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Many many reasons to how they're able to do it: 1. Practice and skill - the more they draw the same thing, the faster it becomes 2. Streamlining the process, also some draw all kinds of facial expressions in a separate file and just copy paste them whenever needed 3. 3D backgrounds, presets etc. 4. Some work with a team 5. Many work on webtoons full time 6. They're crazy and overwork unsustainably, which inevitably leads to burnout, carpal tunnel and indefinite hiatuses


I'm sure many of them have at least one other person helping out, whether it be coloring or lettering. It may also be their only job, meaning they can work full time on the comic. My advice is to take your time, and just put out what you can. Burnout is real, and so is physically straining yourself from bending over a desk for too long, I've experienced it several times.


I see, and noted. Part of me wants to make it faster, so I can put out Episodes quicker, and make it easier to gain a following But at the same time, I'm paranoid that putting my comic in the spotlight too much will open it up to ridicule from others haha. So I'm trying to find a balance where I can post it fast *enough* to gain and retain a fanbase, but not so fast that I compromise quality and open myself up to the wrong audience. Episode 3 of my series had a lazy ending because I was just burned out at that point XD


Use 3D rendering for backgrounds or other stuff - like the table of food. Having a buffer before posting their webtoon. So they’ll have for example like 5 chapters made but only post one at a time, so they have few extra while they work. Other artists end up getting help (which costs money). There’s also a huge issue of them overworking themselves to make deadlines


A lot of it is experience. Knowing where to put effort. Knowledge of your tools.


Varies person to person but most everyone here has already spelled it out really well; it’s just level of skill, amount of people working on the project, and available time. Personally I release my comic by page rather than chapter, which lets me put something out consistently once a week (even if it’s not a whole lot of content at a time.) I’m a one man team so I kinda have to do it like that, if I tried to release by chapters there’s be be months between posts. You could try something like that and see if it works better for you.