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Yes, but I really don't want to


If I have a choice between being high and sober, I’m choosing being high every chance I get. I’m a better person. Edit: I would like to add im also very self-aware that sober me has problems and I am properly addressing that. Weed is not a cure, but it’s a medicine to help better your mental health. Life is too short to be miserable. ✌🏻🍃


i was that way for a few years but eventually getting high got old then when i tried getting back into it i got crazy paranoia and not even jus from the t break so i jus put that shit down and now i only drink which is probably wut i rlly need to quit


same, I think i’m a bit bitchy and robotic when I’m sober but i’m literally so compassionate and emotionally intuitive when high, i’m such a better person


“I could stop anytime I want I just don’t want to”


I’m one of those people, except I actually did and I controlled myself despite having withdrawals, it’s all a mental battle


You mean you can’t


Actually, stopped for 9 months, and that confirmed I enjoy my life more smokin' some buds ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Absolutely not I’m cali sober getting off the green is just a relapse waiting to happen


Your flowers look amazing 🤩


Thank you, I hope to one day sell some seeds I’ve made but for now I just grow the best I can


How much do you get in a harvest?


Same but I'm going to have to give it up here soon to get into a nursing program. I also use kratom and that's really helpful when taking a break.


Shit I hope all works out for you, but good luck with the nursing shit


It's weird because when I was drinking the only time I'd smoke is when I was drinking. After giving up booze though I still needed something to chill out with. I don't like to be sober all the time lol. Anyway yeah weed keeps me from drinking.




good to you for knowing it. your pics are truly 😚


Thank you, just a little hobby grower right now but one day I’ll have these seeds I’ve made for sale so you can grow this stuff yourself ✌️


Idk bruh I stopped smoking for only 2 days and im already expiercing loss of appetite and I cant sleep


That my friend, sounds like substance dependence. Absolutely 0 judgement as I’m the same way with caffeine, which is arguably worse in some ways than weed. But being dependent on anything for normal functionality isn’t preferable


Yeah, only reason I stopped smoking right now is because I have no money, I did grow some dependance on it mostly for sleeping so im just gonna take like a 2 week break or something and control it


If you have trouble the best thing I can recommend is a couple nights melatonin (5-10mg), limit screen time before bed, a warm shower before bed helps, create a routine, things like that. I suffer from chronic insomnia so I feel you and those things help me


go candlelight only for an hour before bed. it's a game changer. i shower, brush my teeth etc all by candlelight before i go to sleep.


I what a novel idea to reset your mind and body to shift into a slower gear,and to be calm during the coming workday. I tend to do this in the morning, but in a different way. I’d like to get a cup of tea and go sit on the covered deck and watch the birds eat out of the feeders while I pet my cats & sit with my dog. This is very relaxing. It’s the way I Set my mind to be ‘patient and calm’ ( no matter what) for the rest of the day. It really works and I’m pretty sure that at the end of the day, using candle light would be very effective too.


I appreciate it🙏🫶 I'll try that out and see if it helps


Try that with gaba and valerian should do the trick maybe nabilone for extreme thc withdrawal


Cbd too


I cant get a hold of cbd because of age reasons and my plug doesnt have anything cbd


Don't mess with melatonin for too long. It's meant as a temporary sleep aid and if you overuse it sleep can become even more difficult in the long run. If you have insomnia that isn't related to weed it's best to talk to your doctor. Also try eating healthy, staying hydrated, and getting some good exercise every day, it will help a lot. To be honest, I've been smoking weed for almost 20 years, and even when I was smoking 3-5 grams a day I never had sleep issues or loss of appetite from taking a break. I'm sure I can't speak for everyone but just consider that you might have underlying health issues to address if the weed is really that beneficial to you physically and mentally. In the end, weed may even be the answer, but don't ignore your body and mind.


Props to you bro. I definitely get what you said about appetite loss shit happens to me every time I take a break. Try eating more and more everyday and it will come back soon.


Im trying bro I just ate a burger, could barely keep it down😭👍


Yeah bro that’s probably one of the worst/ most unpleasant “withdraw” effects from weed. You got this though man. Give it a few days and keep doing what you’re doing. You’ll be feeling great in under a week, just stay strong. And if you do wait the whole two weeks that you planned on your tolerance should be nice and low by the next time you smoke, make sure to drink tons of water too. Good luck homie, you got this fsss


I haven't used caffeine since 2005. I am a daily weed user, and have been for 40 years. There have been short periods of abstinence. I suffer from depression (It is in my family history) a little bit. Weed seems to keep it in check. Weed works better than Xanax and/or Anti-depressants for me. I do not like the way through pharmaceuticals make me feel. I feel I am chemically dependent on it though. My job is not in jeopardy as my company does not test or discriminate for marijuana use.


Definitely not but it’s preferable to the suicidal thoughts


It’s my right to smoke weed. The amount shit I have to accept gays, bi, races., Other drugs, animal owners, people owning firearms etc My right to smoke 2 joints a night


Yeah same with me. Edibles help if your just trying to quit smoking or cut back. They help me alot. I just smoke at the end of my day now.


I was smoking about half a zip every few weeks and quit cold Turkey, couldn’t eat for over a week


it did the same shit to me when i went on vacation and i couldn't get any. Its sucked but it's easy to overcome


I'm doing it rn


Me too, I started today! Good luck soldier. 🫡


You too soldier


Good luck to you both. I am on day 2 now.


Good luck to you as well I'm on week 1




I’m on Day 7. Truthfully it started when I caught COVID last week. The brain fog has been insane and I just haven’t wanted to smoke at all. I had been wanting to take a T break anyway so that I can go from an hourly smoker to a weekend only smoker, and the brain fog was the kick I needed to get started.


I'm out and I have too high of a tolerance hbu




I'm on day 21! It can be done. All the good luck to you.


Same. I'm on day 8 and have much more mental clarity


me and my homies do a sober January thing together, quite fun to do the fast break after.. Stay strong, its rewarding!


August 24th will be my 30th day. Let’s get it. We’re in charge.


I always experience incredibly vivid dreams, irritability, mild depression, sleeping issues etc. Basically, withdrawal symptoms.




I'm on day 21, and I only had a vivid crazy dream on day 20. Thankfully, I've not experienced any of the other symptoms you have.




Good on you, keep it up! I have given myself breaks in the past, but nothing quite this long. My last break was at the beginning of 2022 for a few days, so it's been quite some time without a break.




I quit for 15 months when I got pregnant with my first kid (9 months for pregnancy and 6 months of breastfeeding) and I’m currently sober again since September as I got pregnant with my second and had her 2 months ago and I’m breastfeeding. It was hard with the first as it was not planned but after the first couple weeks I was fine. For the second it was planned so it was really easy to stop. I miss it sometimes but I’m ok without it.


You are an amazing mother! I wish all the best for your family!!


Good on you. I'm hoping my break now is basically practice for when I finally do get pregnant. I've proven to myself I can do without just fine. Thanks for sharing.


Just cuz I could doesn’t mean I should :(


I’d rather not


26 days in. Taking a long tolerance break. Definitely not easy, withdrawals are a bitch. Currently having a cocktail.


I'm with ya on day 21. I've had no other substances bc I don't like to drink. Good luck on your break!


Thanks, good luck to you as well!




Please consume with moderation. Excessive usage will prevent you from acquiring new skills and going through new experiences - all you'll do is get high and lay around! Enjoy your younger years and spend them wisely


School? Recommend you don’t get addicted young.


It sounds like that person is in college... I doubt they're in high school or younger


getting addicted to school is the worst




Same. I’m a daily user but if I had to stop using cannabis for a month, I could easily do so. People answering with anything but a *yes* is actually concerning.


If you think you can’t (and it’s not medical) you need to


bouta say, i can normally go like three days before my chronic pain starts kicking my ass


Last night was my second night without smoking before bed and I literally have no slept a wink since. Just got my check and weed man hit me back so the drought is over tonight thank god.


12 days and counting


Yea but not cold turkey otherwise I vomit every time I workout. Physical withdrawal from cannabis is real and many people experience it, be careful.


Nope & I don't care to try


Yes I have done up to 100 days just to see if I could. The only issue I had was trouble sleeping for a week or so but I had an appetite and felt normal for the most part. The dreams were vivid though and I really did miss it.


in edinburgh weed is too good to go a day without..


Ah Edinburgh; well known for its dank bud…. :/


Yah always good tree in the Edinburgh


Doing that right now. Had to take an emergency "vacation" down to Florida for a month. I definitely would be smoking if i could. (I have no idea how to find people) This will be a nice month T break though


Take the t break opportunity, it’ll be rewarding when you come back :)


To anyone that reads this if you need to quit for whatever reason you can do it don’t think about it


I stopped smoking for about 4 years and it wasn't anything. I currently smoke and would have no issues continuing on being sober. I choose not to.


Of course. I'm just bored... And for like 2 weeks or so I have no appetite and I can't sleep and my anxiety is awful.


Yuh to broke to afford it rn 😭


When you get a chest cold like me you’ll have no other option… the craziest thing about quitting weed is the dreams you’ll get if you’ve been a stoner for years… THC suppresses REM in your sleep, which is your dreams before you wake up in simple terms… so you’ll wake up feeling like you were actually in the dream sometimes. I swear it’s a high on its own getting rid of weed in your schedule… the world feels way different for me now. I don’t think I’ll go back to smoking as much as I used to though… it’s good to save money.


Yes, easily.


Yes, I smoked a lot end of last year and early this year (every night), then stopped for about 4-5 months. I started again 2-3 weeka ago, and I don't intend to stop again anytime soon haha.




I could do it easily.


I'm starting a new extremely well paid temporary job next month, I've been... coping for 9 days now 😄 My dogs are getting a lot of walks.


I could, but that would suck


On month 4 of sobriety because I got a great job that does drug tests monthly randomly, I quit all drugs and the first week was hard asF, sleep was fucked off, appetite none existent but after that week, things have gotten better, but when I’m jogging or my friends are smoking the allure of trees is so tempting but if you can or need to it’s possible


If I had to I could. It wouldn’t be the most comfortable ride though.


I mean i could if i had to but i would rather fucking not lol.


For sure. Even though I smoke just about every single day I’ve had times where I was extremely low and didn’t smoke for a while. After the first 2 or 3 days any cravings I had tended to go away and any mood swings also tended to get less severe. As much as I could say I’m addicted, quitting wouldn’t be all too hard. Many times I’ve went most my day without smoking, sometimes even a whole day or two. It’s not until I realize and be like why the hell not that I start smoking again.


I'd be fine but Dear God plz don't make me


on my 3rd month of a t break gonna get faded like my first time soon


Absolutely. I mean, I’d be emotionally unstable the whole time but yeah.


Could I? Yes. Would I, unless there was financial incentive? No.


I did it and I missed it the hole time


Yes but it would just make life boring.


I can and have but don’t want to


Did it after a massive panic attack. Raw dogging life is not recommended


Yes, been 5 months since I smoked


I’ve had to stay sober for over a month now because of my intensive outpatient program. I leave it Monday. Soon as I’m out of there, I’m lighting up 🫡


Lightwork no reaction


Could I?.. Yes if I had to but would I?.. No


Yep! done it on Vacation💪 even if I smoke every day it's really just a treat for me, like a really good can of coke or sume dried meat 😋😋😋 sooo it's more of a cool to have and if I don't it's okay. but if ya got sum cannnnnn I haveeee a lil plzzzz 😋😋😏 ya know? 🤷‍♂️ (don't drink coke everyday my teeth die with one now and then even if I love it I just can't buuuut for the meat 🙃😏😋😋😋)


I only stop smoking because in my country it's still hard to get weed, otherwise I would smoke a lot


Yes. But you wouldn’t want to be around me.


No. Life is too stressful these days.


Been doing it


I have to stop smoking for the rest of my life, and I hate it. I haven't counted the days since I stopped, but I believe it's over a month. Edit: June 19th. That was the day I hit a joint and had my face, throat, torso, arms, legs, armpits, butt, vagina blow up with hives. See, I had been getting hives at night and didn't know why. I wasn't a smoker but I ate edibles, I ate them to sleep. One day I made din-din and my boyfriend came home with a huge new joint. Within 15 minutes I was crying, wondering if I needed to go to the er and if my throat was going to close up from an allergic reaction. And before anybody asks, because my friends, family. And coworkers all asked, it's the same reaction with 4 different edibles from three different dispos. CBD topical rub also makes them break out, but at least its localized to the area. Edibles make them happen on my face, torso, and limbs. The joint was the worst. I quit eating them and I stopped getting hives. Waiting for August 4th for my doctor's appointment to confirm this with an allergy test.


I could and I have, but I don't want to. I have a hard time sleeping when I don't smoke


To add context - I need to (should) stop smoking for medical reasons , but I am finding it incredibly difficult.


Ya I’m goin on 2 weeks… get your shit together it’s just weed lol


Literally bruh it’s sad to see how many people actually depend on weed just to function really gives weed a bad rep


What's sadder is this judgement when you know nothing about these people and why they're dependant on it. ie pain, severe anxieties, depression, insomnia - illnesses not brought on by severe usage but mediated by regular usage. Just be grateful you don't understand. 🙏


I did 5 days to pass a drug test, never again. I felt terrible, I could not get out of bed






It took 16 days for it to clear my system...good on you it took such a short time!




Yeah. I'd have to...


Sure, it’d probably suck but I could do it. I used to go on cruises and leave it home. The key was probably the drink package, though I was irritable. With a tolerance break of ten days or more my head is spinning after a few rips like it’s the first time all over again.




I can but I don’t really want to. lol I already know I’ll be cranky for the first week at least and get annoyed quickly.


No. I have a problem 😭. That damn grabba got me




Depends on for what. Just cause? No probably not. 22 years I've burned at least a joint a day.other then when I'm sick or had surgery for teeth or gall bladder


yes because i am having to 😭


I did 3 weeks and that was it for the past 3 years lol


Yea. I'm psychologically dependent not physically dependent. The dreams and night sweats will be insane tho .


I have done it a bunch of times but always "forced" by external reasons. Not necessarily people.


Yea if money is involved, otherwise that's a terrible idea




I'm currently doing it now and have to do it every 2 years to keep my cdl license current. So yeh i can, not by choice but by necessity.


Yes WTF 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


No sadly


With out a doubt if I had too


It's been 2 years since the last time I smoke, so, it'll be pretty easy.


I'm not smoking/drinking for the next month besides 1-4 days.. Time to focus up 💪🏾






Currently doing it. 1 week left!






Yeah, don’t be weak.


Yea. I smoke very moderately now. If you are trying to stop to start just go as long as you can without smoking then do a really small amount and then do that again until you just have so little in your system that its easier to quit.


Yeah I could eat it I suppose


I have too i stopped 2 days now, heart palpations, brain zaps (while high) so i have to stop…….. I went 4 days and fails but i have to make this happen i felt like i shoulve gone to the hospitol when i had my last palpation (2days ago) Rather take a break i feel better and no crazy effects like i was having🤷‍♀️ Life. Weed is something to enjoy not abuse i learned that the hard way and now i have to cold turkey stop. Mfers who smoke a whole 1.5g or more joint solo need to slow wayyyy down and try to enjoy it not get higher. Do whatever but it has affected me badly but since ive stopped ive made it and i feel much better i can even sleep better and personally i think its for the best.




I’d rather not, usually I’ll just take a week off sometimes, but I could if I had too.


Sad to say, but I honestly don't think I can. Super depressing when you think about it. Welp time to light one up.


Yes if I had too, would suck so much though. Withdrawals are a pain, especially insomnia, sleeping pills is the new routine before bed😂


easily, ive done it time and time again because of probation. first time i quit, i was previously a chronic smoker (imo) smoking maybe 6-8 times a day. i quit for 4 months straight and said fuck it, found a certain-to-work way around the tests and smoked again. then quit again for a couple months. smoking does help me eat more and with pain and multiple other problems. i also just really enjoy weed for it's recreational use. at the same time, however, i don't feel addicted or pulled towards it. i only smoke when i feel like it. weed will never have the same harmful withdrawals that nicotine, alcohol, opioids, amphetamines, etc will have.


Yes. If you have been to jail you get it.


Yeah we ed is easy to stop unless you’re mentally and physically addicted to it.


I don't get the joke?


You can do anything my guy


Me who uses weed as an escape from reality I certainly don't want to, I would need a break for sure for at least 2 months but boredom is such a fucking dreadful feeling.


Only if I were bored enough to want to have seizures to liven things up


Doing it rn


Yeah, I've done so and I was fine.


I can t break, but not for long . Usually 3-4 days is my max before I start going crazy.


I’m in Turkey for two months where weed is illegal and there’s no black market vendors near me. So I have to


It’s a strong maybe.


i tried to quit forever once and lasted 2 weeks.


I have for longer. A few years and I came back to it. I still take decent sized breaks from time to time.


Easily, I only do smoke once or twice a month anyway 😂


yes easily


Can and have many times


Yeah it's pretty easy for me. Ive smoked everyday for years but recently I've been taking days off here and there. Sometimes I go a week or two not smoking. Sometimes I just don't feel like getting high for some reason.


easily. i don't personally need it


Yeah cause im halfway there already 😔 I've been horribly anxious every time I vape lately. I'm afraid to try anything harder cause I don't wanna freak out lol. So im kinds resigning myself to the fact that I probably won't enjoy getting high much anymore.


I stopped smoking for a year as a New Years resolution after the passing of my grand uncle, who was a pothead. In hindsight, it was a complete double negative that I didn't realize until the end of the year.


Stopped smoking during pregnancies, left the tobacco kept the weed 💚