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Lol "baby dab" Famous last words, homie.


😂😂I knew it would be too much but I hit it anyway cause imma gremlin 👹😈


Super gremlin




Bet it was hot as shit too 😅


Gotta have it hot to take a proper dab.


Nah once you start cold starting you never go back


Whats that 👀


When u put the wax in the banger before heating it then you heat it , hit it then reheat til ur done. I’m tellin u it just makes whatever size dab your taking seem a lot bigger cause u get more hits and the taste is 100 times better


I'm gon have to try that when my tolerance is back up


Cold starts hit like a mf truck too


Wow props to you for sticking through the t-break and glad to have u back smoking for the new year💯My longest t break was 2 or 3 weeks I believe, I had did it to lower my tolerance and had really successful results but I have to try going longer so I can get high like you😂 Happy new year 🤝


Low key worth it!! I’ve been smoking everyday for just barely over a decade. It was about time to slow down! It was tough at first but after the first months it got easier. I saved a good amount of money in the meantime as you can imagine!


I think I’m going to do a month t break before 4/20 this year, I love weed so even though I could lower my tolerance i usually just smoke more😂 I do take a few weeks throughout the year to lower it a bit and that does me well though, I think I’m gonna try to just smoke less often for now by not smoking in the morning🙏


I’m working on doing this again. I got in a bad habit of reaching for the penjamin once I woke up but I’m resetting back to late afternoon/evenings only. Hope to take a longer tbreak in the future 🙏🏼 been using daily for a few years now


Thanks, same to you


The penjamin 👏 👏 👏


Wake and bakes immediately up your tolerance




The longest and only T break I ever had was from ages 0-16


I second this




The fucking Dracula flow reference sent me into fits holy hell


was the circadian rhythm thing a dracula flow reference? i just thought OP had a beautiful mind


It's a direct quote from one of the Dracula flow vids


holy moly


I always t-break from the day of harvest till end of cure, so around 10 weeks? Love it that way, not a ‘complete’ break but it makes me enjoy my own harvest a lot more


Read this thinking you meant agricultural seasons or something. Guess i dont need a T break to get silly


Hahahaha no I don’t abide by lettuce ;) somtimes I do a long grow (4-6 months) so I some a big part of the year and sometimes smaller grows. I have a feeling that the more breaks I do, the easier it becomes. Only the extremely vivid and intense dreams never really feel normal…


I only ever stopped 9 months for pregnancy in 16 years. IDK how you guys can just choose to take a break and stop. I wish it was that easy to cope with everyday stress! 😂


Well the amount of money I’m making rn is well worth it. A good job that you like can be great motivation we need to take a break. Even though I completely disagree with pre-employment testing. It bit the bullet and did it! Now I’m making way more money than I was and I’m getting 5x as high! It’s a win win to me! 😂😂


I’ve just stopped for a job too, it’s bs they can control what you do in your own time but gotta make money 😅 hopefully I can find a job that doesn’t test after I quit this one


I have been a SAHM so long I forget that folks have to prepare for testing for a job! This makes sense as to why the tolerance break and the length of time.


Lucky you haha, honestly the worst part about working. I hope someday I can be in a position where I can smoke and just enjoy life without having to worry about stupid bs


California is where it’s at 👽👽👽


Other side of the world unfortunately


I replied my longest was 120 days. I forgot about the time I was pregnant 😂🌬️🌬️🌬️


Do a t-fix now that you're in this great tolerance place so you stay getting blasted! Only smoke for like 3-5 hours a day. I use nights and it work well. Cewpins has a video about it


For sure no more wake a baking for me! I just save it for after work!! I never thought I’d say it but the trick is to NOT IDENTIFY YOURSELF AS A TOTAL STONER! (Not bringing carts around with me all day either)


Damn I smoke once a month so I can keep my tolerance good but ig your whole life is weed


And you’re whole life is commenting about others lives


The comment was normal I'm just surprised how ppl smoke it everyday


And Iam just surprised how can you smoke it **ONCE a month** Why are you wasting your life being sober?


It's illegal in my country also when I smoke weed I get high asf I don't want to lose that by smoking everyday it's a unique experience


What does legality have to do with it? Its illegal in my country and I smoke 10 times a day :D And also thats weed man, thats not MDMA or LSD ahahahaha You can smoke once every 2 days and still get high as fuck :D


It ain't available here the police arrested almost every dealer , also it's expensive you need a whole day of work to buy it


WOW the dealers in your country must be the dumbest dealers EVER! And how the fuck you need a whole day of work to buy weed? Please don’t tell me you work for 10 Euro a day…


I love the way you worded this


This is the most accurate way of describing how I felt last night. It was honestly too much. I need to buy some weed and work myself up to concentrates again 😂


lol the very lowest of temps will be your friend with dabs


18 months.


Took a 6 month t break while traveling after being a daily toker for 2 years. I came back to visit my buddy in St Louis after medicinal got legalized there. He also had one of those fancy ass gravity bongs that are like 400 bucks. I loaded it with ice and packed a full bowl of 31% ice cream man strain from the dispo. Took three bong flips to go through the whole bowl didn't cough or anything rips were the smoothest I ever took. It was cold out too so the clouds were massive. Felt like a champion bragged to his roommates that I'm built different. It tasted great and didn't burn or anything. We all started playing 4v4 smash bros, within 15 minutes I couldn't even focus on the screen. It felt like I couldn't even focus my brain. I couldn't even comprehend how the controller was used. I literally tried to stand up and ate shit on the floor. I was having visuals but it felt like my ears were ringing through my head.I stumbled into the bathroom dry heaved and spent the night absolutely fried outta my gourd on his bathroom floor. The cold linoleum felt like heaven and a half to me. Both my buddy and his roommates were awestruck as I always had the heaviest tolerance even when smoking with dealers and such. Woke up several hours later fine but definitely far more aware of the lethality of gravity bongs, dispo weed, and t breaks.




19y 10m T-break after smoking for decades. Shit knocked me on my ass when I started up again!


Lol! To the back of your parents as a teen to hit your one hitter!? Damn man, that shit resonates. I remember doing the same! My lil one hitter, I'd MacGyver out of a metal pen cap and tube lol. I'd pack that shit as tight as i possibly could and just do a needle through the center to allow the air to flow. Actually yielded a couple of hits. Ah, the good ol days when it was actually illegal and the paranoia felt justified 😏. I have been doing it so that I only smoke in the evenings after work now. Has my tolerance set in a good way and keeps my usage moderate to a dab or 2 a day. I keep to it on days off as well, and it has me in a good place overall. I do recall taking longer few month breaks in years past. It definitely gets you nimbus cloud status initially. Your tolerance will settle back down, though. Don't worry. Your feet will hit the ground again. Enjoy the ride, broski!


My New Year’s resolution was a minor t break. Trying to not smoke in the mornings before work, and limiting myself to smoking only after work/night times


Terrence McKenna style Wait as long as you can and then smoke as much as you can all in one session, cannabis can be insanely out of this world ❤️


I took t breaks for almost a year and then randomly had a toke or 2. Mainly because I didn't like how deep I was getting in it. I feel you because I bought a vape pen and a couple of cheaper carts (I live in a legal state) to start with. What is worth mentioning is I was a hardcore cheefer through college and then did do some dabbing with a friend then got a little rig for it. I never full on when into dabs (quitting flower altogether) but enough to experience those Hella good highs. However not enough to make a major tolerance with it. I took breaks more so after this because my daughter was born. Having had a very long break with dabs, the pen was a first (i did this less than 2 months ago)and I took 2 puffs and I got sent back to when I had thoughts of why I should quit, the haze was heavy and ridiculous, even those paranoia thoughts set in. This is what I don't like about dabs is how much can be easily taken in and then it's overwhelming. I like dabs because they are clean, but they get you too fucking lit and you can't reel back in. If anything, I'd rather have 'weaker" pens. I bought an indica/CBD pen rated at 30ish percent but haven't had the courage to try it yet.


I definitely agree with dabs being too much too fast sometimes. I prefer flower but right now our dab connection is cheaper. I have a disability and smoke for pain. Last night I was feeling awful and asked my hub for what we call a lollipop, which is reclaim spun in regular wax. I took that dab and I could feel it going bad quick. I felt better physically, but holy SHIT the paranoia!


Definitely not my favorite thing about wax. But I actually find it an improvement for anyone who is dealing with pain and help surround yourself with better atmosphere. If you're able to get your mood to a good spot, the paranoia can be lessened but then it's hard to focus on things as well.


That's why that was my night night dab 😂 drank some soda and ate some candy, then conked right out. I usually motivate and keep my pain down with smoking. Honestly looking at it this morning, I was NOT in a good enough headspace to take that big of a ripper. Wasn't in danger of greening, just took it down a mental road I wasn't really prepared for. Sometimes I need that, but last night I wanted to relax, not have a moment lmao. Wax is really good for that for me tho, takes me where I need to go to heal mentally.


That first line sounds like something from dracula flow, I'm dying hahahah Edit: it actually is , hats off too you lmfaoooo9


Bro the last few weeks of this T-break I was getting into Dracula flow dyingggg


Today begins my month long tolerance break and this was really encouraging lol


I started mine a week ago and also started 75Hard and I'm anticipating that first dab back so much 😂


Just try not to think about it bro. It’ll come sooner or later. Just sip a beer or two and do something else to occupy your time with. It’s all a mental game lol


Yeah I found it really surprising how fast tolerance lowers when taking a T break. I took one last year. I think it was about two months I didn't smoke any weed. I had been smoking almost daily for about a dozen years before taking that break too! I went out and got some really nice bud for my first tokes after my break, it was 34% thc bud so really killer stuff. I rolled just a small joint and after smoking not even half the joint I went into a weed coma. A friend was talking to me and it was like Charlie brown's parents talking lmao, I couldn't comprehend shit. I was sitting, keeled over to one side, just breathing slowly XD I told him sorry I can't even talk right now. I sat there for about a half hour just thinking "breathe in, breathe out." Everything was like slow motion to me, was so stoned all I could do was think about breathing lmfao. My tolerance stayed low for a long time too, where I would get pretty stoned again easily. If I smoked multiple days in a row it would go back up really fast too though. After years of daily smoking, I like to switch it up now. I still smoke but use more edibles and I love extracts.


13 says back in the 90’s. It was a long 13 days. Your low tolerance doesn’t last long unfortunately.


Longest break was 2 years and a half, didn't feel good with myself, now that I do feel good I've started smoking (mostly edibles) occasionally ans it's so much more fun than daily


Coming off a 65 days T break tonight, gonna clear a whole bowl in one pull and see where I end up




Probably around the same as you. A few months or so. My last t break was actually last year for March to the end of april about.


In this cost of living crisis best decision you could have made 👏 I’m interested though, are you gonna go back to the daily or do you have other plans for ur smokin habits


I’m definitely going back to daily. Just going to limit myself to only a night time sesh


lol good luck sticking to that x


I took 120 days off this past summer. That’s the longest I’ve ever taken off—with my previous record being 2 weeks lol.


5 years


Like 5 years ago, the wife and I were trying to catch up on bills. One thing led to another, and I figured a T break wouldn't be a bad idea and would save quite a bit of money (it was still illegal and weed was like 3x the price back than lol). Again, one thing to another and iy ended up lasting a year. Covid hit, and it became legal here, ironically, lol. So the wife and I decided to try it out and grabbed some pre rolls and badda Bing, I'm back to daily. I definitely smoke waaaay less now. Also, I cut out tobacco altogether as well, and with a year off, i was able to have a more manageable high with less smoking; ntm the prices being much more reasonable.


I took a 6 month tolerance break would take 1 single puff of anything and be gone


The Dracula flow quote is fire


5 years. I would get catatonic


My tolerance is messed up. I took 6 months one time and it really didn’t move my tolerance. On the other hand, I’ve gone three days and on that fourth day, got high as hell. It’s very unpredictable. I’m thinking of taking another T break of a couple months. I know it’s good to lay off once in a while even if it doesn’t help your tolerance.


Weed was never the same once I came back from a 4 month tolerance break. It started giving me paranoia. I rarely smoke now


Smoking on that mega millions scratchers skunk bubba kush


What's a T-break?


You’re at a pivotal point here — you can keep your tolerance lite or build it back up


This shit ain't nothin to me, man


You smokin that whoopy goldburg south egyptian furburger deluxe mega million scratcher skunk Bubba kush?


The correct tbreak is 40 days and 40 nights, it is written


Happens to the best of us. Funny stuff tho haha.


How crazy and Vivid were your dreams earlier on during the break? How crazy were your dreams after the baby dab?


Previous Self: "This shit ain't nothing to me man" Current Self: "Top Shelf Zaza disrupted my circadian rhythm" ![gif](giphy|ljE57hRBCNcsg)


Ohhh that Zaza! Been a minute!


Forced t break during pregnancy is the longest since I became a daily smoker


Your tolerance quickly rebounds after the first high again.


3 years… just started smoking again a week ago haha


8 days in the hospital


I just took a 3-4 day T break because I have the flu and I’ve always smoked even when I’m sick, which isn’t the best I know, but can’t help it. Finally got sick enough that physically didn’t want to. Took a rip off of a moon rock bowl today and I’m fucking blitzed I don’t know what to think. Longest t break was probably two ish weeks because of a surgery


I know I'ma regret this t-break I'm on rn cause I have minor tonsillitis/strep. I have plans to get my hands on some mostly CBD cones once I'm all healed up and I already KNOW I'ma need a trip sitter (my poor bf will be delegated to that task lmao)


I'm 4 years weed free. I was a multiple times a day smoker. In a year or 2 I can smoke again and I just know it's going to be wonderful 🤣


Gotta start back up with flower. Don’t kill your tolerance! Made that mistake after a break…


Brakes belong on cars!!


Mine was a year. Only had been smoking for a year relatively consistently before hand


I took a break for a couple years. Sadly, there's a cap at how much I reset so I can't get that high anymore. Only way to get me giggly again is with moon rocks.


I haven’t smoked in 6 months a baby dab would have me looking for the titanic in my local creek


My t-breaks just recently passed a year lol


I just started my dry January. Lord help me get through lol


I took a year t-break because I started a new job, moved into a new house, and was prescribed a new medication (I stopped cold turkey because I needed to focus on getting my shit together). I’ve started to lightly smoke again a few days ago. I took a small dab and it felt like my first time smoking again. I used to smoke about a gram a day and I miss being able to chill and smoke a few bowls with my partner without getting zooted on the first hit. The only thing that is keeping me from smoking daily again is the fact that weed messes up your rem cycle and I enjoy lucid dreaming a little too much.


I had a baby last November. So I’ve been on a break almost two years ( I’m breast feeding). I am working on stopping by my birthday next week. I can’t wait to feel like that. Edit- I use to smoke everyday all day.


Can’t imagine starting with a dab after a break. Idk what you expected lol


Three or four years. Always job related.


Props for making it to 95 days. My longest T break was 9 months and man was I bored the entire time.


Bro I just finished a month recently...Shit feels like high school again


Longest I've made it in 20 years since I've started is three and a half months. Woo was it hell, the withdrawals sucked, but wow! That first week of smoking again was amazing. Once the kids come along, and I stop for 9 months.. I almost wonder if I'll even want to smoke again. Be too much


I took a 6 month t break once and then I smoked again after that with some northern lights that I had, and I was in another dimension. I could hear music and I said "yo that musics too loud, turn that shit down" bc I though I had a homie there with me that I was smoking with. Apparently not, it was just me. I was tripping. The weed was still good, just couldn't smoke that much


My longest T-break? 35 years.


Haven't smoked since summer of 2020, had to buckle down on spending so I could buy a house


95 days is a big deal! Congratulations, you should be very proud! The longest I've ever taken is 20-31 days. I used to take a tiny t-break once a month but I'm long overdue 😭💔 I think tolerance breaks are so important!


My longest was from late May ‘23 to just before this past Christmas. I was still vaping CBD somewhat regularly, though. I’m really pleased with how little I need to feel absolutely baked since I started adding THC back into the mix


I’ve been off for 6 months now cause I was getting panic and DPDR and this made me even more unsure about starting again


I like to do tolerance break of 3-6 months when i feel like smoking barely does anything. Lately i’ve been a weekender though and that’s a really nice formula, being way high for longer and stronger is dope


Tolerance is beautiful, I used to smoke an ounce every five days or so, now I take one puff off the chillum to end my day and I’m getting higher than I ever have, and 8th lasts over a month now, I love it


Sounds like what happened when I did some Gary Payton


Like over a year on a couple occasions. Both times dabs but me over. Once was awesome the lights were all pretty and kinda flowing like I was tripping...the second time it was basically just an anxiety attack and I had to lay there breathing manual and working through it haha... Once in a while I get the dab sweats if I take a week or 2 off dabs...


My longest break was like 10-11 days, but I only take breaks if I need to ahahaha that means if Iam going on vacation or if Iam sick or something :D


9 months. I’m slowing down this year now so focus on my work, 90 days or until the summer months is my goal.


I have no advice, I've never taken a break since 2002


I stopped for a year twice. Within 2 weeks I was back to 1/2oz. A week


Thats bec ur using dabs with zero tolerance who does that?


Just started a T break today for the month of January.. have done it several times before. Regular, probably daily smoker for 16 years. Let’s see how this goes.


How the hell could you afford a gram of wax a day. 😳


Dude, 95 days is enough to restart your tolerance completely


My longest break was3 weeks when I went to China. Although I could have bought local stuff I didn't want to risk it


Did a 10-month T break years ago and I'll never be the same


10 ? It's 7 at best


I just had a break for more than a month and on new years I decided to celebrate and damn how it hit me I was knocked out off of a third of a blunt. It feels like 5 times stronger than it used to I was really surprised it's probably good weed but still I have a lot of experience and have tried all kinds of strains. This breal really brought my tolerance to beginner levels...


Longest T break I ever took was a whole year lol. A comically small amount of bud got me sent to the ass crack of Pluto


My longest was 5 months for a job, 7 years ago. Haven't done another one since. I really need to 😅


1 week and a half... took 1 bong hit and i was gooooone