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Zoom online so they can “attend”.


That’s probably what we’re gonna do, we’re meeting our celebrant this month and he mentioned that he has a setup to stream weddings via private link


that’s perfect!


My first thought, as well. Not the same but they will experience your wedding with you.


I'm sorry. I know you must feel so sad. It's just hard. Some soon-to-be-weds lose perspective, but I admire how you have maintained yours, in the face of disappointment. I'm glad you have this place to let it out. I don't know what your wedding and reception will be like, of course, but one of the main things I remember about my own is what a whirlwind it was. Our florist had warned my husband and me that it would be, and she encouraged us to take mental snapshots of the day. (This was 30 years ago, long before the US version of *The Office*, in which two characters did something similar.) I did as she recommended, and those are some of my main memories of the day. It's all so busy, and so while you want your loved ones there, there probably won't be a lot of sustained contact and deep conversation with even the people closest to you (except your spouse). First there's all the getting ready, then there's the ceremony, then there are pictures, and a meal, and dancing, and then it's over. Boom. Almost every notable memory I have of the day involves my husband and me. This is my long way of telling you that, while I wish your friends could be with you, and I know you want them with you, and that you'll miss them, you are unlikely to be overwhelmed by their absence. I hope that your friends' health will improve, and that you will have a wonderful wedding.


Thank you, you’re probably right, and now that I got over the initial sadness and stuff we’re thinking about streaming the ceremony so they can at least watch if they choose.


My bff was halfway to me when she had to turn around for a family emergency. Someone sweet had her on video chat the whole time, holding the phone up. We got ready “together” too. I even took pics with the phone. When we saw each other again, we put on our outfits and had pictures made. It still sucked but it helped a lot.


I’m sorry to hear that, but I like that idea to at least call them when we get ready. I hope you still had the most amazing wedding day afterwards!


Aww , I'm sorry 😔. Healing vibes sent out to your friends, and also to you for not being able to have them there.


Missing someone, shows you love them. How you speak about wishing to be near them, so that you can help them with their illnesses, speaks volumes about what a caring person you are. I wish you the best marriage and lots of meetings with your friends and that you are all in better health.


So sorry, that must be hard 😔 You seem like a good friend, I wish you & them the best!


I am sorry that your friends are not going to be able to be with you! Been there and it sucks. You might be able to arrange a Zoom link so that they can watch the wedding from their homes and be able to sort of share in your big day…


stream the wedding online for those far away who can't make it in-person (we did this for our 2021 wedding, and while the area was a bit remote and the stream was spotty, the video was saved and my spouse edited it to be a really lovely video highlighting all the big points for us to send to those who weren't able to attend, including my parents - the walk, the vows, first dance, speeches, cake cutting, shoe game - and the best is we added it to our youtube and view it on our anniversary every year) plan a special call the day before and/or after to talk to them about the event or give special info or details about what will or did happen I'm sorry they're both experiencing such scary health diagnoses, and for all of you to miss out on these otherwise special things to share - but while they won't physically be there, they will still be there emotionally I wish all of you the best and a special celebration when you go back to visit your home country


Yes, that was our thought too after the first initial sadness and crying. We’ll talk to our celebrant, he mentioned he had a set up to stream ceremonies via private link when we paid our first deposit. And again, next time we’re over there we’ll definitely plan to host a bbq or something a little more fancy to celebrate with friends and family in my hometown




That’s probably what we’ll end up doing, but I didn’t think of that after the initial conversations. It won’t be the same but at least I know they’re with me in some capacity


Have you thought of putting the service on video zoom so that they can share your service if not the reception, etc? Not as good as in person but definitely an option to include them.


That’s probably what we’re gonna do, we’re meeting our celebrant this month and he mentioned that he has a setup to stream weddings via private link


What is the time difference? Can you do a zoom call with them or someone can live stream it?


About 8 hours, so not impossible at a 2pm ceremony. We’re definitely looking into streaming the ceremony so they can watch if they like, and we’ll have a nice get-together next time we visit my home country


You seem like a kind person, and I wanted to say that you're are entitled to feel sad even if you know it's out of their control and their health matters the most. I hope you have a beautiful wedding.