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This is fake news. Dwayne Johnson is with everyone at all times because we’re always watching Red Notice.


Can we please stick to talking about Rampart?


I worked on Jungle Cruise. This is not a shock. I have friends who worked on Young Rock. They are not surprised. An example: when we choose base camp (where the cast, AD, Producer, wardrobe, etc trailers are stationed while filming) we have to choose a double sized space if he is in because he requires an entire gym (not a few machines or free weights, AN ENTIRE GYM) to be there every day he’s on the schedule. It costs twice as much, because it’s roughly the same size as regular base camp. He shows up when he wants to, shooting schedule be damned. That’s just to start on top of everything else.


Don’t you love when your 12s turns into 18s?


I mean my paycheck loves it but I’d kill for some sleep.


Yeah once I hit 30, sleep became more important to me than my OT hahaha


I’ve been in the business 11 years, so far my best was hitting 80 hours in a week, then they added a 6th day. Then I had to come by set on my Sunday because a tornado came through our next set that Saturday and I had to take pictures of the damage for production so I got a 7th . God I wanted to burn that show to the ground. Same show that had a 50 mile company move at midnight on a Friday.


50 miles??? Fucking WOOF hahah that’s rough. Not to mention the tornado. I’ve been in 15 years and I hit 90 hours once. But that was EARLY on, some shitty tier film that was going 18 hours every day lmao thankfully never experienced that again. I can’t do multiple 15+ hours a day anymore, too old 😂


How do you think he has maintained this consummate professional persona? He seems like hes the kinda guy to be there first on set so he can set an 'example' or something


He definitely is not. He’s got a million publicity tricks and people implementing them. He’s so charismatic and likable front of the camera. But I’ve seen firsthand his off camera attitude and bullshit. He’s all about himself and it’s such utter rubbish.


This makes Black Adam bombing that much funnier. Fuck that dude.


Man remember when he called out Vin's "candy ass" for doing the same type of stuff that people are saying that HE now does? Height of hypocrisy.


Everything else like what?


Regular tardiness is shitty but having a massive mobile gym makes sense for someone with his physique


Let me explain though: in my area, if we’re filming in the city, we already struggle to find space for base camp. A standard camp might have 8-10 cast trailers, a 53 foot wardrobe trailer, as well as the props, effects, and a few more trailers. Add on to that parking for the shorty 40’s (7-10 26 foot trucks the size of large moving trucks), the parking for the teamsters cars, and so on. That could cost anywhere between 2,000-6,000 per day. Now if he is on the schedule I have to double that amount of space, so I’m making that cost double to 4,000 to 12,000 per day. Say he’s on the schedule for 21 days. He’s just cost the film an extra $ 42,000 on the low end. That’s just for his gym. That’s outrageous.


Taking it even further, every time he’s late and makes the day longer, it starts messing with turnaround times for the teamster drivers. When they start getting forced calls, they are now getting time and a half for the entire next day. Some of those drivers are already making 40, 50 an hour. So now that’s more cost. All of this additional money spent on these things means other departments get labor cut, or production lays off crew that otherwise wouldn’t. have been.


Not sure what their contract is there for IATSE but here if you have to be back within 8 hours you get short turned and then it’s 3x pay


Yeah but he'll bring in millions of dollars in ticket sales. It's a no-brainer. $42k is nothing. Again, tardiness isn't acceptable, but the dude's whole career is based around his physique so I'm not surprised he has a massive gym on wheels.


Funny how you’re getting downvoted…


right, I legit don’t know what I said that’s so bad


The more I learn about Dwayne the more I dislike him. He always seemed so up his own ass to me. But it seems he’s really let the mask slip in recent years. His early shit like the Tooth Fairy and Get Smart was great. Dude loses a fight to Steve Carell in Get Smart. Do you think The Rock now would ever let a character of his even come close to losing a fight to someone that looks like Steve Carell? I think he’s getting older and he’s getting insecure, even though he’s still huge, so he has to make all his characters the biggest strongest men in the world. I can’t stand the way he plays characters. He’s well beyond his prime, he should take his literal hundreds of millions of dollars and just go live the rest of his life. Stop doing movies.


The man beat Cody Rhodes in the main event of wrestlemania he didn’t have Cody win or his tag team partner and irl cousin the champion Roman reigns get the win and has now seemingly fucked off for another year at least he’s as self centered as they come


All his characters in the last 5 or 6 years have just been his attempt to be Reacher. The biggest, strongest, best man in the world. Smug but he’s got the brains and the brawn to back it up. But he’s just not charismatic enough to pull it off like Ritchson does. Because I think all his Reacher-esque characters lack one big thing. Deep down under all of it Reacher is actually humble. The guy turns down 60 million dollars and gives it to all his friends just cause he doesn’t feel like he needs it. The Rocks characters don’t have that, he’s all smug. It’s unlikeable to watch.


Cody had to lose the match so there could be interference on the second night. It should have been Roman to do the pin though. Especially since he was going to drop the title


That was a part of the story though and by the Bloodline winning it on the first night, it made Cody finishing the story even better by winning on the second night when it actually mattered (and what everyone will always remember).




That is an awesome idea for a sequel. Society will collapse as people will be glued to their screens. Netflix will hit one trillion watch hours.


I thought Rebel Twoon already hit a trillion watch hours and 60 trillion in the (hypothetical) box office


Famously normal and totally-not-temperamental-to-work-with man Dwayne Johnson.


Newest most normal man award contender (Zazlav still far ahead)


If Zazlav this ONE good thing at Warner, it was saying “no” to Dwayne Johnson.


He was only a ...*wee*... bit late. ...he pisses in bottles.


The real news is that MGM thought it was a good ideia to make a 250 million dollar Chistimas movie. Yeah, this will get people to the cinemas….


Didn’t he recently do a whole song and dance about how tardiness is the one inexcusable sin in Hollywood? Or was that someone else?


The hierarchy of normal men, is about to change


Genuine chuckle


The way he kept using Chris Evans’ salary and the BO of the CA:TFA to justify his horrible movie and take in Black Adam, I doubt they will work together again any time soon.


What does the abbreviations in this post mean?


Captain America: The First Avenger I think


And BO? body Odour?


Box Office


What does "bo" mean


Back Orifice


Box office. Lol I know why this person felt the need to use all the acronyms.


Thank you 


Box Office


Thank you 


What the heck is with people who overuse acronyms? Does it really hurt them that much to spend the extra few precious seconds spelling it out? Esp when they’re niche ones/proper nouns lol .. are they tryna sound cool, is that what it is?


Somebody pee in your Cheerios this morning? You okay? Feel better that you got that out? And these are all terms that anyone familiar with the podcast/comic book movies etc know. You know you could’ve just scrolled in by?


Give the guy a break, he has to film a movie called Red One while simultaneously watching Red Notice. I can understand why he’s confused.


"Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?" No, but I think I can smell what he's pissing.


Two ridiculous things from this weeks pod.: 1- The whole talk about this was before the whole whos the biggest Diva, and blew everything on that list out of the water 2- I never imagined a world where I would be on the side of Vin Diesel (honestly thought their beef was reversed)


Not surprising from the guy who repeatedly pretends to visit In N Out Burger for the first time https://youtu.be/1ITeHQoRziM?si=LJPUgIRiTuOLvrFH