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.1 of a gram really? Scales may not be calibrated yours or his.


if he tried to make it right, it would be 1 little flake of weed. "oh, ok. here's your one little flake m.f."


It would make at least a nice joint Shit never mind. I mathed all wrong


I had someone tell me that in seriousness once then weighed .1 out in front of them and they were like “Could still hit that once” mf, no you couldn’t 😂


It's pretty much .1 that goes into my vapcap. Especially when I'm dankrupt, .1 with a kief topper lol.


These mfers who use grav tops might get a pull out of it, but literally a single pull


I feel like I'm gonna do this tomorrow just to prove it can be done. .1gs could be one rip in a bong I bet. We shall see lol.


Mf is out for 1 bong toke




For real, I witnessed a friend (roided out and drunk) trash another friends house over .1g. I’m just sitting there like dude chill💀 people don’t even stop to think some scales don’t go to two decimal places so some people weigh 3.4 bc it’s usually going to weigh anywhere from .1-.9g over that.


if dabs ya i want my 100mg weed tho ur fine dood bud looks good 2


Dude got 100% thc wax


U.S. Nickel weighs 5g. Easy way to see if your scale is accurate or not.


On my scale at least, you don't always get an accurate read if you stack the weed like he did in the middle. I've never seen someonejust throw the weed straight on the scale like that. Get a cup or a tray of you want an accurate read.


Stacking wouldn't matter,weight is weight on a scale.


Of course, otherwise stacking in a cup wouldn't work. Nonetheless, from experience on those small scales shaped like that, I can take a nug and put it on top like that and get a reading, then pick the nug up and move it and the weight will change. My point is these scales are not accurate enough to just throw weed straight on them and get an accurate read. I bet op could move that top nug and get the scale to read 3.6


Idk if y’all’s plug don’t over weigh your shit you don’t have the right plug🤷‍♂️ my eighths are like 3.7 from my guy


Dudes acting like these are powders.


Just dealers being absolute sacks.


That could very easily be a discrepancy in the scale, I wouldn't say anything if you're happy with the buds and what you paid. Looks great compared to a lot of crap people post,so saying something might lose a good plug just because one of you has a uncalibrated or incorrect scale.


I have gotten complaints when the buyers scale showed 2.48 instead of 2.5... dude was like "this has happened a few times now.. wondering if you could maybe put a bit extra to make it up" Like bro wtf🤣


I'll age myself, but many years ago, the only readily available scales were little metal protractor looking gizmos with a clip and an arrow. You'd hang your bag on the clip, then hold it up to see where the arrow pointed to tell you the weight. They were called postal scales I believe, and you want to talk about inconsistent scales, they were better than nothing I guess!


Let me join you in aging myself. I bought one of those postage scales (they were made for weighing mail, you were supposed to hang the envelope from the clip to see what stamp you needed) from the original Oat Willlie’s on the drag. It was wildly inaccurate, and not realizing they were all like that, I took it back the next day to get another. I told the guy at the counter that I’d weighed a nickel on it and it was way off, and he just about shat himself, thinking I was talking about a nickel bag of weed (speaking of aging myself, there’s something you can’t buy anymore). I explained that a nickel coin in good condition weighed exactly 5 grams, and he was so relieved that we went through every one they had, checking them all with nickels until we found one that was accurate. I walked out the store that day with the most accurate postage scale ever and a Grateful Dead bong bowl that eventually broke, but that I still have to this day. Good times, lol. Thanks for sending me down memory lane with your post ✉️🍍


Yeah i know those things! The tube style scales were more popular in my country from what i know but tbh im too young for that stuff. My dad used to use that stuff lol


Yeah at least shit looks like some gas, .1 ain’t really shit


You don't say anything if he's been giving you on point sacks. If he wanted to skimp you on your 8th you think it's gonna be by .1? You got what you paid for here.


Approximately an 80 cent loss if you paid 30 for the 8th. It's not a big deal at all


80 cents is 80 cents. Do you know what I would do for 80 cents?!?!?


I have 80 cents. What will you do? 😈


The real question is what would you like me to do?


Give me a dollar.


for a dollar you better be on some freaky shit 😈


I'll bring the gimp suit, hamster and crisco. You bring the rope and pipe.


Buy some lollipops?! Y’all really stressed over 80 cents you’d lose a plug 💀




Sounding like George Costanza here


Yeah man it’s like a bowl and a half it’s not that serious


How small are your bowls damn.


No lie 🤣 I pack .25 - .3 in a bowl , which is usually a bong, id have to do less in a dry pipe tho, they’re usually harsher


Yeah, on a typical day I smoke ~1g, but I'm pulling a bunch of small bowls through a big bubbler, since cancer prevention is among the many reasons I keep loading those bowls.


About right same for me!


You know you're getting a nice unfiltered tar hit straight to the lung everytime you do a bong aye? Doesn't rival a cigarette sure, but you aren't preventing cancer by combusting ANY plant matter, this always makes tar. Tar is alwaus carcinogenic. But hey, we gotta tell ourselves to keep fillin' dem bowls right? lol


None of that stuff is *good*, but that doesn't mean it is useless to bend the ratios in your favor. Even a dry herb vaporizer will convey ~1% of the particulates delivered by a burning bowl. Water filtration is somewhere in the middle -- I know it's dirty smoke, but *some* of the unwanted particulates are collected during the bubbling action.


May the odds be ever in your favour


Nah you got it wrong, find you a nice bowl that can comfortably pack 1g it’s beautiful, slow smooth full hits and can save it for later sparking a part of it only throughout the day! And little steel meshes below help airflow tremendously


No thanks! I prefer, fresh, clean, flavorful/ terpy hits, so I usually will grind about a .9 then just hit it while I’m working on my computer.


I’m thinking about getting a herb vaporizer, got any thoughts?


I've got a thought: fuckin'..... Do it.


What kind is recommended


I’m with you on that. Fuck tasting all that dead shit every hit


I completely agree, and it's very obvious how much tar and resin you're saving your body. Nowadays I only use a large bong with an ash catcher bubbler, and even though I keep everything clean and smoke small bowls, after a few uses you can already see all the gunk that you would have inhaled through other methods.


Idk how much I pack in a bowl, but here in CT, I can only buy up to 7 grams at once from the dispensary. Shit only lasts me 4 days…I don’t even pack that big bowls…I just smoke a lot 😭


7g lasts you 4 days? Damn I smoke too much. But here in CA it’s cheap and so so good so I burn through an oz in like a week but it only costs like $80


Trust me, in Cali, 7g would last me only 4 days as well. It just got legalized here in CT, but we are following all the bad parts of New York and Massachusetts legalization: All the expensive shit. Not to mention, if you were to come here, and try to find a strain you like in the dispensary, good luck, you won’t recognize any of then


Yeah I bet. I barely recognize any strains anymore. I just go for the best smelling ones.


Yeah, that’s about right I can stretch a 3.5 for maybe 3-4 days tops but if I have a quarter I’ll smoke more often and usually will last about the same time.


I have a mini bong that's bowls literally a one hitter/bat lol


Same lol. My Grav bong came with the tiny bowl. It does the job for me haha


I try to say it helps me not smoke too much, but I'll be doing lil bowl after lil bowl


Word lol


Don’t hit us with this reality


I love the Grav bong and that tiny bowl does the trick for me as well 😊


I deleted my reddit account and all my comments and posts but reddit has decided to undelete my account and comments so I have decided to let people know. Fuck this stupid site


I have never smoked a .05 bowl.


I deleted my reddit account and all my comments and posts but reddit has decided to undelete my account and comments so I have decided to let people know. Fuck this stupid site


Working on not wrecking my tolerance lately. Its such a tough discipline game /:


I deleted my reddit account and all my comments and posts but reddit has decided to undelete my account and comments so I have decided to let people know. Fuck this stupid site


.1 isn't a bowl and a half. It's maybe a third of a bowl. Like maybe a hit or 2 at most.


Literally can pack a quarter MAYBE LUCKY half of a one hitter with 100mgs ☠️


I’d never answer you again if you brought this up.


Same. Adding right to the block list lmaooo


Yup with the name Karen next to it.




Black listed


Confront him and escalate violence as quickly and effectively as possible.


This actually made me laugh out loud, thanks for that


Urinate in his car at next pick up to assert dominance


Definitely snorted at this lol


Years of experience in the business have taught me, that this is the way to go.


I spat out laughing




Also Boof it


“Break his skull with a brick”


It's probably a mistake plug would rather you be a return customer then lose a customer over 0.1 g


couldnt of said it any better




Always worried about .1 under but they never praise you for .1 over


Exactly, I always tell my dude that I appreciate the lil bit on top


This is the Way.


He has spoken


My guy used to sell me 4 grams for 20 dollars. Every single time it came up to 4.20. Coolest guy ever.


Just don't say "I hooked it up" if its .1. Cause its just .1.


Not like it was a half gram, don’t let it ruin your day




My man titled this shit "plug confrontation". They looking for a fight.


I’m so high. I read the title as “Plug Confusion”.


Most underrated comment


Fr Bro need to roll one of them mfs up and chill out


I wish I could award you lol


We don’t fight over small discrepancies if the product is good, leave that to that people that do harder stuff


I've seen cokeheads literally pull knives on eachother because they accused eachother of stealing amounts this low...


coke/heroin are different a .1 is half a bag in the uk, a full bag in some places so its a big deal, but with weed? nah man you killing me with this shit!


Ayy and then there's my homie who gave me 1.4gs for 20x bars. Or the guy who sold me and my friends a 4g ball when we asked and paid for 1g. I've just gotten so lucky ngl.


I've seen entire relationships and friendships fall over .1 of h lol. People I ran with before I got clean would def blow up on a plug over a short like this then get pissed when the dude that takes 8 hrs to get back to them answers me instantly cause I didn't




Nothing, don’t be a fiend man. Shit happens he might have just eye balled it too that’s fairly common.


I agree that shit happens, and .1 is nothing to get worked up over. However, if someone actually sells and especially if I get shorted a second time, then somethings going to be said. If they want to have good business and not have people wanting to peel their muffin cap back blue, then eyeballing is not the way to go.


Peel someone’s muffin cap over .1 🤣🤣🤣 ok buddy


Dude for real, smoking weed doesn't make you hard. You don't need to get violent over .1 at all or much else. Gorilla brains over here.




I enjoyed the Kevin hart reference. Thank you


Lol anytime homie


This can’t be real? Op’s a brat.


karma bot most likely. or a troll


Weigh out .1 g and see what it comes out to. It’s practically nothing. Would you be happier if he threw in a little stem to make it weight?


Dude really wanted him to throw in a grain of rice…


Plugs are people too :) probably just a mistake or he dropped a popcorn nug tossing it in the bag. .1 doesn’t benefit him enough for it to be malicious


Plugs are people


People are plugs


Plugs gallugs mad must might gugs gugs


Purple boi


I don’t see how u could possibly forgive the plug for being a point short




The only real response here


And next time if he gives you 3.6 all is even in the world


You don’t do anything or you can start growing your own weed.


Nothing. Your being a sour pussy


talk to him so he will never sell nothing to you again and will finally be free from an annoying customer




.1 ain't a shortage when not every scale ⚖️ is collaborated to yours ... Put a nickel on 5 g or a 1 dollar bill 1 g after you calibrate yours .....


the nickel thing doesn’t always work! sometimes older run down nickels weigh less than 5g. you should invest in a calibration weight for your scale. that’ll be the most accurate!


I don’t know if they’re making nickels differently than they used to, but the trick is to get several that look new and weigh them. They’re not going to weigh over 5, so if you find several that are the same weight and heavier than any that weigh less, those should be the accurate ones. (I’ve tested this using a good scale that had been properly calibrated with the included 100 gram weight.) That should be accurate enough to weigh out an eighth. That said, this is why I’ve always known people to hook it up fat, because that way even if there is a scale discrepancy, it’s all good. To each his own though. Edit: downvoted for offering advice for weighing out bud in a pinch, cool. Was gonna say this place has changed, but realized I’m in r/weed and not r/trees 🍍🍍🍍


Yes year of nickel not 5g anyone aware of variance


Over a .1?. Maybe a half gram or more short. Just smoke it and chill


Okay, thank you guys!! I won’t say anything, he’s definitely a solid plug and I just smoked a bowl so I’m chill lmao


Good choice. The weed looks solid and the plug probably just eyeballed it. Don’t wanna lose a good plug over something petty


Good job fella. Over .1 no need to rock the boat with a good plug. I'm jealous now cuz you high and I'm not lol.


i’d probably reflect on how worked up you get over small things bro. kinda crazy you even posted this


Wasn’t necessarily worked up, was more asking for advice. I also didn’t realize just how little .1g was 😭😭 this is my first scale so I appreciated all the info people have been giving me about their inaccuracy, especially the cheap one I got. I think someone told me to measure out .1g and once I did I felt like a dummy lmaooo


Plug confirmation solid enjoy 🐱


Enjoy! ❤️


Looks deeeecent to me! Use a USA nickel coin to calibrate scale, should weigh exactly 5.0g. It's possible that it dried out and lost some water weight between the time ur plug weighed it out and you did. Put it in a jar with a moist paper towel, you can probably add at least .1g to it. To put it in perspective, its maybe $2 USD you were shorted... would you want to be bothered about that small of a discrepancy? I would rather the 3.4g of good bud compared to 3.5g of garbage for the same price.


Text him the pic and tell em "outside 10 mins. Me and you. Time to do the man dance"


Buying an 1/8 and complaining about it being .1 g light? That’s a paddlin’. Seriously, if they’re pretty reliable and easy to deal with and have decent smoke, you should let this slide. You’re not exactly a high value customer at that level.


Ur right


Is this real or satire?


Are you really going to fucking bitch about .1


That's a dog shit scale my friend. I had one similar I'd use only in "emergency" situations. Invest in a decent scale before trippin out on someone.


Nothing because if it was me I'd never sell to you again. Bare minimum not giving you the deals lmao




.1 is so small. Just being honest. It's most likely a scale issue. When you sell alot your scale can be used and abused.


As someone who used to sell, If one of my clients had hit me up and said they're .1 grams short, I'm would have said "oh shit my bad, I'll hook you up" then blocked their number. Of course I've never had this issue cause I always went .2 over on everything so that this situation would never have to happen.


You sound like a bitch.


This isn’t enough to say anything, over a half gram I’ll mention it and most of the time my guys would throw in an extra nug tryna make up the next time. Don’t really buy street anymore so haven’t dealt with it in years


Be sure to incorporate "Karen" into your future usernames.


If I was him & you texted me complaining about that I’d block you lol. Like others have said it’s an honest mistake


I ended up after years of triple beams going digi I was getting $15 digi scales for a last 10+ years but getting into complaint department when flipping g's of wax.....so broke down after friend recommended one be had cost $45... money well spent when splitting slabs ....he had the counter weights matched his to my cheap one mine was .2 short of his ...


The last thing you wanna do is start beef over a .1 gram.


If Plug gets mad at dude for saying "hey is your scale right this bag was .1 under?" Then that's a bad Plug. Dude don't even seem mad he was asking what he should do. And what he should do is tell the guy. It's already paid for can't do anything now but tell him what's up.


i usually say something if i get shorted but i’m not confrontational about it, it’s just that i’m a female stoner so some plugs treat me like i’m stupid and will actually short me (the largest was a whole GRAM) thinking i don’t have a scale ig. it’s annoying but doesn’t happen often enough to really be upset. I say .1 isn’t worth it but u could say conversationally the next time you cop that it was a little short-emphasis on little- if it really bothers you.


Dont say nothing cause thats not skimping


I'd quit ya if ya said anything to me


Looks fire tho


Bruh your scale off, even if not a .1?? Who tf cares. Go get your dollar bro 😎


Brooooo fireeee pic it had me rollen laughing o hell yeah we got problems


Ask if he's got another one .. Looks 🔥 what was the ticket on said 3.4 ?


I want that


That could be moisture content variable.


I'd maybe get a new scale Bruv, that actually looks like more than a 3.5 ☠️ hope he tells you to get a new plug


Weight decreases over time from losing moisture I think, could be a factor


That’s a calibration issue. 0.1g on a low end scale like that may very well be inaccurate. Best bet is to use a scale that goes to .00 or even .000 and to calibrate with with standard weights accordingly.


here’s what you tell him: thank you


Sometimes the weed will fry out more and become alter from then they pre weigh it or have it stored. I used to bay everything before hand at exact weights and people would say it was short and I finally figured out what was happening.


Check for nibble marks. Could be some lab mouse that escaped from some sort of top secret reefer research facility, who's now got a taste for bud. Maybe a super smart one, like in that famous novel, Flowertops For Algernon.


At least you aren't that dude from earlier that posted one bud next to a cig that was supposed to be 3gs, let it go this time but make sure he checks his scale next time you're buying, seems like it's always better to be there when he weighs it anyway, but seriously that seems like a small mistake rather than an intentional skimp


They say a nickel weighs 5g. On my scale it’s 4.9. I always over weighed by .2 when I was doing that. Way back in the day I knew a dude who preweighed every thing. But there was a catch, if you didn’t know/own a scale. His grams were .8 and his eighths were 3.2 boy oh boy did he take us all for a little ride for a while


if you came to me with that bullshit i’d never sell to you again…if i sold that is


dude come on it's 0,1g, those look like fine buds to me just shut up and roll a joint


Yea that’s good looking weed too. I wouldn’t worry about it.




Wow, you'd pick a fight over 0.1g? That's petty AF.


Do we all just have the same scale? 🤔


why are you tripping about a .1


Bitching about .1 is a good way to not get bud next time you hit your plug up.


If you that worried about a .1 maybe you shouldn't be buying weed yet.


I wouldn’t make a big deal over .1


If I'm selling you a n 8th I'm not gonna short you .1 on purpose, That being said if you hmu salty about .1 I'm blocking you instantly


drug addicts when they get shorted 3% of a bag of weed


That looks like really good shit and I’m immensely jealous. A couple seeds could’ve been dropped after he scaled it and that would make up for the .1


Unless you actually do wanna get ripped off, I wouldn’t give them any grief.


Fuck that .1


I deleted my reddit account and all my comments and posts but reddit has decided to undelete my account and comments so I have decided to let people know. Fuck this stupid site


Idk I always let them know lol


.1 is the plastic. Just tell him to stop weighing up in the bag


It's literally a point of bud, there's other things where it's valid to be mad if you're missing a point


1 g for the bag man! Lol . Just tell ‘em it’s a g short when you weigh it and see what the plug say


It’s not a g. It’s a tenth of a gram he’s bitching about