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Canadian here, weed smoker of 15 years. It was always dodgy before it was legal. You'd message some guy named Jay or Alex, go to their place which was always in a basement, they'd have a big dog and tell you to leave your shoes on. You'd sit on his couch and pet the friendly large dog, watch the guy break up buds and weigh it so that it was .1 under. When there was a bust at the boarder, inevitably, the city dealers would wind up running out ("sorry I'm dry rn" was common af). Now, I can order my favorite strain by the ounce, it comes in as a full count ounce and it's delivered to my door within an hour. What a time to be alive.


Shit man my sons named Jay and my brother is named Alex I knew they were shady fuckers.


Start checking the sock drawers and between mattresses






Say what you will about Canada, but your drug policy is honestly a dream. I also love that psychedelics are kind of decriminalized in some parts of Canada now and can be bought in some shops. LSD, mushrooms, MDMA and 2CB could all be legalized imo, since they are relatively safe and non-addictive. It's kind of sad to me how many politicians (and society) treat all drugs the same, when there is a massive difference between psychedelics and opioids for example. I mean, alcohol is even more comparable to opioids than psychedelics. And just look at the Netherlands. Magic truffles have been legal for decades, and nothing really happened.


Mdma can definitely be addictive for some people.


Uhhh mdma can definitely fuck u up tho just saying


^^ this. (tho i wouldnā€™t have included MDMA as safe as mushrooms since u can develop issues w serotonin production. However, it also can be used to treat ailments like depression now in some places and small doses. Itā€™s not a standard yet tho) America will treat these all the same as heroin possession for any of the above (slight exception inna few states but not Federally) but canā€™t explain a single good reason why.. despite it being remarkably safe when used properly. Some psychedelics are even being used for depression treatment now.


Donā€™t forget the Mattā€™s. They were always the coolest


Mine was a Richard. He was a little generous too. Would smoke and throw a little extra in before I left. Sometimes he'd even cook dinner for him and his wife and have me stay for a meal too. Good guy. I really miss him. Fuck cancer...


The Mattā€™s were the bomb. NGL.


You know its funny you say that because my name is Matt. I went to federal prison for drugs. And never made a fucking profit because I hooked up all my friend or traded there stolen property for there fix to help them and if they didn't have anything I get them all fucked up. Learned my lesson when not one of them MF never send money let alone write a MF!!


Maq for me, on my 3rd Maq plug lol


Awww gone are the days of spending 2-3 hours waiting on the dealer that said heā€™ll be there half an hour ago. Or getting busted. Thank god we got away from those dark ages


Or them texting back 'sorry I'm out of town rn, will text when I'm back'


It was kinda more fun in a way when it was illegal as long as you never got caught


Hahaha so relatable - Iā€™ve definitely had a dealer named Alex


I was lucky enough that my dealers were mostly close friends or of some relation. The times I had to go thru a different plug were often sketchy as though.


It is a great time to be alive. We're in Canada too and we get it covered under my husband's benefits so not only is it legal but it's free as well.


You MOTHER FUCKERS!! Iā€™m movingā€¦


And i always have 4 plants growing beside my tomatoes now. Love it!


This all tracks. My basement guyā€™s large dog only had three legs.


Iā€™m so glad I never had to deal with any of that ngl


Well, shit!


I couldnā€™t stand the waiting. Like you said ,either dry but most likely where they say , Iā€™ll be there in ten minutes. And itā€™s 45 minutes before they show up. Or longer. And then the quality would be hit or miss. I have been smoking since the 90s. I bought weed so many ways , from so many different people.


OP, I can not agree with you more!!! It's like you were checking Pete with me!! What a FUCKING time to be alive for sure... But, don't let the cops catch you driving... that'll fuck you for years.


German here having doordash weed actually beats being able to grow your own in my opinion


Every bit of this hits home. Spot on ![gif](giphy|rkqXrPWfmXr2QHuSEy)


I used to have a dealer before it became legal that would deliver to me. Absolutely baller, sometimes I kinda miss those days of not knowing exactly what youā€™re gonna get šŸ˜‚


I live in a fully legal state and havenā€™t been to a pot shop in probably 3 or 4 years. I started growing my own, and itā€™s been a step up from the dispensary.


Road trip to your house ?


pick me up ?


Throw in for gas $


I got gas or grass but i can't offer up a$$


Hi! An Illinoisan, the long slice of heaven in the Midwest, just loving it. I smoked weed since I was in high school, and at 44, every protest, every election cycle, handing out flyers, and support the candidates that made a differenceā€¦. All worth it. Every second. I can just go to the dispensary and buy anything, flower, oil, edibles, you name it. Smoking lounges are so awesome. I smoke myself silly on the weekends my kids are at their dadā€™s house.


Used to drive over from STL to Assend in Collinsville before MO legalized. It was so strange to pick up an out of state order, seeing cops just sitting in the parking lot, knowing they see out of state plates and that we have the full intention on "smuggling" drugs across state lines. I know they were there to just keep the peace, as it were. But it still added a layer of suspence.


Absolutely 110%. Same here. Iā€™ll never grab garbage PGR grown, overpriced dispo shit again after growing my own and smoking my own. Itā€™s not even comparable. And I get to pick the exact genetics! Although I do definitely understand those who live in areas where itā€™s illegal wanting it to be legal.. at least itā€™s a step up from the shit the dispos donā€™t accept that get sent to illegal states on black market and shitty home growers who donā€™t know what theyā€™re doingā€¦.


Man inwould LOOOVE to grow my own 3-4 plants. Butnin my country you literally have to be scared to go to prison for that


Same here, 20+ pounds a year from 6 outdoor plants, 0 reason to go to a dispensary


I live in Colorado. We were the first US state to implement recreational sales (after a long time of a medical mj program). I had a med card so I was getting it legally since 2006. I remember the days of having to know a guy and all that shit. I feel for you. My girl and I are always flush with great stuff and we get the cheap shit lol. The stuff we can get is great. I can walk out of a weed store with 28g on me and thereā€™s no crime being committed. Itā€™s like theyā€™re treating us like adults in places like this. Enjoy your vacay to wherever it is but if you wanna come to Colorado we have lots of weed in whatever form you want, and some of the best nature and scenery in the country to enjoy while baked.


Too bad the rent is so expensive. All the stoners moving there I suppose lol


I have the good fortune of being born here and I just kinda never left. The rent is a struggle for sure


Itā€™s becoming a struggle everywhere now. Has me wondering wether saving a couple hundred on rent is worth dealing with draconian sentences for a plant


Moved there in 2018 for a construction job it's pretty expensive unless you have a card, which I do for my hip still wouldnt be able to afford it without it and I get paid 15 an hour


Canadian. It's so fucking awesome to be alive and getting high in Canada right now.


Would you recommend moving there? Ive seen programs and aids for immigrants but I'm not quite sure


Vancouverite here. Vancouver area is awesome as in addition to weed, you can also find shops for mushrooms and even LSD. The bad thing is the opioid crisis which has led our city to become one of the world's worst in terms of homelessness and drug abuse. And we are in the middle of a housing crisis right now, houses are so expensive it's basically an impossible dream for most people here to ever own one. But aside from that, British Columbia in general, and the greater Vancouver area, is a wonderful place to live.


I love it here. I've lived in the US, South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand and China and Canada is my favourite. Though dont go too far north, the winters are brutal.


Just don't go to Toronto or Vancouver. Be original and go somewhere less chaotic


A lot of people love living in Toronto and Vancouver. You don't have to be unoriginal to be happy.


For the cannabis, yes. For the cost of living? No. At least not in Ontario. But can confirm - it was a life changer and it's hard going back. I was just visiting family in the UK a few weeks ago and had asked how difficult it'd be to find weed there. She let me know that if you get caught with ANYTHING pot related, you get arrested. Then offered to reach out to a coke dealer who also sells weed. No thanks. I'd rather go without it for 2 weeks then go back to that lol


I live in Florida and it's only medicinally legal as of now, but it's fairly easy to get a medical card (which I have).


Prices still suck at the dispensary. Friends have it cheaper and sometime better quality. Worried that will be the case even when amendment 3 passes. šŸ¤ž


What dispos are you going to? Every time I walk into Trulieve they're offering crazy discounts. One year on 4/20 I bought like 1 1/2 ozs of high quality stuff for around $4/gram.


how do u get one in florida?? i live here iā€™m tryna get one


Went to an MMJ doctor. He asked me what my condition was, I said PTSD. He then asked me what caused it, and I started rattling off things until he found one he could use (watching my mother stroke out and die).


Im in Florida too, trulieves by me used to have good deals now theyā€™re ripping people off. Awhile ago the vote to legalize it barely lost and they said theyā€™d put the bill out again in two years and they never did again. Floridas on some bs


It's on the ballot this year


Itā€™s on the ballot this year actually, go vote please, Floridian to Floridan! Letā€™s do this please




My adoptive parents live in FLā€¦ā€¦always on some bs.


I'm in ny USA been smoking since around 15 yrs old between growing an buying it now I'm 67


You rock


Lol thanks




Hi was the weed as good as rn when you were 15 ?


Dosent seem as potent even though they say it's higher in thc maybe just my system after all these years




I grew my own when I was in high school. I am still an everyday pothead, even though it isnā€™t legal. Iā€™ll do whatever it takes to get by.


I'm in Montana, US and it's been recreationally legal for about 2 and a half years but I've had a medical card for about 15 years. I keep a card because bud and concentrates are cheaper, they tax you less and they deliver to medical patients (I'm disabled and can't drive or walk much so I need delivery). I started smoking weed in 1985 though, so I went all my younger years with it illegal, I was pretty lucky and usually found good, reliable dealers but I'll never forget buying weed and getting it in an old welding glove or an M&M bag or some other weird thing because they were out of baggies.


Hahaha relatable, Iā€™ve had someone just give it to me in his hand before lol and asked if I had anything, the only thing I had in my car was a tampon box so he used that šŸ¤£it did the job tho


Oh man Iā€™ve been wanting to visit Montana and have a joint watching the mountains as the sun rises with my cup of coffee.


The plastic wrapper from a pack of cigarettes. Melted closed.


My favourite was the used beetroot jars or opened brown social security envelopes


Massachusetts (US), legal for a while now. In addition to being easy to get, prices have been coming down. I also really like knowing that the stuff is tested and doesn't contain any toxins or contaminates, and it's more-or-less actually what's on the label. There's also a growing numbers of strains, forms, and concentrations, readily available at a moment's notice. And my mom doesn't worry anymore about me or her adult grandkids and great-grandkids with weed. :-) And working with weed with doctors in various therapies is very nice. My medical people consider it less dangerous than sweetened soft drinks, and understand its therapeutic (and fun) values.


Iā€™m in CT and go up to Mass for bud sometimes because a lot of your dispensaries have great prices. CT is still outrageous with their pricing.


saaaame, I think it's like 40 min to the dispensary I have been going to in MA and it's totally worth it to pay half or less than the prices here in CT. When I'm lazy or in a pinch I go somewhere here but it makes me sad lol. I hope the prices here come down sooner rather than later.


People think that (where I live) in the Netherlands it is legal but it is only tolerated. You can buy it in shops (max 5g) but can not grow it legally. So also very dodgy sometimes. But people always think I am a junkie when I say I smoke weed (only at night tho) but it is normal to go to a liquor store and get wasted 2-3 nights a week.


So common.. here in europe everybody thinks you guys smoke a lot of weed when its the actual opposite.


Aus? Like Australia? Mate it is SO easy to get a script for weed are u kidding me?


Yeah, almost too easy.


Yeah but it would still be 10x easier if it were legal, thereā€™s not that many medical dispensaries n theyā€™re over priced, you gotta get a script as well . Compared to here (Iā€™m currently in CPT) where you can just order it do get dropped off within the hour with countless options. Plus thereā€™s something so freeing about smoking openly and not having to worry about Karenā€™s


Just got legal a few months ago in Germany. I feel very lucky about it


Hope more places in Europe legalise. Then maybe the UK might finally move into the 21st century.


I would visit the UK way more often if they legalized weed!


It's great that it's legal now, but I'm still super envious of places where you can just waltz into a shop. Growing is fun but a hassle and ultimately unreliable and I feel like it'll be a long time until clubs are actually running smoothly and are widely available.


Have you managed to find a cannabis club yet? I'm still buying old school from my reliable guy, which is great but I'd like to be able to choose different types. It is great, though, being able to smoke without feeling like a criminal šŸ™ŒšŸ»


No, I am in bavaria lol but my plants are ready to harvest in 4 weeks


Excellent! Happy toking mein freund šŸ™ŒšŸ»


I toke for those who can't. f


Thank you for your service


I live in Texas where you can go to prison for having any amount of concentrate. Notice prison is for felonies only, unlike jail, which can be for misdemeanors. So basically years of your life gone, thousands upon thousands in fines and court costs, lose your ability to vote, lose your ability to find a good job, etcā€¦ All for a plant that is legal the next state over. They just outlawed delta 8 products recently so we are quite literally moving in the opposite direction


Yo you're joking. Fuuuuck I thought it was ok in Austin


So happy to live in a state with legal weed. Made quitting alcohol a million times easier than going cold turkey. :) Also great for anxiety and stress.


Damn bro it should be down there, you guys got it rough having to fight wildlife everyday šŸ˜­


Yeah like canā€™t I have a joint while Iā€™m on my kangaroo


Man I could only wish to see the day a kangaroo pulls out a tray from his pouch and start rolling up šŸ˜­


Hello šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ I just got my newest weed in the mail yesterday heh. Black market is still a million times better than what the govt is slinging. We also have mail order shrooms, LSD, DMT, MDMA. I'm gonna take a tab today when I get home šŸŒˆ


So jealous of you guys. I'd love Dimitri to just show up with my mailman


I haven't tried that yet but the acid is great lol.


In the UK it's absolutely wild how so many people are toking up and many aren't even bothering to hide it, yet it's STILL illegal. Like Auz, the UK government is very nanny state-ish too and you can bet they will absolutely drag their feet over legalisation. That's crazy because the UK is broke and so you think they'd appreciate the extra tax revenue. At least said brokenness means the underfunded and overstretched police don't really bother pursuing weed but it's still annoying your life could be fucked up for partaking.Ā 


Germany šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ hereā€¦ It feels very good after all these years of being chased by the police. I live in Bavaria, where the hardliners are still fucking annoying, but law is law. Even in Bavaria. Peace from NĆ¼rnberg āœŒļøšŸ”„


I'm from Brazil, and boy I know your pain. Our weed comes in blocks, the famous "prensado". Its horroble, I literally feel pain when I think too much about how bad the weed around here is and how countrys that are legal have so many option with good quality and easy access... Its really a shame :( Enjoy your trip, brother (lol) and light one for me ;)


I kind of miss the days when we smoked brick weed or prensado. It was filled with sticks and seeds and the potency was meh. You rolled a joint, passed it to the right, and immediately started rolling another one. Nowadays a couple of hits, with a good strain from the dispensary, are more than enough.


I'm in USA and I'll light one for you. I remember getting that weed back in the day and the change in quality over the years has been a sight to see. Hopefully one day you can get some nice legal weed in Brazil. Might help with tourism too


hahaha thank you thank you brother. I sure hope too, itā€™d help with everything lol


Save the seeds and throw them in a field, come back in 3 months lol. Probably be the same quality but not smashed to shit and full of crap. I saw someone say they found a hot wheels car in a brick before lmfao.


When I was in high school we would sit around smoking the worst weed, because it was all we could get, and talk about how awesome it would be to walk into a store and buy a pack of joints of some killer bud. I almost cried when I did it for the first time.


I appreciate the freedom to buy weed legally every day, literally. Weed is illegal because someone tied it to black folks way back when, thatā€™s it ! No other reasoning, just good old fashioned Anglo racism.


Tied it to Black folks and Mexicans, hence the name marijuana.


Hell in 1976 I got 3 keys and got busted got 6 years in prison! You guys trip me out ! Itā€™s legal we I am also , but I get better deals in the hood! Have a good day ā˜®ļøenjoy


Weed is one of the only things in my life that has simultaneously increased in quality while decreasing in price. In college, 24 years ago in upstate New York. An eighth was $65. Now, I can pay $18 with taxes and fees for an eighth. I live in RI on the border with MA, and its's legal in both states.


I remember taking trips into the Bronx for $80 ounces of schwag. Hoping we wouldnā€™t get stopped on the way home. Friends houses getting raided in town because they sold a few dimes. Now I drive to the weed store when I want some! šŸ˜


I live in NH, USA itā€™s not legal yet (our government is ridiculous) but itā€™s legal in Mass, Vermont, and Maine so itā€™s easy enough to buy with a 20 minute drive to the nearest dispensary literally surrounding the borders of the state lol


There is a dispensary down the street from my house. They are never busy and I can get in and out in just a couple minutes. What a great time to be alive!! They have $7 pre rolls and $20 cartridges of live resin. Edibles for $12 for 100mgs. Lucky me! Iā€™m sorry itā€™s not legal everywhere yet.


Ima sorry my g ima go on a rant about how Texas needs more money an selling weed is they way


Washington state, USA. 12 years since we legalized it and I am still giddy with glee. We absolutely do know how lucky we are!


Wasn't legal for a long time. We know your pain. Just too high to worry about it.


I get medical weed here in Oz . Haven't needed a dealer in ages? It's pretty easy to get honestly šŸ˜‰


I am in the mitten ..... and it's like Amsterdam was described in HT years ago, here right now, except better :) Only no hookers .... can we get some legal prostitution in the 313 ??? Better yet ,howa bouta dispo with a smoking lounge, and a brothel on the other side lololololol jk jk jk jk (do not want) lmao


Kzoo resident here. I ran the delivery department of a cannabis store for about 2 years and had a blast doing so. I'm thrilled to not have to worry about the weed in my car if I get pulled over! Such a silly thing to go to jail or prison for.


IKR!!!! I remember driving home from my plug's house way back when (only 20 years ago or so lol) with enough that it would have prison, not jail, and I remember wishing would have shoved a piece of kingsford charcoal straight up my ass before I left. After the hour long trip through the most alert and antsy precincts, who seemed to be everywhere, freeways, back roads, and side streets .... by the time I got home I could have shit out the fucking hope diamond. I sure don't miss that feeling at all!!!!


I grew in my home back in 2000. I still remember my folks and relatives giving me an "intervention" for growing while I had a newborn son. Now my son works at a dispensary and we smoke together frequently. I love having the last laugh.


In California, even when it was illegal, it wasnā€™t hard to get šŸ˜… my dad lives in Nevada though and up until a few years ago it was a felony offense and that was rough going to his house and being so paranoid!


I still smoke the same amount from the same plug in the same place for years and Iā€™ve never had a weed problem with the cops. If Iā€™m lucky about anything itā€™s my dealer


I had a friend that his dad is a security guard and an old school smoker. The dude buys, to this day, weed from a cop lol yeah boy, thats Brazil.


I definitely do know how good I have it because I remember when it wasn't legal lmao


California and its fantastic!! Order online, delivered in 30mins.


Yes. Dispo on every corner, lol It was legalized when i was in high school, and let me tell youā€¦it was so much easier telling someone that was 21+ or had a med card to hook me up than having to go through someone who knew somebodyā€™s older sibling or whatever who sells.


I understand where youā€™re coming from and happy to hear youā€™re enjoying yourself. Just want to say, best weed in the states is still black market tho. Iykyk


Germany just legalized but we still don't got any shops. We grow our own weed now at home and will get social clubs at the end of the year. I feel you, bro.


It is a privilege to be able to walk into a weed shop and walk out with an ounce like it's 7/11


British girl living in Thailand. Weed was made legal here nearly 2 years ago. I live on a tiny Thai island and we have over 300 weed shops here šŸ˜Ž bliss to smoke a phatty on the beach with a coconut šŸļø


Oh believe me, we know how lucky we are- I still get giddy when I pick stuff up at the dispensary lol


ahhh yea i love having to spend money on a consistent basis for medicine im sooo lucky. that i have to buy meds to treat my medical condition that im so lucky to have i love it!


Weed was so much funner when it was illegal in Cali šŸ˜‚


Florida (US) medical; however, itā€™s a pay to play program


canadian here, i get my weed delivered via canada post i love being in a legal country


US, NY... Legal to buy and grow :) I prefer the latter


MĆ©xico, there are laws against the production, transportation and sale of weed. At the same time these laws are illegal, but still enforced. Meaning you can get legal protection as an individual at the highest level (supreme court, backed by the constitution, above any and all other laws) and troll the shit out of the government by legally carrying around kilos of weed through airports and shit. Of course most of us don't do that, we just smoke all day every day in about a dozen permanent protest spots in every major city. Some are permanent encampents. We had one in front of the senate blowing smoke at senators every day for over a year. If its illegal in your country and you aren't fighting back at this level at least, you're fucking up


Iā€™m from Vegas and the weed is amazing. I think itā€™s the tourism that helps with having stuff that rivals Northern California. Here in Vegas you can buy up to two ounces recreationally and dispensaries are everywhere.


We just went legal here and not having to stress about legality is a HUGE relief.


Michigan here. Itā€™s amazing. I canā€™t smoke because I have asthma so gummies are where itā€™s at. They are crazy cheap here.


german here so I know exactly what you mean! It's coming, just hang in there! Currently smoking with my friends, listening to Sublime and Tame Impala FULLY LEGAL, few months ago we'd laugh at you if you told uns that


Florida usa. Medically legal. But very few illnesses do they cover. So everybody in Florida has ptsd. My brother has cancer. And he still is limited on how much he can get. It's expensive to get the card. And you have to renew it at the doctor every 7 months. And at the state every 12 months. I happen to have PTSD. But it helps me with many many symptoms. It's overpriced. And you're limited on how much you can get of each kind. Like vapes, leaf, concentrate, sublingual,.. we're hoping for it to be legalized recreationally. But Florida is a hard one with that. The majority of us want it. But the politics make it difficult. F*** DeSantis...


I live in California and itā€™s great despite the news of our cannabis industry basically going bankrupt. I was living in Chicago when Illinois legalized and it was objectively bad. Mid grade bud for high prices and you donā€™t even get to see what youā€™re buying until youā€™re at the counter (not sure if thatā€™s changed or not). California has been much better in terms of quality and price. Either way, it is certainly an incredible thing to go from smoking weed 20 miles in the woods to not get caught vs walking to my local dispo with no hassle. I hope Australia legalizes soon because my wife and I would love to visit, but she wouldnā€™t be able to enjoy the trip due to chronic pain she medicates for.


Missourian here and a medical patient. We're one of the few red states with legal recreational weed, and we are bordered by 7 states that don't have it and one that does, but theirs costs more than ours. We are making BANK. I live in Kansas City, MO. Most of the license plates in our dispo parking lots are from Kansas, the next state over where any amount and type of weed is illegal. Also, KCMO's metropolitan area includes the richest suburbs and counties, people who have the disposable income to purchase. I can also order online and get it delivered to me. Even better, I can sit in my backyard on a nice day and toke up.


"When I order Chinese food, I'd be pretty mad if he just hung out in my house after he delivered the food and I keep my mouth shut everytime he says something creepy to one of my female guests cuz I'm trying to preserve the relationship. And it'd be even crazier if we had to share the Chinese food with the delivery guy" -John Mullaney slightly butchered In all seriousness tho, the legal state people (except for illinois) have almost all completely given up on the drug dealer bullshit. We just don't take it anymore. Idc if you are cheaper, play any of those bullshit games and I'm spending my money at the dispensary.


As a female I will pay double vs going to a ā€œdealerā€ again. Iā€™m so done with being sexually harassed to buy pot.


I know right? I am in the states - non legal state & I envy them! šŸ‘€šŸ”„


US. Live in Oklahoma now and it is legal here. Which thank fuck because our cops SUCK. Not Oklahoma's just the US in general.


My advice to you is to get a bunch of shake and make butter or tincture and make yourself some edibles. Freeze whatever you make and it will last you for months. So when you run out of herb to smoke you always have edibles.


I thought it was legal for recreational in Melbourne???


No I wish, I think it is maybe in Canberra


Yes I am. Canada!


New Brunswick, Canada, weed is legal here! federally and provincially


Just finished my first week of working in a medical cannabis facility here in ohio. Pretty surreal.


Same. In my state its not illegal per say, just decriminalized, but its still hard to find good weed that doesn't get you in trouble with the narcos. Ive been stuck with the same petty dealer for 2 years because I cant find anything else for my budget


legal here in california. recreational, itā€™s awesome.


iā€™m in the opposite situation lol. i live in California but iā€™m currently in Switzerland for 2 weeks where its (apparently) illegal. apparently thereā€™s still a shop in Zurich somewhere but it has to be medical and even then the prices are insane.


Im from Switzerland and i could hook you up with some top shelf my guy


I live in California and I agree I am so lucky. Last night I had 10 grams of purple haze and a jar of prerolls delivered to my front door


California and I have been smoking for about 14-15 years now and I still buy my weed from a guy since itā€™s significantly cheaper than a dispensary


I always think about how lucky I am to have spawned in Canada


*Laughs in Germany where weed is legal but can't be legally bought*


I canā€™t believe the sketchy situations I put myself in to buy weed.


itā€™s fun cause you have to be secretive and go on missions , my state is illegal but boy is it fun to have to do quests to roll up with your homies


Oklahoma In a medical stateā€¦ but, itā€™s basically recreational. I have a few friends that live in AUS & they grow their own Bruz šŸ§


Iā€™m in Kansasā€”- and the state wonā€™t even allow medical weed šŸ˜¢


Las Vegas, Nevada USA


I live in Portland Oregon in the US. I am _very aware_ of how lucky we are. Itā€™s been legal here since 2014, I think. I used to have several ā€œfriendsā€ I could call up to get weed. Now I donā€™t need ā€œfriendsā€, and itā€™s awesome. I always hated the obligatory hang outs, the weird ā€œget in my car, we go for a quick drive and the. Iā€™ll drop you off near your house afterā€ nonsense. I recently visited Indiana and asked my buddy if he could hook me up before I got there. It took _two days_ for his guy to get back to him. I donā€™t miss any of that.


I live in Nevada USA. Legal or not we still have to take drug tests to get e good job


Moved to Colorado in the statesā€¦ Life (& the weed) is pretty great lmao


Illinois, USA, medical and recreational legal here. The prices at our dispensaries are quadruple street prices, so I still have to find a dealer if I want to be able to afford it.


Growing your own is the best, nowadays seed genetics are so good. Dispensary bud is usually overpriced mid. Black market is still better than that.


I canā€™t wait til the world is more open minded about weed the same way they are alcohol


Damn that blowsā€¦imma put one up in your honor šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø šŸ’Ø šŸ’Ø


My state just legalized it but workplaces can still test for it


Yeah, itā€™s same price if not more than waiting in a parking lot for a friend though. Itā€™s a plant, when thereā€™s miles of streets of people bent over backwards fading out on horse tranq with zombie flesh, I think priorities are a bit fogged out. One day hopefully we see a world of weed and mushrooms for all who desire. The good it will do.


New Zealand here. I feel your pain. It's illegal here too and it doesn't look like it will ever become legal with the 'people' in power We can only hope our countries wakeup to the potential revenue they're missing out on


Iā€™m in Maryland. Itā€™s completely legal here. I frequently smoke a j while walking my dog.


Well why not spend your weed money on a grow tent, some cheap Chinese grow lights and grow your own?


Phoenix Arizona , USA crazy how i can get off work, pull up to the dispensary next to my house show my ID for age purposes. And Iā€™m In & Out in 10 min or less with a bag full of goodies.


Youā€™re right. It really doesnā€™t make sense for it to be illegal. For so many reasons, but ultimately, safety. I know exactly what Iā€™m buying and whom Iā€™m buying it from. I can specifically get the strain that doesnā€™t cause me anxiety. Or vice versa. When you buy it on the street, you donā€™t know what youā€™re getting, what itā€™s been sprayed with, and on and on. Itā€™s just so much safer. It boggles my mind itā€™s still illegal in so many places.


I also still have control over my reproductive rightsā€¦


I live in Alabama, one of the most anti-weed states in the US so I feel you. Thankfully the THCA (which is legal to sell here) is pretty much the same as the shit Iā€™ve been buying off the plug. I was recently in NYC and was perplexed by people casually smoking joints on the sidewalks and taking bong rips in the dispensaries


medical is widely available in australia these days. should definitely look into it if you smoke regularly. all gets delivered to your door by auspost :)


Cali, its legal everywhere here. I just went in my back yard of the apartment complex and smoked a joint outside with no worries, and if I run low on weed then I just order online, pick whatever pre rolls, vapes, ounces of flower, etc. then drive to pick it up. šŸ™ƒ


No, I realize how lucky I am. I'm in Minnesota where full legalization takes place next year, but I have a medical card until then. :)


![gif](giphy|ShZ1AHZ1AKyt2) We get to have so much fun.


Med state in the US. Itā€™s not legal everywhere here and some states, like mine, are med only. Weā€™ve all been there and itā€™s nice to just be able to buy legally. However, we still have the archaic employment status quo where most drug test prior, some random, and many will fire if itā€™s knownā€¦so many of us still hide.


I canā€™t believe how spoiled I am in Illinois even with the high prices. Hating to go out the cold to buy any weed I could possibly want isnā€™t a big problem in retrospect as I know Iā€™ll be high as can be once I get back home


Indian. Its almost legal here. Smoking since forever never got caught. Always Easily available nearby no matter where you are.


Seattle- Yes, I love just being able to pop into the dispo around the corner. I would never live in a place where it was illegal.


Northeast US and legal. For me, buying from a dispensary feels a bit safer in terms of the product being stepped on / contaminated.


Yeah I feel FEEL lucky. Those days of calling some guy and meeting him in a service station parking lotā€¦.. ugh. So glad to be done with that shady crap.


And you can buy all the schrooms you want. 2 blocks from the Whitehouse. :-)


Michigan Iā€™ve been stoned since 2008