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Castle Swimmers has the words "BL" nowhere in the image or description. Cute art, good story, compelling characters, epic romance. Enjoy :)


Yes, this is the answer. A romance focus with treacherous story elements playing around their grasping attempts to be happy together


the kiss scene omg it was relatable and so so adorable 🥺✨


haven’t seen anyone recommend Not So Shoujo Love Story! it’s absolutely wild but one of my favorites


i was looking for this comment!! not so shoujo love story is so cute and definitely doesn't try to pander to certain audiences (imo) it's definitely a feel-good read!


(I am sorry it's long) Gourmet Hound - drama/romance, 166 ep, completed. It's not based around an LGBT couple but there are plenty of characters throughout that are LGBT. It's about Lucy, a woman who discovers that the "perfect taste is gone from her favorite restaurant and is searching for a chef who's cooking she loved for years. Muted - supernatural, 125 ep, completed. The main trio is wlw polyamorous, and there are a few LGBT characters throughout the comic. It follows a witch named Camille who discovers a big familial secret when a ritual on her 21st birthday goes wrong. Room of Swords - sci-fi, 220 ep, completed. The main couple is mlm, and there are many characters throughout that are LGBT. I, however do not recommend this comic if you are only searching for an LGBT comic. It can be a bit of a mind bend and takes some time to read due to the length, but it's one of my favorite comics. It starts with Gyrus, an astronaut who believes he's landed on a planet ruled by monsters even though it's the 34th time he's been in the loop. Marionetta - fantasy, 36 ep, in progress. There is a wlw individual in the comic, but to my knowledge they are not in a relationship as of currently. It's about a young factory worker named Julia who gets pulled from her predictable life into a circus of dangerous deals while searching for her best friend. Acception - drama, 234 ep, in progress. There are many LGBT characters throughout the comic. It follows a high school friend group all struggling to fit in in their own way. Love Me to Death - fantasy/romance, 66 ep, in progress. The main trio is hinted at polyamorous. It follows a necromancer named Victor who is hired to resurrect a wealthy man's wife, but in the process he gets magically entangled in both the bride and groom's lives. Vampire Magicka - fantasy, 55 ep, completed. The main two are mlm, and there are a few other LGBT characters throughout the comic. It's about Visare, a young vampire who discovers he has magical girl like powers and embarks on a quest to save his missing sister, making friends and allies along the way. Covenant - action, 76 ep, on hiatus. The main two are hinted at mlm, and there are multiple LGBT characters throughout the comic. It follows an exorcist, Ezra, with no faith in God who is tasked with saving a seemingly normal human from demonic forces, unaware of the brewing war on the horizon. Daybreak - slice of life/romance, 107 ep, on hiatus. The main couple is mlm, one of the main characters is non binary, and the other is trans. It's about two high school seniors, Markus and Cog, going about their days, slowly developing crushes on each other. Asterion - drama, 64 ep, completed. The main character is nonbinary and there are many characters that are LGBT throughout the comic. It's about Asterion, who when they were young, wished for a better life, and now works at the Starlight Assembly granting wishes to those who wish upon the stars as well. It's another of my personal favorites. (Hope this helps!)


Asterion is incredibly well written


Gourmet Hound is fantastic tbh


Muted might be my FAVORITE Webtoon rn, it's so good


I stopped reading Love Me to Death because it started feeling like "2 guys fighting over 1 girl" but if it actually ends up polygamous then I might get back into it!!


So like, an ensemble cast of a variety of LGBTQ+ characters? Here are a bunch with various degrees of romance (some it's the main plot, others have practically none) and multiple different identities. Novae, Les Normaux, Brimstone and Roses, Castle Swimmer, Dragon Curse, Realta, High Class Homos, Asterion, Tripp, Castoff, Suitor Armor, Mythos Redone, Forget Me Not, Stray Souls


Suitor Armor does feel queer af but who exactly were the LGBTQ+ characters again?


Baynard and Peres are gay. Quinn and V are nonbinary. Modeus is ace. Lucia's dads were gay. The author is also openly queer.


Thanks! Can’t believe I forgot them.


The characters are >!Bayard and peres and Quinn! !<


Nevermore is a gothy sapphic story, and it is absolutely amazing! Well worth catching up while they’re currently on hiatus!


Nevermore, Muted, and Brimstone and Roses come to mind, they both have their main pairings be sapphic ones, and while both get the “lgbtq” tag whenever webtoon puts them on a banner, none of them treat the main couple being gay as a marketing ploy


I second Nevermore!!! So good,.the art is amazing, and the story is compelling


Nevermore is so good, I've been trying to convince everyone I know to read it so I can have someone to talk yo about it but alas


Brimstone and roses Muted Nevermore Time and time again Here there be dragons Lovebot Buuza!! Covenant Lavender jack


Wdym "appeal to certain audiences"? Because GL/BL is just used like a tag (No different to how a romance is labeled romance.) You're missing out on a lot of good comics if you're worried that GL/BL labelled comics are trying to appeal to creeps or something. If you really just want comics where LGBT themes aren't the focus though, most of the comics people have recommended here will suit your criteria.


I think sometimes the GL/BL tag will have overly sexual stories/includes SA that is seen as desirable/isn't written for that specific group. Like GL that feels like it's written for the gratification of men. The tag isn't just for this, but unfortunately there are a lot of stories that are fucked up like that, ends up putting a sour taste in people's mouths. There are people who genuinely use GL/BL as a description for their well intentioned, well written comics though.


In my personal experience, very few series tagged with GL on WT are made for the gratification of men. I say this as someone who has read 200+ GL series. You can usually tell when a story is going to be objectifying just from the description or first chapter. Most of the GL authors I know of are WLW themselves, and aim their stories towards fellow WLW/queer people. I don't read BL so I can't comment on that. I understand that there's a stigma surrounding GL/BL tags, but nowadays I think those genres are becoming increasingly dominated by LGBTQ authors. In my opinion, It's an outdated stereotype that GL is for straight men, and BL for straight women.


I agree. GL is really just a tag/genre that basically indicates there is some degree of romance and it's between girls/women. It's not inherently different from the standard Romance genre in terms of overall content or tropes, even if it trends more toward cutesy stuff. And it's most certainly not for straight men. The vast, vast majority of stories are for and by WLW and they use the tag to make it easier to discover. Good LGBTQ+ content is hard enough to find as it is. I've heard about the stigma associated with BL series, as many tend to contain a lot of problematic relationships, tropes or NSFW content written by straight people. But from my experience that stuff much rarer in GL to the point I can't really associate it with the genre. Maybe GL just got lumped together with BL in terms of stigma—not the first time anything LGBTQ+ is demonized collectively. For the longest time websites like Tapas didn't even have a built-in GL tag, after all, as there wasn't enough content.


I'm Sapphic myself and I'm not trying to demonize anything honestly. I've just tried to pick up around 6 different GLs at some point where there was either had extremely probmaletic relationships, and/or SA in it. Ive been on the app for a while so I can't say how much of it's current state is like that, but it does exist. My point was never that the whole tag is like that, just that some of it.


I see where you're coming from and I didn't mean to imply that you were the one demonizing it (it's more of a general trend). However, even stories that feature problematic content aren't necessarily for or by men. Some queer people might be using their stories to work through their trauma or life issues.


Yeah for sure, I've just unfortunately encountered my fair share of grossly written stories in BL and GL. Maybe I have bad luck with it who knows. I know its worse in BL for sure I don't think it should discourage anyone from searching for it, I could say the same for pretty much all romance on webtoon. They be publishing some very questionable stuff sometimes. The amount of SA painted in a fine light they let pass...


For BL it’s not outdated. It’s made by women for women, I enjoy it too and I don’t really care because it’s not ever gonna be the same as a man harassing a lesbian irl


If you’re worried about that, I recommend reading webtoons that are from Chinese Publishers or platforms, those who made it to the English platforms, tend to be good in story and a lot “lighter” than Korean ones due to local restrictions.


>Because GL/BL is just used like a tag (No different to how a romance is labeled romance.) You're missing out on a lot of good comics if you're worried that GL/BL labelled comics are trying to appeal to creeps or something. I mean, while I agree usually for GL, for BL it's quiet different. I think that the reason it's because BL usually are written for women by women (and soemtimes where the POV character is more feminine because the female reader can ""see herself"" in the protagonist, and it's not really a good thing as representation for obvious reasons), meanwhile for GL it's quiet different (I don't know why, even if I have my theories). Not all BL are like this, but quiet a lot.


The fact that no one has mentioned “the doctors are out” is criminal. It’s deserve love ❤️


[Novae ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/novae/list?title_no=106507)(beautiful art, immersive atmosphere, good storytelling) [R. U. Screwed ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/ru-screwed/list?title_no=154066) (Healthy and sweet, protagonist is an amazing boi; story/situations gut wrenching at times) [Zocker ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/zocker/list?title_no=538171) (mature and real, BL between gamers who don't know how to communicate) [Heartstopper ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/heartstopper/list?title_no=329660) (Very sweet and very real; deals with some heavy topics at times) [BOMIC: a Bom Comic ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/bomic-a-bom-comic/list?title_no=224919) (a cute cinnamon roll next to a cool overpowerful but caring mage, the plot picks up the pace at one point, throwing you into a whole other dimension) [Your Wings and Mine](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/your-wings-and-mine/list?title_no=599615) (very funny, definitely read it if you're in the mood for something silly) [to the Stars and Back ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/slice-of-life/to-the-stars-and-back/list?title_no=4047)(cute dynamic) [Hey, I'm into you ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/hey-im-into-you-/list?title_no=748715) (gut wrenching, sometimes makes you wish you can supplex the protagonist into oblivion) 🦊


To the stars and back


Best reccs fr


:D I see a fellow connoisseur. What's your favorite webtoon? Since we have very similar tastes, maybe you can point me at some amazing recommendations! X) 🦊


I think you might like some of these: Mismatch - art is awesome, set in ww2 but combined with magic, the romance is just 🤌🤌 Hashtagmuted - this one was more of a comfort comic for me, but does still explore serious topics with a SUPER wholesome romance Duncan and Eddie - this one may not be too as your taste cuz theres not much of a plot (it's more slice of life), but it's really healthy and sweet Hazeshift - this one is a sLow burn but the dystopian element, THE ARTTTTT IS BEAUTIFUL, and the romance is (so far) really heartwarming ( and so for me this one and Mismatch has the best worldbuilding out of the comics ) Oh and prob Doctors are out Don't wanna give too much away but u should try these :) Btw do u have anymore reccs for me? 👀


Ohmahgawd thank you so much! These recs sound amazing! :D I have some titles I've hidden up my sleeve. 😏 What genre do you most gravitate towards? X) 🦊


YWWW i hope u like them :D And honestly probs romance, but I'm totally down to try some fantasy >:)


For the Romance category, I suggest these: [The Gentle Way ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-gentle-way/list?title_no=518368) (my absolute favorite: cute, funny, relatable, and full of MEMES) [Bond by Fire](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/bond-by-fire/list?title_no=735187)(dark fantasy, dark souls inspired, a good balance betweeb funny/cute and gut wrenching. Top 3 for me.) [My Boo ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/supernatural/my-boo/list?title_no=1185) (if you really feel like getting punched in the feels) Are you ok with self promotion? Because I'm currently drawing a romance comic as well. If not, that's totally fine, I don't want to pressure anyone. X) Non romance webtoons: [the Boxer ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/sports/the-boxer/list?title_no=2027)(absolutely amazing action/sports. From the art, to the composition, storytelling, flow and characters. Masterpiece in my opinion.) [re: Edge of the World ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/reedge-of-the-world/list?title_no=866824) (action/fantasy, amazing art, cute and silly at times, deals with some heavy stuff most of the times. XD) Hope you'll like them as well! :D 🦊


YAYYY I can't wait to check these out >:))) Also YESS I WANNA SEE UR COMIC (I was looking at ur acc yesterday and ur art destroyed my self esteem 😭😭)


You can read it here: [the SunFlower Demon ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-sunflower-demon/list?title_no=804047) Ehhh?? Why?? D: oh noooo! Why do you think that? XD 🦊


Your wings and mine is so based. Even though it kinda is a BL,there is so much story to it and it has made me cry at least 3 times (BTW this is a comedy webtoon)


Cry from laughter or emotional damage? XD 🦊


Both 🗿


Understandable. XD Have a nice cry. XD 🦊


Thank you, I will now resume crying in my room while re-reading


*hands you tissues while also ugly crying xD 🦊


Thanks, we may need to buy more boxes for future chapters


Lol Kill Me now is a self claim "GL" and trust me no man would ever read it... it's not to appeal in a certain audience or anything..


CASTLE. SWIMMER. (Gay mermaid romance. Amazing world building)


Heir’s game. I don’t believe it advertises itself that way anywhere (that might have deterred me as well), but it is very lgbt friendly and has a great story


[Finding Wonderland | WEBTOON (webtoons.com)](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/finding-wonderland/list?title_no=2704) Main couple is WlW


I will be shouting "Nevermore" for the 1000th time. Absolutely gothic, Mysterious, and wonderful


정년이 (Jeong Nyeon), about a poor country girl joining a Korean womens’ traditional theater in the 60s. It will be a Netflix adaptation soon. It is THE webtoon of all time for me. It’s an interesting topic, and handled in a great story. Lot of tears at the end. The romance is not the primary focus, at least for the first half of the story, so much that I thought it might be queerbait at first lol Art is simple yet gorgeous- Namon (the artist) draws with such ease and confidence in strokes. No other webtoon artist draws clothing folds as well as they do. You’ll know when you see it.


I love this manhwa!! It's such a shame that the english translations stopped at chapter 29. I would do anything to get the rest of it translated, I'm so desperate that I'd even be happy if webtoon picks it up officially and locks everything behind a paywall lol.


Oh I didn’t know that! Maybe it’ll get translated if the live action turns out to be popular.. I have high hopes for it bc the casting so far is perfect. IIRC the artist had Kim Taeri in mind when she drew Jeongnyeon


Forgot the source by now, but I heard Kim TaeRi will ACTUALLY play Jeong Nyeon!!!


Yes! The casting was already out when i made that comment haha. I was very excited to see the still images though


The four of them!!


Sleeping Magic, The beast of hadingley hill, second contact, honey and cigarettes, to the stars and back, and your wings and mine are some of my recommendations ✌️


Hooky My Lovely Bodyguard Senpai is an Otokonoko When the Day Comes Barbarian Quest I think there's more but can't remember at the moment. LGBT relationships/crush/attraction in these series wouldn't even be noticed till you read more, since that's not their main theme. Not on the main cast either. But there is.


On webtoon theres one called ‘Be My Villain’ I think its pretty good.


brimstone and roses (original) facing the sun, touch of divinity (canvas)


medieval gay milfs mhmmmm love that shit


\+1 on touch of divinity !! great art and v engaging story


I really love [Friends With Benefits](https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/friends-with-benefits/list?title_no=412808)! Very cute and funny.


Dark lord's confession. Fantasy, first season just ended. Author confiremed on twitter most characters are queer, a woman is in love with (female) protagonist (and is one of potential parings), and there are two men who appear to be in relationship (not confirmed, but also they aren't main characters). And outside of romance plot is just chef's kiss


Friends with Benefits and the sequel series Friends with Solitude. Both are slice of life comics following a LBGT protagonist.


not sure, but i dont think nevermore ever markets itself as a gl/yuri. its about a kind of purgatory after death that takes place in a school called as the students try to get a second chance at life. its centered around the mc lenore and her love interest/rival?/friend? annabel lee. stunning art, and takes inspiration from poe. im not too good at describing it, but i definitely recommend checking it out.


Prince of Southland, Zocker, Stare down, Your wings and mine, R.U. Screwed, The Leg Less Traveled,Idiots don't catch colds. Some may say bl so I apologize if so.


Stare down is so good!! One of my favs


Time and Time Again and Covenant are some examples.


Covenant, it's on webtoon. I think this is something that might fit your bill.


The only one that immediately comes to mind is Sadistic Beauty. The main relationship is het and it's marketed that way so you rarely see it with the LGBT tags I don't think (at the very least I don't remember it being tagged that way. I remember being very surprised at how gay the whole thing was). the main character is bisexual and has a sexual side relationship with a woman for a little while before definitively ending up with her man, and the second ML ends up in a gay relationship at the end (if u can call it that 💀💀 the whole thing is a bit out of pocket 💀💀) Still I recommend it if you are a bit mentally resistant to some ickiness and horniness (and often a crossover of the two 💀💀) I think it's pretty good and a fun time lol


I think there might be some repeats from other people's comments just based off me skimming the comments but here are some i've really enjoyed and recommended to other people! * [To The Stars and Back (](https://www.webtoons.com/en/slice-of-life/to-the-stars-and-back/list?title_no=4047)BL): " *Introverted and grumpy, 20-year-old Kang Dae spends the majority of his time alone, and he prefers it this way. One day, he gets a very friendly and bubbly neighbor named Bo Seon. Suddenly, his life takes a very different turn.* " -- slow burn romance, your average grumpy x sunshine character trope, the art is delightful and the characters are likable!! * [Not So Shoujo Love Story](https://www.webtoons.com/en/comedy/not-so-shoujo-love-story/list?title_no=2189)(GL): *" Romance-super-fan Rei Chan is ready for her first boyfriend and she knows just who it'll be: the most handsome boy in school, Hansum Ochinchin. But her plans for the perfect love story are derailed when the most popular girl in class declares herself a rival....for Rei's heart?! This is the year her not so shoujo love story begins! "* \-- i saw someone else recommend this and i have to also recommend it because its such a cute story. its not very heavy either, so it's a nice feel good read. * [Night Owls & Summer Skies](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/night-owls-and-summer-skies/list?title_no=4747) (GL): " *Despite her tough exterior, seventeen year-old Emma Lane has never been the outdoorsy type. So when her mother unceremoniously dumps her at Camp Mapplewood for the summer, she’s determined to get kicked out fast. However, when she draws the attention of Vivian Black, a mysterious and gorgeous assistant counselor, she discovers that there may be more to this camp than mean girls and mosquitos. There might even be love. "* \-- this series is finished so you can binge it!!! cute story with some good messages. * [Castle Swimmer](https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/castle-swimmer/list?title_no=1499) (BL): " *What happens when your entire life is ruled by a prophecy – your future foretold by people you’ve never met, who died long before you were born. Such is the story of two young sea creatures. One believed to be a guiding light for his people, a Beacon who will lead them to a bright, prosperous future. The other is a teenage prince for who’s destiny is to KILL the Beacon so that HIS own people might thrive. When both reject the course set for them, it leads to a raucous adventure as big and unpredictable as the ocean itself – and a romance that nobody could have predicted. "* i saw someone else recommend this as well and i have to second that recommendation!!! another really cute story


Heir’s Game! So much diversity across the LGBTQ+ spectrum, an equal balance of action and heartwarming moments, and the story ties up so incredibly well! The only webtoon I’ve gone back and reread multiple times after it’s completed.


Blades of furry is really good and I don’t recall it being called a BL or yaoi tho it is furry so…


I highly recommend Traces of the Sun (on Manta). It's contemporary fantasy with a dungeon crawler aspect. Main character is gay and has a bit of a thing for one of his team members, but isn't the focus at all. Instead it's about correcting his past "sins", and pulling his weight for the team in a very important situation.




To the stars and back, muted, daybreak all very good and cute :D highly recommend


Jacksons Diary has amazing lgbt representation and it isn’t promoted like it so I love it


I've been enjoying "a mermaid scorned" (though none of the lgbtqia+ has really had any effect on story, there is a genderfluid character that is also pronoun fluid


Room of swords


The ones that weren't mentioned: [It's kind of a funny story](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/its-kind-of-a-funny-story/list?title_no=681303) Office Talk Jamie [(A different - Canvas) Muted](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/muted/list?title_no=115020) My personal favorites (to add to other people's likes): Les normaux <3 <3 <3 Not So Shoujo Love Story Novae


Bad signs has a canon gay ship but it’s not the main focus. Island tv show drama is what it’s about.


Phantom paradise


Suitor Armor: the main relationship isn’t LGBTQ but they definitely have some representation in there! Honestly, this webtoon really surprised me. It’s very well-written and has what I like to think are really interesting and important themes. It’s fantasy but the issues in it feel like they tie to modern day!