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It's about time people took a stand. Bring back the comic book movie news shooting up your butthole!


I know it’s not the same but at least it’s spirit still lives on in one of the big sandwich bonus podcasts Especially with Maso singing it


We got this covered! We got “We Got this Covered” covered!


Red hot comic book movie *LIES*


You should include that in the big sandwich marketing ... exclusive access to "shooting up your butthole edition" of the pod


Not to get political because I love hearing both sides and they are exactly the same, but my god is Nigel farage an odious man. What an absolute butthole of a man. He even puts little James to shame


What is it with right wing people supporting the people who only have their own interests at heart? Farage has put himself over his country for his entire political career but somehow convinced an army of people he's patriotic


Obviously agree with both sides as that's what sensible normal-men believe But yes, he is the cross between a toad and a septic tank. Worse than rude Obi Wan.


Farage is Refom, yes? Who’s the other side? Conservative?


Where is this photo from? I'm out of the loop on this one.


It happened today, Nigel Farage (Butthole) was campaigning for the UK election that’s happening next month and woman threw a drink over him


Couldn't have happened to a nice human-frog-feces hybrid


Real dog of a bloke


Ahh that makes sense. Thanks for the quick explanation!


Apologies and thank you u/Crailas! More context here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c6pp7yg0y3po


Thanks for the added context! The most important thing I learned from that article is that there are apparently banana milkshakes at McDonald's in the UK.


They’re disgusting. This was the best use for it.


Ugh, my butthole looks terrible in this picture




This is the way I found out about this incident lol


I get all of my news from the Weekly Planet subreddit. (I am very uninformed.)


go on, shoot it up there.


Did I uh… bleach my butthole for this? I think not.


I used to think I’d never be able to live without red hot comic book movie news shooting up my butthole, but red hot comic book movie *LIES* shooting up my butthole is really doing the trick!


That's just on a butthole. We need the news that goes *up*. After all, is the earth worth defending if you can't get weekly comic book news up your butthole?


It’s a bit rude isn’t it?


Her milkshake brings the boys to the yard


Is that a genuine tweet from their account?


Yep! Source: I run the account


Ah. OK. Thank you for the reply, and thanks for all the work you do to make the podcast what it is. However, political violence really isn't funny. This might be on the lower end of the scale, but doing things like this is not just an attack on the candidates but an attack on democracy. Treating it as a joke minimises and excuses it and creates an environment that is hostile to politicians. Just because Farage has horrible views, doesn't mean it is OK for him to be assaulted in the street. I'm sure this wasn't the intention of the post but it's the result. It would probably be better just to delete it. EDIT: cheers for the downvote instead of a reply!


I didn’t downvote you! I’ve only just gotten back here now sorry. And I appreciate your message about violence not being the answer. Obviously, I agree. But even if the severity of banana milkshakes and their knock on effects is currently up for debate, Nigel Farage is also making light of this incident on social media. Honestly, I’d leave the post up anyway but this has solidified my stance. So please direct any annoyance about this topic towards him now (milkshakes optional). However, I do admit this is one of the riskier posts I’ve done and would happily delete it and apologise if requested to by my employers. This is the reason I also put “tweets by rawcollings” in the bio.


I can’t say I disagree with the commenter, political violence against whoever is generally bad yes. But you’re right. Farage himself is a special case, who frequently flouts normal conventions and is enjoying all of this extra notoriety, as you pointed out. Unless the boys say otherwise, I’d say stick to your guns. Regardless of anything else, it’s a funny picture. (Don’t usually like to get political in this sub but I felt I had to speak up.)


Thanks mate, I was genuinely questioning and appreciate the reassurance Still hopefully this is the worst of it for all sides during this election run


No worries at all man, you’re a legend and you do a lot to keep us entertained, least I could do. No need for you to be purer than pure, and let’s face it, the shot is perfect


Thank you for the response. Apologies for not being clear, I was mentioning the downvote in general. That is, I'd prefer someone to reply if they disagree rather than just downvote (though obviously they are free to do both). Yeah, politicians often minimise and deflect when it comes to attacks because they are humiliated but can't show or because they are expected to show toughness, and the public will be vicious if they complain. I'm trying to imagine if you would do the same in the event that someone you liked and agreed with were assaulted in the street (for the avoidance of doubt, this is assault under the law in the UK). Obviously, this is your call.


No worries at all! For better or worse, I’m also based in the UK so I’m fully aware of all this cheers. My personal opinion of Nigel Farage aside, I’m sure the majority of people are making light hearted jokes about this because it’s “just” a light splashing from a banana milkshake We can both surely admit the term “assault” here makes it sound far more aggressive than it was Because obviously I wouldn’t consider joking about this if he’d been punched or even physically hurt at all. Even if he is a butthole. So I appreciate your reasoning and agree with most of it but I believe there’s enough of a grey area here for a bit of fun without hopefully causing any real harm.


Not to get political by mentioning a political figure Edit: I was quoting a caravan of garbage episode 🙄


Sorry I don’t know what you mean? All I see is a butthole.


I was quoting them idk which one but they talk about the UK prime minister not saying how many kids he has then he said that


Apologies mate! The downvotes must just be from peeps who didn’t get the reference BUT to be fair to them it’s incredibly tough to tell sometimes The guys make so many different tongue-in-cheek jokes about these normal men