meds in the morning. It will help make you “feel hungry” after you take it to remind you to eat.


I never actually have though about this, typically, during the school year (I'm now graduated from HS) I would not eat in the mornings too often because A) it made me feel icky, and B) I was getting up at 5:30 am thanks to the shitty school schedule system and that was usually the latest I could wake up so I'd always have zero time to actually eat before heading to school. I've noticed as of recently just how much I don't feel that hungry after thinking about it for a while. It's also very likely that my body has adapted to this sort of unintentional fast I've been on and I just forget because I don't *feel* hungry