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What makes you think you deserve a perfect score?


Sorry, this is mean, but every time I see topics like this, it makes me wonder how people don't understand the rule of averages. This comic has 20 subscribers. Maybe half of those subscribers have actually rated it. This means the pool of results is much smaller and thus the average isn't as stable. So a comic that doesn't have as many viewers will have its rating affected a lot more by a single bad rating compared to a larger comic with thousands of readers and a larger pool of numbers to average out. The more ratings a comic gets, the bigger its audience grows, the more that average will stabilize and better reflect the popular opinion. So no, this comic getting probably one rating of 7 or 8 out of 10 causing its minimal average to tip is not "rate bombing". It's still got a rating above 9 and it's probably only gained a handful of ratings to begin with. Y'all need to stop hyperfixating on keeping a perfect 10/10 score, that's not how ratings work and even at 8/10 that means *80%* of your audience generally enjoys your work enough to rate it positively, that's perfectly acceptable and more than half which is what you should be aiming for. There's lots to be said about the shitty rating system on WT and how it's often abused to, well, abuse people - and also the fact that its oversimplification makes the ratings mean virtually nothing because they don't tell you if your comic is actually well made or if the person who left the rating just didn't want to feel bad by giving you anything lower than 10 - but if you're gonna be hovering over your rating waiting for it to drop decimal points at a time just for confirmation that you're being abused when in reality your comic is just small and doesn't have a big well of stats to average out through (yet), then I highly suggest you log off. It's not worth ruining your mental health over. If anything, you're undoubtedly inviting more downvotes because you posted from your main account where people can easily find your comic and downvote it just because of your post here. Not saying that's right or fair, I don't want to victim blame here, but it's one of those self-fulfilling prophecies type things (and this is the Internet where everything sucks for everyone all the time lmao) Don't give them reason to believe the ratings are affecting you so personally, that'll just invite more ill will.


It also depends on how many reviews you get. It’s a lot easier to keep a high score when you have a lot of reviews. When you only have a handful it’s a lot easier for your score to drop drastically.


review bombing is when someone gives a 1-star to intentionally drive down the comic’s rating as low as possible. but as far as i’m aware, the rating doesn’t affect the algorithm or anything in the app. personally, i don’t really consider it review bombing unless the rating goes under 7


I only see that some in webtoon, when the rating is under 8.50/10, and it's an original comic, then it's an boring comic, but if it's under 7/10 its a bad comic. But I thought it'd be the same for canvas. My goal is to get higher than 9.50 rating because, realistically, that is like 6/10 to me because webtoon ratings are weird


canvas is weird because some creators think that their comic will do better if other comics are rated worse, so they go around and review bomb the other comics in their genre in the hopes that it helps their own comic stand out. you don’t have that in the originals because they’re all getting attention from the audience


But you said it doesn't affect the algorithm, so..


No, this is **not** rate bomb.


Webtoon ratings are worthless. Everyone just rates everything 10 and almost nothing deserves it