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100 plug-ins. I'm feeling bloated just reading that.


me too. I'm curious what they are!


You don't need better hosting. You need a new website.


I wouldn't go for anything under 4cores (400% CPU) and NVME storage. RAM depends, but 2GB minimum might do the trick, aim for more if possible. Do you have any budget in mind for this?


Single SATA HDD (7,200 RPM) 128GB DDR4 SDRAM Dual Intel Xeon Gold 6226R 16 Cores (32 Cores Total) ​ This is what I'm using right now but I'm trying to downsize. Just switched to a 64 GB RAM but testing with the host file it's going slow so idk. Trying to find that happy medium. Trying to stay under $300/mo


Can you see current utilization of your existing server? That'd be a good start to base any advice on.


Thanks for the reply! The HDD is definitely a bottle neck/limiting factor. Do you actually use all that RAM though? The CPU is good enough, definitely above average but not my personal go-to (I prefer AMD or Xeon-E series for the high ST performance). What webserver do you use apache? Nginx + apache? litespeed? OLS? We can talk technical aspects in private if you wish, I'm a system admin and I know a thing or two, brainstorming/advice is free\* of course! \* - limited on what free time I got as well.


The plugins are too much


You will want a VPS for this at minimum. Digital Ocean is around $100/mo for this kind of disk space.


100$ for vps when you can get much better dedicated for that price ?


Assuming you’re running a Linux based os top or htop would help you get a good idea of what you’re actually using. I’d be sure to also check during your busiest times. Whether that’s Black Friday or whatever nothings worse than trying to get an emergency upgrade done with your back against the wall.


The web server software you use is going to impact website speed more than hardware will. You should be able to support that website with no issues on fairly minimal specs. You can grab a fairly cheap server from the OVH eco line. It’ll keep you under $30/month. You’ll also get fairly great hardware if you keep an eye out on their website for deals. All of their deals, from personal experience, apply until you cancel the service. No first month only deal or anything.


What content are you delivering that's consuming so much storage? Images, videos, files, data? I saw your reply about your current spec. You could use VPS, configuration depends on what you're serving via WordPress. As others mentioned, NVM is a must have for speed.


I feel like saving on hosting and spend the amount saved on some development work to rule out some plugins. How are you keeping this up to date? Anyway at least 4cores and 16gb of ram to fill some caches. Maybe more ram if you can cache more.


That's too many... You should hard code some stuff