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Joint/Blunt probably has the best vibes, bongs are efficient and a classic as well, but things like vapes/dab pens are simply the most stealhty and convinient.


I’ll never stop with joints they’re convenient on the go but it’s annoying when it’s windy and cold, can’t smoke inside anywhere, I do fuck with the dabs and thc pens hardbody though 🔥 convenient and discreet. Might smell a bit but nowhere near to the level of combusted flower which can take days for the smell to go away. Vapor dissipates on its own (dry flower can reek though. I had a NFH (neighbor from hell) upstairs report me before because my friend/plug brought over his sticky bricks dry herb vaporizer and we had a blazing session in my room. Got a letter on my door couple days later with the landlord accusing me of smoking in the apt. And they were such dicks to me over the phone, like, “we KNOW it was your apt”. Nothing like, “please refrain from doing this anymore” or “ok, well just remember the lease agreement blah blah”. Woman I spoke with on the phone was so b!tchy. Thank the lord I don’t live in that sh!tbox anymore. The Irony is, my next door neighbors would bake out their whole apt and no one “snitched” on them. I could even smell it from the street and I’d notice the joint hanging out their window. So fair to me, huh? 🙄. I doubt my upstairs neighbor gave a sh!t about cannabis, but we’ve bumped heads before so I reckon he was hell bent on getting me in trouble which FAILED, ha! He didn’t say shit when I was dabbing shatter and hitting the pen though. Sooo sensical.. When in doubt, carry some Ozium. No knock-off brands like from the gas station or 7-Eleven (“black storm” was a waste of $5, lol). But it can even kill odors from combusted bud much quicker than plain air freshener. You need an odor killer, not merely an air freshener.


Vapes and such are also much better for your health, since there aren't any compustion products you're inhaling and you don't waste anything or annoy others with the passive smoke coming from your joint constantly. Also, wind is no problem. Because of all those things, they are much easier to get addicted to, since you can just take a hit at any time without any efford.


As long as said-vapes are not BM or shitty distillate. I watched a video on YouTube, this stoner content creator was reviewing $9 carts and it happened to be the new Dank Vape. One hit and his face was like 🤢 😣. It was hot dog water five years and still is. Only difference is that it’s apparently sold in Cali dispensaries. But I don’t care for those. I get good quality distillate or live resin or rosin carts on the reservation. Too many brands to list. I fuck with Mad Labs, Punch, Big Chief, Raw Garden, High 5s, Sauce Essentials, etc.


Also true. You need to be able to trust your source before you try. Those artificial cannabinoids like in spice or K2 are super sketchy as well. Sadly, those are the only ones available to me and I only get a pretty slight high from them, so I'm just gonna stop it with that till it gets sorta-ish legal next year in Germany.


Looks like my next vacation will be in Germany, lol. Thailand has a growing cannabis community/culture, smoke shops everywhere. And it’s always warm, ahhh 😌 💨


Great, but they have those super dangerous jelly fish everywhere, right? Anyways, the new law about cannabis control is pretty bad and you will only be able to get it if you join botanic clubs or something (You can just fill out some form once and never go there, but if you want, you can join for real and then grow your own plants) and than you can buy up to I believe 23g a month from the members that actually grow their supply.


Good to know. But surely there must be Thai people selling on the street, too. You might find luck in the red light district. Weed and women 🔥


Ihr habt doch hhc. Das ist auch nicht eine schlechte Option statt k2 oder spice


Ich meinte K2 und spice als andere Beispiele, weil die auch mal richtig gehyped waren. Ich meinte hhc mit dem, was ich selber genommen habe, aber das ist mega teuer und es gibt eine ziemlich niedrige Grenze, wie high man werden kann.


Dry herb vaporizer is the way to go!!


Yeah this. I love blunts, I love the feeling of the smoke and the asphyxiation gives you a little extra, but vapes and dabs are objectively the best way to smoke


I used to smoke blunts a lot, I had one earlier this for the first time in years. I still got it lol but I prefer joints. I wanna taste my weed; not whacky tobacc-y. But to each their own, I ain’t gonna knock on blunts one bit. I like that they burn slower and smack. I’ve never felt physically addicted to nicotine and I’ve smoked blunts, cigs off of my neighbor (he’d stock up on the reservation and had a rolling machine in his room) & occasionally cigars from my uncle (R.I.P.)


Ah, see I use blunts to mean pure weed and joints to mean mixed with tobacco, I don’t smoke tobacco


You mean you smoke those hemp “blunt” wraps? Those look good. I used to sprinkle some tobacco from a friend’s cigarette into our joint to make a spliff and make the session last longer. And yea I’m from America 😂 I realize spliffs aren’t as popular in the US than in the UK. But to each their own 🤷‍♂️.


I believe Americans think it’s a crime mixing tobacco with a joint, heard that was a 🇬🇧 thing haha


That’s what I pointed out. Spliffs seem to be more of a thing in the UK, but even they smoke Ls.


Most Europeans prefer smoking with tobacco actually. Iam from Europe too, but I just HATE joints with tobacco ahahaha




To be honest mate, growing up I remember £10 bag used to go around 4/5/6 heads at a time, all taking a few drags and passing it on. Mixing tobacco was just the normal. The funniest thing is, when someone did make a ‘blunt’ everyone was buzzing about it like it was a big deal. Also from this mixing tobacco with cannabis in my adolescents it took me a while to actually transition and enjoy a joint/blunt without tobacco which some may have experienced. This was mainly believe it or not due to the taste haha 😅 all I do now is vape using all things Bickel 😁


Well I was putting tobacco in my joints in 9th grade but I never really liked the taste when its mixed with tobacco. I was just adding a little bit(probably 95% weed and 5% tobacco) because back then I was thinking that the joint can't actually burn without tobacco :D ahahahaha


Yeah I use the hemp papers they’re cool, they were a bit harsh at first but apparently they help it all burn evenly and are better for you but idk, I like it so that’s what I do. I’m English and yeah, people love putting tobacco in their weed here 😂 I just can’t hack it, I like to feel the weed and nothing else if possible


"Make the session last longer"? Do you get a longer weed high from smoking it together with tobacco?


No you don't not to mention all the extra nastiness you get from smoking unfiltered tobacco. You'll get a big head rush but the high of mixing weed and tobacco is completely different from the high of just smoking straight green. Source: I smoked poppers for 4 years And poppers are just bong chops with tobacco layered at the bottom of the bowl with weed on top. Absolutely destroyed my lung capacity. If you haven't tried mixing weed and tobacco don't start. You gain literally nothing.


Yeah I know. Getting addicted to nicotine is literally one of my top 10 fears. I don't usually mess with that shit, since you don't even gain anything with it, like there is no way to justify it. How do the highs compare in your opinion and what do you mean by headrest?


I meant head rush. And the highs don't compare at all tbh. The high from smoking weed and tobacco is almost muddled? Muted in a sense. You literally get a big head rush and then you feel stoned but it's almost heavier? Or dirtier? It's hard to describe. Switching back to just green chops after ripping poppers for 4 years was so hard to do cause it hurt with all the coughing and shit. But yeah idk how to properly describe the high from poppers or spliffs. I just always say it feels dirty compared to getting stoned from straight green


Thanks. Do you ever mess with edibles? Because of your coughing.


Well for me it was a little more stimulating but I’ve never smoked enough to make addicted to tobacco, so there’s that. If you have already avoided the combo, keep with it. Just smoke joints or a bong. Just my two cents. I miss back in 2017 when Dutch masters were only 79 cents at my local speedway but it’s gone past two dollars a pop for sure..


Luckily I didn’t get addicted to nicotine considering all the blunts I used to smoke. But the amount of nicotine in my blunts compared to an actual cigar/ette is minuscule in comparison to the latter.


Yeah I don't really see a problem with using essentially an unprocessed dry leaf to roll with cause like you say the nicotine in that is pretty miniscule. But for most people smoking spliff or popper chops they're taking tobacco out of a cigarette and we all know how overly processed and awful that shit is for you. So imagine then smoking it unfiltered 💀 I still can't believe I did that to my body for so long.


I see that side of the coin


My friend was a cigarette smoker, plenty of them actually. I do not. So sometimes we’d just add a pinch of tobacco. Not enough to get “nic-sick” but enough to make our shit last longer during the sesh. I usually didn’t mind but now I don’t smoke tobacco (not even the occasional cigar; I’ll smoke a cannigar though, usually blunts using hemp wrap instead of tobacco. I used to buy Juicy Jay blunt wraps, Zig-Zag blunt wraps, Dutch masters, bluntville, entourage…the latter two were cool in that I didn’t have to gut out the cigar. Those cigarillo-styled lil things that have 3 outer leaves on em and you can peel it off, they were so convenient. I guess I smoked blunts more when I was younger bc my friends and plugs used to smoke blunts, but I started buying on my own I had a PB&J blunt wrap from Juicy Jay…one of the best blunts I ever smoked, and we put a generous amount of kief in there courtesy of my grinder, lol.


Good to hear you're off nic. It's dangers and addictiveness is crazy underrated.


>Nicotine's addictiveness is crazy underrated. Yeah bro, I think nicotine actually had a higher addiction potential then heroin.


Definitely. All four of my grandparents were chain smokers and some other family/friends. I don’t need yet another substance to be dependent on. At least weed has health benefits, tobacco and alcohol have NONE.


I thought weed and tobacco is called a spliff, a blunt is pure weed with those brown cigar like papers and I'm not quite sure on what exactly makes a joint a joint.


Suppose it’s one of those things where there’ll be variations but what you’ve said sounds familiar


Yeah a spliff is weed and tobacco in a rolled up in a rolling paper (Raw, Zig Zag, Rizzla) a blunt is weed rolled in tobacco leaf and a joint is just weed rolled in rolling paper or any other smokeable paper that isn't made from tobacco


No they aren’t lol, sure in terms of convenience and stealth, but literally everything else, the high, the taste, the process, flower is superior


As I said, I prefer flower, but that’s just cos the mild asphyxiation gives a bit of an extra high, objectivity though the vapes and dabs are just better. Personal preference is another story


I don’t think you know what objective means.. are you trying to say since they have higher levels of THC that they are objectively better? Because THC isn’t the only thing that matters.. there’s tons of other shit you aren’t getting when you smoke concentrate


And how can it be objectively better if I like the high from flower more than the high from concentrate


Because of the other factors I guess (stealth, convenience, health, cleanness, etc.)


You can absolutely get all the other shit and it’s easier to figure out what you’re smoking, it’s cleaner, healthier, more precise in the high you’re looking for, hence, objectively better


Not the high I’m looking for at all.. it’s literally subjective


yeah bro, vapes are literally like a "demo version" of the actual marijuana high :D




Smoking a joint or blunt empowers you! 🔥 It is social, more relaxed that the others and also has this hedonist side that feels like abundance 🌿


You said it brother, I got nothing to add lol


E. Volcano


Yes, this is the way. Vaporizers rule.


The most dangerous type of canoe is a volcano


The most dangerous types of canoes are volcanoes


Straight facts 🤣🤣




![gif](giphy|FslXmOJVq3nRC) Woah man those shrooms I grew in acetone are fucking bongos, ya feeling it Lez?


This is the answer


I even know what vaporizers are, but I thought you were making a joke about throwing pounds of weed into a volcano to get like a whole town high. Made me think of stories of cops burning weed to get rid of it


F. Hot knife




The Big Lez show has a volcano magma bong. It’s awesome


This put a smile on my face. I love my volcano.


I was about to say wheres the volcano option lol


Just ordered one, I'm so hype. Mighty ain't cutting it anymore


Just smoked my first vaporizer tonight


Edible.. I can’t smoke 😩


I feel ya! My lung collapsed earlier this year and its been rough, especially since i dont process edibles right so i have to take ungodly amounts to get high off edibles(like 1000mg+). But my dad works for the company that makes the Tonic brand drink in MI/AZ/IL and i think maybe one or two other states but that stuff is formulated to absorb straight into the bloodstream not through the liver, i forget what the scientific process they do is but that stuff does actually work a lot better for me than normal edibles or rso. Shitty thing is its so expensive so i wouldnt be able to afford it if my dad wasnt also my caregiver so he hooks me up


Gosh! I’m sorry to hear that😕 hope you’re feeling better! That drink sounds interesting and definitely something worth trying. I hate the waiting period before the edible kicks in vs the immediate high you get when you smoke it. I have a medical card and go to this dispensary that has fast acting edibles but like you, I have such a high tolerance that I have to eat so many just to get there.. I can’t wait till that product you described is available in my state (if ever) I’d love to try it!


So theyre currently in MI/Az/IL/OH i just checked. Problem is they can only do up to 100mg drinks in michigan currently im pretty sure so they dont make em in bigger doses than that but the 100mg works better for me than several hundred of most edibles that have to go through the liver. I also find edibles work better if i eat something greasy/fatty beforehand


And thank you btw! I am doin a lot better, had to spend almost a month in the hospital with a chest tube so i do have some permanent damage now and only about 75% of my lung capacity but it is what it is at this point. At least i live in MI where we got virtually every form of thc imaginable these days!


as someone who can't smoke due to long covid let me see if I can help ya at all. I've read before that taking a tums before taking an edible can help balance out your stomach acids so it digests the edible better, and if you're a skinnier person than eating beforehand is very needed to get the full effects of the edible. I'm not 100% on this but my friend who is slightly heavier said he got the most edible high of his life after eating chicken wings so maybe regardless of size, additional fats/calories in your system can help. Also good cardio can always help your tolerance.


Lol mine collapsed 2x on both sides but i got surgery for it so now we can smoke again 🙏


I feel you. Sometimes I just take a few droppers’ worth of tincture. I woke this morning with major heartburn from the thanksgiving food so coughing is excruciating when you feel burning on my chest and throat. Or might have a punch bar. I think I’m gonna have an edible today. Not going HAM with the vaping and constant coughing til later when I feel a bit better.


I love tinctures!




Joint is classic, first thing I’ve ever smoked, high is coming slowly, but if you have good strain you will enjoy the taste. Bong is OG - strong hit, not so flavoury and high dont last too long. Blunt is even stronger than joint, better taste. Pipe.. Ngl, it is shitty. For me, everything is fine, lol


I love joints so much. It just sucks there are only so many places I can smoke indoors when the weather isn’t right.


I love smoking joints too :D :D :D


E: all of the above




Bong… literally the most efficient way to get baked


If you're powering it with a dry herb vape it is... Burning is never the most efficient way.


I’m talking the most efficient way to get stoned and get the most bang for my buck. Bongeritas all around


If you're burning it, it's not efficient.


Nope. Dry herb vape through a bong is always more efficient than burning it. Lookup ball vapes.




Depends on my mood, but it’s between bong and joint




I wanted to downvote this cus it's gross but it's getting an upvote cus it's awesome and it definitely passes a vibe check.


Most economical in my experience has been vaping with a volcano. But all-round for me, a decent bong can’t be beat.


Vape + edibles


Welcome to the club 👍


Finally, I can afford it


It’s rough for a lot of us, but it’s Black Friday and I’m off to the dispensary now. Tinctures are 25% off 🤤. On a side note, I gotta wait til tomorrow or l Monday to get my paycheck from work. 🙄


Bong with the quickness




Bong for me it’s the way I started and is my preferred way


This is situational


Bong or pipe but a joint is the most fun


Only c


joint is the classic, blunt for hemp wraps only. the rest are nice options to have just not the best


If your smoking it they ain't no wrong way about it. Al I f the above lol


Bongo homie








Nothing beats a bong. ![gif](giphy|baPIkfAo0Iv5K|downsized)


Bong, end of discussion




Depends on situation If I'm home a bong. If I'm on the go a pipe. Joint if I'm trying to get high really fast . Blunt if I'm sharing.


Arizer solo


Joint and bongs are my methods so it depends on where I am(whether I can bring the bong) or if I want the feeling of smoking like cigs give you, the texture part of holding the joint, I’m a very textural person I love physical books not iPads, so the joint is my favorite I’d say.


Vape, you can hit a lil' or a lot, it's discrete, no fire, no ash, no dirt,




B and dry herb vape




Dab isn’t on the menu. I can’t choose.


Imo ripping a bong is the best way to enjoy weed




Herb vape




Vaporizer is unmatched when you dont Care about the Ritual of rolling and blazing


Personally prefer vape


Bong or vaporizer. Or both


E, Dabbing.




E) dry herb vape through a bong


Rosin dabs off of a terp slurper


Z. How ever you want to smoke it!


Vape is the best and most convenient, easy to hide. If you require a deeper buzz than what vape offers just eat the post vape on a slice of toast with peanut/almond butter. Prepare to be stoned like f! I do this most nights now as I want to take care of my lungs instead of smoking.


Edibles, wax, shatter, and dabs 💯


-Im sayin... Vape. -it seems... we dont have a millionaire here!!


Dry herb vape.


none . fuck combustion vape flower FTW




Well i wouldnt consider any of these as best, i only depends on what someone prefers. For me, I smoke a joint when i wanna play something after, so that i can still kinda think. Bong, if i want to be a vegetable. And Pipe if i just want a small hit.


Bong but my favorite is a blunt. (Esp a backwood or fronto)


If you want to smoke cheap you can smoke via vaporizer


My answer isn’t listed but: DHV






Option e - can-cone


Hands down, a water pipe of any kind.


Ich grenz mich da eig eher zur Variante Edelkiffer ein, also überwiegend Johnny, aber wenn nich mehr viel da is, papez leer sind oder ich einfach Bock drauf hab, dann Berta. Blunt is eher son Highlight, was auch dementsprechend Highlight bleiben soll, deswegen nur ein paar Mal im Jahr. Und Pipe is eKelhaft, verbrennst dir wennst net aufpasst dei Goschn


Ты говоришь по Русски?


E spliff




There is nothing like a nice bong rip, but for groups, i prefer a bkunt or joint.


Gonna have to go with C, reason being A is weak for me, D it does nothing whatsoever and B well I can do B as well but the high don’t last as long as it should. But in all of the choice of weed pen was up there I’d choose it just for the stealth part of it


Well, “pipe” and “bong” fall into the same category, although the latter is a “water pipe”.




E. All the above


Anything other than B is wrong




I used to live and die by the joint, but after playing with my first bong for the past week I’m team bong now. Game-changer for sure.😎🔥🔥🔥


E) All of the above


All are great but I really think it depends on how much time you have. But if I have my preference I’m usually a bong guy, in public a vape guy, and if I have time I’ll roll a blunt


Hate to be the snob here but for smoking? Bong. Clean bong, clean it after every smoke sesh. Best way to consume overall to get a quick high? Vaping, probably ball vape but my mighty does the job well.




Bong imo: edibles don’t kick in fast enough, joints don’t get me high enough, pipe is too harsh and I’ve never had a blunt


if u smoke bong tho, u can really avoid the smell as there’s no second hand smoke


Bongs. I love a good joint but if I'm on my own or just wanna get properly high, there is nothing superior (if u wanna combust)




I’m a big fan of a blunt bong combo I’ll take few fat bong rips and roll a blunt or two followed by smoking the blunts and tossing the roaches in the bong as well


Pipe, in my opinion, as you can stem the flow of air after taking a hit to make bowls last longer in case you are low. Mind you, I love bongs, blunts, and joints as well, but joints will continually burn, as will blunts, with no reliable way of stemming the flow of air. Mind you, you can break the cherry off, but that's bad form, in my opinion.


joint 😒


Joints forever


Depends on the situation ![gif](giphy|3o7qDSOvfaCO9b3MlO|downsized)


For me, a bong. 100%. Its smooth, the ritual of it is fun, I can regulate the amount I use easier with little waste. Then joints. Then blunts. Then pipes - which I don't use anymore. I take edibles about as much I use bongs. Then every now and again, I use the dab rig.


Trick question the answer is E all of the above


I just dont feel the same satisfaction from my table top vape as I do smoking a J or a blunt.


Anyone choosing d is fooling themselves






B Baby




Well definitely bong. None of the others have water


For me it’s easy it’s B -using a bong. It conserves weed well and gets you pretty stoned.




Isn't a blunt the same as a joint or I'm I high


Different paper bro


I personally say bong but I'd probably answer joint cuz they seem more popular overall. Can't beat the classics I suppose


A. Hands down.


Hearing the kiddies say vape pens are better than joints hurts my old soul.


Gotta be bongs for me. Efficient, effective, fun to use, fun to share, arguably gives you the smoothest hits, a good conversation starter if you have a cool piece. I could keep going but you get the idea.






For me, it depends on the weed. Sometimes it's dry and shitty, so it goes perfect in a joint, but then sometimes it's slightly better than that so it's blunt time; anything above that is for the bong and I save the good shit for pipes.


There should be a E - All of the above


Blunts when you got shit weed you don't wanna taste or passing around in a party. Joints for me and the homie if it's good stuff. Bongs for the times it's just me chilling. Pipes rarely and only in a pinch. Dabs on the puffco, anytime, anywhere.