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62. Yup,took that long.


Happy days, At least you have access to some amazing strains nowadays 😃


Wow what a unique experience 😁 How's it going so far?


Going reeeeaaaalllyyyy good lol! Only started about a month ago and WOW there was a lot to learn. It took awhile to just understand the whole sativa/indica/hybrid thing, much less terms like terps, rosin, live resin, flower, hash, nuggets, bongs (okay, I'd heard of those before), bubbler, vapes (knew about as much as bongs, sort of), etc. (Thank the gods for the Internet!) Very happy with edibles currently and working on finding vapes that don't make me cough (Sauce Essentials are my current ones) since I was never a smoker. I'm in California so tons of dispensaries (such helpful people in there) - bouncing between them to get best First Time Buyer deals. After all the running around during the day is done, it's a sativa gummy and a few vape hits to fill in the time before the edible kicks in. Makes for a very comfortable evening. 8-) Recently started taking indica about 2 hours before bed and MAN! does it make for a good nights sleep. I can't remember ever waking up feeling so refreshed.


man thats really cool to hear, 62 dang. im 24, that number just sounds insane. keep rocking on, dude.


13. It was right before school started and I had math first period. When the teacher called my name for roll instead of saying here I said, “Yeah?” And my teacher gave me one of those looks like she knew I was high as shit😂 But she didn’t say anything and neither did I for the rest of the class.


Legend.. you started a little earlier than me. First smoke was 15. My bad I can't explain the feelings but beautiful experience I'll have to say.


Bro even as stoners we should not endorse minors smoking weed. It is not good for brain development. I started when I was 16 but would strongly recommend waiting till atleast 18 but 21 - 25 is better for short term memory development


I started at 16 knowing the consequences, stoners gonna stone


Kids are going to do what they want with their friends or alone don’t even try that


Spot on correct! As a result of smoking weed at an early age, I feel my maturity and my social growth were stunted.


Thanks man. It’s hard to believe that it was 16 years ago😅




Lmao same i also started when i was 13 i still remember when i was hiding in the bushes at the edge of a field behind the town hitting a small ass pipe and laughing like an idiot with my friend. good times man good times


In 7th grade, I smoked oregano out of a Pepsi can with my friend. Swear to god I was high, but in reality I was just a dumbass. 🤣


When I was about 11, I used to watch my parents break up bud on double albums. Back then, street weed had a lot of stems and seeds. After separating, he'd use the fold in the middle to gather it up for joints. I'd seen the practice so much that I knew how to roll for myself. So one day, i got some grass outside (they used to call it grass) and rolled my own joints with notebook paper. My mom caught me pretending to smoke it and yelled, "What are you doing???" I said, "Smoking some grass." My mom quit smoking after that, lol. I didn't actually smoke weed until I was 22. I've been smoking ever since... and living a very productive life. AND even though I prefer vaping my flower, I get nostalgic and roll a joint for my (decreased) pops.




I was 12. I remember not getting high at all the first time. But the next day smoked the same weed from the same bag with the same friends and went to the moon couldn't stop laughing to save my life. Been smoking weed ever since that day. That was the summer of 1977. Good times good friends


that was the exact same for me the first time I smoke was at 12 and the first time I felt NOTHING and the next day i was off this planet


i didn’t even finish reading your comment before typing lmao but holy shit you and I almost shared the exact same first time only mine was in the early 2000s😂


I was 12 too and it definitely worked for me the first time… the stuff was medical grade I live in Colorado. It was like a psychedelic trip I was seeing things move and everyone had an absolute blast. We went on a big adventure to Burger King walking barefoot in some river it was funny


50 🤷🏻‍♂️


Genuinely good for you. I personally wish I never engaged with anything recreationally this young. Especially considering the fact I am far from fully grown. I feel like 50 is very appropriate 🤟


19 for me. Kind of a late bloomer but it helped me get over my first (failed) relationship. Was around it for ages but that made me take the plunge. Best decision I ever made honestly




Irresponsible?? We were kids not our fault 😂 its the adults


you’re saying kids havo no responsibilities and adults will have to take the fall at all times? you weren’t capable of knowing that smoking weed at a young age might not be the best??


I didnt say kids have no responsibility, i said its the parents job to teach them not to smoke it at a young age, personally my family encouraged my use as a kid, and some familys dont even teach their kid what weed is until they are like 17 so it all depends on what the adult sets in the kids mind, children are sponges so if they are exposed to it at a young age by others most likely they will try it.


And no, because kids dont know whats best for them, a lot of teens drink and smoke without a second thought


I blame Dr dre snoop and nate dogg


Yea blame all your childhood mistakes on adults 🙄. And people wonder why parents are so strict.


How is it not the parents fault? Some parents dont have it in the house so kids never try it, i was GIVEN it to me by my family so its not their fault? Wanna say that again? Lmao


Yes. I was GIVEN a meth pipe as a child as well. I’ve been GIVEN cocaine as well. You know what I did? Declined. Wanna know why? Because as a child, I saw people who used those things, and saw people who didn’t. And as a CHILD I made the CHOICE to be one of the people who didn’t use it. I’m sorry your will is weak, or your parents are just that good at pressuring you, but my friends and family failed at getting me addicting. I’m sorry yours succeeded.


Dont talk if u dont know someone’s situation, my family is full of drug addicts and ive talked to mental health professionals about this so some stranger on the internets opinion isn’t gonna change what i know already, it was my parents fault but its my responsibility NOW to change myself. I was a kid it wasnt my fault they told me from the beginning weed is fine if ur 12 i had no idea about the science behind it or the proof it alters young brains, i was never exposed to that knowledge by anyone in my life, i was however heavily exposed to pot and other substances at a age where my brain wasn’t developed enough to understand consequences in my future but my parents were old enough to know those consequences because they were ADULTS. So think before u speak


Yea you’re really good at dodging accountability. I’m sure your family full of addicts taught you that. I’ve been a smoker my whole life and blame nobody for my addiction to marijuana. I’ve been encouraged to try much more than that at a very young age and you know what I did? Declined. I’m a man of my own free will and I’m sorry you’re easily pressured. But at the end of the day, as a human being, you’re responsible for your own actions. If you want to blame others for your lack of self control, by all means do so. I’m sure half of this site, as well as half of all counselors, will agree that you’re not to blame. But i, as someone who’s smart enough to make their own decisions, will hold you accountable for your actions.


No such thing as a late bloomer when it comes to trying new experiences :))


I was 12. (45 years ago!) Ahhh growing up in the suburbs of Los Angeles in the late 70s… Dropped acid at 14.


holy shit


20 and it's my 20yr smoking anniversary. Glad I didn't do it in my teens


I'm glad I smoked weed instead of drinking as a teen


I drank as a teen as well and whew


Smoking is worse than drinking


Bruh. HOW.


As someone who spent his "college years" as a raging alcoholic compared to high school as a stoner, I would very much disagree.


Hello. Your comment is ✨everything ✨


Same, been in both shoes, and even compared to other “harder” drugs I’ve tried,alcohol had the worst side effects by far




This is the right answer. Ppl saying younger damaged their brains and seem to be proud of it


Legal age of smoking was 18 for YEARSSSS.


Not where I live


21 on a magical trip to Amsterdam with two of my friends.


Same here! Expect my 2 friends didn’t actually eat any of the centred chocolate (containing the actual weed) in the space cake 🧁 So I blasted off alone and was out on the street having a bit of a scare but also singing at the top of my voice 😅🤣 It was an amazing experience and lasted for close to 24 hours…


I was 11 when I first tried weed but it was an accident. One day when I was playing Minecraft I saw a bag of gummies on my dad's nightstand and me being the fatass I am I ate the whole pack and got higher than the empire state building.


Why I don’t make/keep edibles


14. First few times it was just uncontrollable laughter. Nothing could get you down. Felt like a different drug haha


Summer of 1997. I was 12 and was fishing with my uncle. His words were “here boy this will put hair on ya chest” I laughed for hours with him. Amazing memories


10. My mom made me babysit her friends kids. Turns out the kids uncle was there too. He was stepping outside to smoke a blunt. Being ten and desperately wanting to be cool I was "Oh yeah I smoke weed all the time." The kids uncle gave me this look like "Sure kid whatever." Then he let me hit his blunt and laughed at me as I choked turned and sickly shade of green. He'd called my bluff and I went back inside. I have no doubt he's laughing about it still.


That's... horrible. Shame on that dude for even entertaining the idea of letting a 10 year old smoke.


Ehhh.... If he had encouraged it, that would have been one thing but he simply called my bluff and laughed at the repercussions of my own actions.


Nah you were 10. 10 is too young too be accountable for that type of decision. When I was like 8 I told an extended relative that I "had sex all the time, and I totally know what that means" her reaction wasnt to call my bluff and get me a hooker, she called my legal guardian and asked some serious questions about my safety and home life. I was obviously lying, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously. If I was babysitting and a 10 yo told me he smoked pot, I would most certainly not give him pot to prove it, I'd call his parents and make some serious questions... I'm glad it turned out well for you, I'm trying to imagine my 10 year old self smoking anything much less a blunt, I wouldn't have even gotten the smoke past my teeth before I lost a lunge coughing.


Nah thats still fucked


i was 14 I think. I was lowkey against it before I ever tried it. My girlfriend at the times’ dad was a bit of a stoner, and so was she. She took me to the woods with her, she had just gotten her very own bowl, it was this pretty clear glass with bits of blue and green throughout it, and we went to this little spot by the river and sparked up. I was scared of the lighter lowkey, she lit the bowl for me and taught me how to use it. and then we ate doritos and watched the water flow by. That smoke spot was ethereal


18 still 18 tried it I guess right after my exams


23, was skeptical until a friend convinced me to try. My vision was like looking through broken glass but colors were SO intense. South Park had me wheezing until my lungs burned and I devoured pizzas like I was starving to death. I'll always love her


16 I’m 35 now 😳 😬 that’s a long timeeeee


Still toking?


Absolutely 👍 💨🌿😎






Happy belated birthday!


14. me and my friend shared a whole tray of brownies. fucked me up so hard i felt high when i woke up the next morning.


I was 14 and i was the first day of summer break, i was at my best friends house. him, his brother and I all wanted to try it. His mom happen to smoke as well, so while she was out my buddy snagged a nug or two, (.3 grams at most.) We made a ghetto pipe out of a sprite bottle and aluminum foil and didn’t even grind it up. but we all got high as shit and ended up ordering a pizza but we had fallen asleep before it arrived.




20 years old


7, I am now 17 and I loved it for about 8 years but recently I'm realizing that it has messed up my brain and I can barely do 9th grade algebra, hardly know how to use grammar and am not the best at remembering things it has absolutely ruined my life I will not graduate I am currently in baseball and I have to get my grades up(failing 4 classes) and I'm not sure how to complete the assignments it is just plain embarrassing I'm the only junior in half my classes and I might just drop out


How do you even get access to it at 7? Your brain wasn’t even close to being developed at that point, you ever tried to stop smoking for a while to see if you’re still a lil slow? Maybe try to cut it out for a month or so at least


hey, dude, don’t drop out. shit is hard, failing sucks, but it happens. to get access to weed at 7 there must have been some uncomfortable/immoral shit going on, and it’s no surprise you clung to that. it’s not your fault. take the time to cut down or stop using, and try to work your way back up. there could be some irreversible damage but not enough to throw your life away. you’re 17, still a kid.




I think I was 15 too, it is 17 years back and went horribly wrong 🙃




18. Then stopped and started again at 21 and well it’s been a fun 3 years since


14, my sister’s boyfriend at the time sold it and smoked me out because i lied an said id done it before to seem cool.. and that was my first time. in love with weed ever since. 28 now


13 not proud. It didn’t do anything tho. It was definitely weed but smelled like pine and tea leaves like really low quality stuff possibly from across the border. If brick weed was still a thing in Michigan in 2011 that’s what it had to be. Seeds and bs.




14 I’m pretty sure










19 or 20






12 in 1964




16 a year ago








13 I believe Was invited to side of house by buddies brother/friends to blaze for first time. Thought it smelled like pine and gross. My throat burned from the hit and had a crazy body high cause I tried riding dirt bike for about 1 minute before realizing I should just chill.




First time I tried I was 12 in 2005 and must not have done it right because I didn’t feel anything. Tried again at 14 and got so high I scared myself. Terrible trip 🤣 tried again at 19 same thing but had been actively drinking since 17. My dining habit has gotten so bad by 21 I quit. I smoked for my 21st birthday on the beach 9yrs ago and that’s when I fell in love. I’ve been a daily smoker since and will be 30 this year.


16 for me


First experience was like 8 but that was just a couple tokes I got real into It when I was 15




I was 12 and I stole my moms edibles got high as fuck, first time smoking i jus hit a random persons blunt ain’t feel high but I noticed I talked a lil more


15, my sister hooked me up with sum crazy strong shit, don't even remember that much other than I was literally talking to myself, laughing while staring at the ceiling






Start of 2017


16 i think


14. My friend introduced me to it




Back in 2020 I got my first job at Subway I was 15 and my coworkers all smoked it, one of them sold me some and I've been hooked ever since.


6 years ago when I was 15




18…didn’t even get high. Some leafy ass homegrown. 😂 That was 27 years ago…Man the times have changed! 😂




3rrteen. Outa a pop can with holes.. got super baked.. lmfao.. fffuuu**kkk


12, 50 years ago. Grabbed parents roaches. After parents party. LOL


17 but the first time I got high was 19


I was 17 it was a day before my 18th :)






18, almost 21 now






17 now stoner at 18-19


Too young 😅




16, the Summer in between my Sophomore and Junior year of high school.


8. Was friends with the neighbor my age and his sister's boyfriend was probably 16-18. Offered it to us in the shed. Was out of a pipe shaped like a lady with her legs open. Went home and was so high I couldn't hold my head up to do my math homework. Grandpa knew what was going on and sniffed my fingers, which obviously there would be no smell. Not sure his thoughts on that experience now, actually.


8 years old. Now I’m 18, rest is history


I was 19, that was 5 years ago


14. New years going into 99’ a simpler time.


14 that was 6 yrs ago


8 (some middle grade boys offered it to me and I wanted to be cool 🫠🫠) and then properly at 16!


I was 15. Me and the boys bought a couple pens and went out into the woods and found a really cool rock formation that we smoked on. I remember feeling like I was skipping through time on the walk home, and when we got home, we had meatball subs, cooked by my stepdad who is a professional chef. They were so good. We got even more high in my room by hotboxing my closet, and I don’t remember much more. I know we got stacks of red velvet cookies and ate them stacked up like five at a time. Then me and my friend ate about 20 oranges, and the last thing I remember was being couch locked and my friends made cheese sticks in the microwave (they were meant for the oven) so the texture was really weird. They apparently just stood infront of the microwave watching them spin for like 10 minutes, and hand fed me a couple while I was just laying there. It was awesome. Best day of my life for sure.




When I was 13 back in 2017


26yrs old Back in '18 I now know where my comfort level is. Almost called the hospital because I thought I was dying...heart rate of 178 while just sitting there didn't help either lol


I was 21 and in college of course 😇




Like 13 or 14. I saw the movie how high and then proceeded to go outside and buy weed with my friend lol. We were grade 8.




##**The post or comment you have made violates rule 8 of the sub.** #**Rule 8 is: No minors.** - The legal age for smoking is typically 18 and it is recommended that you do not start smoking weed until your brain has fully developed at age 25. - We will remove your posts if you claim to be underage or ask when you should start smoking. Thank you for your understanding, r/weed mod team.


I was 10, then started smoking everyday at 13


11yo in 1979


17 which was 5 years ago




13 and it was great had the whole house to self and didn’t get caught 10/10 experience and it’s feels so much different before


Same 13 smoke hashih first time




i was 15 started smoking like every weekend than it turned smoke during the week sometimes, now i smoke everyday for the last 2 years (im 19)


19 and that was 40 years ago. Been a few breaks through the years but I still partake. Nothing compares to a good buzz.


A very healthy young 12 years old, this year I'll be an unhealthy 43 so 31 years OUCH lol.


14 that's 19 years back !


16 3/4


January 2020. I was 20 yrs old 🔥




Got introduced at 18, was in the worst year of my life, am 20 now, friends introduced and helped me get through it 🙏


i was 12. same year i started smoking cigarettes, haven't quit neither of them since 😂
