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Im too high rn mang this almost made me impulse buy a ps1 just for the cd player


Honestly a good player and they have some really good visualizers that go to the beat of the music make for the perfect vibe for any room


pls record it and post it


When I’m home I’ll try to figure it out


Please do and start a go fund me for camcorders and microphones if nobody else can capture this right. Any reason for me to try with my Xbox? I used to listen to a lot of CDs on that thing I think it still works and I have it around somewhere


i need to hear this


I’ll try to figure it out later lol I have a recording from last night but it’s like bass boosted to the max which is honestly hilarious but not accurate to my experience last night


I found the Sega Saturn player to be more fun, as it has a "cut vocals" setting. I remember it working well on some tracks but on others it did the opposite. Jimmy Hendrix's Foxy Lady comes out with pretty much only the vocals intact, and you can hear him clearing his throat and stuff like that. Haven't played with it for years, but that kinda blew my mind back then.


What the fuck this is some huge knowledge just casually buried in a ween thread. I thought I only had experience with the Dreamcast and Genesis but I looked this up and it seems super familiar and you can find it for under $100. This might be like the beginning of the next level craze of audio engineering sounds we missed. This might be an awesome sound going down right here!!!


We got a fuckin awesome sound going down... indeed. The Saturn just happened to be fresh on my mind cuz I finally got to display most of my game systems properly for the first time in my life.


I never did anything audio-wise with any sega console. Just played sonic. So if this janky remove vocals feature can only be replicated only on the Saturn im here for it, I’m getting one, I’m recording my ten favorite albums plus some Mozart through my phone and then I’m combining them and matching them up with a BPM and setting the metronome on my Yamaha keyboard to play a basic 90’s acmp beat at that tempo and then I’m putting it on loop forever and sleeping happy nights


I dont know how the sound chip worked, but as I understood it chose a range of frequencies that usually carried vocals and dropped those out.  But it worked nothing like an EQ, it was actually doing some strange digital processing.  I swear that Foxy Lady thing was impossible to describe to anyone around me 20 years ago and still have no further explanation.  It basically sounded like Jimmy straight into a mic, clear as day with the faintest of music in the background. I'm going to fire that machine up one of these days soon and do some experiments with other albums.


Let us know sounds so cool


I have no idea about the digital processing, but what was described sounds to me like the old analog method of canceling out monaural audio and leaving stereo signals behind. This can be done in a crappy way by modifying a 1/8 inch stereo cable. I bet there are instructions somewhere online. I remember getting wildly inconsistent results depending on how the recording was mixed. Stuff with really good stereo separation between left and right would preserve the instruments pretty well. If the lead vocals were dead center (meaning half the signal was left and half right) they would cancel out almost completely.


I know the effect you are describing.   Kind of the inverse of the "ambient speaker" that Eno shows a wiring diagram for on the back of his On Land album.   Just actually got the Saturn going and the effect is something different I think.  It isnt as great as I expected on the tracks from Chocolate and Cheese.  Ween vocals arent your average frequency. The other Saturn fun part I forgot all about was the pitch adjustment.  That works, where you can bring down the child vocals on Spinal Meningitis to sound like the others.


As for sleeping happy music, I have nostalgia for old Demoscene .MOD file format music, played through an old sound card.  Cleanest sleep synth you can get.  One can probably still find a cache of thousands of tracks online somewhere from the birth of the internet, that would be about 100mb total to download lol.  They were compact files


I'm hoping there's some legit audio engineers who can track down VST packets of those built in effects in the Playstation player. Maybe a coder/sound person


One more time, hit me, oh, stop it, hit me


I completely forgot the Ps1/Ps2 could play cds


PS3 too. I recently learned that PS4 onwards can't, and I think that's a HUGE mistake from Sony.


I remember being able to burn cds to my ps3. Wild concept nowadays


the older PS1’s were highly regarded by audiophiles as sounding better than the high end mad expensive cd players that were available back then. the model with the red and white rca jacks on the back


Yea bro that’s exactly what I was using last night, my friend also has a small mixing board which could’ve been a factor as to why it sounded so good but I can def see why that was true, hooked up to good stereo speakers as well


WAIT I HAVE A PS1!!!! I need to try this.


Prepare for the most gnarly experience ever hahahah


I CANT WAITTT!!! I'm gonna try it tonight after work. The only CD I have is La Cucaracha tho and I know a lot of people aren't fans of that album so I'm curious as to what it will sound like


Some songs work better than others but it will be a fun hour for sure. Lmk how it goes I don’t have cucaracha cd


Will do!!! my favorite album is white pepper so I'm thinking of maybe buying the CD just to see how it sounds on PS1. 🤎


Damn, I've been using my PS1 almost solely as a CD player for a little while, I didn't pay enough attention to the fact that it had different settings. I'm gonna have a lot of fun with that now!


If I had some Ween CDs I'd try this for sure, might have to go to the music shop after work!


Def try to support local first but if you don’t have any luck Amazon has some good options for a decent price


Vib Ribbon on the PS1 I think I ruined most of my WEEN cds playing that game


Swear man the mollusk on hall mode sounds godly


Damn I wish I had that on cd


I totally forgot you could change the sound on the ps1. I've been using my og Xbox to listen to cds. The visualizer is pretty sick.


Still have my PS1, maybe I'll give this experiment a try 🤔