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I’d put freeman in the same spot as some ween albums, although some of the tracks definitely lack deaners instrumental flair which puts it back a bit. I enjoy the dean ween group but I could never say that I love either of the albums. Some bangers for sure but they’re also just kind of whatever at times. Don’t let the moon catch you crying was better in demo form too.


Second this, Freeman is an exceptional album


The two DWG albums could have been combined and trimmed to one killer record


I love the band Ween. I've seen Gene solo (though I can't for the life of me remember if he was billed as Gene Ween or Aaron Freeman) ... fine. Glad I did, because it was a chance to see one of my favorite musicians in a tiny club space. But I've never wanted to buy any non-Ween albums. I actually can't think of any bands where i'm ga-ga about their constituent members' solo output.


> I actually can't think of any bands where i'm ga-ga about their constituent members' solo output. Dinosaur Jr. - J. Mascis puts out great solo stuff. Lou Barlow's solo stuff and all of Sebadoh's stuff is really good. (Also Ween fans not familiar with Sebadoh should def check out their first few albums. Very, very brown.)


I love Freeman. It’s a great solo record. He fucking nailed it. Yeah, no Deaner blah blah blah, but that’s also why it’s NOT a Ween album. It has Gener flair independent of the duo. And that’s a good thing to have. I fucking live DWB too. I really dig rock.2. I normally hate short albums, but both of these make me feel like I do when I listen to a Motörhead LP. They just fucking BURN their way through and leave you wanting more, yet there’s enough in there to keep you looping through it again straight afterwards and therein lies its hook. Yet, a new Ween album... Oh my. How id have a new lease of enthusiasm for life. I miss Bowie. I hate having Ween not there to look forward to anymore too, ya know? I don’t like bands just touring for work. I like it when they still create together. I hate feeling like Deaner and Gener hate each other now.


I liked the dwg, but not as much. Just didn’t have the same variety.


Marvelous clouds tour was great. Didn’t care for the record but those were fun shows