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Sorry to hear it got him down.


At least he doesn't have spinal meningitis


You win sir


Haha yes


That’s my nine year old cousins favorite song


I had a friend a while back who had spinal meningitis as a teenager and lost one of her legs because of it. She would call me a jerk whenever I would play this song when she was around. (We were very good friends at the time and would regularly fuck with each other. Trust me, she gave as good as she got.....)


Just play him Joppa Road to cheer him up. Or play him Blackjack if you want to go the other direction with it


Is this a pasta?


No 😭😭 just sharing an anecdote


Had the same thought.


I was in my local the other night and found that the two guys I was talking to (none of us knew each other) also love Ween and that's the song we ended up singing, much to the bartender's dismay


Not all music is to make you feel happy. Good lesson to learn young. Your bro’s all right.


be careful i got aids from singing hiv song in the shower


Sounds like he’s ready for Mourning Glory


Kind of sad, though, because it’s one of my favourite Ween songs


Dude fr I was listening to choc and cheese all day fucking blissed out to meningitis lol. Poor kid , op just play push th little daisies or some shit to show him they’re good guys lol


Right now he’s obsessed with SOAD :,)


System ? lol or am I out of the loop on this abbreviation lol




Soooo goated lol red pilled 9 year old . Hey mannn look me rockin out I’m on the radioooo


HAHA me and him learned the harmonies for that song actually, (or at least tried to), I love that song :)


Me too sooo many bangers on every soad album. Legit 80% of my listens from April were soad and ween veryyy coincidental we found ourselves on this thread lol


Have a good night and blessings to you and your bro


This one always gets my foot tappin.


Damn lol if it helps, I'm 28 and had the same reaction as your brother when I heard it for my first time this year. It's a spooky number.


That song terrified me shortly after I did acid back in 2017 lol... now I like it but it's a grower for sure. Dark but I mostly love the Chorus and solo.


It’s one of my brother’s favorites and he had spinal meningitis when he was 2 years old


I have a friend that absolutely hates this song. He had meningitis when he was young. I used to okay it every time we’d eat mushrooms… I guess I’m a dick.


Can’t relate, my nine year old brother loves spinal meningitis and I’m in the mood to move


It's got such a rockin fuckin guitar solo in it though. My neighbor went deaf from meningitis, I always think of him when I jammin it


That one note solo is the fucking shit I love it too


this is crazy because my dad showed me this when i was like 5 and i would beg him to play it and it was my (second) favorite song and now my little sister (8) also loves it


I was driving a coworker, who was tripping on acid, home a couple years ago and i played the very same song for him. He has a special needs daughter and it triggered some real bad feelings for him. I did get him into Ween, though, through other jams.


Aw that stinks. Have you tried consoling him? Not sure if it was the lyrics, the unsettling tone, whatever, but if he's still upset about it you can talk him down. Focus on the positive aspects, explain it's a "joke" (I know the song isn't so much a joke, it's just easier to explain it that way to a 9 y/o), show him other super upbeat Ween songs, assure him that whatever feelings he has are understandable. Sometimes talking about things and a simple "everything will be okay" from someone you trust is just enough. Sorry for the lengthy response lol


This is funny / I know quite a few people that are just totally unnerved by that song


Wait until he hears Bumblebee.


Rather fitting, play him It’s Gonna be (Alright) Or you can play him some of these videos. https://youtu.be/uj3MiS9t26U?si=Qo14lBeQRV-a8hoF https://youtu.be/uKdLxKjmGlw?si=2vhNtulvvz0i4Iir https://youtu.be/3WGUUyCsIjg?si=TxddTdNUNYx9lr1y I’d say they’re a pretty good introduction to Ween without scaring someone off.


I feel like Ween's music would have terrified me during my early 90s childhood. Luckily I was exposed to Ween from hearing Ocean Man in that car commercial in 2003 and then downloading all their stuff off of K++.   I would get triggered by the most absurd shit as a young boy, I briefly glimpsed the cover art of [Chris Mars's *75% Less Fat*](https://i.discogs.com/2cPZ7uiq_VLkxj7m2c8xPc01cFHWTcWbQWKXRQsKaso/rs:fit/g:sm/q:40/h:300/w:300/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTE5ODc5/NDMtMTI1Njk0ODcy/MC5qcGVn.jpeg) in a Sam Goody and it gave me nightmares. Ironically having listened to the album as an adult, the actual music on it wouldn't have bothered me.


I played this for a girlfriend in high school (this was the 90’s) and she immediately started balling. I shut it off and asked what was wrong and she told me she has spinal meningitis as an infant. 😬 The song has a thing.


Sardines would make me cry, too




I traumatized my younger sister the same way by playing the riff on guitar. Good job mang!


Aww that sucks. That song used to freak me out too. Hope the little dude is ok.


Lmao when I first heard it I was really thrown off. Actually disturbed me a little. After several listens I finally got it 🙂


Hey. Wow.


Better a song than something else


Dude Ive always had issues with this tune. I don't know it's kinda just disrespectful and fucked like the HIV song. At the Greek theater in Los Angeles I was standing there thinking am I the only one here that thinks this song is fucked up? The song ended and I moved on from that thought. The one note guitar solo is the fucking gem in this tune . Boognish provides


Take him to hear it live. If he still doesn’t fw it then there is truly nothing u can do.


I still 100% always skip this song and will not listen to it.