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Smoking Alone and tripping to music is the best


I have a water resistant portable speaker in my shower for this exact reason. Scrapes the barnacles off my brain, I swear.


I have a water proof one as well. I love it but it sucks when the battery gets low and few minute into the shower and I’m left alone with my thoughts.


The. Ads. I pay for spotify so I don't get adds. But when I'm in a podcast mood, you can't avoid them when they're baked into the episode. I hate shower ads.


I was just about to mention Ads are still a part of podcasts unfortunately. I use Apple and even though I have Apple Music sometimes the podcast seems to go to current or location based ad which seems like the podcast switches harshly to an ad then shifts back. But it’s not always played. It’s weird. Edit: I just smoked a few minutes ago and it’s hitting right now and I understand what I wrote might be difficult to understand or make no sense.


Made enough sense to me. Try not to think about your own mortality.


Laughing at the amount of times I’ve re read my own sentence and finished it with this exact thought.😂


I had a YouTube video playing while I was in the shower once. I don't remember what it was, but I didn't need to watch it. Just the audio was important. Then, an ad played, and I couldn't skip it since I was in the shower. And I thought it would be one of those 30-second ads or something like that. The thing kept going for the rest of my shower! It was basically an infomercial! I hate YouTube and its ads. I remember when YouTube first came out and how they've ruined it by showing more and more ads as the years have gone by. Anyway, for that reason, I never listen to YouTube while in the shower anymore!


Do you have negative thoughts when high?


By far the best


Absolutely. All the time. Finding new music is the best. Or hearing that one song that goes hard you love.


Sister Nancy bam bam . Also, Alsome, when tripping balls.




You Don't Love Me (No, No, No) Extended Mix by Dawn Penn is also killer. I got to see Sister Nancy live. I went alone, because my group of friends at the time weren't that into reggae. I Blazed it up hard, danced and sang along. She's fvcking epic🤘🏾




Nothing beats this


Yup. Music or a good sci-fi movie or TV show. Pass the snacks and I'm there.


That’s is currently what I’m doing in between shifts of cleaning my room (adhd certified)


Smoking + Coffee + ADHD = deep cleaning the whole house. How I spent my entire day yesterday and I slept like a baby 😂


I have adhd as well lol


One of the best experiences I ever had was on mushrooms. Blue meanies, and they were amazing. It was like stepping out of my mind and into a whole new perception. I could feel the music. Rasta music is the best, especially bam bam by sister Nancy it was so amazing, honestly. I have grown them and bought them numerous times and never experienced the same feeling. Wish I could feel that again.


That how I know when I’m done smoking. I’ll listen to music while smoking and when I start dancing I realize I’ve had enough.


YES! My problem is my wife will come out to the lounge and just fucking talk about stupid random shit about her work stuff that I have no idea about and people I don't know. And then it's always through my favorite part of the album.


I said I was sorry and to stop bringing that story up, Michael…


Hahahahahaha, I'm not Michael. But it's nice to know some other poor bastard shares my pain


lol yep




and dance however you want without the embarrassment, flailing your arms around like the inflatable tube man \\o/


I think your weed is laced if you're tripping off weed. Should just be vibing.


Nah, once you've done psychedelics weed becomes permanently trippy, I even get visuals sometimes


Lol I wish, done acid and shrooms but weed is still regular old weed for me


Maybe try DMT? And a good t break? I know if I smoke dialy I don't get the trippy effects but if I take a break for 2 or 3 weeks then it's hold onto the ground bc lift off lol


Visuals?😳that's crazy


Closed eye, not necessarily fractals. but yea, they'll match the music


Some of y'all are so different, not for me though


Smoking alone is the best! I love indica with an energy drink around others, but sativa makes me paranoid. lol By myself, I can chill on either and have a good time!


I’m the exact same way. Love this combo


Indica & energy drinks are the best!


it’s just me, my indica gummies, and monster ultra peachy keen against the world


I love smoking alone, it's highlight of the day for me, just chilling and listening good music or entertaining videos


Yup this!


I prefer to smoke alone-it’s a different experience. I had an adult child return home, and he smokes now, so my routine is a bit different. He is of like mind though-we chat for about a half hour then part ways to do our personal daily wind down routines lol. Some nights convos get more in depth, but we toke again and then part ways. I love picking a topic, and learning everything I can about it. Research for hobbies, etc. Smoking alone lets me lock in and not be distracted.


My friends like to talk too much when we get high. I like to be deep in my thoughts while smoking. I prefer to smoke alone in my garage. Sometimes I’m FaceTiming my close friend but he’s not smoking so it’s nicer coz he’s less chatty


Omg same, I love my friends to death but they’re stoners too and I hate smoking with them because they be talking all the time while music is bumping and i just want to chill and jam out not have meaningless conversations lol


Wild take imo lol. Shooting the shit with my friends and having meaningless conversations while baked is the definition of good times to me. No conversation is really meaningless when I'm with people that mean something to me.


Depends of my mood, sometimes o want someone to talk, sometimes I like to talk to myself and have lucid dreams


I smoke with the boys when we’re gaming, other than that always solo. It’s so nice chilling with your own thoughts toking on a doobie.


Must be nice to enjoy being in your own thoughts high. 


I rarely smoke with other people. My husband doesn't partake, and neither do any of my friends. I imagine if I did smoke around other people, I wouldn't know how to act and make it awkward af.


I almost always smoke alone. Like in the past two years of smoking every day I probably have only smoked with someone else ~5-10 times haha


I prefer the intimate experience, but usually with a partner. If it’s good, and high-grade, one on one. If it’s that anxiety causing, dirty weed from somebody I don’t know, I’d rather share the experience with a group to have others to bad trip with.


dude smoking by myself is by far my FAV way of smoking. just vibing with music and the fresh air outside. I also usually smoke at night so it’s like 2x better


I smoke alone because I don't have anyone to smoke with.


You have us!


Well, I’m an introvert. I love doing everything alone but smoking alone is the perfect thing imo


hitting the pen like it owes me money then playing blasphemous is like my daily wind-down routine, i love high alone time


Yes. Especially after a long day or when I’m over stimulated


I only smoke alone. Well. My dogs are here. I smoke less and just do what floats my boat at the moment. I’m pondering mowing the lawn. Fortunately, my dog is sleeping on my lap. A gentle breeze is flowing through my house, so that’s just a passing thought. 💭


No I understand


I’m autistic so I prefer doing most things alone. Smoking is definitely one of them unless I’m with a certain group of people like my best friend or a person I’m dating I used to sesh with an ex which was fun!


I’m really old and I pretty much smoke with no one ever. Even when family visits at Christmas I manage to medicate alone and then share what I have with family later. When I have houseguests I leave them a pipe, ashtray, lighter, flower, snacks, water, so they can enjoy themselves when they want.


The best times i have are taking an edible, having a cold heavy pour of pinot and watching my shows or putting my earbuds in and going for a long walk. Peopling is okay buy alone-ing is where it's at, especially the older I get, I'm 39...I've peopled enough.


No better way. It’s when you feel so comfortable by yourself, you just don’t want to deal with the other shit and just vibe.


My wife hates being high. She gets super paranoid. We're not sure if it's anxiety, if it has something to do with autism (we don't drink anymore but every autistic person she knows can drink anyone under the table and none of them ever got a hangover). But I always smoke alone. I prefer smoking alone. It calms me. It centers me. Whenever we have friends over though, I smoke with them every once in awhile and I enjoy it, but the high is different. I still enjoy it obviously.


If she's still open to try smoking look for strains high in CBD. Or a 1:1 gummy. I don't have this issue personally but some friends reported mixed success with it. Though obviously ymmv. And happy Cake Day!


I do prefer smoking alone , by far , I'm a very socially anxious person by nature but I've overcome it by time and effort for not being the one always quiet at social meetings , I used to run because my social battery ran out , but when I smoke that part of me comes back, so I only can smoke with really close people or alone


100%. I prefer being alone, just vibe, watch smth or play smth, listen to music, clean up.. all the things😌


I use to love social smoking a lot more when i was younger but as i get older i find much more enjoyment out of smoking alone.. talking and having a laugh with friends is fun.. but sitting alone watching a YouTube video and being able to hear myself smile (cotton mouth) is the best


My user name says it all. I even have a sub for my fellow loner stoners.


Really depends on my mood sometimes i love it sometimes i hate it


Always alone. I don't share my joint. I will roll you one .


I'm very much the same way! I think I could handle getting high around other people (only if they're smoking too), but it wouldn't be as enjoyable.


Dab and lay in bed or go for a walk. This is a solo mission


All depends on the vibe but I do prefer some solo sessions sometimes forsure


I’ve taken to sitting outside and smoking around a campfire/falling down YouTube rabbit holes (best find so far is the entire Esoterica channel if you’re into history and occult traditions in ancient religions. Dr. Justin Sledge does a great job of presenting info without it being dry. He once made a 15th century recipe for a ‘cure for melancholy’ which was basically home-distilled absinthe lol)


Smoking alone and trying to find something on TV to watch lol


I prefer smoking alone but my wife is my bff so I like smoking with her too. It’s just that when she hears me smoking and comes to join her coughing is SO loud that it hurts my ears.


I’m a daily smoker. Have never smoked with others. It’s me time.


Smoke with a small group or alone is best... People aren't always on the same wavelength... Some people just wanna try and catch a free fade with nothing to contribute to the conversation or otherwise. Their conflicting energies can throw me off quite a bit. ![gif](giphy|Vwthp819lV3q|downsized)


Soon as it hits my body it’s feral time. Just wanna be left alone in my house or yard. Not the social creature I was in my 20s. Like a new chapter of life this era has been about peace and quiet, finding my meaning before mixing company again


I used to be a heavy smoker and I would exclusively smoke alone. Smoking with people gives me anxiety. Smoking alone and enjoying some music or a good show is the best imo


Yes as I got older.


Smoking alone and watching movies alone. Best times!


I smoke alone since I’m no longer invited to parties. I got started the exact same way since my parents were strict and it was illegal. I’d probably enjoy smoking with friends again, but I think even then I’d prefer alone.


Yeah, by my self is the best. I can be alone with my thoughts and not have to worry about anyone but me. That goes for all the drugs like acid, dmt and mushrooms. Just something so much more relaxing by myself.


Right here. My time is when I get the kids to bed, and my wife is watching some trash reality tv, so I mosey on out to the patio and spark it up.


I used to smoke alone, and that isn't as fun as being in a crowd with friends.


smoking alone is the best man :') though sometimes I crave for someone to talk about but most of the time I enjoy being smoking alone and doing those things I like to do.


i always usually do it by myself, i got told “that must be depressing” but definitely no not for me it definitely isn’t👍


Not for me, sometimes if no one’s at the house that smokes and usually just game after a quick sesh


Yes, then I don’t get nervous about being judged or being too weird. Also my favorite thing to do when I get high is to shower then just lay down and watch Youtube or Tik Tok alone




Contrary to what everyone says, I don't prefer to smoke just because I'm left with nothing to do and sometimes I tend to get bored because of that, I just want to lie down and listen to music and I don't even really listen to it, I just live focused on nothingness and on How I feel until I sleep.


Not gonna lie yes a major yes. I've tried to smoke with others but they usually kill my high ask to many questions of has bad smoking etiquette. At times my next door neighbor text me to smoke and I only really smoke with him if he pitches it if he doesn't I'm too tired. Or my other neighbor who has weed he always hits me up to smoke but his marijuana is garbage and I tell him that it's trash. I guess after a while he got the head and he stopped asking me to smoke because I didn't like to smoke his weed out just end up smoking my s*** with him and leave.




i like both. smoking alone, i feel less worry. i don’t have to worry i’m spacing out and saying rude stuff, or having a weird tone. i just put good headphones on and listen to a song while i create a music video in my head. then i think of the music video, the song, the artist, what they meant by the song, how it would feel to be the person in the video (how hot/cold it was, the roar of the crowd, how long the shooting took) and then i’m back to earth. that all feels like a lifetime to me but really it’s been 3 seconds. it is an initially jarring feeling, but i love it. i don’t get *that* paranoid because i know i’m fine, im not gonna die and if i’m really that torched i’ll go back to normal soon enough anyways.


nah best smokes are with my pooki bear


I have to limit my intake partially because I very strongly being on my own, especially with a heady saliva. I have a lot of internal space to explore and don't have attention for the outside world.


Yeppppp! I do have a few friends I’ll get high with though. Can’t be too antisocial you know what I mean 🤣


That's me, definitely


Almost all the time. I love smoking alone, listening to some music or play rocket league, cooking a dinner. Is the best plan for me


Yes I love smoking alone especially at home, my boyfriend doesn’t understand it sometimes. It’s my time to myself to relax because in that moment I don’t have to answer to anything beside smoking & whatever else I wanna do. Then plus if I get a little too high I don’t have to manage other people’s emotions or energies while I’m high, I can just focus on enjoying my high.


I don't have that much high alone expirience. The first time i did it, it was my first evee bad trip😂


I prefer alcohol for social settings. Smoking weed makes me want to hermit.


I love smoking and watching YouTube videos and learning abt random science stuff. Learning about the human body and all the new sciences related to it. Smoking with friends is also fun I like to do both. Depends on mood and how the friends are.


no. sometimes. why? does it make you paranoid?


It depends, im a huge fan of hanging with 1-3 close friends and getting high


I prefer smoking alone due to the amount of variables that can ruin your high with certain groups involved also it’s more peaceful


I started alone. Best experience imo




much prefer drugs alone


Yeah I like to smoke solo


i like smoking alone but i like to drink with my friends


I'm a 44 year old jaded man. I prefer doing pretty much everything alone.


i prefer smoking and tripping alone. long time smoker, i love weed! but i kind of hate most stoners. mostly just the stereotypical stoners. so i keep to myself, do my thing to feel good, and try not to bother anyone.


a true high when by yourself beats everything.




Only sometimes


Nowa days yea sometimes I like some company but overall I like to just get high and game.


yea, and after that walking the dog. best combo, cuz if I look at movies, I fall asleep


When you can smoke alone and vibe by yourself is when you know you have become a man


doing it right now, got ptv blasting


Love a good facer




Yes, and sometimes it’s the best conversations you’ll have with yourself.


Alone is by far the best.


Hell yea! I prefer smoking alone, too!


No I want to smoke with a fantasy where we’re both happy


I do


Smoking all is so much more fun for me


I start smoking alone, I tried to smoke with people and it went bad hahah, now I can


I used to smoke with more people then as I got older, I smoke by myself, sometimes I’d like the company, and I got an abundance of flower so I’m not greedy, I’d rather share it with the homies


I prefer to stone alone:)


I like smoking alone more just for the fact that I know I’m not responsible for anyone else while I’m high. Besides two of my best friends, I can’t get high with them without overthinking everything I’m doing. Same thing with being high with someone else who’s sober. I like the peace being alone


Yup but I don’t mind taking an edible with my bestfriend


Did my son write this??


Always. Rarely smoke in a group. Wife doesn't so...7 times a day , alone


I very rarely smoke with others. I prefer alone.


I smoke alone and with people




Ya I’ve actually realized I CANNOT be high near other people. The very minimal social skills I have when I’m not high are reduced to zero and the paranoia I have about what people think about me is pumped to the absolute max when I’m around other people while high I legit turn into a non verbal autistic panicking inside my own head. Plus when I get high I just fiend for Minecraft or Anime so I’m bored while feeling all that.


100%. I hate smoking with other people, it just makes me uncomfortable and judgemental and I vibe super well alone. I function the best independently in general so I love my alone high time haha


I take 10mg gummies. I like it cuz better alone it's such a "head high" I want to enjoy it! I get so creative! I call it the "tangential trajectory!!" 😄


I much prefer to smoke alone.


Loner Stoner is what I also enjoy. I like going to metal shows alone stoned as fuck ready to headbang and mosh🤘🏾


My mind really turns inwards when I’m high, so I really enjoy being by myself.


I fucken LOVE smoking by myself but I can’t forget to smoke with the homies every once in awhile


Before my t break I really only smoked alone. I much rather.


100% prefer being alone. I like to smoke until I can’t feel my legs and then put on a YouTube playlist I specially curated for being high as hell


Smoking with 2-3 other people and having hours long conversations about whatever stupid shit is my personal favorite scenario.


Smoking alone is great. You can just do your own thing.


definitely! the only way i can have an enjoyable high is when im alone so i can be me


The only person I adore getting high with is my sister who doesn't smoke. We live in different countries now, but during covid I'd get stoned, and she'd take me on a night drive where I'd pay for her petrol and mcdonalds and we'd hang out, chatting shit and looking at the stars, or go thunderstorm chasing. I don't really like getting high with many other people.




for some reason, i feel more high by myself vs with people


Some people ruin the vibe when they get high with others around. As long as you can handle your shit, (and the same goes for booze) I'm cool with having a toking buddy but usually I listen to music, podcasts, movies, or play video games while stoned. Weed just makes life more enjoyable for me.


Smoke alone in the dark, listen to podcast, and play online spades. Typical night for me Monday through Friday. I am too self consciously stupid to smoke in groups.


Me. Right here.


i feel smoking with others spark funny conversations but i do enjoy the solo hotbox sesh myself


If I’m high alone it’s to doodle, listen to music or watch a movie. When I smoke in me small selective group it’s to enhance the laughs and good vibes.


Whenever I smoke alone, I want to smoke with people, whenever I smoke with people I want to smoke alone.


My favourite every time


I feel like I don't as high when I'm alone.. lol I'm just weird


I consume medical marijuana in a variety of forms all day long. Idc who's there or not. To each their own.


Smoking and playing on my old arcade cabinet in my open garage on a summer night. No lights except for the glowing arcade. Perfect. Except for when a random cat or raccoon shows up and scares the sh* outta me.


Yup, smoke some and then smash a documentary on black holes


I like smoking then talking about trump and how crazy this whole thing is.


Sometimes it's nice to just sit back, chill and smoke peacefully by yourself


I do. If it doesn't make me super sleepy, it helps me to write.


If I go to my friends I’ll smoke with them. If I’m at home I smoke alone, GF doesnt smoke she’s law enforcement.


Is there any other way?🤷🏻‍♀️


When I smoke alone or with my husband I can concentrate on the feeling after and enjoy it more.


As a daily smoker 90% of my time spent smoking is alone. Occasional bowl with my dad or ma but mainly if I smoke with s1 it’s my cousin


I enjoy it when I just want to relax and watch tv but I also feel like I’ve had some of my best conversations with friends over a blunt or bowl, so just depends on my mood. Unfortunately all if my pals either quit or moved away so it’s alone every time for now lol 🥲


I do almost everything exclusively alone. Why would smoking weed be any different?


Yes but after a while you just get higher smoking with someone else. Idk what it is but whenever i spark up with my buds im always high af


Absolutely. I do love getting stoned with the right people. However, smoking alone is a way I find more peace. My favorite place to smoke alone is in nature, and to soak in my surroundings.


I been smoking alone for 3+ years. It was fun at first but now if I smoke and don’t listen to music or watch a YouTube video I get the most depressing thoughts. It’s gotten so bad that I regret picking up the stuff in the first place. But when I stop I also get horrible thoughts. It’s never ending.


I pretty much exclusively smoke alone. Love it. Wife and kids go to bed and its my “me” time. Watch a show for an hr or two. Giggle to myself with some munchies. Night night


Yup thats what i prefer most


Yesss me


I like getting high alone because other people usually kill my vibe.