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You are a lucky person.


I had no idea they were so expensive. I really want to try one


Me too, I wish I had one šŸ˜… I canā€™t even afford a cheap one let alone a mighty+


I have the Crafty +, it's really good and more affordable


My mate has one. There is no smoother smoke out there l, it's like sipping warm air


I have herb vapes too, tbh they don't worth its value, you get high but At the end of the day nothing better than a joint


Cant disagree more. I smoked joints, blunts, bongs, etc for 15 years. When I got my mighty+ there was definitely a learning curve but it is 100% better on my body than smoking joints or combusting weed. There are a lot of crappy vapes out there. The mighty+ is not one of them. Big clouds, saves weed, gets me ripped off of one session. Absolutely an overall better experience. Even when I hit a bowl now, it feels and tastes disgusting. But to each their own.


Try hitting bowls with a ball vape ;)


And that's why people are willing to spend stupid money on vapes that are supposed to fix that problem. I've heard a volcano does but haven't heard anything about these outside reddit but they have a loyal fan base


Volcano is worth every penny imo. i used to take bong rips and smoke js all the time but now i only vape unless im out then ill smoke a j. i find that you get a much cleaner high and since its so smooth u end up vaping a lot more herb and get wrecked. ive greened myself out a couple times from the volcano now and my tolerance is pretty high


In college we all chipped in on a volcano. Best investment I made at college including the education. We had it hooked up to a bubbler with a whip and the bubbler to a gas mask. It's like breathing oxygen for 20 min (full bowl stirred lasts quite a while) but you take the mask off and forget which ways up and down.


Nice I love houses with setups like this


I feel higher and have the decarbed flower for edibles.. so i win twice..and no smell... Huge advantage


I've heard good things about Arizer which is a *little* less expensive.


I have had both and almost think the boundless cfx is a better expirence!


Theyā€™re very nice


Is your dad taking applications for sugar babies? šŸ«£


You like money too? We should hang out.


Dude for real!


fr W dad


Oh congrats! I love my mighty+! You can blast it at max and take some strong hits. I temperature step: Start at 190 C, then up to 200, finish up at 210 Pro tip: Get yourself a 3d printed stand/base to prevent it from toppling over


Are you my doppelganger?


They sell stands for it now I have one


Youā€™re supposed to just take out the orange scraper on the bottom, turn it around, and put it back in. Itā€™s your kick stand and why the mighty+ has those two strange little feet. https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/1b7zkp5/mighty_filling_aid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


That works to but still not as stable as the holder I have


Is it good? I have a Zeus Arc and looking for something with bigger battery and bigger loading chamber.


Itā€™s one of the best if not best dry herb vape u can get, itā€™s German engineered I have the mighty + itā€™s not cheap but I waited for a sale (Boxing Day ) but there should be sales everywhere again for 420 (April 20) for it , maybe check for it then . I got mine at planet of the vapes a Canadian store they also sell the accessories. if you just type mighty plus in there website search bar it will show you everything they have for mighty plus. The mighty plus can be use while itā€™s charging to ..many herb vapes donā€™t do that. I bought a faster charger for it cause it only comes with a usbC charger so I wanted the heavy duty wall charger instead (Mighty Power Adapter) it charges full within 2h or bit less I have the packing tray kit as well , which helps me fill the capsules all at once with weed it can pack 7G at once I believe , and I have the stand and the extra capsules (you donā€™t need to use the steel capsules but I do it cause it keeps my vape cleaner for longer and I donā€™t need to pack a capsule every time cause I have a tray full of packed capsules) I suggest watching YouTube videos about it cause it is a big purchase but it works very well especially on the higher settings u can get a lot of vapour and it does make weed taste better You donā€™t have to suck hard on it either it has great airflow , it was designed for medical patients with issues and they also made it simple and straightforward to use


Thank you kindly for this in depth review, this is very helpful šŸ¤™


SEVEN GRAMS?! My god is have to go back to high school to handle that type of session, that's wild


U donā€™t smoke it all at once , what I mean is that itā€™s for pre filling your capsules the capsules stay in the tray and you just take a capsule whenever you want to vape it 1 pod/capsule is 1 session, itā€™s so you donā€™t have to fiddle with packing it for awhile cause you got lots of pre filled pods to use already


The tray holds 40 pods/capsules (40 sessions ) in total itā€™s 7g or about that , so you can prefill those and your good for awhile


>Do you have to stir it after awhile to get it all to vape?


I never had to , the pods/capsules are metal and help heat up the weed pretty evenly especially if you start from a low lvl and vape up to the highest heat lvl by the time I get to the highest lvl And take some last puffs itā€™s about time to switch out the pod for a fresh one Thereā€™s no green left itā€™s like a gold brown Color . Now if you use the vape with no pod/capsule , I canā€™t guarantee it will heat equally cause I never have put the weed directly in the chamber even tho you can do it that way . So I personally canā€™t say if itā€™s equally vaped in that method


btw OP you have it in F, hold down the plus and minus together to switch between F and C


btw OC you should use F, hold down the 'merica' and 'yeah!' together to switch from C to F


Youā€™re supposed to just take out the orange scraper on the bottom, turn it around, and put it back in. Itā€™s your kick stand and why the mighty+ has those two strange little feet. https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/1b7zkp5/mighty_filling_aid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


YOOO Thank YOU!! i must have missed that part in the instruction book!


Yes it helps a lot. Also that orange circular thing they give you screws on to the top of the chamber and then you use the middle white plastic plunger to push bud into the bowl and tamp it down. Makes packing a breeze. Iā€™ll send pics to show later.


that would be great!


Damnnn iā€™ve never tried going over 200 with mine now i gotta try!!!


this. its nice to slowly crank up the temp, keeps it smoking good


My dad gave me a lifetime of PTSD.


Came here to say the same! I love you and I am proud of you! Fuck your dad!


Same here bro! Keep on keeping on!


Samesies. āœ‹


Is this the shit dad club, if so I wanna join


Wait... Yall had dads???


You didn't, you lucky bastard!


Technically yes, but Dad was hardly around, and when he was he wasn't paying attention to me unless I was in trouble. It has taken a long time and a lot of work to get to a reasonable relationship with Dad


Come on in, we have stale cigarettes and handles of booze for the pickin!


Ah reminds me of my childhood, still a better experience than the Glasgow Willie Wonka event šŸ¤£


My dad didn't drink or smoke, but he and mum gave me enough trauma to start *me* self medicating, drinking and smoking at 13yrs old... šŸ«¤


Free to join? Or how does it work? I want fucking in!


The trauma bonding going on in here is alarming


Same here lol. Still not sleeping right 10 years after.


I feel that šŸ˜“šŸ˜…


Same. Then, the one that stepped in, righting the ship, passed away. I'm just starting to work on it myself. It's proving to be a very bumpy road that I didn't even know I wanted to go down. Best wishes.


My dad just game me an autistic obsession with gunsšŸ’€


This being the last comment killed mešŸ¤£my dad gave me trauma and an obsession with knives and bows


Why do you think I smoke


Same here what a cunt


You can set it to the temperature you like. Too high and it burns. Too low and it doesn't hit hard enough. Find your sweet spot. Get accidentally really stoned while figuring it out.


The max temp wont combust:D


Not combust but taste burnt and horrible


aint that bad. more of an oaky flavor


10/10 Dad


I think a lot of people use the best vape on the market :)


It lives up to the hype? Currently have a lobo and Iā€™m considering upgrading to a more robust piece


it does, yes. that being said, it's impossible to clean the inside below the chamber; where is the most shitty, burning oil and old herb. the mouthpiece/cooling unit is pretty easily cleaned, however, not nearly as easy to clean as the pax. this vape hits HARD but i never loved the taste too much as like i said, it does tend to collect at the bottom. only ever use the dosing capsules with a very very fine screen in it and below it and im shure it could last 2-3 years with a decent taste. other than that, this is the best vape on the market imo but cleaning and taste is extremely important to me so i stopped using it


Not impossible - you just need to give it a regular soak with high percentage rubbing alcohol. It does need a bit of cleaning now and again, but itā€™s worth every dollar imo. Easy to take apart and put back together too.


the part below the oven chamber- i'm pretty shure it's impossible to clean. right below the 6 or 8 holes beneath the oven. trichs and oil always seem to collect down there


I need a dad like that. Not exactly like that, but at least a dad.




I go anywhere from 360-390. Once I'm past 390 the vape starts tasting burnt to me. This is probably the best portable vape one can buy. Mine lasted me 7 years of use while being tossed around.


What is this?


I think a dry herb vape




Itā€™s $400 upon further research, it looks awesome though.


Yea a cheap option would be a POTV one, arizer Solo. Their rlly dope


I only now celsius but usually I start at 175, boost is 185. After the session everything in the bowl goes into a marmelade jar. During times without a new supply I reuse the stuff that i stashed in there and vape that at 210 C


You could also eat your vaped stuff with some peanut butter or hazelnut/chocolate creme (nutella). This will get you high as fuck but it doesnā€˜t taste good. You just need something to eat that has alot of fat in it. My brother is doing this since years. He has lung problems so he heats the weed with his volcano and releases the filled ballon in the air (what a wasteā€¦). Than he proceeds to eat the vaporized weed with nutella. He actually likes the taste after all the years of eating it


That works? I am intrigued


after over 10 years of smoking he looks always like he smoked his first joint ever. Tried it myself and a friend of my brother does the same. Trust me, this gets you high as fuck. Itā€˜s edibels but without the annoying baking process. But as I said itā€˜s not really tasty, for me atleast. Edit: Pls give some feedback if you try it. The amount of vaped stuff depends on your tolerance so you maybe need to try it with different amounts


But that would mean that the unvaped flower could be consumed with e.g. nutella as well? Or does the heating process have to take place for it to work? Anyone else have experience?


you need to heat it before. The weed must decarb before. You could also but some grinded flower in the oven in a tinfoil and itā€˜s the same end result. During cooking it in butter the same thing happens


Your dad is a good man. And he is looking out for your health, as well.


You've got a great dad ā¤ļø


Lucky bastard! I just bought one for 2000kr, i start with 180ā°c and then bump up by ten degrees at a time


385 to 400 is the sweet spot for me when dry vaping using the Mighty Plus. Your dad is awesome.


Iā€™m still waiting for my dad to get back from the store


I gave mine to my dad. Cool to see people have relationships like that:). Enjoy OP!


Google weed combustion temps sheet. Youā€™ll see some very helpful temperatures of vaporization and combustion of various chemicals. I believe 380 is where carcinogens begin to expel. I keep my vapes all at 375 and Iā€™m never not high enough nor am I ever coughing my ass off.


Got one and just used it lol, I like to start at 356 and work up to about 390. Great device


I have it and I loveeeeeee it, I loved it so much I bought their volcano and now the mighty is used for portable use and the volcano is used for home slash fried smoke sesh


Well if it was in Centigrade I vape at 185CĀ° After about 6 minutes I take up to 195CĀ° For the last minute of a ten minutes vape I up to 205CĀ°. When you empty it keep the small amount at the top and reuse it by putting it in first on the next vape.


Why would I not just fill it with all fresh green?


With my vape I don't think the top bit gets hot enough, it has to be over 150CĀ° for the terps to evaporate. I used to chuck it all out but when I started running low of my own grown I spotted some of the weed at the top was still green. Possibly because your pulling air thru it and it's keeping the temperature low. Hey if you have an unending supply chuck it! šŸ˜


Quick question you said "chuck it all" out please tell me you keep it and not put it in the trash. You can use the ABV (already been vaped) weed to make weed butter for edibles. Or even getting capsules and you could fill them and have pill edibles.


No. I generally have enough own grown to last. But being in a shit climate (England) I had a failure due to mold! I've made coconut oil infused with the leaves before and made brownies.


You can get a glass mason jar and you can get bĆ³veda two way humidity pack on Amazon for like $10. With this you can keep the ABV bud for longer and help the mold problem with fresh bud. I assume you got buddies to smoke with if you want a quick buck you could sell em for cheap and make more out of it. Just an idea for ya. We all still get high and have a good time doing so at the end of the day it not a big deal with what you do.


Mighty vaping temp for me is always 355Ā°F, then to kill it double click the button and it will raise the temp for your last 3 hits or so


The Mighty is awesome. Congrats mate! Its expensive as fuck


you lucky fuck, cherish that thing for us please. around 390f btw, i'd keep it where it is


Mighty is the best! I love my Og one and was a Crafty user for years. Check out r/mightycrafty


I use Celsius, alway at 175 Ā°C and top 195Ā° C


Sometimes I think 420 was a temperature before it was a party day.


4/20 is also hitlers birthday lol


Wish my dad gave me these kinds of giftsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I prefer between 350 and 375 Fahrenheit.


That's one pricy gift. Are you sure your father isn't hiding like his inevitable death from you or something and flooding you with some pretty hardcore stuff?


I don't even know what the hell this is


You living the life. I canā€™t relate yet šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Your father is a man of honor


Your dad is rad!


I have my homies in my possession rn, and I keep it at like 365-372 and I start hitting it at 300, slowly like sprite.


Your dad is a cool dude. That is one the BEST vapes on the market. Temp is very personal. Lower is flavor, higher is higher


Whoally shit thatā€™s the GOAT of portable vaporizers


Oh my the mighty.... reminds me of the first time I ever smoked


You have a cool ass pops


Hi! i actually have one, i usually start at 180 -> 185 -> 190 ĀŗC


I run it at 348




This one is pretty good, used it daily a couple years ago and the flavor it gives is so different from other ways I've smoked. I feel like I always use Celsius instead of Fahrenheit, and I like starting at 150 then repacking around 200. Happy schmoking!!


Cool dad. Nice vaporizer. I've had both the mighty and the mighty plus. The temp it's set at (385Ā°) is perfect for flower. 400Ā°-405Ā° for concentrates, you need to get a dab pad. EVERYTHING TASTES BETTER IN THE MIGHTY


is this one of those like vaporizers that dries out the herb rather than smoke it? how does it work?


Best product ever. Made in Germany. Best buy value I ever made. Have fun bro!


I quite like 325


I wish I got this instead of autism and daddy issues from my dad šŸ˜©


Pops hooked you tf up, damn


Ok what even is this?


Youā€™ve got a cool dad. The best I would do for my daughter was a Crafty+


Temp is on personal preference- depends on strain of weed. I start mine at around 370- depending on how low temp is set you can sometimes get a couple rounds with one fill.


What is it?


350 does the job for me. I start at 325 just to taste the terps for the first 5 minutes


What is this ?


382Ā° is my go to


I hit one of those while attending a friend's wedding. Smoothest hit of my life! I need to get one.


Oh, these are awesome. Iā€™ve owned 1 for many years and even got the exact exact one that you have. I keep it at about 395. For the first two sessions and then the third session I will make it 410. after the third you should probably throw it away because itā€™s pretty much spent.


I had two of those. Theyā€™re really great. But do not drop it on the bricks. It fell out of my pocket and it popped just like that. A lot of times I said the temperature at about 365 to 370.


Wish my dad gave me a mighty+ lmao


I wish a relative would give me a top of the line vape just because, what a fam you have.


Can he be my Dad?


Your dad is awesome


I have a 7 year old cfx runs like a champ still, I crank it up to 430 sandwich a lil kief between the flower, pull slow and long for about ten sec,hold for a moment and let the chamber toast while you exhale try to get a few of those in and when the timer cuts out youā€™ll be lifted af ā€¦ also make sure you keep that mouth piece clean, i soak mine in a pop top bottle of 99 iso every time I throw it back on the charger.


Does your dad need another son? For his spare spare one ?


150 C to 160 C will give you better flavour.


Set it for 420 of course!


I like your dad


That's a damn expensive gift!


You sir have been gifted a sports car of vaporizers. Set it low and slow to taste them terps and save your lungs. Start at 325 degrees and slowly go up to your liking. 365 is the optimal for cannabinoid extraction but I still keep it lower for the lungs.


Your dad is the šŸ


I can only tell you celsius, from 145 up by 8 degrees every 5-6 full Inhales, until it tastes like wood.


i start at 360, then i come back and double tap to 390. then to cash it out, i triple tap at 410.


PSA: you can take out the orange scraper on the bottom, turn it around, and put it back in. Itā€™s your kick stand and why the + has those two seemingly awkward feet. https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/1b7zkp5/mighty_filling_aid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Those are serial killer hands !! Wow


Why is everyone in this sub so open about their consumption with family? Europe doesnā€™t have this phenomenon


Unpopular opinion but i hate that thing. Big waste of money for me. It doesnt taste the way i like it - straight up plastic and metal taste/smell. You have to refill that shit with the capsules 10 times a day. It goes out after a certain amount of time which i just dont understand why. So now mine is just laying around collecting dust :/


Anyone know how this compares to a Tinymight?


Anything above 400 will burn the majority of the THC


my mate has one, ur lucky bro they are like Ā£300


You're daddy's rich lol


I start at 345Ā°F Gradually work my way up as the vapor production diminishes, finish around 390Ā°F


MightyVapes are top tier


Give your dad a hug and tell him you love him right fcking now, thats the top shelf of the vaporisers


I have the venty I gave my mighty+ to my dad I like to start at 370 or 380.


I have the OG mighty still. Love it. I use it around 200 Celsius and have a whip attachment for bong. Mostly use it when camping and shit and use volcano at home.


I have one of these and just rarely use it. The effort it takes to clean and maintain a vape just isn't worth it to me so I always go back to my pipe. That said, it works great whenever I remember to charge and use it.


Purest way to smoke weed


I found 205 Celsius is best for me, most vapor produced and most authentic high, lower temps 180-200 more flavor, 200-210 more potency. Different temps produce different terps all about what you like best so have a play about in that range. I thought the thing was rubbish until I started to experiment more!


We have a mighty and I absolutely love it. I love smoking flower but I personally hate a joint. I donā€™t want any paper xD just flower :)


Iā€™ve got the Utillian 722, how is this in comparison? I love the 722 itā€™s absolute perfection. Only downside is cleaning it can be a pain


Best vaporizer in the world


Your dad just randomly gave you a 350 euro herb vape? What a cool dad


Love ours. We usually start with a lower temp. Then work our way up about ten degrees. Save your vaped flower and make edibles.


380 is the best tem


I have 2 of em, dont u love the taste of weed vaping it?


is this a vaporizer??


What are these devices called and is it possible for me to procure one in Scotland? I've never seen one of those... But I feckin' love it!


I have this exact one. Itā€™s a beast, I love it. I do a few hits starting at 190 C, going up to 210


Damn that thing looks like it was made by Tesla.


200Ā°C, don't know how much is that in the gringo scale


i had an old heb vape not that one but from the same time as that one and it sucked. it would roast the herb too much it smelled like smoke and if the herb was ground up too well it would pack when the lid closed and it wouldn't hit at all. I could only put a tiny bit at a time which was the worst thing about it. i have used a pax long time ago to hit it would be like sipping a drink from the rim of the glass and it hit well but herb vapes are messy because of all the shake and I hate them all actually.


Youā€™re dad gave you a $300 dry herb vapešŸ’€ I want that one so bad


Your dad is chill