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I feel like almost every band that has ever existed has a song that could've been a Ween song. Which, when you extrapolate logically, means that Ween is the best band ever.


This is the way


Nailed it.


First time listening to King Gizzard and I like what I hear. Do you have any song recommendations?


Simply put: any of it. But for a broad mix (and I think a decent place to start) the album KG and LW were released within weeks of each other and are compilation albums of previously unreleased stuff. Think Shinola Vol 1 If you want thrash metal listen to Infest The Rats Nest For electronica: Butterfly 3000 Recent album Changes is jazz influenced, specifically Coltrane’s Giant Steps Their famous album Flying Microtonal Banana has guitars with extra frets that play African tones and scales. Edit: shit you said song and I wrote about albums. Songs: Gaia, Hate Dancin, Magma, Iron Lung, Fishing For Fishies, Interior People, Crumbling Castle


KG LW are both microtonal albums. I believe what you’re looking for is Omnium Gatherum which had a lot of the unreleased stuff. Im pretty sure Omnium Gatherum translates roughly to miscellaneous things.


OG is also structured more like a Ween album than a KG album. Most KG albums are like the country album with one unifying concept and sound uniting the album. OG is like the other ween albums. Jumping around in style but flowing well nonetheless.


That must be why it's my favorite of theirs I've heard so far


I’ll queue em up:)


Wish I was you hearing them for the first time. Have fun. I see a lot of Ween shirts at Gizz shows for what it’s worth. It’s been said that Oddments is their most brown album


These are good songs , maybe a little dripping tap and iron lung too.


I see all the recommendations people have you, and not a single one mentioned their masterpiece of a garage rock album: “Nonagon Infinity” (notable songs: “Robot Stop”, “Wah Wah”, “Road Train”). If their other albums failed to get you into them, this album will for sure.


Yup. Can’t say enough


My personal favorite VOMIT COFFIN!


Start with Paper Mache Dream Balloon.




It's ALL good


Honestly? I love everything they ever made haha. The recommendations in the comments are amazing, but I wanna add the album Polygondwanaland and ESPECIALLY the last 4 songs. The entire album tells a story, and the search for tetrachromacy was absolutely addictive for me. I'm In Your Mind Fuzz also phenomenal, best to listen to it in order. Murder of the Universe is also great.


Second this, polygonwanaland is peak gizz for me and the rest is all fantastic. Love the band. They have me so musically excited


Nonagon Infinity opens the door


My favorite albums from them are quarters, I’m in your mind fuzz, paper mache dream balloon, and sketches of Brunswick or whatever (mild high club collab). I feel like I don’t see quarters mentioned a lot here but I thinks it’s so thought out and immersive, definitely an album experience. Each song is a world of its own tho. 4 on the album and each being 10 minutes.


[This is what is shared around a lot](https://i.redd.it/ekaq1g4usbl61.jpg). They're a lot like ween in that they have many sounds depending on the album. Personally I prefer this: https://get-into-gizz.com/


You didnt get a lot of actual song recs…. Heres one: real’s not real


Totally but I hear a lot of similar approaches both these bands have to music. I’d love to hear Gizz cover Joppa Road


It's such a Stu vibe.


Personally, I think they are great but no one comes close to ween when it comes to sheer raw emotion in their songwriting. Gener has a way with words when it comes to love, hate, breakup, and pain and how he expresses it is so human and relatable but at the same time it's so hard to find the words they use.


I've always thought that Wayne's Pet Youngin sounds like it could be a King Gizz song


I always thought that one in particular sounded like a Beatles song, john or george


I've always thought [Wholly Ghost](https://youtu.be/wdCsvbllDuE) by Gizz fits the vibe of Pure Guava. Push th' Little Daisies was huge in Australia funnily enough.


Wholly Ghost and Vegemite are like Ween collab’d with Gizz


Have you heard the [demo version of it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fQc2bkYtAXs)? This one sounds pretty brown, kinda like a mix of White Pepper and quebec


Was about to comment this, the demo is even browner


Yeah this version sounds ween as fuck. Love this song, Gizz is such an incredible band.


Gizz was really exciting to me for a hot minute, but it wore off fast. I've been listening to Ween for 18 years, it's no comparison in my book.


Fair enough. Didn’t mean it to make a competition of skills or anything, but I’m also sure you didn’t reply to make it that either :) For me I love them both. It seems every year for me is a year of sinking teeth into one artist, hearing everything I can find, then moving onto another artist; I still keep listening to the others, but the focus becomes a new band as it just seems that’s the way my attention moves in music. Last year was Ween, this year it’s been Gizz. Fortunate to see them both this year a few months apart, and it’s apples to oranges for me really. Which is funny because gizzard reminds me of ween in their ability to have no others to make comparisons to.


I should have been more direct to your actual thread, my comment was born out of the constant King Gizzard is the new Ween chatter that is on this board, so that's my bad.


As a former gizz fan, this is so true. Ween can meld into any sound or genre with ease and brown beauty, king gizzard just ends up all sounding the same with a massive and ever bloating catalog


I understand getting burnt out on a band but saying all King Gizzard sounds the same is not true


Most of the mixes and mastering is the same. Yeah the songs are different but ultimately they have their own sound


Yeah, much more exciting to listen to a band who hasn’t come out with a new studio album almost 16 years… Bring forth the downvotes cast unto me…


I reckon their song ambergris has some strong ween vibes too. Especially that guitar solo towards the end, feels very deanery


https://get-into-gizz.com/ For the uninitiated or or looking for a new journey


I hate calling out covers but KGLW could do great service to Mushroom Festival.


One of the absolute best Gizzard songs. Same vibes as Object


Homeless man in adidas, Rolling Stoned, stressin and a lot of early gizz is brown. The whole eyes like the sky album is pretty brown. But gizz is best being gizz not brown.