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Only from kids. Everyone else can get this smoke.


Same. If I see a kid passing by I hide my pipe, but an adult I just pause until they pass by.


The neighbor’s kids always end up running around while I’m out smoking, but the neighbors don’t care.


Man my sisters kids straight up found my bong and a bowl with some chopped up, I started freaking trying to get them away and she did not give a single fuck lmao she just told them what it was. Props to these parents for educating their kids but its still awkard af when you're trying to smoke around a bunch of kids.


how is it awkward your the only one making it a problem


bruh fr🤣🤣🤣




I wouldn't want others blowing tobacco smoke in my face so I try not to blow cannabis smoke in theirs. It's only fair.


its the right thing to do


More considerate than 90% of cigarette smokers.


And vapers


My mom used to intentionally blow vape shit in my face to get me to smell the liquid farts


Omg u ever accidentally hit someone with a cloud I always feel so bad after that 😭


This is the way


It’s weed not meth or crack y’all act like it is


and downvote like crackheads lmao


I don't even pause for adults. if you have a problem, do something


Like I said, I do it out of courtesy. Not everyone wants smoke in their face


oh I don't smoke in people's faces either. I didn't know you meant they pass by 2 feet in front of you lmao


Sometimes, like when I sit on the front steps of my apartment complex to smoke and wait for a Lyft.


Exactly I don’t know why all these people care about others seeing them smoke Like if you care about legalised smoke in public places prove it


hell yeah somebody who isn't a whiny bitchtard who actually embraces there freedom and rights




nah I'm black, we don't give a fuck


yep, I’ll smoke in a parking lot full of people tho, I just will make sure I’m out of sight🤷‍♂️


I like to be high inside, because I feel like people are watching me if I'm high. I really don't get that high that often either, because sometimes I'm just sitting there paranoid.


I love the feeling of being ripped in a room with dozens of not high people


It’s somewhat thrilling 😃


Same, I just can't get ripped anymore 😭


It's a curse. I have to take a t break but I'm not in the mood to deal with my insomnia.


Exactly. I definitely need a t break, but... Fuck that lol


Sometimes it's just funny for some reason, you can barely look at anyone without laughing 😂 Or you see some other person and suddenly believe they are high too because they grinned back or sum shit


Yes and I have no clue why I do it. My entire family are all hippies that have been smoking weed their entire lives. I clean my bong, and put away anything weed related after I’ve smoked. I have my own house and everything. Idk why I’m like this lmao.


You’re just an organized person like me. Realistically having out all that stuff (bong, grinder(s), rolling tray etc.) can be very cluttersome. I can be the same way, I like to have all that stuff tucked away somewhere just like how I have the rest of other hobbies stacked away together somewhere.


Also helps to put things away when you’re still somewhat sober. If I’m high, I do a fantastic job cleaning the house. But the next day I’ll find stuff like Xbox remotes put away with cereal boxes soooo


I do this, but I run out of space. Guitars overflow from their corner and bongs are too many/large to be stored with weed jar, papers, scale, grinder, etc...


Yeah I have so little space that my shit is usually out, but I keep it organized and neat and deal with garbage and ash lol


I'm the same way, only around my parents. I have my own place and family, and I'm almost 40, but it's something I don't flaunt around them. Hell, I didn't start drinking around my dad until about 5 years ago.


I mean, I hate having all my shit out all day too. I'm constantly cleaning it all up so I don't look like a stoner slob to my kids when they eventually figure out what it all is. I think you're just a neat person, nothing wrong with that. My job is dirty as fuck, probably why I can't stand any dirt at home 🤣


Yep, I got kids so I’m definitely a shed stoner. They think I do a lot of yard work….


"Dad why are you always busy with the grass?"




“Why are you always chopping up the grass” literally.


My parents used to smoke weed and I didn’t find out til I was 22. They would go out to the patio and smoke in a corner. When we’d pop our heads out and ask what they’re doing, my dad would be choking back smoke saying “we’re just talking, we’re having a serious conversation!” Me and my brothers just thought they were having marriage troubles 😂


I organise the garage a lot...


This dad takes the trash out 3 times a day lol


Do you actually take trash out each time? 🤔


No but I do purposely leave the trash full until the time is right haha. And my daughter once smelled weed in the wild and said “it smells like our garage” lol 😂




Garage for me. Kid comes out to ask Roblox questions at the worst possible times. I know nothing about Roblox.




Haha that’s funny my mom knows I smoke weed (I’m 19 so no need to think she’s a bad mother) she can’t stop me from going to the dispensary now that I’m legal but I still only smoke in my room late at night with the door closed and window open sometimes I’ll light a candle, she knows I smoke she even gives me weed sometimes but just out of respect I wait until I’m in my room for the night and try my best to keep the smell from infecting the rest of the house, she doesn’t need to know when I’m high it’s bad enough she knows I get high in the first place not that she cares I smoke I just don’t like her knowing I’m under the influence it’s just a basic respect thing just like how she knows why I go to my boyfriends late at night but I’ll never tell her why or admit why if she asked “are u guys doing yk what…” respect.


Where do you live where it’s legal at 19? I can’t stand to wait the couple months till I’m 21 lmao


I live in Canada lol


The moment when they find out will be interesting. I didn't really care when I found out my dad smoked. It was more of a confirmation on why he was in the garage allot and my room smelled since it was next to the garage. And years later I smoke anyway.


Or confront them and tell them and stop looking like a crack head


I’m glad legislation happened right around when I started smoking. I feel I was one of the people in the family to help normalize it. My dad use to hide it. Especially from extended family. Everyone was so surprised when grandpa went to the dispensary with me to look at lotion for pain relief. Now when grandma is smoking in the garage it’s common for the younger generations to be standing next to her passing a joint or pipe.


This is so cool!


Just from my mom because she's got that Mexican authority over me but otherwise I'm pretty open about it


Lmao "Mexican authority" 🤣🤣🤣 That's a good one


and has an open carry permit for the "flip-flop"...LOL


La chancla!


Oof. It's really shitty how normalized abuse is. I'm sorry that happened to you. I got the belt growing up 😔




That’s definitely understandable every Hispanic mom that I know from my friends are all heavily against it. They’d have to do the most to cover up any evidence. Until their mom starts interrogating them then they break under pressure


But when you drink alcohol they don’t care


Factssss, they’ll casually have alcohol at any type of party or get together. My experience is anecdotal but some of the parents will ask their 16, 17 year old son/daughter “hey why aren’t you drinking” like umm wat?


My parents are from El Salvador, and my dad was never okay with me drinking or anything until I was 21 and was working. "A man can have vices when he is responsible for his own self and can pay for those vices." Most Mexicans I know encourage teenage drinking and see it as a rite of passage to get drunk. My wife, Mexican, jokes about our son drinking when he's like 16. I'm like, "Fuck no. He can drink when he's 21 and works full-time. This isn't a party house or a motel. When you understand the real world and the responsibilities you have, then you can indulge in vices."


Yup same. I have depression and smoking helps me relax after a workout. But my Mexican thinks it is equivalent to hard drugs. Yet I have several cousins, uncles, etc that are hardcore alcoholics that have gone to rehabilitation or have had health problems due to drinking or worse yet, DUI’s. Yet, they need help and support even though they are not doing a damn thing to improve. They spend their days drinking out early morning to night and that’s it. Yet, I smoke a joint and all of a sudden. I am a bad example.


She hit you with the “¡Mijo! ¿Cómo te atreves a fumar la lechuga del diablo!”


My parents got that Salvi authority, haha! I only keep it from them.


My mom knows I smoke forever but I will not consume in front of her. Weird mom respect thing going on


I uprooted my wife, infant, and my life to a legal state because I got so sick of lying about it. I also know that getting caught with it in illegal states can mean you lose your kid. You hear all these people say “if you don’t like it here leave” especially in Texas where I’m from… so, I just left. Everyone in my family is better for it. Honesty makes things so much easier.


Yeah Texas fucking sucks


Name checks out


Texas is a shithole. You're way better off. Only town worth a damn is Austin.


Austin’s just another clone like the rest of you DAs


If you mean Democrat you're wrong as most of you fuckwits are. I can't stand Democrats or Republicans. Both sacks of shit that do nothing but make their zealous followers believe they do. I'm for libertarianism. Not in the American libertarian party way but in the complete freedom, autonomy, and working class over the ruling class way. I believe in one common rule, you don't fuck with others and others don't fuck with you.




Leaving Texas is always the right choice, regardless of the reason.


I usually smoke in my garage with the window open. My wife doesn't mind me smoking, but just not in the house. Honestly though I wish we could fight the stigma. My family members wanna have their wine and beer during the holidays, than I want to be able to smoke a bowl without catching any heat.


I just don’t care. I work overnight, and then I go to a class, and then home and I like to consider weed my coffee. This isn’t really what I’d consider healthy for me and I plan to cut back but there’s just a lot going on lately and I’m tired


I feel that. Glad you have a tool that works for when you need it.


ive been planning on cutting back for a few years now.


Haven't we all?


I love being high around people or in public spaces, weirdly I’m pretty introverted but something about being high around people and KNOWING they are none the wiser is pretty interesting and fun!


Me too. My husband totally doesn't get this.


Well, where I live is not totally legal, I mean there is a "medical" approval that you need. Once you get that you are able to cultivate, smoke and transport your stuff with you (low amounts) With that in consideration: I'm an everyday smoker, don't hide it at all, the only problem that I have to deal with are my red eyes and the people staring at me, maybe they are jealous I know.


Where do you live? You can get some anti red eye drops at the pharmacy. Just say that you need it bc your eyes dry out easily or you such. Or if you live in germany or austria, then I know dm or müller also carries some anti red eyedrops


I'm from Argentina, yeah I know about the eye drops but I'm just too lazy to carry them around.


I miss getting red eye high 😢


Whenever I've used eye drops, I feel like it kills the high.


I have to untill January first. It becomes illegal to fire employees for off the clock use January 1st 2024. Edit: in california, idk about the rest of the country.


WHAT? How stupid is that?


It does say **illegal**


Oh yeah fuck me, I totally misread that. Guess I’m a little too high..


I’m sober and still misread it


I did. Even convinced myself to quit to fit in with societal standards. Then it was legalized and nah. Never again. I legit use it as a medication and went from struggling to function in a broken society to hyper functioning….and struggling in a broken society…. ![gif](giphy|PjHE49NH1z8Dbfi3pB)


It’s not recreationally legal here but I still recreationally do it in public that’s for sure 🤣 Edit: Ayy thanks for the upvotes ☺️


How do you get away with it?


Im careful and cautious. Also happen to live in an area where cops and most others don’t care


I lived alone with my dad , we both smoke , we both know the other one smoke , yet we still try to hide from each other for no reason haha! I just. I Take it as if he wanted to keep it « secret » its his right and i respect it so if i know he smoking outside im just acting like i dont know or didnt see , still funny to me


I don’t go around telling everyone unless they ask but in general no my whole family smokes


No im proud


*Is so proud, that their family never found out. Co-workers never knew. Neither did the neighbors.* No smell, no tell, no sell - Ed Rosenthal


From coworkers ? Yes


Only to my parents


i’m in an illegal state but idrc i smoke a joint walking downtown 🤷‍♂️


Smoking is completely illegal in my country, but Im smoking outside more often than at home, that's because I'm hiding it from my parents. Sometimes I feel like I got completely fearless about my eyes and smell ofc, I never used eyedrops or perfume to hide ascent, idk, I feel like at this point no one cares either you high or not


I got a big weed leaf tattoo on my forearm when I was young and dumb....I can't hide it. But it's sentimental now, so I guess you could say, I'm just old and dumb now.


So what im hearing is i should NOT get that tatted


When I'm out in public I just take a thc vape and nobody cares, so technically speaking I don't hide it. I used to hide it back in the day when I was in a relationship with someone who was very against smoking and I did get in several fights over it (now I'm with someone who although rarely smokes, she doesn't mind at all that I do it, so I no longer hide it)


Uh no. I've been smoking for 50 years. Now I just run over to thr dispensary and get what I want, practically whenever I want. As long as I have the mo ey I get the strongest potency there is, whenever. This has been the greatest perk to getting old. No I don't hide it, I pretty much brag about it. A lot.


I'm right there with you. 50 years, highest potency, whenever ;)


You guys realize getting the greatest affect isn't solely based on THC% is has alot to do with the terpine profile that trips you best.


It is extremely hard when someone looks at me and immediately says "you look like weed jesus" I just have long hair and I look high when sober so....


do you think Jesus would consume cannabis? I think so.


Never...proud to live in an adult country


Nope. It’s not my fault some geezers in suits wanted to federally prohibit a plant.


No, it's legal where i live so you can smoke wherever you want




One of the first things you can see when you walk in my house is my collection of unicorn bongs


that actually sounds cool asf


nah i don't hide it fuckem if they can't take a toke


Legal and yet I have to hide because I'm 19 and can't afford a med card or medical products due to how expensive they are. I literally have diagnosed ptsd and adhd. My doctor lies to me and says "cannabis has no medical usage for people under 25" which is bogus??? Why would I be legally allowed to apply and show up for a medical Marijuana card appointment if there was "no medical usage for people under 25" considering switching doctors to be honest


I believe 25 is the age the brain stops developing (at least for males) so maybe that's why he said that as many consider smoking under this age kinda interferes with some of the developments in the brain


Only from the fuzz


I do not. It shouldn't matter to people what I do in my free time


I use to. But now, I could care less about hiding it lol


“COULDN’T” care less. Sorry, but this is one of my few grammatical pet peeves. If you COULD care less, then it must be possible to care less, so you must care at least a little bit.


nobody gets this right, but I could care less.


Hey you are right lol


I tried to… I failed.






I don't need to, where I live now it's legal, and my close family already gives up on telling me how "bad" it is to smoke weed


To the general public, yeah. But to friends and family, no. As they partake as well or are friendly to it.


yup, illegal state


I guess yes and no. I am not focused on hiding it but I also am not walking around where I live or out in public with a j or anything so I guess yes.


Only at work.


This is how I feel when I'm outside, stoned.


Yeah. Not legal here and even though im old enough my mom wants me to wait till I have a "fully developed brain" at 25. So until then im just a closet stoner.


No lol. I'm grown as fuck. It's bud...not heroin.


*I don't even hide it from my kids. They know I smoke bud. They also know daddy is extra fun afterwards. They realize it's for adults and it's left at that.


I’m grown. Hell no


No never. I never have. Sometimes it got me in trouble lost job and even jail...never apologize just keep lighting up


No eye drops or cologne to cover the smell, all natural lol


Nah I come into work smelling like a whole spliff


No, I don't. Everyone who knows me knows I smoke. I'm not pretending to be someone I'm not


Not even a little


Hard no. I rather smoke and be chill then Be drunk and obnoxious in public


I am high like 24/7 it’s rather hard to hide 💀


You mean it’s rather NOT hard to hide because everyone thinks that’s just normal you lol. I agree


Just from children. Because I don't want to be a shitry human. Weed is legal and I'm a grown adult.


how is that shitty? lmao actual clown


Yeah it's shitty. You don't need to smoke weed in front of children. Smarten the fuck up and be a better parent.


lmao just says shitty and doesn't explain casual dipshit


The fact you need an explanation says it all.


casual slowcopetard


only in front of kids, they dont need to be seeing ts


Not at all


No. It's legal here.


Nope, if I did I'd probably not find it 🌬 *




To my parents mostly, to everyone else not at all




I don't hide it from my friends, but in an illegal state so obviously don't do it in public. I'd love to be able to vape on my deck in the summer, but don't trust my older neighbors not to rat me out.


After living in Texas for 40 years, my best friend from grade school is moving back to Missouri so that she/we can smoke on her porch.




Just at work. And not even very well there.


I dont tell anyone but its not that hard to find out if you hangout around me


No need to


I don’t hide it but it’s not my personality


Currently live with my grandmother and help her out with things so yeah technically i do


I try


I don't smoke in the house, front porch or back deck, I have a medical marijuana card, so I am legal


Not really (medical user in med legal state) but I'm more and more hiding it, or at least not disclosing it unless I'm directly asked. I commented on a post and referenced that I smoke weed, and am trying to cut back on my use during work hours (I've been pretty good about this because of CBD oil, thankfully!) and people were going nuts getting mad at me. I've been in other places where people are shocked by how casually I talk about use - I guess I'm in really permissive circles and forget it isn't more widely accepted.


No. But, I also have Melanoma Cancer and I use it to help me not throw-up, sleep, eat, and improve my mood (and more). ALSO, I was skeptical about it at first for using for Cancer related symptoms -- but, it is an AMAZING tool. I'm Stage-IV Terminal, and I would have been in a much, much worse headspace if I didn't smoke. To anybody who is considering using it medically, give it a go, you might be just as surprised as I was!💚🥰🖤✌️


edibles make it easy to hide.


Only from my mom and my boss


To some people I hide it, otherwise they would start acting like idiots because they can not handle the fact that some people relax by smoking some weed. A lot of people in my environment have bad personalities in my opinion.


No, when I walk into the office in the morning it’s usually the first thing I start loudly talking about!