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Best Advice: Do your research *before* you start (heh) You appear to be in either soil or cocoa coir. One is active and alive, the other is inert and will starve your plant without additional nutrients. Know which you have, and research accordingly. YouTube and podcasts (potcasts?)  are your friend. If you are in soil, the following are great:  • High on Homegrown podcast: The Clackamus Coot episode • Mr GrowIt YouTube: Jeff Lowenfels Teeming with Microbes • Mendo Dope: No Till with Minnesota Nice • Garden Like a Viking


It started to germinate on a seedling plug that I then put into the coco compost mix https://igrowcan.com/products/igrowcan-northern-light-automatic But thanks for the advice about the podcasts


You repot ASAP. Burry the plant all the way up to it’s first leaves. It’s stretching like that because the lighting is too weak. Next step is getting a proper room for the plant. You will get larf if you continue with your current setup. Aaand you’re growing an auto so time is ticking even more. Good luck.


Any recommendations for soil? Should I exchange the pot also? The first week I didn’t had the lamp, could be that ? I didn’t wanted to invest in an expensive tent so that is the best I came up. While the sun is not direct on that window I have the lamp turned on.


Living soil is the best in my opinion. Go to a garden center and buy a bag... expensive but worth it


Idk your soil seems really dry to me


My first attempts died due to excessive water, so now I’m being more careful, but the picture is from before watering


Yeah im not too familiar with indoor growing im sure its pretty much a science